The "Life of Kai" Blog
3K posts
• Kai | 24 | Hetero-Ace | Gender-Neutral (She/Her) • Depression | Anxiety | PTSD | Body Dysmorphia | Chronic Pain | PCOS • Occasional 18+ Content • Psychology Student • Cats | Dog | Hamsters •
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
Thank you for the safe place over the past 5 years :)
•*•*• 12th April 2020 •*•*•
I’m deleting my social media, but will probably leave this for memories. I won’t be using it any more, but it’s helped me through a lot. Maybe I’ll come back to it in the near future, but I don’t have any plans to, at the moment. Thank you to anyone who messaged me to check in over the years. I wish you all the best! Stay safe and take care of each other.
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
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Cows in Flowers
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
Suitable hamster cages...
•*•*• 30th March 2020 •*•*•
Just some great guidance on hamster cages. The ones you buy in pet shops or online are usually too small, but you can find most of these for a similar price to the expensive small ones :D
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(Image Description: picture listing “suitable hamster housing”, containing pictures of 10 hamster cages that have 80cm x 50cm or more floor space. Alaska Hamster Cage 84cm x 48.5cm x 44cm. Savic Mickey 2XL 80cm x 50cm x 38cm. Ferplast Criceti 100 95cm x 57cm x 50cm. Zoozone 2 101cm x 51cm x 22cm. Ferplast Maxi Duma Multy 99cm x 51.5cm x 36cm. Savic Ruffy 2 80cm x 50cm x 38cm. Barney Pet Cage 100cm x 54cm x 45cm. Momble 100 100cm x 54cm x 64cm. Alexander Pet Cage 101cm x 52.5cm x 51cm. IKEA Detolf DIY Cage 163cm x 38cm x 37cm. “All hamsters require a minimum of 80 x 50cm unbroken floor space”.)
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
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Now, more than ever, clear writing matters.
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
Idiots have caused LOCKDOWN for the UK :/
•*•*• 23rd March 2020 •*•*•
Unfortunately, when told to STAY HOME, some people decided to go out in hordes to beaches this past weekend. It’s pathetic that people were so selfish. Now the whole country is closing down to try to force people to pay attention. Anything not essential needs to stop. Fines will be issued to anyone who continues to be an idiot and gathers in groups outside unnecessarily. STOP RISKING LIVES! It seems like something out of the Hunger Games or a zombie apocalypse.
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
•*•*• 21st March 2020 •*•*•
I agree that this is really frustrating because, whilst money may not save you from some things, it can definitely afford comfort most others don’t have. It’s not the same thing to be isolating in a small house with limited money/supplies and isolating in a mansion with millions at your disposal and plenty of entertainment at home.
HOWEVER, mental illnesses can affect all of us, regardless of wealth. Money can give you more options and more help, but that doesn’t mean isolation won’t still cause or worsen depression and anxiety.
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
Hopefully I’ll have this again someday...
•*•*• 18th March 2020 •*•*•
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It’s weird that it’s just over 2.5 years since I’ve had that and now I have no in-person friends, but I’m not ready to try to market myself because I don’t want to keep being left when they find out the health issues I have. I hate living with them and just want some semblance of a normal life, so it will be hard to find anyone else who’s supportive long-term. Now Coronavirus has gone nuts and people are dying, so most normal treatments seem to have been indefinitely postponed, which is understandable, but frustrating when you’ve been fighting for 10 years for help. I feel for anyone else going through it, as well as those vulnerable to moderate or severe Coronavirus consequences! Good luck, everyone ♡
[Image Description: Screenshot of Facebook memories. Post says “18th of March 2016. On third of April 2016, it will be the one year anniversary i’ve being with my boyfriend. I don’t want to get all soppy because it’s unlikely anyone will care :P However, I’ve never had anyone care about me in that way (first boyfriend, yes :P), I’m in a crappy situation with very little independence, we’re long distance and I have a lot of health issues that are currently getting worse - so having someone want to stand by me, in spite of all of those things, is an incredible feeling. I honestly didn’t think it would happen for a long time. I have hope because of him and that something I often struggle with, so he’s improved my life in countless ways :)”.]
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
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A general strike? On April 20th, 2020? To make an aid plan that would be permanent? To make healthcare a right? That’d be crazy to have happen on April 20th. Absolutely crazy for a general strike on April 20th. Nothing is going to happen on April 20th, 2020 in the form of a general strike. Nope, not on April 20th, 2020. 
This can’t happen. Nope. Nothing. Will. Happen. On. April 20th 2020.
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
I had fun today! I’m a model 🐶
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Also, Mumma and family have been talking about Coronavirus or Covid-19? I’m not sure what it is, but please DO NOT HURT OR KILL US! We are NOT to blame for this and do not deserve to be killed or abandoned :(
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
“Good dragons under the control of bad people do bad things”...
•*•*• 15th March 2020 •*•*•
This is a quote from How to Train Your Dragon 2. Toothless the dragon unintentionally kills someone because he was being controlled by a bad man. This quote is the same quote used to fight for the end of (dog) breed discrimination. Pit bulls and similar breeds are banned and/or highly restricted in so many places, including England. They are branded “dangerous dogs”, when the most aggressive dogs I’ve seen are often small dogs, like Chihuahuas.
People judge these dogs because they are often kept by reckless or abusive owners - ones who underestimate their training and exercise needs or who deliberately turn them into aggressive dogs. They are often a status symbol of thugs and dog fighters. This is not their choice or their nature. Any dog can be abused and programmed this way. PIT BULLS ARE GOOD DOGS UNDER THE CONTROL OF BAD PEOPLE. You only have to meet the millions of wonderful pitties, even former bait dogs, to see how amazing they are.
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
Hello! How can I write a strong character but without making them emotional and maybe a bit sensitive? Like strong females but not emotionless warriors, like just a normal girl who still cries and gets emotional? Is it even possible to have a character like that? I'm super emotional and those "strong" female characters portrayed in media always make me wonder if I'm weak? :/
Let’s Have a Serious Talk About “Strong Female Characters”
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That, right there, folks, is why we need to stop using the term “strong female characters.”
Problems with “Strong Female Characters”
1)  “Strong” Has No Definition
Originally, “strong female character” referred to female characters who had more going on than being damsels in distress or love interests, but over time, the term evolved and distorted and now means something different to everyone. Some people think it means physical strength, some think it means mental strength/emotional strength, some think it means intellect, some think it means power or skills… but you can make your female character any or all of those things and still not create a solid character.
2) There Are No “Strong Male Characters”
People never worry about writing strong male characters. Males are typically assumed to be strong, so by aspiring to write “strong female characters” we are perpetuating the idea that women are weak by default.
3) “Strong” Alienates All Other Female Characters
The term “strong female character” implies that characters who don’t meet any of the criteria in #1 are weak, boring, and not worth writing about, and that’s absolutely false. 
4) “Strong” Puts the Focus in the Wrong Places
If you’re putting all your effort into creating a character who meets the criteria of #1, you’re putting less effort into creating REAL, complex, well-developed characters.
5) “Strong Female Characters” Perpetuate Harmful Ideas About Women
When women are portrayed as better or more desirable because they’re physically/mentally/emotionally strong, intelligent, skilled, or flawless, what we’re doing is telling women that they are weak if they don’t meet those criteria. We need to do better.
Instead of Aspiring to Write “Strong Female Characters…”
Write. Real. People.
If you want to write a good, solid, female character, aim for the following:
create a well developed character with her own goals and motivations
give her a thoughtful character arc
make sure she’s not thrust into the background of a male dominated plot
make sure she’s not there solely as support for a male character
let her and other characters (including males) rely on each other equally
let her stand on her own two feet but unafraid to ask for help as needed
don’t make her a male character in a dress
don’t make her masculine because it’s more practical
give. her. flaws.
give. her. emotions.
give. her. a. personality.
give her healthy relationships with other women
let her talk to other women about something other than a man
make her real
make her relatable 
make her complex
make her motivated
let her be sad, if she needs to be sad
let her cry, if she needs to cry
let her fall in love, if she wants to fall in love
let her be angry, if she needs to be angry
let her be maternal, if she feels maternal
Just. Write. People.
I honestly can’t stress that enough.
Best of luck with your story!
————————————————————————————————-Have a question? My inbox is always open, but please make sure to check my FAQ and post master lists first to make sure I haven’t already answered a similar question. :) 
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
Fluffy diary padlock...
•*•*• 15th March 2020 •*•*•
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thelifeofkaiblog · 5 years ago
Finally found a bra that fits.... 46K :/ “SimplyBe”
•*•*• 13th March 2020 •*•*•
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