Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.
Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea (via wordsnquotes)
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What they Say: It's not my job to educate you!
What they Mean: I seriously have no fucking idea what I'm talking about, but a post tangentially related to this topic had like 500 notes. I didn't research it or anything, but it's got to be true. Please just go away, please please please, don't make me have to actually read up on something. I just want to be offended and feel special....
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I had a horrible dream.
Some of my teeth fell out, it’s a classic anxiety dream. It was unpleasant but not too bad.
Then I had a false awakening. I woke up in my bed, completely convinced I was awake and everything was normal. A lot more of my teeth fell out and became loose. There was black ooze in the holes. I was crying and panicking because I was sure those were my real teeth.
I had semi coherent thoughts. My teeth should have lasted many more years, maybe I should see a doctor, what the fuck do I do.
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Why should I be sad? I have lost someone who didn’t love me. But they lost someone who loved them.
(via freedom—is—power)
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Saying “I’m going to bed” and “I’m going to sleep” are 2 different things.
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no wonder they’re called oral presentations they suck dick
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Wrote my first hello world program. I am afraid I will suck.
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Biking with a bag of groceries strapped to your back is hard. I’ve become so weak... 5-6 kg lost unintentionally during the last couple months putting me in the underweight category. I need to eat more and move more.
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Squirrel building a snowman.
Vadim Trunov
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I painted my nails. I have no idea how to groom myself or use makeup but I love nail polish.
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