thehealingheart · 2 years
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this is the only part of the s2 sneak peek i care about FIVE CROWS IN A SINGLE SHOT
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thehealingheart · 2 years
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thehealingheart · 3 years
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Never Have I Ever + text posts part 2 (1)
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thehealingheart · 3 years
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Highgate, London (@sparrowinlondon)
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thehealingheart · 3 years
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thehealingheart · 3 years
this wouldn’t have worked in actuality but when i was reading the books, all i could think was that alina’s story would have been so much cooler if it wasn’t a trilogy. like if s&b were one of those fantasy series that went on for longer (probably longer than it shouldve) and had 5-7 books. like i would’ve liked to see alina be queen and ruler of ravka with Nikolai for at least a little bit idk i think that would’ve been so cool. maybe even flesh out her powers even more before they got taken away (!!)
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thehealingheart · 3 years
y’all i know everyone is upset about the ben platt casting but did you guys SEE amy adams and danny pino in that trailer???? they are both so hot and literally not old enough to be parents but ok this film will have my money
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thehealingheart · 3 years
everyone say thank you to marissa meyer
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art @arz28art
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thehealingheart · 3 years
“i am become a whore” is a tweet i just saw in reference to mal i am screAMING
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thehealingheart · 3 years
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every friend group should have… (insp.)
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thehealingheart · 3 years
the fact that alina’s shu heritage was so important to her arc in the first season - just thinking of how tolya and tamar are going to feel when they find out the Sun summoner is someone who looks like them :,,,,)
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thehealingheart · 3 years
ummm bringing this back bc i effin CALLED it??? not the way i meant AT ALL but it was incredible and gratifying and i definitely screamed when kaz goes “if he’s not in their crew, he’s in ours” like wow that was the moment
ok so mal is in like half/maybe less than half in the first book bc obviously alina goes to the little palace without him?? but he’s a main in the show so as a storyline i’m manifesting him teaming up with the croWS
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thehealingheart · 3 years
lol i didn’t even hate mal in the books - like at ALL but watching archie in the show literally makes me hate book mal just bc of the stark comparison. book mal is like actual trash shit now, and show mal is like a million times better in every way
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thehealingheart · 3 years
watching the entire series in one day was great because i remember literally nothing that happened even though i paused and rewinded certain scenes that i loved about thirty times. looking forward to rewatching again in like two days 🥰
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thehealingheart · 3 years
also fedyor was literally such an underrated fav in the books like he was so loyal and kind and i actually cried when he died, so the fact that he was so much more important in the show and the fact that they gave him a BOYFRIEND??? a boyfriend who sucks in both the books and the show but still adorable while it lasted x
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thehealingheart · 3 years
ummm i have so many thoughts but first and foremost daisy head as genya was so PERFECT and beyond my expectations??? she is so beautiful and they frickin NAILED the alina-genya relationship
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thehealingheart · 3 years
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Ted Lasso text posts part 1// part 2
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