Jiyong and g.o.d Son Ho Young switch places on ROS??
This past weeks episode of ROS brought childhood friends Jiyong and Son Hoyoung together! 
We all know that Jiyong, Sunghoon and Hoyoung were all good childhood friends from elementary/middle school. But I never saw this reunion coming for the two of them.
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A lot of fans must have been so happy to see this reunion! Thank you ROS for making this happen.
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Thank you, my friend~
Hopefully they get together again in future episodes!
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Don’t forget..during Sechskies final performance in Dream Concert 2000, Son Ho Young walked over to Jiyong’s side while they were giving their last speech together as 6.
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where did all my sechskies  tumblr feed go? Most have been inactive for over a year. I don’t tumblr as much as I used to. But seeing so little sechskies tumblr posts makes me a little sad. If anyone knows any new sechskies tumblr blogs, please let me know.
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Is anyone really prepared for this?!~ Because I’m not. So excited. This isn’t just any concert. its their 20th anniversary concert! All these things run through my mind like will they sing 기도?, Missing You?, My Love?, 적?, Thanks?. Some of the best songs they have that but didn’t sing it Yellow Note because they felt like they wanted to show their hit songs more instead of the other ones people may not have been familiar with. And the biggest question of all, Will Jiyong show up at the concert?!
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Here we go again. YG with their last minute concert announcements. This gives yellowkies only about a month to prepare. Even though this announcement was not as rushed as last year’s Yellow Note announcement, don’t you think YG would have learned from it and give yellowkies maybe a two month prior notice instead? Nope. Typical yg. Sad to say that i can’t attend this year. But I am so happy that the love hasn’t changed for our Sechskies, there seem to be less negative comments this year compared to last year. Even though I cannot be there physically, I will be there in spirit cheering them on!  (i wanted to post this when the annoucement came out but i totally forgot lol so i’m posting it now, a week prior to the concert xD)
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When Seungjae has a surprise for his daddy~ :D
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awww. a mention of jekki uncles~
Return of the Superman: Seungjae and Jiyong are looking at the picture from the Infinite Challenge Totoga2 when all six members gathered for the first time in 16 years. SECHSKIES, come to Seungjae’s house and play! 💛
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Return of Superman ep.168 teaser 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 168회 티저  busy busy Jiyong at work while seungjae makes a surprise visit!
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Jaeduck + Jaijin: Busan Boys
Prior to debut, Jaijin and Jaeduck were in a dance team called “Quick Silver” based in Busan. Having no where to go in Seoul, they lived together at a janitor’s house for a while. 
To.Jaijin-nie Hi~ This is Duck It’s really embarrassing to write a letter to you. After we met, I could learn dance,and I could become a member of Sechskies. Looking back, I feel like it’s all thanks to you that I could live a life full of wonders and fun. Recently, you’ve been making me laugh a lot and you’ve been telling me good things when it’s just two of us together. Life is really fun. Innocent and honest Jaijin~ Let’s keep having fun together. Also let’s practice dance -Jaduck’s letter to Jaijin (2016)
My friend Always be healthy. Health comes first. We’re making same memories in the same era… We have to be healthy to do anything. Every moments of right now will be remembered as the most radiant in our lives. I love you <3 bro -Jaijin’s letter to Jaeduck (2016)
pic cr: Abril 
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out of all the things he can keep from the fans, he saves this dancing lobster :D he’s still the same playful Jiyong we know from 20 years ago.
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Jiyong kept the gift that a fan gave to him 17 years ago, and now his son Seungjae plays with it.
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When Jiwon was looking back in the Golden Disc Awards, other members were there.
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the love between these are uncontrollable
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jekki’s biggest flirt: jaeduck ↳ g company, pulse_d,  떡노란, A+
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jaeduc you are too cute~
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#diary For things to turn out well, I think both the people around me and I have to be having fun. Then the people watching us will also like it. The other day, I wrote “getting along with the members” in my diary.
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고지용 슈돌 프리뷰 Jiyong Return of Superman preview clip airing Jan 1st Busy busy Jiyong in his office working hard. But still taking the time to play with baby Seungjae. There’s already fan pages for Seungjae and only the preview has been shown. So glad and excited that Jiyong opened up so much & took time from his busy schedule to show us his life now. (is it just me or does the part when he changes into his pj’s remind you of his 22nd birthday fanmeeting video? :D ) I just wonder how Jiyong felt to be filmed and be in the limelight for the first time in about 14 years, was he nervous, awkward, scared, shy? ㅠㅠ   I know there are disappointments from few fans that think he has time to film ROS but not join in jekki activities but I’m sure Jiyong has his reasons too. 용아빠 화이팅!! ♥
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고지용 슈돌 프리뷰 Jiyong Return of Superman preview
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안녕하세요~ 3세 승재 아빠 고지용입니다 Hello~ I'm father of 3 year old Seungjae, Ko Jiyong
Jiyong’s episode should be airing on Jan 1st. Be prepared to see the cutest daddy and cutest baby in the world~! Seungjae is so talkative and hyper. Can’t wait to see how Jiyong plays with him even with his busy schedule..
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fan slogan banner:
훈아 초혼도 안된다  Hoon-ah first marriage is not allowed 161225 Busan concert day 2 lol please don’t ever get married. yellowkies slogans are always so daebak (and a little scary xD)!
cr 출처:nicotineplz
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Hoony, you are Ice Prince now
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[ENG] Sechskies Allure Interview (2/2)
[Kim Jae Duck]
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You got a lot of new parts in the <2016 Re-ALBUM>. What’s your favorite part?
I like the rap part in “Couple”. Tablo wrote the rap, and I think it’s pretty and it suits me well. There’s a part where we all draw a rainbow on stage, and that was Jiwon hyung’s idea.
Are you finally over the deprivation of MVs? To be honest, I never had that much feelings against our MVs. Old MVs have some cons, of course, since they were filmed at our office or were a mashup of other videos. But I think they turned out pretty well. This time, I tried harder because I wanted to keep showing better sides.
How was the filming? What I liked the most about it was the fact that I went to Japan with the members. It was disappointing that we didn’t really get to spend much time together except for when we were eating because of tight schedule. We had to wake up at 3~4 AM, get ready, film, and we couldn’t even stay out for long because it was cold. I wanted to watch other members awkwardly filming the couple scenes, but I couldn’t. I watched the indoors ones, but they all did well when they started shooting.
Any memorable episode? Snowflakes were as big as the \500 coins, so we watched it snowing. Jaejin, Suwon, and I finished first, so we went to Sapporo’s beer factory to get a drink. We also wen to a park together, and Jaejin made chimpanzee noises there, which was really funny.
Is the team activity different from before? I think individual personalities and styles are the same as before. But everyone did get more mature. We all have a lot more responsibilities now. We did what was asked without thinking much back then, but now, we all try to participate voluntarily.
Do you feel that there are a lot of new fans? When I read fan letters or go to filming sites, I see a few young fans. I think it’s cool. I want to tell them, “You’re sad that you’ve come to know us so late too, right? Since you’re late, please like us more, and let’s be together for a long long time”.
Do you feel the difference between 20th century fan culture and 21st century fan culture? The most obvious one is camera. Back then, there was no camera even on cellphones, but now, they bring huge cameras to take pictures of me. Not only are they good at taking pictures, but they’re also good at editing them, so sometimes I get surprised looking through my SNS. Also, back then, fans crowded around us when they saw us, but now, they don’t approach us. They just take pictures from far away. But one thing that hasn’t changed is their eyes. Regardless of age, everyone still looks like a young girl because of their innocent eyes full of excitement.  
Do you read all the comments on your SNS? Yes. Fans leave comments that can encourage me and make me laugh. There are touching ones. By reading those comments, I try to fix my mistakes. I think it’s good that I can always show improvements through those feedback.
Fans call you ‘Duck-Chael’ (Jaeduck+Michael). Isn’t the angel image sometimes burdensome? It was Michael that came after my name? (laughs). But everyone likes nice people. It’s good that people view me in that way. But did I really seem that nice? I have weaknesses too, but I guess fans see more of my strengths.
What was your favorite move when you were in charge of choreographing? It was mostly Jaejin who made the choreograph, and I just helped on the side. It’s already 20 years ago, so I don’t even remember which choreographs I participated in. I think “Road fighter” was really cool, and “Pom Saeng Pom Sa” was very upbeat. But the recent choreos are more fun. The new “Com’ Back” and “Chivalry” choreos have completely different styles from before.
How did it change? Before, we almost always danced right on the beat, but nowadays, you split the beat a lot. It gets awkward sometimes because my body’s not used to it. The dance itself did get harder, but it’s also that my brain can’t follow as quickly as it could before.
What was the most exciting moment since the reunion? I think the most memorable ones are of course guerrilla concert on <Infinite Challenge> and our recent concert. At Yellow Note concert, they played a video of our fans singing to “Couple” and that almost made me cry.
Your style changed the most since the reunion. Do you like it? At first, it was hard to accept. It’s not easy when everything suddenly changes at once. But I just trusted the stylists, and I’ve heard that I look good in the style, which boosts me up. Depending on the style of my clothes, my attitude and facial expressions also change. I like such changes.
Have you gotten used to doing photo shoots? It’s still awkward. But there’s always an excitement at photo shoot sites. You get to meet new people at a new environment. It’s new, but it’s exciting.  
I’ve heard that you filmed <Season’s Greeting> in Busan with the memebers. How did that go? At first, it was a bit awkwrad because I wasn’t used to such setting, but as time went on, I got to have a lot of fun. I think I would’ve had more fun if it wasn’t being filmed. I try not to be conscious of the camera, but sometimes it doesn’t work. I do think it could’ve been better without the cameras.
Do you have any plan of travelling with the members, apart from filming? We’ve talked about it, but as of right now, carrying out our schedules is the most important.
Do you have any member that you want to form an unit with? I think I’ll be able to show stronger sides with the black kies members, Jiwon hyung and Jaejin. We’ve been on stage together just as three, and I liked it. I think it’ll be fun.
[Jang Su Won]
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You were the second most active member, after Eun Ji Won. It might seem like I did a lot because of the robot acting, but it’s only been 2 years since I started doing individual activities. I try to be honest and accept everyone’s opinions on variety shows, and I think people like that side.
Robot acting could’ve created a bad reputation, but it was an opportunity for you. At first, people did criticize me. Then people started laughing, and it became my charm. My personality and attitude changed a lot because of it. If I kept being criticized like I did in the beginning, I would’ve lost all my confidence, but I was lucky. If this happened in the past, I could’ve been forced to leave the industry for a while. Luckily, it became an opportunity for me.
I’ve heard that you played a big role in the reunion. As time passed, I started to miss the times we were together more. I was a Sechskies member for only 2 years and a half, but back then, it really felt like I was just having fun with hyungs and friends that I liked. I always thought that if there’s a second chance, I want to have more fun with it.
Nowadays, there’s a lot of idol groups that work together but aren’t close. I think some friends nowadays want get more attention than other members in the group. There’s no one in Sechskies that wants all the attention in variety shows, or wants to do individual activities like acting or going solo. I think that’s why we never felt like we were in a business relationship.
You were the only person that kept in contact with all the members even after the break up. I keep relationships a broad group of people I don’t really cut anyone off just because that person is different from me. Unless there was a fight or some harm done, I keep in contact.
Such quality must’ve been helpful in your business. Yes. I finally understand why adults say connection is more important than money.
Isn’t it hard to both own a business and do Sechskies activities? I’ve been thinking that recently. I can go to my restaurant once a week at most, and recently, I could only once or twice a month. If the CEO isn’t there, management gets neglected even if there’s a manager. I didn’t know things would get this big in terms of scale, so I had opened up two restaurants. I did it just in case I don’t get work, but it’s now worrisome because we’re getting more work as Sechskies.
You said in <Radio Star> that drinking with Eun Ji Won is uncomfortable. Is he more careful after that? Not at all. That person is never careful to his dongsaengs. He’s only weak to people who are older or stronger than him. (laughs)
You’re the maknae in the team, but don’t you have desire to lead people? Now I like taking care of people and taking them to places, but when I was young, I liked being with hyungs even if it’s a little uncomfortable. But as I’ve aged, I don’t like it if it’s uncomfortable no matter where hyung takes me. I don’t mind being the one to pay if I’m eating with dongasaengs that I like.
You called a person who nags while drinking a fogey. Even people who are normally quiet tend to nag after drinking, calling themselves life sunbaes. If I keep repeating myself and nagging a lot, then I’ve become a fogey. I try not to nag or make it uncomfortable for dongsaengs. Even if I do, I only do it once.
How do you want to age? I want to age fine, instead of trying too hard to look young. I want to look my age, but still have some charm. Just looking young as a “frozen man” isn’t as important. I don’t want to dye my hair pink and pretend like I’m young, like someone.
Are you targeting a specific member? No, it was just an example, hahahaha.
Were you always blunt like this? I never showed this side on TV, but I always was in waiting rooms. When filming for a show, I had to wait until other members talk first. Sometimes, I just stood there without coming up with any answer in my head because I felt like my turn wasn’t going to come. Back then, I only sang and other members did the talking.
Weren’t you disappointed that you didn’t have as many opportunities to show your talents? No. I’m introverted and I don’t think I have that much talent. It was only recently that I started talking on variety shows, because I had a lot of things that I had to do on my own. Even when I talk on shows, I have to first think “What if I say this?” I don’t think I have talent in speaking well.
You’re good at dancing and singing, but sometimes those get covered up by the robot character. Performances that I had mistakes in on <Radio Star> were rehearsals. But I think they just aired the rehearsal instead since it’s not a music program. The robot image does get in the way sometimes, but it’s an image that I’ve created, so I have to bear with it. It’s not easy, but I try not to be stressed about it.
There are a lot of edited videos of your past performances and recent performances. It shows that Jang Su Won is constantly improving. I don’t really watch either of them. The old ones are too bad and embarrassing. I’m not the type to monitor performances and analyze. I just try my best day to day.
In what aspect are you going to improve more? Jekki is my one and only goal right now. It’s only been half a year since we made a come back, and we only have one new song. We still have a lot of time left. I want to make better songs, and I want jekki to be more global. Wouldn’t it be possible since YG has a lot of resources? I want to focus on jekki activites without thinking about anything else.
Were you always this ambitious? Catch me on variety shows saying some nonsense, if this all fails.
[Lee Jae Jin]
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Is there a reason you got rid of your SNS account? Because there’s a Sechskies official website now. I wanted the fans to all gather there instead of being spread out on various platforms. I want other members to get rid of their personal accounts too.
Your hair is blue today. I just got it done today. To be honest, the members have been suggesting that I dye my hair blue again, in a mocking way. I think they thought that I wouldn’t do it. I had pushed it off until now, but I finally did it.
You’re the only one who did V-live regularly. I told everyone that I’ll do it every week since other members weren’t interested. I said I’ll do it whenever I go to my art studio, which I go to at least once a week. If you watch the first episode, I literally just draw. Since I can’t really read the fans’ comments while drawing, my professor at the studio chooses a couple of them to ask, and then I answer.
The way you were so focused on drawing in a sleevless shirt showing arms, was like a scene from a movie. V-app is a live broadcast and I don’t even have a script, so there isn’t really anything to do. It was just my most natural state. In the summer ones, I had to wear sleveless because I get hot really easily. I didn’t really think 'oh since I draw with my right hand, my right biceps are going to look nice’.
Did you focus on art after the military dischargement? It hasn’t been that long since I started drawing. In 2010, I had a chance to join YG’s design team. Ten of my pieces made it into Big Bang’s album. And in 2014, when my nephews were older, the company’s director suggested that I should study art. But I really just like going to theme parks and Jeju Island with my nephews. I don’t really spend that much, anyways.
Fans told you not to marry, and you responded with “Then we’ll just cohabit”. Both are taboos in idol culture. Why does all that matter at this age? I think living together is better than getting married. I don’t have to legally change my address.
You’re good at “fan training”, like deleting your picture on SNS 10 seconds after posting it. You should be good at that stuff, even in relationships. Not really. You know how people always check up on eachother when in a relationship? I answer if the other person asks, but I never ask first. It’s not like I’m going to run to the place anyways. It was out of respect, but they thought I was uninterested in them.
Contrary to your carefree personality, you ran away when Sechskies was about to disband and hid. It was unexpected of you. I came to Seoul from Busan when I was in second year in high school. I thought when we disband, my life in Seoul ends. Everything that was right in front of my eyes was about to disappear and I didn’t even know which was going to disappear first, so I was anxious and frustrated. And it took me especially long to become close with the members. Looking back, the members were so precious to me. So I disagreed to dreaking up, but some released their solo album in less than a year, and everyone was living well. (laughs)
You released three solo albums too? I personally really don’t like those albums. I was just going to enlist after disbanding, but my mom kept saying “why don’t you release an album too?” after seeing other members doing so. I had to release it because of her.
Are you satisfied with the remake album? Things that reflect an era get old, eventually. So the remade versions are better than the old ones, of course.
You had a yellow badge on you on <Radio Star>. I was working out when the Sewol tragedy happened. I was watching it live on TV, and I was frustrated. I clearly remember thinking “Why don’t they save the kids?” I was really heartbroken. I put the badge on to remember the deaths of the young students.
You’re known as the '4D, alien’ one, but do you have a member that you think is weirder than you? Hm. I’m not interested. I don’t really care if there is or not.
Then are you only interested in your nephews? No! I’m the most important to me. Of course, I blend in well without thinking I need to be the most noticeable, when I’m with my members.
You were in <Flower Crew>. Have you read some bad comments? Yes, I read them because I’m curious. Sometimes, I stare at them blankly. I ask myself, “Why do these people put an effort of logging in, just to comment some hateful comments, and dislike the article? Do they really hate me enough to slap me when they meet me in real life?”
I heard you researched where the fans lived and chose the intermediate area as where your birthday party was going to be hosted. Thanks to that, I found out that Daejeon is the best place for fans from all over the country to gather. I know which pubs are good, too.
Until when do you plan to do Sechskies activities? I think we would have to see how things go in 2017. I’ve asked the members, “Do you think we’ll do this until we completely lose popularity, or until someone makes a big mistake?” But since we’re old, Sechskies won’t disband again because of individual activities. I am pretty sad that I don’t have enough time to draw for my exhbition, but right now, Jekki is my everything.
————————Thank you for reading! Feel free to share the link, as always
Translated by: sechskies0415.tumblr.com
gif cr: 볼펜
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