The Lewpewpew
32 posts
Max Lewing - Design I for Media
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 4 - Abstract Poster
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 4 - Geometric Intervention (Digital) - Final
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 4 - Pictorial Space - Final Draft
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 4 - Geometric Intervention - Draft
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 4 - Part 1 - Story/Concept Development (plus ROUGH rough draft)
The world is under attack by octopus-like beasts that are awakening from underneath the dunes of deserts across the world. The world is in havoc as the people franticly fight back against these previously unknown beasts with everything they’ve got. This idea was partially inspired by the Sarlacc Pit from the Star Wars: Return of the Jedi as well as the movie Independence Day. The Sarlacc Pit is a giant monster in the middle of the desert planet Tatooine that has created its home burrowed in the sands. It has tentacle like limbs to pull in any unfortunate being to fall into its pit. The movie Independence Day has the entire world population desperately fight against an alien invasion for the survival of humanity. My story will take place in the middle of a large desert, giant tentacles breaking through the sand. There will be sand blowing up into the air as humans try to destroy these creatures with explosions. This will take place during the present so their could be jets on bombing runs or maybe foot soldiers with guns. The mood should come off to be thrilling and intense as this could be a poster for an action movie of sorts.
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Greyscale Textured Portrait - Harrison Ford
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Original Photo Used - Greyscale Portrait - Harrison Ford
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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1/8″ Greyscale Portrait - Harrison Ford
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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1/4″ Greyscale Portrait - Harrison Ford
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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1/2″ Greyscale Portrait - Harrison Ford
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Example of High Key Lighting
In this scene from the film “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”, we witness the dazzling appearance of Gandalf the White, Gandalf the Grey reborn. The light coming from behind Gandalf gives him an angelic characteristic, almost as if he was rising from the earth after a long slumber. In fact, that is exactly what this scene is trying to show, since Gandalf was assumed to be dead several scenes prior to this one. He has risen from the dead in his new heavenly form. This lighting produces very low contrast, with an exaggeration of how bright it really is (possibly done with several other dimmer lights from other directions). Since the scene has an emphasis on the lighter side of the grey scale, it is clear that this image is a perfect example of high key lighting. 
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Example of Low Key Lighting
In this scene from the popular video game “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain”, we see a very dimly lit hallway where the main character of the game kneels. It is clear that this image has very low contrast, and in this case is a perfect example of low key lighting, since the range in gray scale is quite small. The main light source seems to be coming directly at us and the character from somewhere much further down the hallway, which is why the lighting seems so little. The feeling we get from this low key lighting is a very ominous and somber tone, adding to the effect already given off by the still bodies on the ground as well as the blood stains along the walls. The overall effect is both terrifying and disturbing, making the viewer a quite unsettling sensation.
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 2 - Patterns
Original Pattern - Isosceles Triangles or Rhombuses  
The movement created by the positive space of the pattern can be seen in the implied lines. These implied lines are slightly off perfectly vertical and horizontal lines, therefor creating much more interesting negative space shapes as a result. The continuity of the repeat units may seem a little off, but once again, both the triangular motif and the repeat unit work with one another to create interesting negative space shapes.
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 2 - Patterns
HalfDrop Pattern
This pattern’s greatest weakness is its reliance on a vertical design. However, the jagged pattern created by zig-zags of the positive space help to create movement through the entire design. The one continuity problem with this design is where the black positive space meets at each repeat unit’s edge, although this doesn’t necessarily obstruct the flow of the pattern’s movement.
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 2 - Patterns
Diamond Pattern
This pattern has very interesting positive/negative space ambiguity throughout. Although the pattern does have a bit of emphasis on horizontals and verticals, the ambiguity of the positive and negative spaces help to create movement that appeals to the viewers eye. The implied lines created by the diamond patter also help to create movement and interesting focal points at intervals throughout the pattern.
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 2 - Patterns
Brick Pattern
The diagonals created by each similar “arrow” like pattern allows for the viewer to observe the implied lines created from bottom left to top right. This creates movement throughout the pattern. The pattern has great continuity throughout, allowing nothing to seem too cut or “photoshopped”. 
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thelewpewpew-blog · 8 years ago
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Project 2 - Patterns
Basic Pattern
Although this pattern does seem to be cut off here and there at the repeat unit’s edges, this pattern does well in creating movement. Each individual repeat unit has this swirling design to it, allowing the viewer’s eye to flow from one unit to the next. 
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