thelatinahermione · 6 years
I vividly remember the scene in like the second movie where the Weasleys were looking at their school supply list and Molly was like “I really don’t know how we’re going to afford it this year” after they had just risked life and limb to rescue Harry and Harry was sitting there eating their food like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thelatinahermione · 6 years
Eighth Year au
Draco and Harry end up as roommates
Neither of them really know how it happens, but they just sort of naturally fall into being friends
At some point in the year Pansy asks Draco for help wooing Hermione: “You’re smart, yeah? And so is Granger. So educate me, make me smart too so I can talk to her.”
He grudgingly agrees to help her, but inside he’s like “Why me”
Harry finds it hilarious
Draco is relieved when Pansy and Hermione get together
Until it happens again- this time, it’s Blaise who needs help with Neville
Draco shares what he knows about Herbology from the gardening his mother forced him to do (because ‘it builds character’)
And then, after Blaise and Neville are united, what do you know, it happens again- Daphne Greengrass wants Draco to teach her wizard’s chess so she can impress Ron
Draco’s flabbergasted by all these odd pairings, but also struggling with his confusing (and very gay) feelings for Harry
Luna is the last to ask for his help, and she wants to be able to play Quidditch (for Ginny, but she doesn’t tell Draco that) and Draco obliges
Once Luna’s got the hang of it, he asks her why she wanted to learn
“Well, my girlfriend loves Quidditch, and I wanted to surprise her.” “Who’s your girlfriend?” “Ginny Weasley, of course.”
And Draco’s like what? WHat in the name Of SalAZar SlythERin makes these wackos think that I’m some expert in wooing GRyfFinDORS?
So he asks Luna, “How come people keep coming to me for help with their romances with Gryffindors?”
And Luna smiles at him knowingly and answers, “Well, you got Harry, didn’t you?”
But poor Draco doesn’t understand “What do you mean I ‘got Harry’? I haven’t ‘got’ him! We’re just friends!”
Luna shrugs and then runs off to Ginny, who has, along with Harry, been watching the two blondes fly from the stands
And then Harry joins Draco-who’s still reeling from Luna’s words-on the Quidditch pitch
Draco asks him shakily, “I haven’t got you, have I? I mean, it’s not like you’re mine or anything, right?”
Harry blushes slightly and shrugs. “I could be, if you wanted me to be.” He takes Draco’s hands in his own. It feels right.
“Oh.” Draco turns pink. “Okay. I th- I think I might want that. You being mine. Sounds… nice. I’d like to be yours as well.”
“Really? You want to be my boyfriend?” Harry’s smiling now, widely. He steps closer to Draco.
“Well, yes. I doubt anyone else would be up for the job, considering how much of a prat you can be-”
Harry shuts him up with a firm kiss.
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
neville will always be too precious for this world
Neville: One bonus of being an adult is grossly misusing modern slang on purpose and watching my students cry inside.
Neville: A fine example: the other day I pointed at a hippogriff and, while looking Teddy Lupin right in the eye, went “Man, is that bae or what, huh?” and the look on his face was something I will treasure for years.
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
Harry Potter and the question of “What if Malfoy Wasn’t Such an Ass?”
Year 1
Harry and Malfoy meeting on the train (Ron also in the compartment)
They become friends because Malfoy as an only child doesn’t have any siblings to sit with
Malfoy and Ron still don’t like each other, but once Ron sees Harry (The Boy Who Lived) giving him a chance and he decides to too
Hermione asks if they’ve seen a toad and Malfoy answers politely that they haven’t
Hermione notices he’s the only one with his robes on in the compartment and gives him a smile and nod of approval
She casts a spell on Harry’s glasses to fix them
Malfoy returning the small grin and thinking to himself “what an intelligent girl”
When the trio needs help with Nicholas Flamel, Malfoy knows who he is and tells them
Year 2
Malfoy is shocked when he sees the blood on the wall
Harry and Malfoy bonding over how the rest of the school assumes the two of them are the heir of Slytherin
Ron and Malfoy spending time together talking about quidditch
Malfoy and Hermione spending ungodly hours in the library until Harry and Ron come retrieve them to go outside
The Chamber of Secrets isn’t a mystery to Harry, Ron and Hermione because Malfoy is there to explain it
Malfoy having the missing answers to their questions
Year 3
Malfoy getting hurt by Buckbeak and Hermione accompanies him to the hospital wing and stays there with him
Malfoy loving the attention from Pansy, but then Harry sees Hermione’s upset face and whacks him on the neck as he walks by
Sirius going to Hogwarts and seeing that Harry and Malfoy are friends makes him skeptical, but then loves their inter house relationship
Malfoy figuring out Hermione’s time turner and her letting him use it too to get more sleep because his roommates stay up all night
Year 4
Malfoy and Harry joking about the triwizard tournament
Malfoy and Ron being jealous together when Harry gets chosen, but then Malfoy relenting and talking to Harry about it
Hermione getting worked up about the challenges for Harry, but Malfoy calming her down
Malfoy seeing Hermione be asked to the Yule Ball and feels upset for some reason
Malfoy seeing Hermione crying after Ron yells at her and comforts her
Malfoy changing to Draco
Year 5
Draco, Ron, Hermione and Harry joining the Order (Draco secretly, unbeknownst to his father)
Hermione and Draco stressing about their OWLs while Ron and Harry make fun of them
Harry taking Draco on trips to Grimmauld Place so he can see his cousin and his family tree
Kreacher obediently listening to Draco and eventually listening to Sirius because Draco orders him
Draco nearly strangling Kreacher for calling Hermione a mudblood
Draco going to the Ministry with the others and fighting his aunt and father
Year 6
Draco having to go through with his mission
Hermione and Harry knowing this but trying to find him a way out
Draco comforting Hermione when she’s crying about Ron and Lavender AGAIN
Hermione realizing she likes Draco more than a friend
Draco and Hermione having a moment in potions with Amortentia and understanding their feelings
Harry and Ron scoffing at first and then are the number ONE SHIPPERS
Draco being distraught that his actions lead to Dumbledore’s death, but Hermione giving him their first kiss to take away the pain
Year 7
Draco and Hermione stay away from each other
Draco is at Hogwarts watching Ginny and Luna while the other three search for Horcruxes
Draco and Neville making DA’s secret base in the Room of Requirement
Hermione sending a patronus every day to let him know they’re okay
Draco being summoned home and seeing the three in his house
Draco stunning his parents and killing Fenrir and Bellatrix when they tried to hurt Hermione
Draco’s rage over seeing Hermione almost being hurt is enough to keep his parents well away
The battle ending the same way
Draco and Hermione going to muggle universities to improve their knowledge together
Hermione teaching Draco that forks really CAN’T go in the microwave, that, yes movies are moving pictures, and that ramen isn’t the only thing college kids eat
Draco and Hermione touring the US, Europe and Asia together for a year
Sending postcards to Ron&Luna and Harry&Ginny
Having baby Scorpius James Malfoy when they’re 23 and out of wedlock making Narcissa almost die
Narcissa demanding she plan the wedding on the grounds of Malfoy Manor, after of course, the demolition and rebuilding of the East Wing where the war tortures took place
Hermione finding a beautiful wedding dress to wear and the two of them getting married
Harry, Ron and Blaise being the best men while Ginny, Pansy and Luna are bridesmades (Ginny as maid of honour)
Draco and Hermione going on their honeymoon and Hermione getting pregnant again
Their jobs at Malfoy Industries being 100% flexible since they own the company (60-40 Hermione-Draco)
Draco being shocked when they have a baby girl, Carina Lily Malfoy. (Carina IS a constellation btw)
They live their happily ever after
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
i’m not even a hufflepuff but mooooooood
“Did I want Harry to die? 
Was I willing to move on and accept it if it meant that I could go back to class without him causing a damn scene every year?
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
So i sort want to write a Dramione AU of rival gangs and it sort of has romeo and juliet feels but a lot of smut, angst and some fluff here and there. I don’t know but this one prompt that just said, “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” and this scene of Hermione holding a wounded Draco after taking a shot for her during a shoot out. Would anyone even want to read this though?
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
Valentine’s Day: Dramione
Summary: How did death meet her lover? In a small castle, with ghosts and portraits with a boy who resembled a fallen angel with silver eyes and the mark of a mistake.  How did the angel meet his lover? In the most perfect way, with hatred and tragedy, surrounded by passion and insecurity. Picnics were always romantic anyway.
No warnings/safe for everyone
Prompt: Golden Dandelions
Draco Malfoy was no angel. Hermione Granger was not death in human form. To Hermoine Granger, Draco Malfoy was the image of a fallen angel, of a foolish fairy who had been abandoned and forced to adapt. To Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger resembled his inevitable future, except he was happy for it, he saw his death and knew he’d accept it if it came in that form. 
They had been laying on the ground, under one of those trees that was on the border of the Forbidden Forrest looking upward into the branches. Would you think death dressed in a white lacy sundress with a crown of dandelions sitting perfectly on a mountain of brown curls? Draco Malfoy did. Would you think a fallen angel dressed in tight trousers and regular button-up, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a peaceful face? Hermione Granger saw it right in front of her. 
And would death giggle at the sarcastic marks of a fallen angel? Would she sigh love struck and run her hands through platinum blonde hair and caress the face of a boy who was everything wrong but completely perfect, made especially for her.  Would death only see black and white until those hands moved that curl blocking her view? Would the Angel only see black and white until that smile brought color?
And maybe they seemed completely wrong, children from wars and death, children from opposing sides looking down at a bleak world looking for the light. They fit their counterparts perfectly, she the bringer of the inevitable and he the crushed light, would you see them and think of love. 
Hermione Granger was in love with the blonde boy from Slytherin, who had seen every aspect of her and decided he still loved her. She was in love with the insupportable prat who knew how to make that girlish giggle escape from her. She was in love with the git staring at her as if she was the most precious and dangerous sublime creature in the universe. 
“What are you thinking about?” She had asked him, tracing the hard lines of his face while he sighed in content.
“Absolutely nothing.” He answered her, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her palm “I’m living and happy.”
“I’ve never seen you this calm” Truthfully, the boy had always worried her, he would lose sleep, forget to eat, worry constantly and suppress his emotions all the time. It was in moments like this did he finally relax, almost float in peace. 
“You’re the reason.” placing another kiss on her palm and then turning himself toward her to place another kiss on her nose, He intertwined their fingers together and held their hands over them, noticing the simple differences between them. His pale complexion, her small hands, the new tattoo of a haunting forest and above it almost floating the wisps of a dandelion, different form the yellow one’s in Granger’s hair but the same flower. 
They were silent again for a while. Midday slowly turned to late afternoon, and they stayed under the old tree, whispering to each other, exchanging occasional kisses and grabbing something to eat from the small picnic basket Draco had brought with them. Much of the time they stayed touching, with Hermione’s hands running and brushing over him while he placed soft kisses wherever he could.
And as it turned dark, they continued as if time had frozen, only really caring to illuminate their small patch of peace from the candlelight. And at some point, they had just stopped talking, taking in the comfortable silence and just stared at each other with the smallest of smiles on their face.  Hermione could only hope, Draco would follow her into the dark that was their future.
They were okay.  
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
i support this headcanon so much.
Also Hermione is afrolatina and Pansy Párkinson has asian ancestry. fight me on this.
As someone who headcanons Harry Potter to be of Indian descent it pleases me to think that his name is actually Hari, and that Aunt Petunia just Anglicized it because foreigners.
According to the interwebs, ‘Hari’ is a Sanskrit name meaning… Lion.
So yeah. Hari the mixed race savior of the Wizarding World.
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
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Give Sirius a vlog, please. 
(Based on this).
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
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Draco and Luna ^-^
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… and the golden trio! XD
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
my gay father figures
Sirius gets sick while he’s supposed to be “laying low at Lupin’s”. They can’t figure out what’s causing his illness so they can’t treat him at home, but they also can’t take him to see a healer or a doctor due to his whole “WANTED FOR MANY DEATHS BY BOTH WIZARDS AND MUGGLES” situation, so…
Remus takes Padfoot to the vet.
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
Valentine Writing Challenge
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What it is- 
A writing challenge for any who wish to participate! There will be both Valentine’s Day prompts and Anti-Valentine’s Day Prompts. 
The rules- 
1. Like or reblog this post
2. Send me your chosen prompt via Ask. One prompt per person please. If you choose your own, please still follow the other rules with concerns to tagging.
3. Accepting all fandoms and characters, including ‘reader’ style fics. If you’re unsure, message me. 
4. No RPF’s
5. 150 word minimum 
6. If you’re story is over 300 words, please use the keep reading feature. 
7. Deadline is February 14th. If you need an extension or decide to drop out, please let me know. 
8. Include the following in the beginning/authors note- 
 A brief summary
All warnings tagged, including nsfw. 
Prompt used
Tag me so I can reblog 
please use the tag #ashcastlevalentinechallenge
9. If you want to remain anonymous please use the following steps- 
Send me an ask with your prompt selection 
When it’s time to send in your prompt, submit it to me and I will post it under “Anon”
10. Have fun!
Prompts under the cut
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
Soulmates-Dramione (Part one?)
Draco Malfoy was not an easily shocked man.
He had lived through a war, almost got turned into a werewolf and has a horrible mark that will never fade.
So shocking him was a challenge. He had seen almost everything.
He had not seen his soulmate or at least seen them knowing that they were his soulmate.
“Let me guess, I’m going to say something utterly ridiculous and your going to kiss me right after”
He hated those words.
The ones that kept him up at night, made him hate himself more than he already did in 6th year, made him want to help his soulmate find a new one, a better one. One that they deserved because it was not him.
“If Murder on the Orient Express is your favorite book, then shouldn’t you let someone else borrow the book?” He had said to her, leering at her as they tugged at the ends of the book.
And she went white. Hermione Granger was shocked.
“Jesus Christ.” She mumbled
“Let me guess, I’m going to say something utterly ridiculous and your going to kiss me right after.”
And Draco Malfoy was not shocked, no he was paralyzed, broken, not comprehending.
“Malfoy?” Hermione snapped her fingers in his face, to no avail, he continued staring at her with wide eyes and a stiff posture. “For the love of Godric, Malfoy? Draco? Dra—“
He dropped the book immediately and pulled her to his chest.
“I’m sorry.”
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
“ur in a band i really like but ur band name is fucking stupid so i made an anonymous twitter account with new band name suggestions except it got really popular and now u wanna meet me” Jegulily *eyebrow waggle*
Jegulily! An auspicious start to the prompting, thank you!
“Reg? Who the hell let you in?”
Reg looks up from his phone to see Sirius glaring at him, arms folded across his chest. Reg shrugs, attempting to look impassive as he leans ever so casually against the garage wall.
“I was just… in the area.”
Sirius raises an eyebrow. “You were in the area of Peter’s mom’s garage? Sounds fake, but even so, why the hell are you crashing our practice?”
“Figured I’d swing by and hear what you guys have been working on.” Reg chews on his lower lip, nervously avoiding Sirius’ gaze.
Sirius barks out a laugh. “Bullshit. You hate my band. You tell me so all the time.”
Reg rolls his eyes. “I don’t hate your band’s music, I hate your band’s name. Wide-Eyed Devil? Seriously?”
“Like you’d have any better ideas!” Sirius snaps. “You sound like those dumbasses on Twitter. Squinting Demon, Winking Fiend, Cross-Eyed Lucifer-”
“Peeping Beelzebub! That’s the best one so far, Pads.”
The brothers look over to see James heading towards them, waving enthusiastically. “Reg! What brings you ‘round these parts?” He ruffles his hair, grinning widely before calling back over his shoulder, “Lily? LILS! REG IS HERE!”
Lily sighs from the other side of the garage as she helps Remus set up his drum set. “Yes, love, I can see that.” She turns to Reg, flashing him a smile and a wink. “How’s it going?”
Reg feels his cheeks flush slightly. “Um… it’s going well, I guess.”
“What are you guys talking about, anyway? Our Twitter bud?” James hasn’t taken his eyes off of Reg’ face, which isn’t doing anything to help with the pinkness dusting Reg’s cheeks.
Sirius snorts derisively. “They aren’t our bud, they’re making fun of us!”
“They are not!” James protests. “They always retweet our promo stuff, and they’ve got loads of our fans following them! Just because you don’t understand good humour-”
“I understand humour, but you don’t understand when people are laughing at you, not with you, which is all the time, because you’re a loser-”
“Well, we’ll find out soon, won’t we?” James seems cheerfully unfussed by Sirius’ complaints.
Sirius sighs heavily. “I suppose we will.” He turns back to Reg, punching him lightly on the shoulder. “Beat it, brat. James and Lily have a date stopping by soon.”
“I’m not… er, a date?” Reg’s eyes widen as his gaze shifts back and forth between James and Lily, who are both blushing a bit themselves. Lily turns her back towards them as she fusses with Remus’ cymbals, and James looks down to study the floor with great interest.
Sirius doesn’t seem to notice as he blathers on irritably. “Yeah, they invited the loser who mocks us on Twitter to stop by practice today, and they haven’t shut up about how funny and clever and sweet this person is, and how they should invite them out for coffee, and how awesome it would be if they were poly, and they have the worst Twitter handle, AlphaLeonis, like who’s a big enough loser to name themself after a star besides our shitty family, and- no. No. NO. Oh, hell no.”
Sirius looks at Reg in horror. Reg’s face feels hot as he stares intently down at his feet. When he feels brave enough to lift his head once more, he finds that Lily has made her way over to stand next to James, and they’re both staring at him with small, hopeful smiles on their faces.
Nothing can stop the grin that spreads across Reg’s own face, not even Sirius’ frantic hollering at Remus to take him to the ER for the aneurysm he’s about to have.
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
Sorting Hat: SLYTHERIN
Sirius: *Walks over to Gryffindor*
Sorting Hat: I said Slytherin!
Sirius: *Spanish accent* Oh I no speak English I stay here at lion table
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
Dramione - “Post-its”
This is inspired from a Youtube video. Watch it here.
Pairing: Draco x Hermione
Summary: Some notes say “I’m sorry”, others contain plans, but the majority says “I love you”.
Word Count: 496
“Malfoy, what do you think you’re doing?”
The blonde menace trundled past Hermione Granger carrying a box. It was a kind of box muggles use to store their belongings.
Malfoy holding something relatively muggle was suspicious.
Very suspicious, indeed.
“None of your bloody business, Granger. Now stay out my way.” He sneered.
She tried a different approach. Just once. Ron and Harry weren’t with her anyway…
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thelatinahermione · 7 years
god bless this fandom
When Ginny tells Harry that she’s pregnant, Harry’s second thought (after being incredibly overjoyed) is a dawning feeling of horror that the baby will be just. like. him.
“Ginny we flew a car to Hogwarts when we were twelve years old. You don’t understand.”
“Oh sweet Merlin we flew out of Gringotts on a dragon.”
“I caught the snitch in my mouth Ginny how will I survive a child that’s anything like me.”
“The boa constrictor just wanted to go to Brazil it seemed reasonable at the time.”
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