The Legion's Den
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thelegionsden · 5 days ago
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"Then don't stop now! Keep it up!"
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" Never been better. "
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thelegionsden · 9 days ago
Wailing Frenzy
How many failed attempts had she made before this? She wasn't keeping track of the times she'd failed to sacrifice more than a handful of survivors during this event. The pressure was mounting for Susie as the others managed to kill all eight survivors during their trials, and here she was on her latest. She looked behind to see that tall, ghostly looking killer with the bell staring at her.
"Hey, Philip. Let's hope this go well." She said aloud. The ghostly Wraith said nothing, only stared with that same dead expression he always had. Even outside of the trials he wasn't the kind of guy you could talk to. True to his name, he vanished in front of her eyes, his shimmering silhouette traveling in search of survivors. So much for small talk.
Susie made her way around the processing plant of Coldwind Farm. She tried to steel her nerves, yet she felt her confidence wavering already. In all her previous trials, the survivors had either outpaced her or outsmarted her, escaping with few casualties in most cases. And the ones where most of them were killed were just that; most, not all of them like the Legion promised each other. What if that was the case here too? How much longer would the Entity let her failures slide, and many times would the survivors laugh each time they fled through the gates? She knew they were. They had to be.
A scream from across the farm indicated the Wraith had found them at last. Susie entered Feral Frenzy and sprinted in his direction. This was it, here was her chance. She spotted a survivor running her way and sliced at their side. The pulse of the frenzy guided her to the next survivor, then the next, and the next after that. Wraith was busy catching the stragglers, and for a moment Susie felt her heart race with anticipation, not fear. Only for it to come crashing down when she hears a gen pop. Then another soon after that. She's too busy looking in the direction of the sound to see the survivor dodge her strike.
"Fuck fuck fuck!" She cried as the fatigue overtook her. She watched the survivor she missed run far and out of her sight, their face one of pure fear. Oh sure, now they were afraid of her. They weren't afraid of her the first time in 2v8, and they certainly weren't afraid of her when they smashed pallets over her head or taunted her. Oh no, they were only afraid of Frank, or Julie, or Joey. Not her. Susie felt her frustration burning within her as she chased after the escaped survivor. This time another a gen popped, and even though Wraith was making good progress, not nearly enough were ready to be sacrificed.
They moved too quickly, staying one step ahead of her strikes, or managed to heal before succumbing to her deep wounds. How was she supposed to accomplish this if every survivor in this damned event knew how to overwhelm the Legion? She was told it would be easier; she was told it would be fun. That's what Frank told her. Yet here she was, and it was far from fun.
"I'll kill you all!" Suddenly, she felt it. That killer instinct all her fellow murderers possessed. Susie's frustration empowered her as she managed to slash at a survivor. Another gen popped and her heart leaped again. The minutes and seconds blurred together as she locked in, her strikes sending the survivors to be picked off by her ghostly partner.
She changed her tactics: She scoured the trial for any unfinished or partially repaired generators, slicing to keep the survivors away. Her hand trembled violently as her weapon met flesh and her victims screamed. She wasn't going to let the Legion down this time, she wasn't.
She couldn't.
How else would she call herself their friends if she couldn't pull her weight? What would they want to do with a wimpy coward if she couldn't keep up? This fear turned to fury which fueled her as she chased down the last few survivors. She was going to make them fear her this time and earn her place.
The Wraith watched as she chased after them, the poor souls he'd hunt with such indifference. He could feel it, that rage pouring off the young girl with the pink hair. What was her name? Susie? It didn't matter. Names meant nothing here in the realm, only the titles the Entity bestowed upon them. Only the hope and dread which kept their master sated, for if they failed their tasks... Trapper was a good example of what happened when defiance was made against it.
The Wraith moved along the wall of the trial ground, following a pair of survivors wounded by Susie's frenzied strikes. He uncloaked and brought his weapon down upon one. Their fellow survivors fled as he sent them to the cage, and Susie was not far behind the other, quickly downing them as well. Both were in the cage, and now it was time to find the final survivor. Susie searched near the large tractor like machine in the far corner while Wraith circled around the processing building.
Both killers knew the moment was crucial. If one of the survivors was sacrificed, the hatch doors would spawn and allow them to escape, and with the enlarged trial grounds making it more difficult to find them, it was more likely they'd find their way out. Neither wanted that, but Wraith felt Susie's desire to end them was much stronger than his, as her vulgar cries made clear. Just then, he spotted the final survivor behind one of those loops and quickly gave chase. They were quick, wily, dodging his strikes. He couldn't waste time using the Wailing Bell... he wouldn't be that cruel, not as long as the Entity allowed it.
Luckily for him, Wraith saw Susie coming in his direction, and one of the last survivors was struggling in their cage just ahead. With some cunning, he lagged behind a little to give the final survivor a chance to rescue their friend... only to meet the end of Susie's weapon.
Susie held her breath. Was this it? Did she do it? She screamed to the sky and swung wildly at the air. "Yes! Yes! Fucking finally! AAAAHHHHHHH!!" She'd done it. All eight survivors were dead, and the Legion had completed its goal. She saw Wraith saunter up to her, his expression once again unchanging. The final survivor stared up at him in fear, then to her. Susie could feel it in her gaze as she crawled towards her, their fellow coward weeping from the cage above them.
Susie didn't need to know, she just did. This little coward feared Wraith more than they feared her. Her satisfaction boiled over into anger and self-doubt once more. What had she done wrong? Why wasn't she good enough. It was then she saw the handle of Wraith's weapon come into view. She looked up and met his static gaze, and in that split second, she knew what she had to do.
Susie quickly pointed to caged survivor. They couldn't miss this. They wouldn't. "Don't look away." She said in her best low voice. She stepped over her victim and turned her around, only to be met with a kick to the face. Her mask was knocked away, and the blow was hard enough to stun her. Wraith moved in and grabbed the fleeing survivor by the leg, dragging them back to the slaughter. Enraged, Susie swung the heavy weapon into their chest, unloading heaving chops like a frenzied animal. She screamed and cried, hot tears falling down her face as she continued to disembowel her victim. She dropped Wraith's weapon and pulled out her own, digging and twisting it into the wounds. As her victim's final breaths sputtered out in a fountain of blood, Susie stood over them, victorious.
Wraith had felt that rage long ago. The rage he'd felt and tried to flee from. That killer instinct, that desire for vengeance set him on the path of a monstrous transformation, and in this angry, confused girl, he'd seen it embraced. She turned her tear stained eyes to him and let out one final word before the Entity collapsed the trial grounds.
"Long Live the Legion."
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thelegionsden · 12 days ago
G-Virus Frenzy
Going into this trial, Julie wasn't sure if the poor sap with a giant, pulsating eye growing out of his shoulder would be able to keep up with her. That question was answered the second he sprinted off in search of survivors. He banked right around the facsimile of her old stomping ground while she went left, scouring the field for any victims.
Eye Guy's search bore fruit first as a pack of survivors scattered to avoid him, right into the path of Julie's knife. "Gotcha." She said as she entered Feral Frenzy, slicing one survivor on the back. She cleaned her blade and went on to the next survivor, slicing them as well. She felt her bloodlust rise as the Frenzy went on... until a pallet cut her off from her precious high. Alright. If they were going to be difficult, Julie was going to be merciless.
Julie and Eye Guy split up, each patrolling one side of the trial grounds to keep tabs on the generators. The survivors were wily though, repairing generators faster than either killer could react to. With each gear slicked rumble she heard, it made Julie's blood boil. They were working too fast for her liking, and if this kept up, they'd escape... and who knows how long the Entity would make the Legion wait again.
"Ok... now I'm gettin' pissed!" Julie tapped into her killer instinct and clenched her knife. Focus that anger, that rage, turn it into something more driven. She thought of the encouraging words her darling Frankie gave to her before the trial started. They'd promised each other that they'd each get a total party kill each before the Entity decided to end 2v8, and Julie was going to make good on that promise.
Whether with help from Eye Guy or just the survivors getting overconfident, Julie's knife was starting to find blood. Their quick work had a downside that helped them out too: They'd quickly finished all the generators one side of the resort, meaning the rest where in a tight cluster where it was relatively easy to corner them. Julie had seen enough of their tactics during regular trials to know that, if they had access to their normal skills, she'd have been fucked from the start. And that just made her angrier.
"You can't stop me now! Where's your precious skills when ya need em?!" Julie unleashed her bloodlust upon the survivors with each slice of her blade, and Eye Guy mopped up the stragglers who were tried to save the gens Julie had dealt with. Even if she couldn't indulge in the high of Feral Frenzy, Julie was more than happy to prolong the chase. It made it more exciting anyway.
Enough time passed, and soon they were down to just three, huddled like rats in a corner trying to heal their wounds. Cute, but fuckin' worthless. Eye Guy closed in, swiping at them with that jagged pipe he carried. Julie quickly chased off after the survivor he missed, bringing them down quickly and mercilessly.
Only one remained, but the killer duo had to act fast, as the hatches were opened and the last survivor had disappeared. Julie closed a hatch had opened next to her, then one in the main lodge while Eye Guy searched. Her heart raced, she was so close, she just needed to hurry. She felt her heart leap when the gate alarm blared in her ears, meaning the final hatch was closed.
And she just so happened to spot the final survivor as they tried to make a break for the gate. Julie sprinted after her and closed the distance, slicing her in the side and then grabbing them by the hair. She stabbed them in the back and wrenched them down. She kneeled over them and delivered three brutal stabs to their chest and a final one to their stomach.
"Heh... you still got some fight in ya?" She spit as the survivor struggled for breath. Julie turned to see Eye Guy standing there. His human face strained in agony, his eyes glazed over as if he were under the eye's control. Slowly, he raised his shaking free hand up and revealed three of those injectors used by that nasty Blight fucker.
It was then Julie got an idea. A twisted, filthy idea. She took the vials and plunged each one violently into the wounds she had made. The putrid serum flowed through her victims body as she emptied the payload, their veins glowing a sickly orange. Slowly, their body began to expand, their skin stretching to the point of breaking. The blight serum leaked from every orifice as they continued their grotesque swelling, the rancid smell of the body's futile attempt to relieve the pressure making Julie wince. The skin became so thin it began to break along the stomach, revealing the pulsating organs filled with the serum. Finally, the survivor didn't so much as burst but "deflated" as their skin broke, their liquified remains spilling across the snowy ground.
"...Awesome..." Was all Julie said as she cleaned her knife. Three Legion members had finished the task, now only one was left...
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thelegionsden · 15 days ago
“Yo, Other Jules! Joey, Julie and I got 24 survivors in a fucking row! How you doing?!”
( She's never been better, though, she will admit, the waiting makes her more antsy. )
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thelegionsden · 16 days ago
T-Virus Frenzy
Joey didn't know if it was the rush of adrenaline from each strike he made, or the heavy thuds of partner's footsteps, but he was having an absolute blast. It was his turn to represent the Legion in 2v8, chasing down survivors with Nemesis, that hulking mother he'd only see in passing back in the realm.
The trial had only just started when Joey spotted at least three survivors working on a generator. Frenzy called his name, and he struck, slicing them like wheat and building the power he and his friends were gifted. The rush came like a punch to the face, overwhelming Joey in an instant.
"Better run while you can! Nobody stops the Legion!" He cried, high on the thrill of Frenzy as the survivors fled in terror. He followed his killer instinct like a blind man's dog sniffs out hidden dangers, his blade guided to each survivor, as a killer should want it to be. Those who managed to flee were left to Nemesis's mercy, his zombies guiding him to his prey.
The downs were piling up even as more generators were completed. Joey and Nemesis's relentless assault kept them on the move, forcing them to mend from Joey's Frenzy strikes or cure themselves of the T-Virus flowing through their systems. Joey couldn't help himself, even missing a few times just to keep the chase going. When the survivors caught on and adjusted their tactics, Joey adapted in kind.
"You. Can't. STOP ME!" Joey cried as another survivor was sent to the cage. Nemesis stopped for a moment to stare at his partner. His grotesque expression did not change. Why was he so excited to kill them? This was their objective, so why was he being so reckless with his emotions? Nemesis did not ponder these thoughts for long as another survivor was attacked by one of his zombies. He chased off after them and left the teen to his work.
This was it. They were nearing the final stretch. Two were left, and they were proving to be quite tricky to find. Joey felt the rush hitting its crescendo, and he needed to fulfill it before it was lost. He heard a scream and turned his head to see one survivor go down, a victim to the deep wounds he inflicted. He quickly sent them to the cage for the last time.
"Yo, Nemesis! Find the hatches! I'll get the last bitch!" Joey rushed off, riding the frenzy across the trial grounds. Nemesis did not respond to Joey's commands. He only followed what Umbrella had programmed into him. Find and kill his targets, then eliminate S.T.A.R.S members wherever he could find them. As luck would have it, Joey seemed to find his mark as a scream rang out behind him.
Joey ran as fast as he could, yet the last survivor was proving too quick. Whether it was terror or sheer grit, they managed to stay ahead, and the hatch was just in sight. Nemesis turned the corner and thundered forward, hoping to catch the survivor before they could dive for the hatch.
Unfortunately for the survivor, Nemesis proved to be quicker than them. The undead giant reared his fist back for a brutal uppercut, and Joey closed the distance behind them. Nemesis's fist connected with their chest while Joey lunged at their legs, sending them tumbling to the ground.
"Yeah baby! Woo fuck yeah man! Now that's how you catch a survivor! Gimme some skin!" Joey held out his fist, but all Nemesis did was stare. Joey lowered his fist and cleared his throat before turning his attention to the survivor. He lifted them up and held his karambit to their throat.
"You ready for what comes next? Don't blink now." Joey reared back his fist and viciously assaulted the survivor, punching and slashing them across the face and chest. Joey huffed with killer fury with each strike, savoring the murderous rush as it coursed through him. Nemesis growled, stomped forward and grabbed the survivor by the throat. With a mighty punch, he slammed his fist through their chest, showering him and Joey with their blood.
As their body crumbled to the earth, Joey looked up at his partner in crime and smiled madly under his balaclava. Nemesis roared with satisfaction at a successful mission, and Joey roared alongside him.
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thelegionsden · 17 days ago
Ouroboros Frenzy
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW FUN THIS IS!" Frank cried as he sliced the back of another survivor. He and his friends had been selected by the Entity to participate in its 2v8 trials, where two killers hunt down eight survivors all at once. Rare, and not seen in the realm since they arrived.
While he couldn't partner up with his friends, he was eager to show off what he'd learned to the other killers... especially since Ghostface still wasn't invited. That shithead could suck it back in his cave, and maybe now the others could see what they could do.
In this particular trial, he was partnered with a blond headed man in some black leather get up, The Mastermind the others called him. Frank thought his name was Wesker, but he wasn't sure. He rarely saw him outside of other trials, and he didn't care.
All that mattered was he had this sick worm thing growing out of his arm that gave him superhuman speed and strength. What he wouldn't give for that "Ouroboros" junk, but Feral Frenzy was the next best thing.
"Control yourself, you delinquent and focus! They've already completed three generators!" Wesker barked as he bounded off to find more survivors. The guy was no nonsense, but he seemed to have that killer instinct. Sure, three were done, but they'd already sacrificed three survivors to compensate. In a 2v8 trial, Feral Frenzy felt like a rush of pure adrenaline right to the veins.
Sure, it took more slash and dashes than usual to get a down, but the high and speed Frank was feeling meant it was more than worth it. He moved like lightning, and going in for the kill made him feel like he was gliding on the air. It was intoxicating. "You focus, you fuckin' bondage gimp son of a-"
Maybe too intoxicating, cause Frank didn't notice the pallet being slammed down on his head. Stupid, should've kept his eyes forward. Quickly, he smashed the pallet and followed the scratch marks leading to some ruins, this old burnt down asylum from... was it the Nurse's time?
Didn't matter. He snuck inside and found a pair of survivors finishing up a gen just in time for Wesker to pop up, slamming into the group and pinning one against the wall. He quickly sent him to the cage while Frank laughed at the carnage.
"Nice one man!" He was quickly met with a sharp retort. "Keep moving, now!" Frank kept his tongue and obliged, entering Feral Frenzy and racing out after his next victims. With the herd thinning, it would get harder to chain attacks together and keep the mad excitement of the Frenzy going.
One slash, a survivor marked.
Two slashes, another bleeds.
Three, then four. The tension was corked like an overloaded spring, ready to keep going until it gave out.
Yet the fifth missed its mark, drowning Frank in fatigue and allowing his victim to escape... right into Wesker's waiting knife. Frank could feel the glare coming from him. Fuck, he could see it with those demonic red eyes, but still the feeling of belittling felt the same.
A minute or two passed, and Frank felt his temper flare with each missed strike, the last two survivors managing to stay one step ahead of him. Here they were without their precious skills, and still they found ways to outsmart him, making his anger burn more with each second he had to waste.
Luck was on his side when he found the second to last survivor and managed to cut him down, but the other one managed to slip away just as Wesker approached... and Frank knew from their desperate cries that the hatch was somewhere over there.
"Fuck... we won't make it!" Frank screamed in frustration. "Not just yet." Wesker replied. "Let's finish this." Frank suddenly felt those cool, wet tendrils wrap around his waist as Wesker raised him up high. He was reared back like a spear and thrown forward, and as he tumbled through the air, he managed to plant both his feet into the survivors back just as they reached the hatch, sending them flying into the wall with a mighty dropkick. There they crumpled, paralyzed. Frank groaned as he stood up, Wesker gingerly approaching him.
"Fuckin' shit man! You didn't need to fuckin' throw me!" Frank screamed, rubbing his sore legs. Wesker chuckled slyly.
"Your performance wasn't as impressive as you claimed, so I thought I might offer you a graceful hand." Wesker said with condescension. Frank felt like socking him one... but they'd managed to catch all eight survivors, so he didn't complain. Not that much at least. "So, since you were the one to deliver the final strike, would you like the honors?"
Frank mulled it over. A plain old mori wasn't going to cut it this time. 2v8 wouldn't last forever he was told, about twelve more days or... whatever the fuck passed for time here in the realm. He stopped counting a long time ago.
"Actually, let's have a little fun with our friend here." Frank picked the survivor up and exposed their chest. He brought his knife down with a mighty slash, cutting deep into their flesh. He wrenched the knife free and exposed their heart. "After you Wesker." He said with a youthful glee.
"Of course, Mr. Morrison." Wesker replied before burying his left hand into the survivor's chest. With a grunt, he willed the Ouroboros to burrow inside the survivor, squirming and writhing about their innards. Frank could see their skin wriggling as the tendrils burst through, and though the survivor's mouth moved their lungs were quickly destroyed, so they couldn't even scream. Tendrils burst through their eyes sockets, their mouth, their nose, and finally tore the body asunder. Flesh and gore littered the ground as Frank felt the Entity pulse in his mind. It was satisfied. So was Frank. This was gonna be fun...
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thelegionsden · 19 days ago
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"Way ahead of ya other Jules! Let's fuckin' do this!"
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"Where have you guys been? I've already got a body count ahead of you guys. Might wanna pick up the slack if you wanna catch up, yeah?"
( She's really enjoying herself. )
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thelegionsden · 19 days ago
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"Guys, get the lead out, the Entity is doing that 2V8 thing again, and we get to participate this time!"
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"Fuck yeah! I've been itchin' to slice a few extra throats!"
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"Those motherfuckers been runnin' us around for too long! Bout time we show em what happens when they don't have their skills to back em up!"
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"I've never worked alongside another Killer before... this is gonna be fun!"
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thelegionsden · 21 days ago
💞💘🌸 VALENTINE'S DAY PROMPTS ; some prompts for muses to send to celebrate the holiday! Specify muse if you're a multi!
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{ FIRST KISS 💋 } --- Sender gives receiver their first kiss (of the relationship, of a special occasion etc.) { DATE NIGHT 🌆 } --- Sender asks out receiver for a special Valentine's Day date! { DANCE 🪩} --- Sender and receiver go out dancing/start to dance. { CHOCOLATE HEARTS 🍫 } --- Sender gives receiver some chocolates/candy as a gift! { PLATONIC DATE 🤗 } --- Receiver decides to give platonic love to Sender (friendship date, gift, etc!) { NOTE 💌 } --- Sender confesses to receiver, either verbally or through a note, about their feelings. { WOW 😍 } --- Receiver reacts to Sender dressing up for Valentine's Day. (Describe what Sender is wearing!) { GIFT EXCHANGE 🎁 } --- Sender and receiver exchange gifts. { DINNER 🥩 } --- Sender and receiver go out to a restaurant as a date. { FLOWERS 🌹 } --- Sender brings flowers to receiver. { LOVE 💝 } --- Receiver expresses how much they love Sender. { MOVIE NIGHT 🎞️ } --- Sender and receiver go see a movie together. { MAKE-OUT 😘 } --- Sender and receiver start making out. { CUDDLE 🧸 } --- Sender and receiver cuddle with each other. { SPICY 👅 } --- Sender initiates sex with receiver. { FLIRT 😉 } --- Sender or receiver flirts with the other. { ANTI-VALENTINE'S DAY ❌ } --- Sender and receiver decide to boycott the holiday together.
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thelegionsden · 21 days ago
Will you be mine?
Send me a 💝 along with a message to send my muse a Valentine!
A regular heart emoji is a perfect substitute if the emoji doesn’t appear on your device :)
(Remember to be respectful of the mod’s boundaries and not to send any discriminatory messages!)
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thelegionsden · 24 days ago
"Good. I look forward to it. Before I go, I have one more thing I'd like to say. If you see my sister..."
A fog slowly enveloped Joseph's body, covering him in its murky darkness.
"Leave her alone. She's mine. If you so much as touch her... you'll pay in her stead."
With that, he vanished in the fog.
Yo, Ghostface, we haven't seen you Christmas? How you been?
He shrugs and looks at the sky. He hasn’t done much, honestly. He cursed out the entity multiple times, pissed off Mikey, pissed off Amanda, bullied the legion. The usual.
“Eh, I haven’t been up to anything.”
He kicks a pebble, and stared at the dark foggy night. The entity has been grounding him with less trials. That pisses him off, he doesn’t have anything to do and half his normal friends are in trials. He has stalked the survivors millions of times. He’s bored.
“Yknow…” he finally looks at the source of the voice. He can’t see you, but he can hear you.
“Since you’re all…out there. Can you pass me like…stuff? Drugs? Alcohol? Drama?”
He grins and waits for your response. He’s missed being drunk. He doesn’t usually get drunk but he misses it. He used to get drunk every Saturday as a teenager. Uncharacteristically, but yeah.
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thelegionsden · 25 days ago
When will Julie and Nea be shipped as the perfect edge lady couple? Frank is not good enough for her.
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"Who the hell are you to say who's got enough for me? Julie knows what she wants, and what she wants is power."
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"And Frank gives me the chance to flex that power. Nothing beats punishing those too weak to fight back. And as for Nea... well, she has been pretty elusive in the last few trials. Maybe I'll pay her a special visit..."
(Sorry, maybe in an alternate universe, but not here).
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thelegionsden · 25 days ago
"You are experienced, aren't you? I researched your work and let me say you are indeed impressive."
Joseph took out a notebook from his coat and began to write several notes.
"You were one of my inspirations when I chose to become a Killer. Of course, I found several things wrong with your approach. Firstly, that murder you committed at the quarry, of those poor high schoolers? Never let your anger get the better of you, I've seen it happen enough to the people I used for my research."
This was Joseph's favorite part when meeting new people: Subtly pushing their buttons to gauge how they react to slights against their reality. From what he'd learned from his research, he surmised Ghostface had issues with impulse control, especially where his identity was concerned.
"Watching them lose their cool made it easy for me to steer them towards the path of self-destruction, but it seems I won't have to wait long to see you explode, will I Ghostface?"
Yo, Ghostface, we haven't seen you Christmas? How you been?
He shrugs and looks at the sky. He hasn’t done much, honestly. He cursed out the entity multiple times, pissed off Mikey, pissed off Amanda, bullied the legion. The usual.
“Eh, I haven’t been up to anything.”
He kicks a pebble, and stared at the dark foggy night. The entity has been grounding him with less trials. That pisses him off, he doesn’t have anything to do and half his normal friends are in trials. He has stalked the survivors millions of times. He’s bored.
“Yknow…” he finally looks at the source of the voice. He can’t see you, but he can hear you.
“Since you’re all…out there. Can you pass me like…stuff? Drugs? Alcohol? Drama?”
He grins and waits for your response. He’s missed being drunk. He doesn’t usually get drunk but he misses it. He used to get drunk every Saturday as a teenager. Uncharacteristically, but yeah.
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thelegionsden · 26 days ago
''Yes, it has Killers, and let me tell you, I'm an avid fan of them. I have a deep and abiding interest in pain, Ghostface. Ever since I was a child I've always wanted to learn what hurts a person the most. I was content to just listen and hear them dump their woes onto them, pretending to lend an ear and maybe direct a few violent emotions towards a reaction I desired. Eventually, that wasn't enough. I realized I didn't want to merely incite pain, I wanted to be the direct cause.''
The gauntlet on his arm activated, allowing its hook to hang into Joseph's hand. He gripped the chain tight and stared at it with dreadful focus.
''I had it all planned out, until I was caught off guard! My sister, Jodie, knew what I was planning. I was almost caught when I entered some fog... and now, here I am. The Entity can sense my killer instinct, it knows what I want to be. It offered me the chance to become its Apprentice, and I took it.''
Yo, Ghostface, we haven't seen you Christmas? How you been?
He shrugs and looks at the sky. He hasn’t done much, honestly. He cursed out the entity multiple times, pissed off Mikey, pissed off Amanda, bullied the legion. The usual.
“Eh, I haven’t been up to anything.”
He kicks a pebble, and stared at the dark foggy night. The entity has been grounding him with less trials. That pisses him off, he doesn’t have anything to do and half his normal friends are in trials. He has stalked the survivors millions of times. He’s bored.
“Yknow…” he finally looks at the source of the voice. He can’t see you, but he can hear you.
“Since you’re all…out there. Can you pass me like…stuff? Drugs? Alcohol? Drama?”
He grins and waits for your response. He’s missed being drunk. He doesn’t usually get drunk but he misses it. He used to get drunk every Saturday as a teenager. Uncharacteristically, but yeah.
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thelegionsden · 26 days ago
The stranger pulled down his hood and removed his mask. His face was rather plain looking, with neck length blonde hair and a slightly pointed chin. His eyes however... they stared directly at Ghostface; predatory and dead inside. The light he would normally see in his victims eyes as they died was absent in this man. His coy little smirk only added to his dreadful aura. Danny knew a Killer when he saw one.
''I'm... an Apprentice to our benefactor. Name's Joseph Bell.''
Yo, Ghostface, we haven't seen you Christmas? How you been?
He shrugs and looks at the sky. He hasn’t done much, honestly. He cursed out the entity multiple times, pissed off Mikey, pissed off Amanda, bullied the legion. The usual.
“Eh, I haven’t been up to anything.”
He kicks a pebble, and stared at the dark foggy night. The entity has been grounding him with less trials. That pisses him off, he doesn’t have anything to do and half his normal friends are in trials. He has stalked the survivors millions of times. He’s bored.
“Yknow…” he finally looks at the source of the voice. He can’t see you, but he can hear you.
“Since you’re all…out there. Can you pass me like…stuff? Drugs? Alcohol? Drama?”
He grins and waits for your response. He’s missed being drunk. He doesn’t usually get drunk but he misses it. He used to get drunk every Saturday as a teenager. Uncharacteristically, but yeah.
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thelegionsden · 26 days ago
''Afraid I can't, sadly. I just got here, and I'm kinda on a probation period until the Entity puts me in my first trial. Just got here actually.''
From the inky shadows, a figure could be seen approaching Ghostface. He wore a plain white t-shirt underneath an oversized raincoat. The coat itself, once a vibrant yellow, appears to have been painted a dark blue. His dark grey pants and hiking boots were stained with mud, adding to his disheveled appearance. He wore a pair of welding gloves over his hands and a dark, iron mask hid his face from Ghostface. On his right hand was a strange looking gauntlet, with what appeared to be one of the Entity's own hooks attached to it.
''My... teacher... was more than gracious to offer me a second chance. It sensed my desire to learn; to be the best Killer I could have only dreamed to be.''
Yo, Ghostface, we haven't seen you Christmas? How you been?
He shrugs and looks at the sky. He hasn’t done much, honestly. He cursed out the entity multiple times, pissed off Mikey, pissed off Amanda, bullied the legion. The usual.
“Eh, I haven’t been up to anything.”
He kicks a pebble, and stared at the dark foggy night. The entity has been grounding him with less trials. That pisses him off, he doesn’t have anything to do and half his normal friends are in trials. He has stalked the survivors millions of times. He’s bored.
“Yknow…” he finally looks at the source of the voice. He can’t see you, but he can hear you.
“Since you’re all…out there. Can you pass me like…stuff? Drugs? Alcohol? Drama?”
He grins and waits for your response. He’s missed being drunk. He doesn’t usually get drunk but he misses it. He used to get drunk every Saturday as a teenager. Uncharacteristically, but yeah.
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