436 posts
My name is Jo (never Josephine) and I'm here to make some noise. she/her pronouns
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
Our last video (for now).
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
I can’t wait for Marmee to be home.
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
Another day, another diagnosis. That’s all the doctors here seem able to do. Come in and poke and prod her pale body and run tests on blood that she really can’t afford to give and then come back with another made-up unimaginably scary word that doesn’t make her better while we wait to be matched with a goddamn donor.
That’s not fair. I know it’s not fair.
I have to keep reminding myself that the doctors and nurses are trying their best. Beth’s got them all charmed of course, tripping over each other to help her, if she would only actually speak up and ask for it. I noticed that she was in some pain and when I asked her why she hadn’t called a nurse to bring a painkiller like they’d told her to, she said that she didn’t want to trouble them over something so minor when there are other people in the ward who need attention. I love her, but she is not the best advocate for her health.
But right. The new diagnosis. They confirmed it a couple days ago. It was one of the many possibilities they were testing in preparation for a transplant. This one supposedly means something, I guess. It means that everything is going to be ridiculously more complicated and risky.
Fanconi Anemia
Which yes, is apparently different from aplastic anemia. Sort of. Or the fanconi is what’s causing the aplastic anemia which is the name for the fact that Beth’s bone marrow isn’t making blood cells properly.
But it also means so much more.
Before a bone marrow transplant was going to be scary and challenging but at least the doctors would know what they were doing. Apparently people with fanconi don’t do very well with radiation and chemotherapy which SURPRISE are essential to bone marrow transplants, and helping the body accept the new marrow, which means they require a whole different specialized treatment.
And even beyond that, there’s cancers and life expectancy is scarily low and...
I don’t understand why this is happening. I don’t understand why God would be letting things like this happen. How can They allow for suffering like this in the world. Why Beth. What possible reason could there be? What plan is it fulfilling? Why why why. Why not me.
I want to punch something. I want to fight and slay the monster that is stopping Beth from being better. But what’s there to punch when what’s harming my sister is inside of her?
This was long and rambly and I’m sorry but also not.
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.
Katherine Henson (via godmoves)
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
I don’t think we take enough time to appreciate the periods in our life when our noses aren’t runny. Is your nose runny right now? No? Think about that. Honestly reflect on it. Enjoy this era of peace. There are dark times on the horizon
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
*insert hair pun here*
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
I just feel so useless
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
Too many thoughts...
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
Did you ever consider moving to either LA or New York to pursue your career? Of course you can write anywhere, but NYC is where all the alien invasions are ;)
Hahaha, well I’m all about the alien invasions!I have considered it, but I don’t think I’m ready to be so far from my family yet. I have to convince them all to move with me first!
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
How did you become interested in filming and theatre? You should make more acts with Laurie and your sisters!
My mother said that when I was little I spent half a year pretending to be a pirate and insisting that everyone (sisters, friends, teachers, waiters) call me Captain Jorge Cornelius of the Twelve Isles so I think it’s always been in my blood :PIt’s an amazing thrill to bring stories and characters to life where there weren’t any before. There’s very few things I love better.
And of course, frustration at the kinds of stories being told in popular media is an excellent source of motivation and inspiration.I would love to film more narrative things with my sisters and friends! I think the Witch’s Curse has reached a natural end, but I’ve got many new ideas bubbling away.
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
In a twist, it's actually me who derails the last witch's curse! That's what I get for filming with a lot on my mind. But it all worked out, even if it IS a happier story than I originally planned. Sometimes, a happy ending is what we need. Thank you to my wonderful sisters and Laurie for bringing my silly story to life. Even though things might change, no matter what I hope we still find time to be ridiculous dorks together.
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
What good timing. Pretty sure this video’s going to inspire some characters in my next screenplay.
Bad Blood (ft. Kendrick Lamar) / Vevo
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
The thing about change is that it means things are different. Which yes, ok, is the most inane redundant statement ever. But I can feel it happening and I’d rather just hold on to us for as long as possible.
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
Rejection is always hard, but I’m very lucky to have a sister like thebethmarch to keep me in check.
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
thebethmarch is the absolute sweetest person in the whole world, sometimes I can’t believe she even exists. Her newest song is as sweet as she is <3
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
Do you know of any reliable sources reporting/updating on the situation in baltimore I can check out?
Decent newsfeed (take everything with a grain of salt though; some stories reported don’t match what those on the ground are saying)
LIVESTREAM 1 (patchy, but still going)
LIVESTREAM from Vice News (Tim was legit one of the best livestreamers during the first few weeks of the ferguson uprising)
Blavity’s 10 Twitter users on the ground in Baltimore
iwriteaboutfeminism​‘s BLM twitter list (solid!)
And of course, following the tags on twitter (baltimore, baltimore riots, etc)
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thejomarch-blog · 10 years ago
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Today in Solidarity (4/27/15): Much praise to some unsung heroes of the unrest and uprisings in Baltimore today– the Nation of Islam helped to quell violence in the streets and worked to get the cleared safely. They continue to work with a wide coalition, including clergy, community members, and even gangsters, to keep neighborhoods from burning tonight. Thank you, my courageous brothers. #staywoke #farfromover
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