thejunesprince-old · 10 years
Send me a "⊙﹏⊙" if you've been wanting to RP with me but are too shy to ask or start.
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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Th-that's not what I really meant at all!  I don't want anyone to actually die, I was just kinda lookin' for a loop hole...
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You can’t just go and murder people, whether they deserved it or not. That’s really messed up. 
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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What if he looked at three criminals or something like that?  People who deserved it?  Wait, I probably shouldn't say things like that...
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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[He sighed, but honestly he appreciated the acknowledgement of mutual dislike. 
 Maybe they can each poke him in the eye at the same time.]
[Have a solid shoulder pat.
It’s okay Yosuke, he wants to poke Adachi’s in the eye too.]
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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--I wasn't really gonna do it.
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Dude don’t be an asshole.
[Don’t gouge people’s eyes out Yosuke that’s just gross.]
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
Always willing to help out!
thejunesprince replied to your post:I am not looking at anyone.  I refuse.  My eyes…
Gouge out your eyes to be on the safe side.
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"It's not usually this bad--I swear!  Please don't take off on me, Rise-chan!  I'll give you a bonus, or a discount or whatever you want, just don't bail on me!"
✠ ᴏ ʙ s ᴇ ʀ ᴠ ᴇ ʀ  ᴏ ғ — ✠
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❝Ugh. Remind me to never agree to work part time for you ever again!❞ ✠ ᴍ ᴜ ɴ ᴅ ᴀ ɴ ᴇ  ᴠ ᴏ ɪ ᴄ ᴇ s ✠
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
"Happy valentine's day, Hana-chan!" Smiling she hands him a box of homemade chocolates.
He was surprised for a moment, especially since he had given up on the idea of any girls giving him chocolate.  At the end of the day anything was acceptable, just so he didn't have to feel like a complete loser, but then Saki came up to him and made his stomach flutter and his face heat up.  She didn't have to give him anything, and yet she had gone through the trouble of actually making some chocolates for him.
It was amazing.
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"Th-thank you, Senpai!  These are awesome...I can't believe you made them yourself."
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"Like I said, don't turn this on me; this is about you.  You can't run away from the truth."
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"So I’m fair game to accuse of lies…but when it comes to the truth…"
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"Wait, what?  It's not like--that's just--don't try to turn this on me!"
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"I was never being gross or creepy. Like you’re one to talk, Mr. Nurse Fetish."
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"You totally did, okay?  By being gross and creepy!"
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"How did I start this?!"
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"You started it."
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"I am n- why are you even doing this to me?!"
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"So then you're a liar, too."
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"Yes! Yes, I deny it very strongly!"
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"Are you trying to deny it?"
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"L-Let’s not make any harsh accusations!"
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"You're gross.  You're a gross, creepy, old guy."
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"Hey! That’s completely unfair! I’m getting a kick outta it, but not in a sexual way- it’s just like revenge, or something."
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thejunesprince-old · 10 years
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"It is creepy!  You're like some weird predator stalking teenagers or something!"
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"It’s not creepy! I’m only stating facts!"
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