#the truth hurts 8c
tineechi · 3 years
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 106 English Summary
Raw: https://manga1001.com/%e3%80%90%e7%ac%ac106%e8%a9%b1%e3%80%91%e3%81%93%e3%81%ae%e9%9f%b3%e3%81%a8%e3%81%be%e3%82%8c-raw/
I’m making a raw translation because I am so excited but again, I am not a native speaker and may have tons of wrong things to say. So, take this with a grain of salt. :p Also, it is not a complete translation.
The chapter is entitled LOVE (with the Kanji for Love, which is also how Chika’s name is spelled). The line “All I needed was a bit of kindness” is written on the cover with Satowa giving a piece of strawberry cake to Chika.
It starts off with Atsumu and Momoya running together to where Chika is. Tetsuki sent the location via chat. This is a bit sad but Atsumu asks Momoya to show him the map because over many years of being bullied and chased after, he knows a lot of shortcuts and ways around this place.
Momoya says that he talked with his older brother on the phone and he said that he just wants to get Kudou back. Momoya continues on to say things about his older brother. His older brother is smart and how people don’t notice something because he looks excellent on the outside. On Momoya’s mind though, he thinks that “No, I was just pretending not to notice... the reason why you reached out to the son of your father’s mistress, why you contacted me regularly...”.
Momoya then remembers sitting on a swing with Uzuki and Uzuki saying things like “sometimes I think of destroying everything but everything is a hassle afterwards” and “I don’t even know myself when I’m in the middle of lies all the time”. Momoya then thinks that it has been Uzuki’s call for help (SOS) that has been going on for a long time. But at that time, Momoya chose not to get too deeply involved with his issues. Then he verbally tells Atsumu that this is the result of just continuing to look (not getting involved).
Atsumu pulls him to the right way and says that he noticed Uzuki’s situation now. It’ll be okay and they’ll make it in time. Awwww. These two!!! <3
The scene changes to Satowa and Chika and the thugs. Chika is surprised and tries to ask why she is here. Satowa shouts “Shut up Stupid (baka) Chika” hahaha.
She continues to scold him because he keeps choosing to do things on his own. Chika tries to explain that it wasn’t really like that but Satowa cuts him off with “I’ll tell you. I don’t want to be someone who is only protected behind you!” <3 Gaaah. Queen Satowa. Chika is left speechless! (I would too tbh)
The evil gang leader (forgot his name) interrupts and says things like he was surprised that a woman came to help Chika, etc. and continues to threaten them. He also keeps on calling Satowa “ojou-chan”, which is a way to call someone a “young miss” (from privileged families) and asks Satowa if she really understands the situation here. A goon comes a bit closer and Satowa kneels in front to Chika to cover him. Chika tries to pull Satowa’s arms and tells her “stupid, stop this” but Satowa turns around and hugs Chika.
THIS IS EPIC. Satowa said that if they want to hit, go ahead and hit her (while she’s hugging/protecting Chika). That is if they want to be caught by the police. She also says that they planned to make the Meiryo students their shields (pretending that Chika attacked the Meiryo student), but this will be the end of your stupid/dirty plan (if they hit her, she can just say the truth that they attacked her first). Some goons hesitate a bit but the stupid gang leader continues being stupid. 
Uzuki interrupts and asks “Why?” and “Who are you to Chika?” Uzuki continues saying that he has checked/investigated all the people around Chika and says that she’s not his girlfriend (NOT YET BUT SOON! HAHAHAHA). Uzuki continues with “You’re just in the same class and club” and “You’re certainly the young daughter of the clan head (Houzuki clan) and you’re on the opposite world from Chika”.
He asks why she is willing to do this much. He says that after this, she might regret this for the rest of her life. Chika tries to interrupt by calling her name but Uzuki keeps saying “you don’t need to go that far..”
Then Satowa hugs Chika tighter and Chika is left speechless again. Satowa says “Because I like you.” She then shouts out “About Kudou... I like you VERY much!” while hugging him and crying. T_T Chika is SUPER surprised. Hahaha.
Satowa continues to say, “so I don’t want you to get hurt, I want to definitely protect you, I want to cherish you, I want you to laugh always and I want you to always be happy”. GAAAAH! <3
Then she shouts (probably for Uzuki to hear), “Is that wrong/bad?! Do you have a problem with that?!” (Uzuki is also stunned) Then, back to Chika she says “so, I won’t let go forever” (Satowa uses the 絶対 zettai- forever/always word here again) and “I won’t leave/ won’t let go”. My heart promptly exploded here. <3
Then Chika remembers his grandfather in the hospital (after the attack on the Koto shop) saying that he has one wish/request for Chika. Gramps said that he wants Chika to be happy.
Gramps said that he already told Chika before but he should use his hands to protect things/people important to him. Use them to catch/get things that make him happy. Gramps said that Chika can understand it. Even though he might not be good at studying (hahaha. the shade!), Chika’s not stupid. But Chika (with his personality) might sometimes treat himself roughly, or give up on himself or cut himself off from others. For now on, Chika will have moments when he has to make various choices. When that time comes, don’t hesitate. Choose the path that will make you happy. That is something only you can do. No matter how much someone reaches out or pushes your back (supports you), whether or not you step forward, only you can decide if you grab that hand. (The scene is Chika’s hand starting to move around Satowa’s back) Then, with Gramps smiling face, he says “Be happy Chika”. (Gramps is the best. T_T)
Then the full panel of Chika hugging (reaching out to) Satowa back tightly. <3 
Uzuki is surprised and pulls the pipe from the leader’s hand. He is going to hit them with a pipe and Chika starts to react but DADDY Tetsuki comes to the rescue. He stops the pipe bare-handedly and throws Uzuki back. Everyone from the Koto club arrives and Hiro-senpai jumps at Satowa to hug her too! Hahaha. Hilarity ensues a bit because everyone is here.
Tetsuki asks the goons if they are not embarrassed because Chika is alone and there are 7 of them. 
Then, DADDY TETSUKI looks at Uzuki (with that cool-ass handsome face of his) and says “Anyway, that’s it Uzuki...” (In Japanese, the line is ここまでだ koko made da Uzuki, so kind of like... This is it/or this is where it ends/this is as far I'll let you go, you get the meaning I think! Hahaha)
I LOVE THESE PEOPLE SO MUCH! hahaha. I’m so happy for Satowa and Chika (Although I initially thought that Chika would confess first but Amyuu-sensei made the best confession scene.) I can’t wait for the sweet shyness that’ll probably come after this though. Just imagining Chika and Satowa being shy and awkward is making me so happy inside. Hahaha. Although, we would have to wait for December for the next chapter I think. Gaaaah! 
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hamliet · 4 years
I also would suggest that Touya was smothering Natsuo with words because he can’t put together his thoughts. He’s tormented between “good” and “bad”. He felt it was “right” to attack Shoto when he was 8c because he “hate” Shoto. Now he knows he wasn’t “right” because Shoto is living very harshly. Shoto had replaced him just nominally.
I mean , we all dislike Enji, but has he ever beat Rei for any other sake of their kids ? Much like Touya just considered his own father , disrespecting Rei, also Touya sadly and ironically is the only child Enji had ever consider. But he didn’t consider the other three nor Shoto as a child but as the container of his obsession. Infact he never says “Shoto much become the number one” but “Touya can’t make it”. Everything is tied to his obssssion and Touya. So Touya lost the feeling of “have being replaced” because Shoto was never considered as he was (prized son to failure vs dolls and masterpiece in Touya’s mind).
But still he’s tormented cause he can’t have a grasp on how he feels and “how this happened” and “why I exists”. Rather than manipulating he’s rehearsing this speech again and again and again in the vain try to find a meaning in his own existence and eventually having Natsuo to confirm the truth (while I think Fuyumi has taken a lot after Enji’s personality, she’s very pragmatic , she might have answered just like she did when she was four: it doesn’t matter because she doesn’t want to see his brother hurting). That’s not manipulation imo. I’d say it’s more of “what’s the truth ?”: “I’m bad?” “Who’s wrong” “I did bad but not so bad” “this is our reality I only suffer” ls it right?” To nausea trying to understand what happened to his relationship with his father.
Yes, I agree. I’m also like... have y’all never yelled at a sibling to just shut up after they won’t or had them yell at you for the same reason? It’s like sibling basics lol. Natsuo was actually nicer than many siblings would have been lol. 
Kids aren’t born knowing about things like “boundaries.” It’s up to parents to teach them about it, and uh... yeah. Good job with that one Enji, where a boundary keeping them from Shouto was a punishment and the kids were viewed as discarded/retained extensions of his own physical body and mental goals. Like that’s the attitude kids need to grow from to grow up (it’s called egocentrism), and Enji and Rei too (though I’m not equally blaming them) kinda blew that. 
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...As Stupid Does (Teen Wolf) 18/19
AN: As you might have noticed I've updated the chapter count, making this the penultimate post. It is, however, what I consider the last chapter of ...ASD. If you'd like you could read this and have the story (and the series) end now. The last chapter is going to be what I intended for a fifth and final part of the series, but I've decided instead to post it together with this story, I guess as an epilogue of sorts.
(Oh and yes, I'm aware that this chapter is shorter than many of you would prefer. It should, tbh, have been part of last chapter, but that didn't happen. I'm choosing to focus on writing the last bit of this 'verse instead of trying to pad this chapter.)
Part 17, Part 16, Part 15, Part 14, Part 13,  Part 12,  Part 11,  Part 10,  Interlude,  Part 9, Part 8d, Part 8c, Part 8b, Part 8a, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5,Part 4,Part 3, Part 2, Part 1,Not Stupid, Stupid Is… and pre-verse ficlet I’m Stupid (Don’t Worry ‘Bout Me)…
As Stupid Does
part 3 of the Stupid ‘verse
Stiles knows that so many of the problems between him and Derek (or really, him and everyone) were caused by him not thinking things through. For someone so obsessed with research he's always had a strange way of jumping in feet first, without looking. He's heard it all his life – not stupid, but just doesn't think. It's the adhd, he supposes.
Regardless of why he is that way it's something he's been actively trying to change with Derek, to think before he leaps and to look at things from every angle. He doesn't always succeed, but he tries.
Well. If he's honest with himself he passed the line between thinking things through and over-thinking them a while back.
He's so, so tired of twisting every idea back and forth until it feels worn.
So he leaps again.
Toronto went well, right? It was a huge step in the right direction, days of being together the way Stiles wants. Surely they can have more of that? So the next time they talk he slides in a casual-only-in-the-term-of-he-wants-it-to-be-but-it-truly-isn't-at-all invitation for Derek to celebrate his birthday with him in LaPush, complete with staying in Stiles' cabin.
The lightning-quick “yes” makes him almost float.
Of course, that doesn't last long. The closer his birthday comes, the more Stiles thinks about what it means that he invited Derek to stay with him, about how they're getting closer and how their relationship is progressing, and he panics. Not about being with Derek, or sharing a life with him, or even having sex again (they're not quite there yet, but Stiles know that they will be). Oh no. He panics about being a selfish little shit.
And he does so hard enough to make a pack full of 'wolves sneeze on the regular, and for his dad to start looking worried.
Dr Bianchi agrees to see him on a Sunday, with practically no warning, and Stiles spends half an hour with words pouring out of him.
“Derek finally has his sister back, and a working pack, and I'm making him leave all of that behind because I'm selfish enough to put my desire to never set foot in Beacon Hills again before Derek's, well, everything. All of that because I'm too greedy to let him free.”
Dr Bianchi looks at him, and then does something Stiles has never seen her do before. She laughs. Long and hard, and if he wasn't busy feeling insulted by it he'd be amazed with how her laughter sounds like bells.
Once her laughter ebbs out Dr Bianchi dabs at her eyes to remove some stray mascara or something before looking him straight in the eyes.
“Are you done being silly?”
And now Stiles is really insulted.
“Oh dear. You have reached that stage. Well, let's do an exercise.
“Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, slow deep breaths. Find your center. Are you there? Good. Now imagine that Derek hadn't found you. Nothing else about his reality changes, except he doesn't find you. So. He doesn't find you, he doesn't come see you, you don't get back together. He's got his pack in Beacon Hills, his legacy land, his family's graves, his uncle and the baby sister he thought was dead for years has returned to him.
“Can you see that? Yes? Then imagine five years from now. Is Derek still the Alpha? Is he still living in Beacon Hills?”
“Hell no.” And oh.
“Why not?”
“Because Beacon Hills might be his legacy, but it's also a constant reminder that he's responsible for that legacy now. Of all that he lost. He hangs on because of that responsibility, that duty to the land and his family's memory and the pack.”
And now that he sees it, that he's been forced to open his eyes and see it, Stiles can't understand how he could have been so blind to how much Derek really shouldn't have stayed in Beacon Hills after Laura's death.
“And once Cora takes over he's got no reason to torture himself by living in the middle of all that.”
In a way, Stiles thinks, Derek's never really stopped living in the burnout ruins of the Hale house. Physically he might be staying at the loft, but mentally, emotionally... Derek's never fully left.
“He would be able to leave, knowing that the responsibility is Cora's, and that unless she calls him for help he would never have to return there. He'd only need to go back for her, and Scott's dependable enough that he could hold the territory for her if she was to go see Derek somewhere else for a while.”
He sees it now, the future that Derek could have had, and it doesn't look so bad. He prefers the one where Derek's with him, of course, but. Derek could have been happy and free from Beacon Hills even if he hadn't found his way to Stiles.
“Exactly. Now, we don't know if Derek would have found the help he needed without your resources, but I like to think someone would have realized what he needed and stepped up.
“But we agree that chances are Derek would still have given up the Alpha spark, handed over the pack and the land to his sister, and moved away. That means you are not in any way stealing that from him. I understand you panicking, but you can't let your fears dictate your truth.
“You told Derek that you couldn't imagine going back to Beacon Hills before you even started dating. He knows exactly why you don't want to live in Beacon Hills, knew it from the beginning, and could weigh his desire to be with you against his desire to be physically close to his sister. And you won. That was his choice.
“Don't disrespect him by trying to claim that choice doesn't mean anything.
“But Stiles? You have called Beacon Hills a hellmouth more than once in my presence. Now I'm fairly sure I'm not breaking any confidentiality clauses when I say that Derek agrees, because he's done so right here in this room with you present. Right?”
Right. He really feels silly now, because Dr Bianchi is 100 percent right. He has sat here – and at home, and in LaPush – and ranted about how hellmouths aren't supposed to be a thing, and yet, Beacon Hills, with Derek all but going “amen” next to him.
“Your feelings regarding that town are completely valid. Your love for Derek doesn't change that. Wanting both the man you love and safety doesn't make you greedy, or selfish. Especially not since Derek also has some very bad memories from that place. We both know that part of why you want him to leave there is because you believe it's better for him. Even if he decided to leave for somewhere not here, not with you, you would still want that for him. So no, you're not being selfish for wanting both of you out of a place that's brought you so much pain and sorrow.”
That...hurts, hearing. Stiles is fully aware of how unreasonable he's being, but he actually felt better thinking he was selfish and practically forcing Derek to move because of it.
“Then why do I feel like a selfish shit? If I'm doing what's best for him, then why doesn't it feel like that?”
Dr Bianchi gives him a small smile.
“Because you want to do the right thing, but you're worried you'll make the wrong choice again. You're scared, and you're vulnerable, and you hate both. Just remember that there's a strength in allowing yourself to feel that way – as long as you don't allow it to rule you.”
Easier said than done, and they both know it, but then and there Stiles recommits to not letting his fears rule him.
Stiles' birthday is celebrated without much fanfare. He and his dad eat lunch with the Calls. Derek arrives shortly before dinner, which the pack eats at Sam and Emily's and where the biggest difference between today and any other day is that there's a huge cake. Afterwards they light a bonfire at the beach and just spend time together.
When he opens the door to his future home and lets Derek inside it feels heavy and symbolic and maybe like a true glimpse of the future, and Stiles shivers a little. Derek of course misinterprets him.
“Do you regret offering me to stay here?”
“Of course not! It's just, you know, big.”
His heart's as steady as it's capable of being and Derek nods. If his hands shake a little as he climbs up to the loft, well, he's not going to mention it. Once he's up he turns and calls out softly to Derek.
Derek's hesitant as he climbs up, uncharacteristically slow, and he's still hesitating as he comes to a stand next to the bed. The single bed.
Yes, it's a queen, but. They haven't shared a bed since before Stiles left Beacon Hills. This is a big step.
“I could shift.”
Stiles doesn't know if Derek means shift and sleep on the floor, or shift and sleep at the foot of the bed, but it doesn't matter. That's not the plan. Sure, he's not averse to a furry bed-companion, especially not on cold nights, but his hormones are fully awake and he's got plans, you know? Bestiality really isn't something he's looking to try, not even considering werewolves – or should that be especially considering werewolves? Never mind, just, nope.
“I'm not saying no to having you curled up and warming my feet on a cold night, but this night? I was hoping for this body.”
He smiles, a little wicked, and pulls his shirt off. His pants follow them to the floor, and then he stretches out across the bed.
“I wouldn't mind you warming me up though.”
It pleases him to see Derek pull his own henley and jeans off without hesitation, and it really pleases him to have Derek join him in bed. Soon every bit of lingering chill has been chased away by werewolf warmth, along with every last bit of fear.
It's been years since he touched Derek like this, but his hands remember as they wander while they kiss. Derek however is a bit more restrained, and Stiles isn't onboard with that. He's made his mind up and he wants this. Derek wanting to be careful with him is nice, yes, but it's hard to decide if it's more sweet or annoying.
(His dick is screaming annoying.)
He's just going to have to take the matter cough into his own hands.
Derek stills.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I'm sure. I've had months to be sure. I want this. I want you.” He twists his hand a little, then pauses. Right.
“But if you're not ready, then I'll wait. I don't want this unless we both do.”
Consent is always going to be a sore point for both of them, and while Stiles would prefer a different kind of pillow talk he can deal. He hasn't spent all this time and effort getting over how they were in Beacon Hills just to make the same mistake again, only the other way around.
“I do.”
Stiles loses his breath, staring into Derek's eyes, sucker-punched by those words. Then he practically throws himself at his wolf, hands and mouth and desire.
It's everything good from before, yet somehow nothing like it used to be.
They fall asleep tangled up, sweaty and sated.
Stiles wakes up, afraid that he's going to regret what happened, or that Derek will regret it, or even that Derek will be gone – which is stupid, since he can feel Derek with him, a line of warmth half covering him, but fear is never rational. And then he takes the time to center himself, to feel, and he knows.
This is how he wants to wake up for the rest of his life. Warm, safe, happy.
Things will be hard. He's got another three years left of college. Derek's got another year, at least, of being the Alpha of Beacon Hills. They're not going to have enough time together and there's always going to be the risk of some spectacular shitshow going down. And that's without considering their relationship.
They're going to be messy, and imperfect, and sometimes stupid. They're going to fight, and disagree, and wonder if they made the right choices. They're going to storm out and slam the doors and go to bed furious. But they're also going to be happy and in love and together, and they're going to fight to stay that way.
And that, Stiles thinks, is anything but stupid.
He turns around and burrows into the arms of his 'wolf, at peace.
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gwen-cheers-me-up · 4 years
I’ve been in the mood to write some BBC Merlin gen fic lately, but I don’t have the time to start any big projects or work on the ones I’ve already started, so I thought I’d take some requests instead. Send me 2 characters + a prompt from the list below and I’ll write you a short fic!
Platonic / Gen Prompt Compilation
Dialogue Prompts (Questions) - Set A:
1a. “Are you warm enough?”
2a. “What if they’re right?”
3a. "Is it always like this?"
4a. “You’re coming back, right?”
5a. “Is this really necessary?”
6a. “Do you want me to stop?”
7a. "You forgot, didn't you?"
8a. “Why didn’t you listen to me?”
9a. “Are you just gonna sit there?"
10a. “What is wrong with you?”
11a. “Are you finished yet?”
12a. “Who are you talking to?”
13a. "Isn't it obvious?"
14a. “Can you show me?”
15a. “How is this my fault?”
16a. “What makes you think that?”
17a. "Are you ever going to apologize?"
18a. “What’s taking so long?”
19a. “Is it okay for me to be here?”
20a. “Why would you do that?”
21a. “What if it doesn’t work?”
22a. “Where does it hurt?”
23a. “What do you really think of me?”
24a. "Are the rumors true?"
25a. "Why am I like this?"
26a. “Did I do something wrong?”
27a. “Can I come in?”
28a. "What do you want from me?"
29a. “Does that bother you?”
30a. "What are you hiding?"
Dialogue Prompts - Set B:
1b. “You look like you could use some company.”
2b. “I owe you, after everything.”
3b. “Ugh, don’t remind me.”
4b. “You don’t have to thank me.”
5b. "I need advice."
6b. “Take your time.”
7b. "I don't want to talk to you."
8b. “I know what I’m doing.”
9b. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
10b. "Your secret is safe with me."
11b. "Here, this might help."
12b. "I changed my mind."
13b. “Something’s wrong. I can tell.”
14b. "I didn't want you to see me like this."
15b. “I don’t think you should be alone right now.”
16b. "Never mind, it doesn't matter."
17b. "I'll go first."
18b. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
19b. “I’m leaving.”
20b. “You need my help.”
21b. “It’s not enough.”
22b. "If anyone asks, this was your idea."
23b. "Wait here, I'll be right back."
24b. “You were right.”
25b. “I should go.”
26b. “You don’t have to tell me.”
27b. “I’m glad we’re friends.”
28b. “I thought you hated me.”
29b. “You’re adorable.”
30b. "I didn't mean it like that."
Physical Contact Prompts - Set C:
1c. Nudging
2c. Playing with the other’s hair
3c. Linking arms
4c. Touch-starved cuddling
5c. Horseplay
6c. Tending wounds
7c. Holding hands
8c. Hurt/comfort cuddling
9c. Sitting on the other’s lap
10c. Carrying
11c. Petting/stroking non-human body part
12c. Sleeping in each other’s arms
13c. Casual cuddling
14c. Tapping the other to get attention
15c. Sprawling out on top of each other
16c. Hugging
17c. Clasping wrists
18c. Nervous or flustered cuddling
19c. Platonic kissing
20c. Resting head on chest/shoulder
21c. Tickling
22c. Head pats
23c. Sleepy/drunk cuddles
24c. Caressing the other’s cheek
25c. Touching foreheads
26c. Putting an arm around the other’s back or shoulders
27c. Massages
28c. Patting on the back
29c. Linking pinkies
30c. Resting head in the other’s lap
Trope/AU Prompts - Set D:
1d. Friendship pining
2d. Anger out of worry
3d. Secret friendship
4d. There’s only one bed
5d. Poorly timed reveal/confession
6d. Mistaken for a couple
7d. Mistaken for family
8d. Scar reveal
9d. Bargain/sacrifice to save the other
10d. Sick!fic
11d. Arranged marriage/marriage of convenience
12d. Birthday
13d. De-aging/kid AU
14d. Hurt/comfort
15d. Accidental adoption
16d. Fake dating/marriage
17d. Locked in a room
18d. Huddling for warmth
19d. Animal transformation
20d. Enemies to friends
21d. Drunken admissions/truth potion
22d. Facing worst fear
23d. Tricked or brainwashed into becoming an enemy
24d. Different first meeting
25d. Platonic love confession
26d. Married to one’s job
27d. Reincarnation/resurrection
28d. Stranded due to weather
29d. Creature!fic
30d. Accidental eavesdropping
“First” Prompts - Set E:
1e. First “I love you”
2e. First time meeting the other’s legal/biological family
3e. First ride-or-die moment
4e. First fight
5e. First time calling the other “friend”
6e. First time calling the other “family”
7e. First promise
8e. First night spent together (sleepover, sharing a bed, night under the stars)
9e. First time crying in front of the other
10e. First hug
11e. First vulnerable moment
12e. First time cracking up at something that’s not actually that funny
13e. First gift exchange
14e. First time realizing they can rely on each other
15e. First casual physical contact
16e. First time getting up to shenanigans together
17e. First trip/adventure/vacation
18e. First celebration together
19e. First time confiding each other
20e. First day spent together “just because”
21e. First mistake
22e. First time asking for help
23e. First time anticipating the other’s needs
24e. First time someone else notices how close they are
25e. First awkward moment
26e. First time risking their life to save the other
27e. First cuddles
28e. First conversation without words
29e. First apology
30e. First time standing up for the other
Chaotic Prompts - Set F:
1f. Tag-team roast session
2f. Getting married as a joke (or out of spite)
3f. Accidental necromancy/resurrection
4f. Pretending to be the other’s parent
5f. Pretending to be the other’s grandparent
6f. Pretending to be strangers
7f. Pretending to be each other
8f. Raising an unconventional pet
9f. Raising an unconventional child
10f. Accidentally saving the day
11f. Accidentally bringing about the apocalypse
12f. Committing a crime with zero forethought
13f. Making up a lie on the spot
14f. Accidentally getting hired as an assassin
15f. Accidentally starting a cult
16f. Accidentally starting a revolt
17f. A prank gets out of hand
18f. A surprise goes wrong
19f. A complicated lie gets too complicated
20f. A major miscommunication
21f. Pretending to be royalty/nobility
22f. Pretending to be a commoner
23f. Pretending to have magic
24f. Claiming not to have magic while actively doing magic
25f. Crashing an event
26f. Accidental time travel
27f. Trying (and failing) to cook
28f. Trying (and failing) to eat the other’s cooking
29f. Staging a fight to get out of trouble
30f. Offending someone important and trying to fix it but making it worse
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
Legacies Just Reminded Us How Lost We'd All Be Without Freya Mikaelson
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Legacies has been beating this Hope Mikaelson amnesia drum for a while now, but in Thursday's episode, "That's Nothing I Had to Remember," we finally got some resolution on that front! And yes, it created 10 times more drama than the amnesia ever did, but whatever, we like ourselves a plot twist.
First and foremost, the lovely Riley Voelkel reprised her role as Freya Mikaelson from The Originals, and she ended up being integral to a plot development we've been waiting on for what feels like forever! After six straight episodes of back and forth when it came to everyone's lost memories of Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) the super squad finally regained their memories of the forlorn tribrid!
Upon traveling to New Orleans for some witchy help, Josie (Kaylee Bryant) wrestled with how to reverse-engineer the samurai sword's spell to bring everyone's memories back, she also wrestled with whether or not she should. After all, her relationship with Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) was only just finding its footing, and if he remembered Hope — the girl he'd loved for an entire year — well, that could have ended her fledgling romance before it ever really began. Ultimately though, after seeing Freya and the hole Hope had left in their family — plus a tearful call to her mom, Caroline Forbes (Candice King) — Josie realized she had to fix everyone's memories, regardless of how much it hurt her personally.
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Naturally, though everyone was relieved to know who Hope was again, there was no group hug at the end of the day. Landon felt absolutely betrayed that she hadn't come back to him when she first got back, choosing to let him think she was a stranger instead. No amount of self-sacrificing explanations is going to wash away that betrayal. As for Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith), remembering Hope made it clear just how he felt about her, prompting him to cut all ties with her for the sake of his relationship with Landon.
Poor Hope got everyone she loved back only to find herself all alone again. Thank goodness Aunt Freya also got her memories back and booked it straight to Mystic Falls to hug the hell out of her niece. After all that emotional turmoil, we really needed that.
Other juicy revelations:
- Mayor Matt Donovan... Mayor?! Doesn't he know Mystic Falls mayors die like every other week?
- Hope had a crush on Josie! Let's talk about that forever
- Freya and Keelin (Christina Moses) named their son Nik after Klaus (Joseph Morgan), and all is right with the world
- Landon has the exact correct opinion of Ewoks
- Sebastian was part of the Roanoke colony — bless our history-loving hearts!
- Caroline was definitely drawing on past experiences with telling people the hard truth
Legacies airs Thursdays at 9/8c on The CW.
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carlottastudios · 4 years
Please Read 2.0 Part 2: Black Lives Matter
I know that I’m way behind when it comes to talking about this, and I have some reasons for why I’m so behind the curve when it comes to publicly discussing Black Lives Matter, but those reasons are not what’s most important right now. Even my timing isn’t the most important thing right now, because BLM isn’t a trend that one can ignore after the media has become bored with it. It’s a human rights issue and to ignore it completely is to be complicit in the systemic oppression that’s hurting and crushing so many innocent people. I know that’s not something my followers probably want to hear from me and I understand if I lose some followers because I’m saying this. Believe me, I get it. It was a hard pill for me to swallow too. But here’s the thing: Black lives matter. They have always mattered. They still matter. And they will always, always, matter. And being silent about that is not going to help. Being silent is being complicit. I know that’s not the intention of many of those who are silent on this issue but the sad truth is that intention alone won’t change things for the better. So, I’m not going to be silent about this. Granted, my non-silence isn’t going to be very loud, but I hope that it’ll count for something. As a white woman, I understand that my voice isn’t the one that most needs to be heard right now. In light of that, the biggest advice I have to anyone reading or watching this is to educate yourself. If you only take one (1) thing away from this post, I hope it’ll be that. Here is a list of books by anti-racism researcher Victoria Alexander that I highly recommend consulting for self-education: https://twitter.com/victoriaalxndr/status/1266829408268095493 Personally, I particularly recommend So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo. I finished the audiobook not long ago and I thought it was simply amazing! Not an easy listen, obviously, and my anxiety had a field day in terms of fucking with me and my mental state while I listened to it, but it was eye-opening and informative and I’m of the opinion it should be required reading. I also recommend checking out Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. (Haven’t read it yet, but I plan to soon.) Here is another list of books focussing on racism, this one from Left Bank Books: https://www.left-bank.com/black-lives-matter And if you can afford to buy these books, here is a list of black-owned online bookstores you can support by buying from: https://afrotech.com/10-black-owned-online-bookstores-to-support-while-at-home If you’re more of an audio/visual person, here’s a very small list of videos I recommend checking out: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (by Emmanuel Acho): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8jUA7JBkF4 Reflecting on the Color of My Skin (by Marques Brownlee): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-_WXXVye3Y Black Voices / Black History (a playlist compiled by the vlogbrothers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBFYQu1ZYD0&list=PLMs_JcuNozJb9oaX6KT1l_-T7tZuVU_9X If you can donate, I’ve also gathered this small list of causes and organizations you can donate to: #8CantWait: https://8cantwait.org/ The National Police Acountability Project: https://www.nlg-npap.org/ WeLoveLakeStreet: https://www.welovelakestreet.com/ Bail Funds for protesters in the US: https://bailfunds.github.io/ & https://twitter.com/MNFreedomFund/status/1265735264242225152 & https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bailfundscovid The Legal Defense Fund for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: https://org2.salsalabs.com/o/6857/p/salsa/donation/common/public/?donate_page_KEY=15780&_ga=2.13037815.1194109420.1591017812-2110999123.1591017812 Campaign Zero: https://www.joincampaignzero.org/ And if you can’t donate, signing petitions is free, so here is a list of as many as I could find and sign as of my finishing this post: Make Juneteenth a national holiday: http://chng.it/FYSwYDgWBZ Justice for Tony McDade: http://chng.it/wXNMTj7nJ8 Justice for George Floyd: http://chng.it/CpCgq5KcHG Justice for Ahmaud Arbery! I Run with Maud!: http://chng.it/BYCv5q62qz Hands Up Act: http://chng.it/vNyYpBVjmn Murder Charges for 4 Minneapolis Police Officers in Killing of George Floyd: http://chng.it/fksCXy4CSJ Justice for Crystal Mason: http://chng.it/QBYrcCvgKN Justice for Breonna Taylor: http://chng.it/hr6rn52fhS Julius Jones Is Innocent. Don’t let him be executed by the state of Oklahoma: http://chng.it/672JPqF4hM Justice for Belly Mujinga: http://chng.it/CYCHJrVTxp Fire Racist Criminal Michael J Reynolds from the NYPD: http://chng.it/BmqxXfCbhD Disbarment of George E. Barnhill: http://chng.it/rjTwvXfLCf Justice for Joāo Pedro: http://chng.it/t6bRHj4r7B JUSTICE FOR REGIS KORCHINSKI-PAQUET: http://chng.it/MpspcLwCZh Willie Simmons has served 38 years for a $9 robbery: http://chng.it/nmHsN5dVnw Refus de la loi visant à empêcher la diffusion des images de violences policières (translation from French: refusing the law to stop posting instances of police brutality): http://chng.it/tCjSpMjVc2 Justice for Sean: http://chng.it/Ny6WQ6M8CR Justice for Kendrick Johnson: http://chng.it/qCFvYxYS2j Justice for Tamir Rice: http://chng.it/jNTK6nXHjK Justice for Regis Korchinski-paquet: http://chng.it/xvjxzVKzxr Criminal Charges for Travis & Greg McMichael in the murder of Ahmaud Arbery: http://chng.it/jbSwjphhDy And because my list is only a small fraction of the thousands of resources you can find out there (and because I just love lists), here are lists of resources you can consult and contribute to (also, for your curiosity’s sake, this is how I found most of the petitions I signed): BLM resources doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jsCO7zuVvpj4gWyheDZ1jH2i83hVUsYLjEhsLnl9-8c/edit# Anti-racist resource guide (by Victoria Alexander): https://www.victorialynnalexander.com/antiracistresourceguide Blacklivesmatter.carrd.co: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ I hope that you will consider checking out these resources and/or spreading the word about them. Your non-silence doesn’t have to look like mine or like that of an activist worthy of the title (which I don’t think I can consider myself as because, again, my voice in this is pretty quiet). You don’t have to stop your whole life to throw yourself into this cause (although if you want to, I won’t stop you) and you definitely shouldn’t forgo your own mental and emotional health for this or any cause. I mention this because 1. I care about mental health issues, 2. It’s relevant to me and I’m biased, and 3. I made the mistake of worsening my own mental health when I first started learning of this and I don’t anyone else to. My point here is that no one is alone in this and every action in favour of this cause, every bit of non-silence, can help. Thank you so very much for reading/watching this and hopefully checking out these resources, stay safe and take care of yourselves. Black lives matter.
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sueboohscorner · 5 years
#Supergirl S5, Ep. 6-7 "Confidence Women"/"Tremors" Episode Recap and Review #SupergirlCW
"Confidence Women"
"You jump, I jump right?"
"Confidence Women" was a nice backstroy between the relationship of Lena and Andrea. As Andreawas trying to break into the DEO and take Rip Roar; she fails and ask Lena for help. We jump back to fiftheen years when they first met and it was besties til they upon their search for the medialian. But when Andrea got the medialian, the relationship between hers and Lena went bad and we see how they're relationship with Kara and even Russell, Andrea's boyfriend and Rip Roar, had developed. 
Even though Lean agreed to help, she gets the medialian; even though there were no powers from it. Andrea tries to get Russell out but ailed when Leviathan came and killed Russell. Andrea will have the power of the shadows; but both Lena and Kara know of the name Leviathan. 
Good writing and character development. As much as I thought this was a good episode for Andra's point of view; I was a lot interested in of Lena's as it had more of an understanding of how people she cared for had disappointed her. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.
With Lena keeping the medialian, a new threat comes in the name of Rama Khan, the movement of Earth. Lena and Kara go to the Fortress of Soiltude for a weapon to use against him; but it leads to Lena using the fortress against Kara and tells her the truth about how much she has hurt her. 
J'onn goes to his father for advice about how to deal with his brother's loss; but learns that his brother isn't too far that he's at Lena's lab. As he meets his brother, they share memories of what J'onn has done and the two reconnected.
Alex and Kelly could be on the verg of a brekup but I don't think it will after what had happen between them.
"Tremors" was a good solid episode. The most that I would get out of it is between Kara and Lena and J'onn and his brother. Those two stories holds up this episode with strong character development and good writing. Katie McGrath gives her best performance in this episode so far. Overall, I give this epsode an 9/10.
You can catch Supergirl Sundays at 9/8c on The CW.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 6 years
Ready, Set, Fire: Raven Reyes’ Fresh Start in Love on 'The 100'
At the end of Season 4 of The 100, I was particularly interested in how the character of Raven Reyes, played by Lindsey Morgan, would develop. Would she be a co-leader with Bellamy or would she retreat within herself?
Season 5 showed the audience that she’s back and better than ever. The stand out plotline for me was her relationship and dynamic with a new character, Miles Ezekiel Shaw (played by Jordan Bolger, best known for his role in Peaky Blinders). I got to meet Bolger at a fan convention for The 100, Unity Days, last year and hear how excited he was for us to meet his character and see his dynamic with Raven.
His magnetic chemistry with Lindsey Morgan has been so exciting and exhilarating to watch. Raven Reyes has been unlucky in love and I’m so happy she found Shaw. One of my favorite tropes is the “enemies to lovers” one because it’s interesting to see how two characters’ dynamics evolve. Raven and Shaw started out as enemies, but slowly began to trust one another and found support. Listed below are my favorite moments between them.
1. First Meeting
From their very first meeting, I could tell that Shaw was different and was going to be important to Raven. Bolger is a master at showing emotions through his eyes and doesn’t have to use words to convey his feelings. Shaw stood up for Raven and Murphy when McCreary was torturing them for information, even though he knew his interference would put a target on his back. He was intrigued by Raven’s intelligence and quick wit from the beginning. I loved seeing Shaw and Raven go toe to toe in a battle of wits.
2. Raven’s Betrayal
Echo forces Raven to tell Diyoza the truth about the missile codes — that Shaw was the one who had blocked them. Raven's worried about her family and wants to keep them safe. She sees the consequences of her actions when Shaw comes stumbling in, badly beaten. Her heart breaks that she had to betray another “friend.” She never wanted Shaw to get hurt; she just wanted to ensure her friends’ safety. Echo forced her hand and Raven decided to take a risk. She had formed an alliance with Shaw and decided to risk it for the safety of her friends. Raven saw Shaw as an ally during the trying circumstances.  Thankfully, they resolve their difference and make amends.
3. They see each other’s true selves.
Raven sees that Shaw isn’t like the other prisoners. She learns he locked out McCreary from the missile system and is at first angry. Slowly but surely, she learns to trust him and is drawn to him. He doesn’t like the shock collars and tries to protect Raven. He doesn’t want her going alone with Vinson and even protects them when McCreary puts a knife to Murphy’s throat. Even though Raven and Murphy were tortured, he stands up for them. He watches out for Raven and protects her. A great moment between them was the tearful conversation they have after Raven gets shocked-collared by Abby. She’s reeling from Abby’s betrayal and feels lost. She doesn’t like to show vulnerability to others and is quietly crying. Shaw comes up and just sits by her. He knows she’s not great at small talk and just listens. They connect over their rough backgrounds and being betrayed by loved ones. She stops him from leaving and he comforts her. Their walls come down and this tender moment exceeded my expectations.
4. Breaking the stereotypes.
Raven and Shaw gradually build their friendship and fall in love with one another. Shaw is enamored by Raven’s spirit and intelligence. You don’t see many examples of a strong interracial relationship on mainstream TV; Shaw’s and Raven’s relationship solidifies that interracial relationships can be strong and built on trust.  
Raven has a disability, but her accomplishments aren’t because of it. Shaw sees that Raven is disabled, but doesn’t treat her differently because of it. He encourages her and asks, “Is there anything you can’t fix?” Raven replies, “Beside my leg, no.” Shaw smiles and loves her tenacity.  She’s still a part of the missions and has so much knowledge to offer. Shaw loves her unconditionally and trusts her with his life. Finding someone to love you, especially if you have a disability, is challenging. People are so enamored with the capitalist theory that your worth is based on your productivity. Being a disabled person myself, I have encountered this issue. Guys see me as the “best friend”, but don’t want to have to deal with all my medical issues. I’m a writer, dancer, friend, and an avid movie watcher.  I love to see the world and try new activities. My life is still valuable even though I’m disabled. Raven reminds me that I have a lot to offer and my worth isn’t based on my productivity. I hope to one day find someone like Shaw.  
5. Shaw stands up to Echo.
Echo decided she was a leader and started bossing around the other Skaikru members. She wanted to kill Shaw, so she could steal his ship. Raven refused to kill Shaw and pointed out his importance. You can see Raven’s true feelings for him shine through. Raven hasn’t been this vulnerable since the death of her father figure, Sinclair. In the cave, Echo threatens to slit Shaw’s throat, and Shaw stands up to her and says, “Stop talking and do it already!” Vindication! Echo talks a lot of trash, but rarely follows through. I was cheering when Shaw stood up to Echo because he was tired of her empty threats. Raven supports Shaw and they walk off together to rescue Madi.  
6. Emotional Climax.
Shaw had just saved Raven and her friends from McCreary’s men. Their plan to steal weapons went up in flames and they were cornered by the enemy. Shaw steps in and saves the day. Raven is mad that Shaw would risk his life because she doesn’t want him to get hurt. Raven has been unlucky with relationships. Her childhood best friend, Finn, cheated on her and then was brutally killed by Clarke, because of Lexa’s orders. Her friend Gina died in the Mt. Weather explosion and her mentor/surrogate dad, Sinclair, was killed by Emerson. Raven and Shaw’s feelings come to a head in the forest. Shaw confronts Raven and says that it’s been four days since he saved her life, and that since they are about to head into battle, maybe she should forgive him. Raven lets her guard down and kisses Shaw. Their kiss was amazing and romantic. It tugged at my heart strings and had me cheering. I loved her quote, “I’m not mad at you for saving my life. I’m mad at you for making me care about yours.” Raven doesn’t want to open her heart to love because her past relationships ended in traumatic fashion. Raven trusting Shaw and pursuing love is a huge turning point for her character. They are a great team together and I’m so excited to see where their relationship goes in Season 6.
Things I’d love to see in Season 6 for Raven and Shaw:
Raven and Shaw working together on missions.
Being able to have a quiet, private talk.
Learning more about Raven and Shaw’s backgrounds.
Hand holding and forehead kiss.
Season 6 of The 100 premieres Tuesday, April 30 at 9/8c on The CW.
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kisskissrommie · 8 years
8C. Without looking! Feel free to sub in A or B if that's a better fit.
Where I BelongRheya and Rommie | F/F SMUT PROMPT 8C
So, this is not canonical, and I’m going to double-down HARD on the Night and Day ship here. Do enjoy.
It was odd for Rommie to be at the Elysium anymore. Technically speaking, she was still on extended leave, but she knew that there was an effort underway to hire a replacement Madame, that she hadn’t seen a client in moons. She knew she didn’t work there anymore. But, at the same time, she needed the sea air sometimes. It felt like every minute she was in the estate, she belonged there less and less, but it still felt like one of the few places ‘home’ could mean.
She was stretched out on the straw-mat floor. She was in barely anything - a sports bra and shorts that left little to the imagining of others, and the fingers touching her toes made her lean a little to one side. Rheya appreciated the hell out of the way the stretches made Rommie move.
The Rhey of Sunshine, as Rommie liked to call her, walked in and tossed a towel over a bench off to the side of the room before removing the light shirt she was wearing and dropping it there as well. She was dressed about the same as Rommie now, the trails on her back in open view of someone she trusted to see them, and to love her no less because of them. “Glad I could catch up with you,” she smiled.
“I’m not avoiding you,” Rommie said back, a smile in return for a smile. She leaned forward, letting her back stretch out. She really hadn’t been, at least not in particular. Rheya was probably the only person here she hadn’t been avoiding, in honesty. 
Rather than find her own mat on the floor, Rheya knelt down behind Rommie, bending over her and placing her hands over the hyur’s breasts, gravity dropping the mounds into her hands artfully. “Glad to hear it,” she said with a smile. 
This got Rommie’s attention and she made a little sound, somewhere between a yelp and a surprised moan. “R-rhey!” she sputtered. Still, she leaned to her full extent if for no other reason than pressing her chest even more firmly into Rheya’s hands. 
“You owe me for Kotone’s marshies, right?” That was true. And about a dozen other things besides. Disappearing on her, teasing her relentlessly. And still, here Rheya was. 
It would’ve been easy to think of that in purely sexual terms, but Rommie knew Rheya didn’t. They’d talked about love before, how Rheya loved Rommie and Kotone, and how Rommie didn’t know what to call her feelings for Rheya. But sex with the Miqo magus was never just sex. It was something more meaningful. And that’s why Rommie leaned back against the woman, a heaviness to her words. “Rheya… I haven’t had anyone since her.”
This made the magus sit back, and tip her head to one side. Rommie hadn’t had sex. Rommie was recoiling now, from the touch of someone she knew the courtesan had attraction to. That, plus Rommie’s distance, plus the way the woman had acted and been talking… it deeply worried her. “Rommie…” Rheya said, quietly. “Here, sit back. Take slow breaths. Close your eyes… I’m going to love you.”
“Look, I don-”
“I’m not fucking you, I’m loving you. You’re a courtesan, you know those aren’t the same thing.” 
That seemed to ease Rommie. Something about that distinction, the fact that she even could be loved, reached her and she did as Rheya asked. Eyes closed. Slow breathing. Gentle relaxation. She felt the fabric of her bra pulled away, and her breath caught in her throat for a split second before it eased into normal rhythm again. Lips closed around her right nipple. That gesture, as small as it was, felt profound. 
Rommie didn’t trust anyone right now, except for Kotone and Rheya. And of those two, the only one who didn’t hurt her was Rheya. The only one she felt safe with was Rheya. And Rheya loved her. 
She felt the hand between her legs next, gently stroking her through the short tights. She hadn’t worn anything beneath, and she gasped at feeling the fabric pushed gently between her lips. 
“I love you, Andromeda.”
The words didn’t touch her ears, they touched her soul.
“I love you so much, and you’re safe with me, you understand?”
The courtesan nodded, a small moan leaving her mouth when she did. 
It was a short time before Rommie’s eyes opened, and it was after Rheya removed the thigh-hugging tights. At some point it was just better to be rid of the things, now that they were soaked enough to cling horribly to whatever they touched. When she looked at Rheya, the Miqo’te had already removed her own shorts, and her tail waved in the air almost absentmidedly. That brought a smile to the plumhead’s face. 
Rheya leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Rommie’s glistening lips. “I love you,” she said it again, as if she was taking a pick to a stone wall, slowly breaking through the pain and sorrow that had formed a crust around Rommie’s heart. Each time she said it, the sorrow chipped more. And the moment a tongue entered her, for the first time in what felt like forever, Rommie felt good. Not just ‘not in pain’, but good. That she didn’t know was still possible. 
Her leg went over Rheya’s back and she leaned her weight on her palms. The mage’s tail brushed against the soles of Rommie’s feet, and the feeling of that fur in such a place was slightly ticklish but so soothing that she didn’t even mind. Rommie leaned back, letting the small of her back rest against the floor first and gradually, vertebra by vertebra, she moved farther back toward the ground. The tension melted away. Rheya kissed her clit. 
“I love you too,” she said, not fully aware she was saying it. She didn’t catch herself on the words either, just let them flow out of her as easily as her fluids flowed down Rheya’s chin. This felt comfortable. This felt safe. She loved Rheya. It was as truth as the sky being blue. 
There was a moan from the cat, and it buzzed against Rommie’s lips and made her whimper and groan with pleasure. The tongue, that great tongue, slithered deep and pressed hard against Rommie’s walls, making her shudder and the heat inside her grew more and more. She took Rheya’s hair into her hand before falling totally onto her back and letting out a loud near-roar of pleasure. 
The heat built, and as Rheya’s fingers began to play with her clit again, the heat threatened to burst forth already. She shuddered and took in a deep breath, almost tasting the sex in the air. “I love you, oh, Sunshine, oh I love you!” she said it over and over, as if a dam had broken and spilled out into the world. Her love for Rheya. Her belonging. The way she yeilded fully to Rheya’s touch. 
With a final “I love you” the other dam broke, and a very different flood filled Rheya’s mouth, the fluids rushing forth and soaking the miqo. She, to her credit, licked up every single drop of Rommie’s essence she could, and held the flavor in her mouth to really enjoy it. She loved Rommie’s taste. She loved Rommie. 
She crawled up the Hyur’s body, pressing herself against it as she did, pressing her thigh against the slick folds of her lover - she liked that, thinking of Rommie as her lover. Her partner? She was hopeful! Lips pressed to lips, in multiple senses. Rheya opened her mouth, sealing it against Rommie’s and letting the courtesan’s fluids flow back to their source. 
I love you.
I love you too.
If anyone else was coming to train today, they were going to get a show.
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...As Stupid Does 16/? (Teen Wolf)
Yeah, so. This fic fell of the face of the earth for the last year and a half, and I have no excuses except “I didn’t feel like I could write for most of that time”.
Not at all the chapter I’d outlined - more like 1/3 of that, so forget chapter count - but it’s an update. And I swear I’m going to finish this, okay, because otherwise the 3k of selfindulgent, very me, finale would be wasted writing and no one wants that, right?
Anyway: UPDATE!
Part 15, Part 14, Part 13,  Part 12,  Part 11,  Part 10,  Interlude,  Part 9, Part 8d, Part 8c, Part 8b, Part 8a, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5,Part 4,Part 3, Part 2, Part 1,Not Stupid, Stupid Is… and pre-verse ficlet I’m Stupid (Don’t Worry ‘Bout Me)
...As Stupid Does
part 3 of the Stupid ‘verse
Just about everyone around him has an opinion on Stiles giving Derek a second chance. Almost no one is optimistic. Leah goes the furthest though. She tells him – repeatedly – that he's being stupid. It hits him harder than he lets on, with her being so much of a role model for him. At the same time...
Leah's healing now, yeah, but for so long she wasn't and Stiles doesn't want that for himself – years of letting bitterness and pain rule him. Stiles tells her that, or tries to. Says that he's working on how to be stronger. Braver. She screams at him for two minutes straight, and then storms out.
Who knows, maybe she's right. Maybe bravery is just another word for stupidity. Maybe this is the stupidest thing he's ever done. He just knows he needs to. Because it also has the potential to be the best thing ever.
And Stiles is willing to be more than a little stupid in order to win that.
He's in love with Derek, none of the bad shit has changed that, and he's giving the two of them a chance. If Derek hurts him again, this time without outside influences, then Stiles will cut all ties. Will allow his pack to take whatever vengeance is deemed suitable. But. Derek – not the Alpha, no, because Stiles isn't accepting an Alpha in this, not ever again – feels deeply for him. That means something.
Maybe it means everything.
The only person who doesn't call him some version or other of idiot is Embry. As grateful as he is, Stiles doesn't really get it, and it keeps bugging him. When he finally breaks down and asks the answer is so simple he's ashamed to have missed it.
“You're my imprint. That means giving you what you need. And if what you need is to give Derek a second chance? I'm going to back you up. It doesn't mean I'm not worried, it just means that I'll support you.
“But, Stiles? Since we're apparently talking about it, I have a question for you. Remember back when we first met, how you reacted when Sam told you I wasn't into guys?”
Yeah. Stiles remembers. He remembers all too well exactly how scared that statement and its implications had made him.
“And remember when you told me about how Derek had acted in pretty much the way you were terrified I would? Now, can you understand how that makes me more than a little worried? Because it really, really does. And the fact that the guy who would never take that from me is apparently willing to let it slide now...”
“Em. Just, no. Look, there's a pretty huge difference in what I might be willing to let slide between the guy I'm choosing to date, and the guy I've supposedly been chosen for, where I get no say at all. The situation's nothing alike, okay?
“Derek did have all those issues with internalized homophobia, and he did take it out on me, and that was so not okay. But. He's over it. He's worked through it, with a professional, and being attracted to a guy isn't an issue any longer. Also, as weird as it sounds, if there were any lingering issues? Not really a problem in the same way, because magic isn't pushing him in that direction any longer.”
And wow, having to use “because magic” as an argument for anything never stopped feeling strange.
“But in the end? If Derek fucks up again, I can – and will – walk away. That's an option I have with him that didn't really exist with you. Because if I dump Derek? What's he going to do? Growl at me? That'll help, not. He knows I can hurt him, and that I'm protected now, and me giving him a second chance is miracle enough for him. But you? You had the whole 'gift from the spirits' thing, and not just one but two werewolf packs backing you up. What basically equals religious fanatic with muscle back-up against a scrawny kid with no real support at all? Yeah. Walking away wouldn't have been an option for me had you been that guy, would it?”
It's not a happy conversation, and they're both flinching more than not, but maybe it's good that they're doing this. Getting it out into the air.
Plus. Stiles really does want to give the whole dating Derek thing an honest try. Having his 'wolf on his side will make that so more painless.
“But you, all of you, you're a huge part of why I can do this, why I feel safe doing this. You know that, right? I know my pack will be there for me if I need them, and in fact, the can of mace that'll make sure Derek backs off if I want him to? That's because of you guys too.
“So I'm grateful that you're worried, but honestly, I'm fine. I will be fine. And the second I'm not I'll dump his grumpy ass and come straight to you. That good enough for you, big brother?”
He says the last two words in a teasing lilt, hoping for levity, and smiles in relief when Embry relaxes.
“Fine. And as I said, I'll back you up. I support you completely, you know that, right? As long as you're safe and happy. But Stiles? If he hurts you again, I'm going to show him exactly why I'm a superior breed of werewolf and rip him to pieces. Unless that happens though? I'll be behind you 200%.”
Hearing Embry's words, knowing he has that kind of support... It makes Stiles's heart grow at least two sizes in his chest, and everything feels so warm. It's unconditional, and amazing, and everything he could ever have asked for. And it's just what he needs.
The resulting hug lasts longer than Stiles would be comfortable with, had it been anyone else, but. It's Embry. It's his soulmate. The platonic part changes nothing about how important that is. And that's why Embry is the only one to get an answer that has no defenses.
“It's not about giving Derek a second chance. Or well, it is, but it also isn't. It's not just him that needs it. I need one too. I've been make shit judgment calls for years, and that's the reason behind so much of all this. I'm doing better now, I think, but I need to see if my judgment can be trusted. That's what I need to give a second chance.
“That Derek, and me and Derek, also gets one? That's kind of just a bonus.”
Because it is. He wants this relationship to work. He really, really does. But if, in the end, it doesn't? As long as it's not because Derek turned out to not be worthy of the trust Stiles has decided to show him, then a breakup would be hard, but doable.
Stiles just needs to have a life where he can have faith that things will work.
As much as telling the pack is difficult, and leads to some less than comfortable discussions – and arguments – it's still preferable to telling his dad. Because unlike with the pack his dad has a ton of background details to fill out whatever story Stiles gives him, and all the chances of putting it all into a clear picture that Stiles doesn't want him to see.
He even considers not telling his dad, and that's a first since the move, and a warning. If he can't tell his dad about dating Derek, Stiles knows, then he really can't go through with it. No more secrets, that was the point, right?
Only, they've dialed back some on that. Not lying is good, not having secrets is too, to a degree. Just, everyone should be entitled to their secrets according to John Stilinski, as long as those secrets doesn't hurt others. And Stiles, well, Stiles has to agree. He does, after all, still have two major secrets, even after swearing to himself he was done with that; Derek and Aiden.
Those are not the kind of secrets you share with someone who works law-enforcement, after all, not something you burden them with. His dad is keeping quiet about the Alpha pack's murders, yes, but that's because they were a bunch of vicious killers, and killing them was just a form of self-defense. Extreme, but still.
Telling him about more crimes though... No thanks. That's asking too much.
One of the last things Stiles wants to do is tell his dad he killed someone. Oh, John Stilinski would let it go, would never investigate or charge Stiles. Not when, again, it's self-defense. Because it truly was – it was Stiles or Aiden, and John would never fault Stiles for making the choice of being the one to walk away alive.
Plus, it's not like they could prove that Stiles acted in the only manner he could, not without bringing up werewolves – and landing at least one of them in a mental hospital.
Anyway, having to keep that secret is not something Stiles wants to burden his father with.
As for Derek... Well. Stiles can't see telling his dad about that ever ending well. There's no reason for John to not charge Derek with statutory rape – and possibly more – and every reason for that to end in disaster. So yeah. When push comes to shove Stiles would rather tell his dad he killed someone than that he used to have sex with Derek before leaving Beacon Hills.
John asks, of course, and it's obvious he's suspicious, but Stiles manages to talk himself out of that. He thinks. He tells a few lies, as much as he doesn't want to, and pretties up the truths as much as he can, and generally tries to make Derek look like the date-able guy of now instead of the power-tripping Alpha-asshole of then.
Of course, life being what it is, being with Derek isn't as easy as Stiles had hoped. Oh, it had been a very small hope, since nothing with Derek has been easy since that very first day in the preserve, years ago, but still. He'd held on to that tiny glimmer of hope. Of course, it's not as bad as he'd feared either, but. It's too close.
They don't see each other as often as Stiles (or Derek for that matter) would like, but in the bigger picture that's a small detail. The huge issue is their fighting, and how it's basically always brought on by Derek being an Alpha-asshole.
He brushes it away the first time. (Or rather, he pushes it away, onto a mental shelf marked “for later”, or maybe “just in case”.) The second time he sits down afterwards and goes over everything.
It's not that bad. Not yet. But the truth is, as much as Stiles would like to pretend otherwise, that Derek is displaying much of the same behavior that led to Stiles fleeing Beacon Hills. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's just Derek having a really bad day (okay, two). Or maybe it's Derek sliding back into his old behavior.
Maybe he really hasn't gotten better after all. Maybe it was all just a sham, and now that he's gotten what he wanted (Stiles back? Scott calmed? Something else?) Derek feels safe to drop the act.
Whatever it is, Stiles knows he can't ignore the warning signs. He's done that once before, and never again. He won't be that guy. He's stronger than that now, is healthier than that.
So. What to do? In the end, Stiles decides to go with the tried and true “three strikes” rule. That means Derek gets one more chance, and if he fucks up, then that's it. Out the door it is. Stiles might be in love with Derek, but that doesn't make him a doormat.
Besides. Maybe it really has been just bad days, and Derek won't fuck up again.
Derek fucks up again.
Stiles doesn't throw him out.
Oh, he's seconds from it; he's got his hand on the handle, about to throw the door open, and his panic button in the other hand, finally grateful that his pack insisted on one. But then he hears Derek. Really hears him, instead of just letting the angry ranting flow over him.
“What did you say?”
“I said, I can't believe you would do this,” Derek bites out between his teeth.
“Not that, before. Derek, did you come straight here? Like, did you come straight to my place, without stopping at the rez or Dr Bianchi's office first? You did, didn't you?
“And it's not the first time either.”
It's not a question, because suddenly it's all so very clear. As much as they'd both like to think differently, Derek still isn't free from what the Darach and Deaton did to him. He's still not impervious to the negative effects of the packbonds. He still needs healing – and if he's been skipping out on that, well. That would explain more than a few things.
He sees Derek hesitate, and knows the wolf is debating how to answer. Whether or not to tell the truth.
“Please. Just tell me the truth. I won't be mad, even if you screwed up. Not as long as you're honest. We can't fix this if you lie to me.”
Because if that’s what’s the problem here, then it’s something that can be fixed, and that Stiles wants to fix. And Derek seems to pick up on that, because he deflates and nods.
“Okay, yeah, I did that. You're far enough away that I can't see you nearly as often as I want – as you want. As you deserve. So I take every opportunity, regardless of how short a period of time. Sometimes... Spending maybe half of that to go up to LaPush and Quil, when I can stop here and actually spend that time with you? In what scenario wouldn't I chose you instead?
“Besides, the pack's stabilized so much, I can feel it, and Dr Bianchi told me that'd carry over.
“And we've been fine, haven't we?”
Stiles swallows, because as much as Derek probably intended for that last statement to sound decisive, and authoritative, it just comes out as vulnerable. In need of reassurance. He... He wants to say he's stronger than that, but. He can feel himself melting.
At the same time he's going over Derek's visits, and his behavior, and if Derek really has been neglecting his “therapy”, both actual and magical, whenever he's pulled one of his surprise visits to Stiles in Seattle then it all makes sense.
Every single fight they've had has occurred in Seattle. Every single flash of temperament from Derek has happened here. And they've gotten worse.
Which is why, even though Stiles is touched, he has to put his foot down. Before everything completely derails. Again.
Besides, as much as Derek is (probably) right about the pack being more stable – having Cora there, and Scott back, and Danny gone has helped a lot, from what Stiles can tell – it's not enough. Not when Derek have so many more issues.
Not when Peter is still part of the pack. Because while Stiles won't say it, he truly believes the only way for the Hale pack to be truly healthy is to get rid of Peter. (Preferably by killing him. Again.) But that's another conversation. One they’ll probably never have.
“No, we haven't. Not really, Derek, not if we're honest. Now, you're going to go sit down, and I'm going to make a call to see how we can fix this. No,” he holds up a hand – not the one holding the panic button – to both silence Derek and stop him in his tracks, “you are going to do as I say or leave. Those are your only options, Derek. And if you leave, don't come back. Not ever.”
Derek sits down.
Old Quil is obviously upset when Stiles reaches him – Dr Bianchi is out of town, her messaging service informs – and very worried. He's also, thankfully, able to both stay calm and suggest a solution.
They're lucky – Stiles has everything his mentor tells him he needs on hand. Or well, it's not as much luck as it is lingering paranoia (though, does it still count as paranoia when it's been repeatedly proven that a/ monsters do exist and b/ they really are out to get him?) but still.
The chest under his bed is fully stocked with everything they need – and more. (Stiles's blades, for instance, are probably not necessary at the moment. Not if he does this right. So, like, no pressure.)
With the list in one hand Stiles pulls out herbs and candles, rocks and crystals and a totem old Quil's made for him, and then he adds a few things just in case. He mixes what he can only think of as a potion, watches Derek like a hawk while the man downs it with an extra grumpy face, and then steels himself for the ritual.
It feels like trying to wrestle an uncooperative wolf, like channeling the forces from a nuclear power plant to light a desk lamp – all while blindfolded and with one hand tied behind his back. It leaves him drained, feeling like a wet rag, but it works. Stiles can feel it work, and even if he couldn't, it's obvious as hell on Derek's face.
Once they've recovered enough to do anything except pant for breath – and it's very telling that that takes just as long for Derek as it does for Stiles – Stiles decides to address the elephant in the room.
“Derek? We need to talk.
“What you did today, coming here to see me, even when it meant more hours on the road than together... It means a lot to me that you'd be willing to do that. It tells me that this, us, means a lot to you.
“That said? You can't do this again. I'm serious. You skipped seeing either Dr Bianchi or old Quil before coming here, because you didn't feel you had the time, and that showed.
“I don't want you to come here if that's the Derek I'm getting. I left my home to get away from that behavior – I'm not having it in my new home. I know you don't have to be like that, I've seen you change, become better. I've seen you healthier. And that's who I agreed to date. The healthy” sane “Derek. The one that isn't being twisted by the pack bonds, or magic.”
The one that doesn't scare me, he thinks but doesn't say.
“We both know you need the help you've getting to connect to your anchor. You're doing so much better, yes, but you're not ready to do it on your own yet. So please, even if it takes away from the time we get together, you need to do it. I'd rather have one hour with the real you than a day with...this.”
Of course, that assumes that the Derek that isn't an Alpha-asshole is the real Derek, but Stiles refuses to believe otherwise. For now.
“I need you to do that, or I can't do this. I'm giving you one last chance, because I truly don't think you realized how badly you were fucking up, but if you do this again? That's it.”
Stiles knows Derek hears the truth in his words, in his heartbeat. Now all he can do is hope that the wolf will listen.
“But you fixed it. Fixed me. Why can't I just come straight to you, and you do it every time? At least when time's short?”
The desire to either slam his head into a wall or his fist into Derek's face is almost overwhelming. That Derek can be so, so stupid after what just happened is, well, infuriating. Of course, Stiles realizes, he probably doesn't understand exactly how bad things really were.
“Derek, what I did? So an emergency fix-it. It's... It's the magical equivalent of using duct-tape to put you back together, dammit. So yeah, sure, I managed to fix it this time, but I can't, no, I won't do it again.
“Do you realize that what you're asking me to do is to fucking McGuyver your emotional stability, your soul, your safety? And mine, while we're at it, all things considered. I'm really not going to do that. Not unless it actually is an emergency.” Because as much as Stiles wants to say he'll never subject himself to that again, he's self-aware enough to know he won't stand aside in case of an emergency, and he's realistic enough to know that with their lives there will be emergencies.
Just wanting to see each other sooner, or more often, though? That doesn't count.
“I want to see you, and spend time with you. I really do. All the time I can get – I'm greedy like that. But we have to be smart about it. Be safe. Because I don't want to spend that time being afraid that you're going to lose it because you didn't want to take an hour to have a professional make sure you're okay. Which I'm not. I'm an amateur, an apprentice at best!
“I can't take that risk. Not with you – and not with me.”
Both their tempers are about to flare up, and Stiles makes a conscious effort to stop that from happening.
“I'm going to go make some tea, and once that's done we can talk more, okay? Just, sit here. Relax. Make sure you're actually fine and I didn't miss anything.”
Making tea gives Stiles time to calm down properly, and sort through his thoughts and feelings. Once they're both seated with a cup he starts over, tries to be more rational.
“What old Quil uses on you, what he helps you with, it's tribal magic. That's what gives him the strength to combat what's been done to you, to strengthen your anchor.
“And that magic? It's not mine, it's not for me to use.
“My bond with Embry makes me pack, yes, and technically that makes me a member of the Quileute tribe as well. But it really is only technically. When push comes to shove, I'm not part of the tribe.”
And Stiles is more than fine with that. Deep down he doesn’t want to belong to the tribe, because that would be to give up just one piece too many of himself. But. It’s not about that now.
“That in turns means the magic won't respond to me – or maybe that it doesn't want to. Sure, what I did earlier, that used the tribal magic, but only because I had permission. I couldn't have done it otherwise. And without that, I, I'm just not strong enough. I don't have the power to be anything except your last resort, so please, please Derek, let the people who actually have the power to help you do it. Even if you don't think us being together is a good enough reason, you should do it for you. For your pack, and your sister.”
He reaches for Derek’s hand and squeezes it a little.
“You need this. And I, I don't think you want to risk either one of us any more than I do.”
Stiles looks into Derek’s eyes and tries to project his sincerity, tries to convey how much he really does care.
Derek's face still has that stubborn twist, but Stiles’ words makes it practically melt away, leaving dejected exhaustion behind.
“I just want to spend time with you. I wanted to give you a nice evening, take you out on a real date. Only I completely fucked that up, didn't I?” He snorts. “Pretty sure the restaurant's given our table away by now. Not that either of us is in shape to go out, I guess.”
Stiles appreciates the thought, he really does, but. He'd have appreciated a heads-up and an anchored Derek a lot more. He doesn't say anything about that though. Chances are Derek will have realized that himself by now, and if he hasn't, well, Stiles has had enough drama for one night.
They still do “dinner and a movie”, except instead of the restaurant and an actual movie theater Derek had planned for they order in food and watch Mulan on Stiles's laptop. Comfort movie – don't knock it. (Once it would have been the Lion King. Stiles kind of thinks Peter needs to die extra much for ruining that movie for him.)
Stiles doesn't even make it halfway through the movie. He blames the magic, though admittedly the fight before and the outpouring of feelings after didn't help. He's drained. So's Derek, apparently, because when Stiles wakes up a couple of hours later (slumped against Derek's shoulder) the wolf is out like a light.
So much for not being able to stay for long.
For a minute Stiles debates letting Derek sleep, but in the end pragmatism wins out. With how eager Derek was to see him, if he doesn't feel secure enough to stay for more than a couple of hours, then he's got to have a really good reason. Well. A pack of them probably.
And if in the end Derek does think staying is an option? He'll rest better laying down – even if it'll be on the floor, on the spare mattress. As nice as it felt just now, waking up with Derek's smell in his nose, and Derek's body heat close, the truth is that they're not at the bed-sharing stage yet.
Stiles isn't ready.
Somehow, he thinks that might be true for Derek too.
Less than a minute after Stiles closes the door behind Derek – he hasn't even made it into bed yet – his phone buzzes. “Let me in” the message reads. It's from Embry. Stiles...isn't surprised. He fully expected old Quil to let at least Jake and Sam know what's happened, and to be honest he's kind of impressed that it's taken this long for a wolf to show up. He's also impressed that it's just the one wolf, not the whole pack.
They do tend to see him as fragile, after all.
Regardless, it's always good to have his wolf with him. And if a part of him thinks it'd be even better with another wolf... Yeah, well. It is what it is. Also, one of the things it is is probably better this way.
For now.
The next morning Stiles intends to sneak out before Embry notices – it's called having an early class, okay? – but that's a bust. For one, Embry's awake before him, and besides, it turns out that Stiles is not fit for sneaking that morning. His head's a bit foggy, and he sways when trying to stand up. It's possible he could make it through class, but getting there might be a problem. It's not one he has to bother about though, because Embry takes one look at him, and pushes him back into bed.
“You're staying home today. No, I don't care how important this class is. Your health is more important. Right now? You'd just as likely break your neck stumbling on a cobblestone as make it to class in one piece.”
And well, he's not wrong. Stiles has stumbled over nothing more than once before, and today feels like just the kind of day when he could do that and end up seriously hurting himself while at it. Plus, the idea of spending the day in bed sounds lovely.
“Old Quil told me you'd probably be a wreck today. So, you are going to call school, then you're going to eat the breakfast I'm making you, and after that you're taking a nap. Okay?”
Stiles agrees, because yeah, he could do that. Also, nowhere did Embry mention talking about yesterday's train-wreck, so Stiles is just going to nod along and try to fall asleep before he can remember that.
Of course it's not quite that easy. He gets to nap in peace, and have lunch and a shower, and then a second nap, but that's it. Embry is patient, and smart, and waits until a ravenous Stiles is occupied with dinner before starting the interrogation. And Stiles is still fuzzy enough to not see it coming, or to come up with a good deflection for that matter.
“So. This is where you try and convince me I shouldn’t plan for me and Paul to take a trip to Beacon Hills.”
Stiles knows he must have that deer-in-the-headlights look. It’s not pretty - he’s seen pictures. Embry is patient though, waits him out until Stiles has managed to both find words and make his tongue cooperate.
“Because I’d be very unhappy with you both?” Okay, no, not a good reason. Not good enough anyway, not for anyone who cares about him.
He would be very unhappy, really, just… Embry’s going to need more convincing than that. Paul is definitely going to need more. They’ve seen him break. They have both made it very clear they don’t intend to let it happen again.
“Look, he fucked up. Not denying that. And he’s on his last chance, for real. Just, if I’m going to cut everyone who fucks up out of my life? I’m going to be very lonely. I’d also have to start with my dad, which obviously, not happening. Ever.
“What Derek did was idiotic, but also… I get it. I do. First of all, he warned me. Not that he’d do something like this,” Stiles hastens to add, because Embry’s beginning to really look murderous at that comment, “just, that he wouldn’t take only getting a small part of me well. Which, fair. I wouldn’t have given him a chance if I thought he would be happy with that. And you know, maybe I should have taken that as more of a warning than I did.
“But Derek, he… He’s been doing so much better, and it’s… Okay. It’s like when my dad was drinking too much after my mom, and then he cut down, only he couldn’t make himself admit that he was enough of an alcoholic by then that maybe what he needed to do wasn’t cut down but stop.”
By now John’s at a point where he can have a beer without a single warning bell going off in Stiles’s head. That’s only just now though, and well, John rarely does drink these days.
“And it’s kind of the same with Derek. He didn’t want to admit he wasn’t strong enough to do this without help. Just like I didn’t want to admit I couldn’t.”
Because honestly? There are so many instances where Stiles should have asked for help, should have asked anyone, and maybe things wouldn’t have gone to shit. Besides… He can understand why Derek would try and avoid getting help, regardless of his promises. Because underneath everything? There’s still the fact that Deaton was supposed to help him, and chose to cast spells on him instead. And Derek sure as hell should have been able to expect help from Peter, which… Yeah.
“I was so dead set on being able to do it myself I didn’t even think about getting help until after I flipped and tried to slit Paul’s throat. At least Derek didn’t almost kill someone.”
And wow, now Stiles really feels like crap. Plus Embry looks like he’s been kicked in the nads. Yup, this day is a clear contender for shitshow of the year.
“Maybe he didn’t. But I’m not sure I want to take that risk, not knowing what he could do to you. It’s not my show though, so I guess what matters is are you sure?”
“Sure enough to give him one more shot.” And then, because honesty is important here. “Unsure enough that I’m going to check that he gets his magic detox from now on. After today, he’s not getting within touching distance of me without clearance from either Dr Bianchi or old Quil, or both.”
Embry looks like that’s not good enough, and maybe it’s not. Stiles is going to let it be though. Or no. He’s going to believe that it will be good enough, and if it’s one thing he’s learned it’s that his belief? Can be pretty damned powerful.
~ TBC ~
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bellabooks · 5 years
Six reasons why you should be watching MTVs “Are You the One”
Gentle reader, I am not a reality TV person, and I’m most certainly not a reality dating show person…or am I? This is something I’ve been wresting with since MTV’s new season of Are You the One: Come One Come All premiered. Before this, I’m pretty sure, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila was the last dating “reality” show I’d seen. But now with one of the contestants on Bachelor in Paradise revealing that she’s a “queer queen” and Are You the One’s groundbreaking premise, I might be a changed woman. If you aren’t in the know, Are You the One typically features sixteen cis men and women who all bunk up together in some paradise setting like Hawaii. The goal is to find their one true match among the castmates, which has already been pre-determined by professional matchmakers. Also, they all have terrible track records with relationships. Now when hormones and alcohol are involved it’s hard enough to figure out who your match could be from ten contestants. Well, this season, the entire cast identifies as sexually fluid, which makes it even more difficult because now there are way more possible matches. Basically, it’s super stressful. So far, no real matches have been made but lots of connections have been, which is fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time. So why should you watch this complicated and drama filled dating show? Well if I haven’t convinced you so far, here are six reasons why. View this post on Instagram From hookups to blow-ups, they’ve been through it all. But is this the end of Jenna and Kai? Find out on a new episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 9/8c A post shared by Are You The One? (@areuthe1) on Jul 10, 2019 at 9:24am PDT Jenna and Kai’s “I wish I could quit you” connection. Have you ever had two friends who were all wrong for each other but couldn’t stop their chemistry? Well that’s Jenna and Kai. Kai is the only trans man on the show, and has been feeling himself throughout this journey with a number of intimate encounters, but when it comes down to it, he’s stuck on Jenna. The problem? They are definitively not a match. Jenna admittedly feels the same way about Kai, but watching her try to work through old patterns of jealousy and insecurity is refreshing and you can’t help but root for them both to break through their old habits and grow. Source: MTV Dr. Frankie! There’s not enough of the wonderful Dr. Frankie Bashan, who is a licensed psychologist, dating expert and founder of Little Gay Book, a lesbian and bisexual matchmaking service, but you’ll love her anyway.. Dr. Frankie drops by the show to have group sessions and try to help the contestants figure out their issues with relationships. Source: MTV Instagram Contestant Paige is all of us. If there was ever a proxy for the audience in a dating show, then Paige Cole is ours in AYTO. Level headed, a fashion icon and all-around nice person, Paige has not been at the center of a love match yet, but she has been a good friend and confidant to many of her housemates. Paige deserves love, and here’s hoping she finds it. Source: MTV Instagram You’ll find yourself shipping couples in spite of yourself. The last thing I expected was to start shipping Justin and Max, two muscle bros with major commitment issues, but damnit, here I am. Source: MTV Instagram It’s groundbreaking. This season of Are You the One is really changing the game and introducing audiences to bisexual and pansexual people in a way we haven’t seen before on a dating show. The Truth Booth. Seriously, there’s something called the truth booth that looks like it belongs in a show on Syfy. In the truth booth, a couple can find out if they are meant to be. So far, we’ve had no matches, so the Truth Booth is more like the Hurt Locker. Oh, did I mention that 1 million dollars is at stake for the contestants if they can all find their match? The plot thickens. Are you the One airs Wednesdays on MTV. http://dlvr.it/R944Cb
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
‘Legacies’ 2×06 Review: “That’s Nothing I Had to Remember”
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Legacies Season 2 Episode 6 “That’s Nothing I Had to Remember” is yet another amazing episode for the show’s sophomore season. It has all of the things that drew fans to the TVD Universe in the first place, while also making sure Legacies stands on its own feet.
“That’s Nothing I Had to Remember” has so many great callbacks, character team-ups, and monster hi-jinx that it’s difficult to pick a favorite part. Whether it’s Lizzie and Landon’s brilliantly-paired comedic timing or Josie visiting a very familiar face for The Originals fans, this episode has it all.
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A Pretty Little Liar
“That’s Nothing I Had to Remember” let viewers in on a bit of the very attractive and mysterious vampire Sebastian’s backstory. However, MG is a little too quick to understanding, especially since that leads him to reuniting Lizzie and Sebastian.
It is understandable that MG would want to give Sebastian the benefit of the doubt and believe the best, rather than the worst, but there should have been more resistance. Sebastian initially tells members of the Super Squad that he has killed multiple people, and it is known that he used Wade to revive his desiccated body, but none of those things set off alarm bells after Sebastian tells the story about him and Cassandra.
Yes, the story of Sebastian reeking bloody havoc on a town could be a reconstruction of his memories to account for missing Malivore monsters, but it seems suspicious that his memory would construct Sebastian as the monster of the tale. This posits that some part of Sebastian is capable of doing such a thing, if Sebastian is able to present that story to others with such conviction.
In that sense, Sebastian makes for a perfect foil for a character like MG. They live completely different lives and are products of completely different social standards and cultures. As interesting as it will be to see Lizzie interact with what she believed to be her literal dream guy, it will also be quite compelling to see the Sebastian and MG’s respective ideologies go head to head.
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Always & Forever
This episode reunites Hope Mikaelson with her incredibly beautiful, powerful, and smart Aunt Freya (Riley Voelkel). There really aren’t enough compliments for Freya Mikaelson. She is truly a force to be reckoned with, and her few scenes in “That’s Nothing I Had to Remember” solidify that.
Fans of The Originals probably feel right at home at Rousseau’s, which is where Josie finds the infamous witch. Josie even sees the wall of Freya’s loved ones, some who have sadly passed away due to the events of The Originals. The recognition of those characters is the perfect reminder to fans that Legacies exists inside of such a rich universe with even richer stories.
This sentiment becomes even more obvious when Freya tells Josie that her wife, Keelin, is watching their son Nik that night. That’s right! Freya’s son is named after the legendary Klaus Mikaelson himself. Here’s to hoping that he doesn’t take after his mischievous uncle too much.
Though, the most emotional of Freya’s scenes comes near the episode’s end. Hope is all alone at the Commonwealth Day celebration, watching families and loved ones spend quality time with each other. Even after everyone’s memories are restored, Hope is still alone. At least, that’s what she thinks.
Freya appears just in time to give her niece the hug she so desperately needs. It gives Hope the chance to break and feel relief for once. Hope could crumble a bit in Freya’s arms and know everything would be okay.
The way Legacies seamlessly weaves Freya into this episode proves the strength of the TVD Universe. The Legacies characters have such strong bonds with so many different characters from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals that it is easy to let them interact. One can only imagine what will take place when Kai Parker pays Mystic Falls a visit in some way, shape, or form. Similar to Matt Donovan and Freya Mikaelson, these cameos only enriches the stories of everyone involved. They don’t feel self-serving; they’re organic, and that’s beautiful.
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Self Love Isn’t Selfish
Josie goes through quite the journey in this episode, and a conclusion can be drawn from it. It’s not a new or remarkable one, as it has been relevant since Legacies’s series premiere. Josie needs to love herself before she can love anyone else. This is the same for a lot of the characters on the show, but for the purpose of this review, it is prevalent with Josie and Rafael in “That’s Nothing I Had to Remember.”
Josie doesn’t believe that Landon would ever choose her over Hope. This signifies that Josie doesn’t think she could be worth loving over Hope, that she wouldn’t measure up. While Hope and Landon have a sweeping romantic past, that does not erase what her and Landon had or even have.
Josie never gives herself the benefit of the doubt, and for her to truly be with someone, she needs to realize that she is a catch. Josie and Lizzie have been the most independent than they’ve ever been this season, and that has only influenced their individuality in good ways. Josie is clearly a girl with a giant heart who is too afraid of getting hurt to let herself fall too fast. This is only going to continue now that everyone’s Malivore’s memories are back.
If Landon does make the decision to break things off with Josie, it would only be beneficial for Josie to take the time that follows to get to know herself, to truly love herself.
Josie may even find some comfort in talking with Rafael, who once again subordinates his own feelings to benefit that of his best friend. Rafael always steps back when the situation can benefit Landon, and as admirable and lovely as that is, Rafael needs to put himself first every once in a while.
Rafael cannot continue acting as if his feelings don’t matter. It can’t be healthy for him to internalize all of that, especially as he grapples with being in his body again.
Let these two kids love themselves so they can love others, please and thank you.
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Hypocritical Hero
Ric hasn’t been up to all that much this season, but what he does in “That’s Nothing I Had to Remember” doesn’t bode well for his character. Ric asks Kaleb to compel Sheriff Mac to forget that Ric told her about the supernatural world.
Ric has done this before to other characters over the course of the series, but it seems especially wrong now. This is not to say that Ric victimizing humans to compulsion without their consent at any point is a good thing. It just to say this the newest and most relevant case of this.
Ric was voted out of the position of Headmaster because the kids believed there needed to be change. That’s fine and fair. However, Ric has always stood by his beliefs and his rules. He is someone who has always believed in truth, knowledge, and justice. Those beliefs become flimsy when he manipulates them to benefit his situation.
Ric knows to keep his distance from Sheriff Mac even though he likes her and believes she would make a great partner in all of the supernatural-crime fighting, but he is honest with her. Then Ric compels that moment of honesty away in a deceitful action. He takes her agency from making a decision on the facts she knows and what he shared with her, because it is what Ric believes to be the best.
In a show that looks to tell supernatural stories with nuance and care, Ric’s journey this season looks to be telling quite an interesting story. Ric is someone audiences are meant to side with and root for as a hero. He is a renowned vampire hunter, historian, and general badass, but he also makes mistakes. He doesn’t always follow what he believes, and that is hypocritical.
This makes him an exciting character to watch this season. He’s blurring a lot of lines, which only proves there is still so much to learn about a character that has been on some fans’ TVs for a decade.
Other Spelltacular Moments
All of Lizzie’s nerdy references are perfectly delivered.
Hope saying, “Democracy isn’t what it used to be,” is a great moment of not-so-subtle shade.
How long had Lizzie been hiding under that table?
Sebastian better call everyone turnips forever.
Kym is an official member of the Super Squad now, right?
“I had a crush on Josie for a week when we were 14.” – Hope Mikaelson making the internet explode
MAYOR DONOVAN. It’s what Matt deserves. Although, it can’t be easy being Ric’s lawyer.
Legacies is new Thursdays at 9/8c on The CW.
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seajudge70-blog · 5 years
Counterpart Season 2 Review: The J.K. Simmons Thriller Is as Good as Ever
In Season 1 of Counterpart, creator Justin Marks created one hell of a sandbox to play in. At some point in this alternate universe, our world split into two and parallel worlds formed, photocopying the planet and the people on it (and who really knows how far things were duplicated, really). Only the highest up of the highest up in each world knew of the existence of the other, and after a flu epidemic took out a whole mess of people in the "other" or "prime" world, suspicions grew that "our" or the "alpha" world was responsible for it.
That set up a cold war thriller where spies may be hunting down their others, or sleeper agents are inserted into the lives of their counterparts on the other side to go deep undercover. It's a multiverse espionage drama that took ideas that sprung from Fringe and clandestine operations we've seen in The Americans, and smashed them together for one of the best shows of 2018. It also didn't hurt that J.K. Simmons was its star, playing two different versions of the same man who are both caught in the middle of everything.
Counterpart: Everything to Know About Season 2 Before You Watch
Season 2 doesn't stray from the path forged by Season 1, excelling at tightening the nooses around its characters' necks, and Marks is happy to bring in the rest of his toys to take full advantage of the universe he's playing in. And for someone who couldn't get enough of Season 1, it's exactly what I hoped for.
This review comes with a caveat: I've only seen three episodes of the 10 that are expected, as that's all Starz sent out, so it's hard to say whether Season 2 will stick the landing. But from the three I've seen, the first two of which are largely a combo of catching us up on where things stand now and setting up what's to come (the third, which pushed things forward considerably, was my favorite of the three), there's plenty of story to tell, lots of dual-universe fun to be had and a plethora of twists -- both essential and non-essential, but still a blast -- that feel like they've been planned long before the first season was ever written.
Yet for all the story that there is to tell, Counterpart remains mum on several bigger questions. That's going to be frustrating for some. I still don't quite understand how Management (the unseen overlords of both sides) works, and I don't know the true intentions of those involved with the splinter terrorist group Indigo other than to stoke political discord between the worlds. But then again, neither do the characters. You can look at this as purposefully withholding details to make things more confusing -- and things are confusing as ever in Season 2 -- or you can see them as goals for the show to explore for hopefully the many seasons this show runs. I choose the second, because what I really love about Counterpart are the existential questions it asks.
These Are the 25 Best Episodes of TV in 2018
What made the two Howards so different? How would it feel to kill your other? Can you love your spouse's counterpart? Is it OK to love your spouse's counterpart? Marks has always said Counterpart is about identity, and that's certainly still the case in Season 2. More counterparts are introduced, and each is like a new case study to fuel more philosophical discussions about existence and the tricky sense of self. Some counterparts are the same as each other, some are obviously the same but in such different situations that you have to peel back their circumstances to see it, and some are just as different as the Howards. Alpha Emily (Olivia Williams), who woke from her coma at the end of Season 1, adds another wrinkle where memory is concerned. Can she be the person she was if she doesn't know who she was? There are now three Emilys, in a sense (and Williams, who looks like the star of Season 2, is brilliant at all of them). I could talk about this stuff all day and never get bored.
But of course, the best question of identity comes from the Howards, and the biggest issue in Season 2 I'm expecting is the use of Simmons and his characters. As you know from the end of Season 1, Howard Alpha was sent to a very bad place for not cooperating with other side authorities who wanted him to spy on his Emily. They follow through with their threat, leaving Howard mostly isolated from the rest of the story, in the early episodes, at least. If that continues, it's going to deprive us of any J.K.-on-J.K. scenes, which were among the many highlights of Season 1.
More than just depriving us of an acting clinic, it keeps us away from directly confronting the show's biggest themes. The meeting between the two Howards at the interface booth in the eighth episode of Season 1 was one of TV's best scenes in 2018. It was a character coming face to face with himself, with truths, with lies he told himself to keep going. We wondered if Howard Alpha was weak, or if he was actually stronger than Howard Prime for knowing the truth about Emily but choosing love and forgiveness over hate. We wondered whether Howard Prime had any of that compassion inside of him, and began to see it with how he treated Emily.
These Are the 25 Best Performances on TV in 2018
Those questions begin a long journey toward solutions now that the two Howards are separated, but it doesn't mean we won't get answers sooner than later. There are hints that the two Howards will not only converge, but swap personalities entirely. Howard Prime takes over a second chance at a marriage he screwed up, and his treatment of Emily Alpha doesn't appear to be just to maintain his cover. Meanwhile, Howard Alpha is getting the crap kicked out of him because he refuses to be an asshole. At what point does Prime begin to love again, and at what point does Alpha see that he can't survive in the other world without becoming more like Prime? These are the strengths of Counterpart, and they're still here in Season 2.
There was a little worry that the element of surprise would be gone in Season 2 with all the world-building of Season 1, but there's plenty of twisty fun and even more paranoia to be had. Counterpart has grown beyond its premise and is still one of the best shows on television, even if we don't get the Howards in the same room together.
Counterpart returns for Season 2 on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 9/8c on Starz.
Source: http://www.tv.com/news/counterpart-season-2-review-the-j-k-simmons-thriller-is-as-good-as-ever-15442279720040288/
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sueboohscorner · 5 years
#Supergirl S5, Ep. 2-3 "Stranger Beside Me"/"Blurred Lines" Recap and Review #SupergirlCW
"Stranger Beside Me" 
Love and hope is in the air in this episode of Supergirl.
As Lena tries to come up with a way to use Andrea's tech to help improve humans with their hate; she tries to get Hope, her A.I., to transfer her intelligence into a human body and that human body happens to be Eve. After pleading to Lena, Eve thought she was going to be let go; but instead gave Lena the location in her brain that can help Hope transfer into her mind.
After a hurtful reunion with his brother, both J'onn and his brother are suffering pain. Kelly helps J'onn put back his missing memories and even learned of why his brother was forgotten. But this won't be the last as J'onn's brother is planning to reset his memory using Kelly's device.
James and Kara are facing challeneges on their own. After James quits CatCo, he has a couple of job opportunities one running for Senate and the other working at a museum. But Kara faces some obstacles with Andrea, who bumps her down from beat news reporter to fashion reporter; but that all changes when she missed her deadline and gets bump down to copy editor. After getting advice from J'onn; Kara accepts the new postion and not only done the work but gets ahead of the next day editor meetings.
Both Alex and Brainy are having a bit of a difficult time in the relationship department with thier partners. Alex just learned that Kelly is aliergic to blueberries just as she was about to give her blueberry pancakes. But their love for each other is never in question. While Nia gets a surprise wake up call of her favorite breakfast in bed; that gave Brainy an idea that he could contune to do what he has done but it could lead to something more drastic.
"Stranger Beside Me" was a very good episode; as it really dived into character growth with Alex and Kelly but J'onn and even Kara, who I have been enjoying seeing her character taking on journalism stories for the past year. I'm a bit surprised that William hasn't done a thing after seeing Supergirl and the White Martian. Also how much of a threat will Andrea be to Lena with what's she's trying to do ana all? Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.
"Blurred Lines"
As the truth comes out, a mystery is upon and a love one is in danger. 
Wondering what William is bad or good? This episode seems to be weighting heavily on the bad as we see him trying to ignore a murder of a well-known scientist. But will that stop Kara for covering that story or in this case slove whoever killed him? You bet she is! 
As Kara and James learn that the sceintist had a tatoo of a spider in his heart; that led Alex to find a familar suspect that happen to be released from a DEO prison. But in this case, it's a diferent person but with the same motive. Kara finds a hidden flash drive that has a secret hidden key that even Brainy can't figue out. And while they try to stop the suspect and asked questions; she got killed.  
Meanwhile Nia deals with two different thing Brainy and J'onn. She helps J'onn with his memory and uses her powers to unlock what really happened between his family and brother. But later on Nia shows J'onn the real reason: he wiped his father and his memory of Malcife. 
After days of overwhelming moments of food and poems Nia tells Brainy to take it down a notch and boy that didn't turn out too good. 
Kelly thought she was helping out an old friend that happens to be Malcife; as he wants his powers back. Now that he got his powers back; Kelly is in danger and must be taken to a safe place as James takes her leaving Alex to find Malcife. 
And as Kara and Lena have their first lunch together since coming out to her as Supergirl; Kara helped Lena to get her brother's journals so she could help her with her nightmares of the events last season. But it was all for to help with her study. 
"Blurred Lines" was such a good episode; mainly between J'onn and Nia as they kind of felt the center point stories of this episode. J'onn's story was as heartbreaking as it could have ever been when he learns that he was the one that earased his and his father memory of Malcife. After dealing with too much Brainy, Nia tells him the truth but sometimes the truth does hurt and I don't think they're gonna break up anytime soon. But I have a bad feeling that this William dude is a pretty bad guy even when getting an envople of cash from a mysterious person. The writing and the performances from the cast mainly Maines and Harewood. Overall, I give this episode an 8.5/10.
What did you think of these episodes? Leave a comment and tell us your thoughts.
You can catch Supergirl Sundays at 9/8c on The CW.  
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truthbeetoldmedia · 6 years
Black Lightning 2x02 "The Book of Consequence, Chapter 2: Black Jesus Blues" Review
One thing I really enjoy about Black Lightning is that it doesn’t skip around a lot. Once again, we resume right where we left off. This time, Jefferson is being advised of who his replacement will be, a white man named Mike Lowry, and that they expect to have his full support and cooperation to make the transition smooth. Jefferson isn’t sure that the parents or the students will take to the new principal, but he is determined to make the best of it. I don’t believe that Mike Lowry will be a true antagonist, but I do expect we’ll get to see the juxtaposition of how Black children respond to White teachers and principals and I’m very interested in just how Black Lightning tackles that.
As Jefferson is forced to take a backseat, Lynn moves front and center into the handling of the Green Light Babies. One of the pod children wakes up unexpectedly, finding his way out of his own pod, accidentally killing himself and a scientist and freeing another pod child, and things get dicey very quickly. Lynn is in a bit of a bind, as she also has her hands full with Issa Williams, the meta who was shot down by police in Episode 1 only to be resurrected later. Lynn makes the decision to have Black Lightning and Thunder find the escaped meta, Wendy Hernandez, while taking care of Issa herself.
Issa is scared, but he’s a good kid. Lynn takes him home to share a family dinner with the Pierces after he is essentially disowned by his own family, who keep blurting out their fear of and disgust with him. The dinner starts off well, until Issa’s as yet unidentified meta power kicks in. Just as before, the Pierces start blurting out their real feelings (with Anissa and Jefferson coming close to revealing some personal secrets) before they take their leave of the table. It turns out that Issa’s metahuman ability is apparently making others tell the truth (at least when asked a direct question). Although the rest of the Pierce family leave him behind, Jennifer is perhaps a kindred spirit for him. Just like Issa she doesn’t want her powers and, ironically, it’s Jennifer who helps Issa learn to control his powers even as she struggles to find a way to control her own.
Issa does manage to find his way home. Once Lynn understands his powers and explains them to his family they come and take him home, but we also discover that he is, unfortunately, dying. Because his mutation was not natural but forced out by Green Light his body is rejecting the change and in doing so, it is killing him. Lynn is determined to find a cure for him, but he’s not the only meta she has to worry about, with the group in charge of the pod babies waiting eagerly to sink their fingers into them as soon as they discover what each child can do and use them for their own purposes; Lynn must also find a way to protect the children under her care.
Lynn has taken on the responsibility for all of these children and we see two sides of the story there with Issa choosing not to go into a pod (which would keep him cryogenically suspended and prevent the disease from advancing) and Wendy choosing to return to hers. The girl is clearly terrified, but Lynn promises that they will find a way to bring her back into society and the two share a look before Wendy is forced into unconsciousness by the pod. Wendy’s decision to go back into the pod makes sense. It’s been 30 years since she was first put inside of one and her friends and family have moved on without her. She is in an unfamiliar space and that only makes her more dangerous to herself and those around her.
Although Tobias is lurking in the background of this episode he hasn’t been forgotten. Like the Green Light Babies, Tobias has been around for a while and like them, he hasn’t aged. But Tobias hasn’t been in a pod for the past 30 years. We still don’t know what keeps Tobias from aging, but with his closest friend, Syonide, dead, Tobias is now on a mission to eliminate everyone else who has knowledge of his lack of aging. He kills a crooked cop and a friend who lives in a nursing home (paid for by Tobias).
We didn’t get a lot from Anissa this episode, but what we did get I loved. It was fun to see Anissa confident and openly flirting with the cute singer at the club and her confidence pays off as we later find her spending a bit of the morning poolside with her new girlfriend, who invites her on a trip that Anissa declines because she is still in school. We also (finally) see Grace Choi again and she is less than pleased with Anissa’s new romantic life. There’s clearly some hurt feelings there that I can’t wait for us to explore because as much as I love watching Anissa flirt her way around town (and I wouldn’t mind watching her flirt with every available girl in town), I just can’t wait to see the power couple Grace and Anissa are sure to be.
I might have cried during the second episode of Black Lightning’s second season, but boy was it earned. Black Lightning is the rare show that makes you think and feel, and I felt it keenly while watching “Black Jesus Blues”. Jefferson’s demotion is made official as he finally tells the student body (and their parents) that, because of his absence during Khalil’s attack on Garfield High. The students are upset, angry and afraid. Jefferson reassures them that, even though he will no longer be their principal he will remain on as a teacher. Jefferson is obviously upset at having to deliver the news, but it is his students response that brought me to tears. As Jefferson prepares to take his leave from the stage, we hear a voice ask, “Where is the future?” and the call and response is touching. It tells the audience and Jefferson that his impact on the students was felt, was real, and it closed out this episode brilliantly.
There were a lot of shakeups in this episode but I’m excited about what that means for us as the season advances.
Black Lightning airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.
April’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
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thatstrueonline · 6 years
Last night, WEtv hosted an exclusive event for the return of the hit series, “Growing Up Hip-Hop Atlanta,” at Tongue & Groove in Atlanta. Cast members Da Brat, Jermaine Dupri, Lil Mama, Ms. Deb Antney, DJ Hurricane, Ayana Fite, Masika Kalysha, Jhonni Blaze and Kiyomi Lesliewere all in attendance and joined a room filled with celebrities, media, guests and influencers. 
Other notable attendees included: Waka Flocka Flame, Tammy Rivera, Charlie Rivera, Datari Turner, Kenya Moore, Porsha Williams, Eva Marcille, Byron ‘BT’ Turner, Todd Tucker, Trina Braxton, Towanda Braxton, Frank Ski, Dianna   ‘Miss D’ Williams, D. Woods, Cynthia Bailey, Keke Wyatt, Karlie Redd, Desiree Connell, Truth Hurts, Tray Chaney, Pimpin’, Taylor Girlz, Miss Mulatto, Street Bud, Kissie Lee, Tiffany Evans, Momma Dee and Althea Heart.  
Following the star-studded red carpet, guests mixed and mingled while enjoying cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and music. The room was abuzz with people talking about the latest updates on the GUHH cast. Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta originally premiered on May 25, 2017 and chronicles the lives of the children of hip-hop legends in Atlanta. 
The second season of Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta returns Thursday, October 11th at 9/8c on WEtv.    
Kenya Moore, Porsha Williams, Lil Mama, Da Brat, JD, Waka Flocka & More at ‘Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta’ Premeire Last night, WEtv hosted an exclusive event for the return of the hit series, “Growing Up Hip-Hop Atlanta,” at Tongue & Groove in Atlanta.
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