Why are people so shocked to find out that I am militantly anti-paedophilia? Why? There is nothing forgivable, understandable nor excusable about paedophilia. I have heard every justification, excuse and explanation regarding paedophilia. 
There is no such thing as a "good paedophile" - as an "ethical paedophile". Fantasising about raping a child cannot ever be ethical, it is never okay and I will never associate it with anybody that is "good". Ever. Not raping a child does not make a paedophile a "good person", whatsoever. Why do people sympathise with paedophiles but rarely with the children that suffer at the hands of paedophiles? 
Children have to be abused in order to produce the pornography that paedophiles inevitably consume. Children are harmed during the producing of this pornography. Consuming child pornography is not abstaining from child abuse, it is directly contributing to it. 
No sympathy for paedophiles. 
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I am NOT whatsoever defending child molesters, but you have to know that there is a difference between pedophiles and child molesters. There are many pedophiles who seek treatment and try to repress their urges, but it becomes increasingly more difficult for them to when there is such a shameful stigma against them, where ppl online are telling them to kill themselves. Once again: NOT in any way a rape/molestation apologist.
>"Not" in any way a rape/molestation apologist
>Defends paedophiles 
Makes sense Anon. Eat shit. I hope paedophiles are so ashamed due to the 'stigma' of being a paedophila (you say that like the stigmatisation is somehow undeserved?) that they kill themselves. One less paedophile in the world.
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What are the signs of emotional abuse?
Abusive Expectations - Makes impossible demands, requires constant attention, and constantly criticizes.
Aggressing - Name calling, accusing, blames, threatens or gives orders, and often disguised as a judgmental “I know best” or “helping” attitude.
Constant Chaos - Deliberately starts arguments with you or others. May treat you well in front of others, but changes when you’re alone.
Rejecting - Refusing to acknowledge a person’s value, worth or presence. Communicating that he or she is useless or inferior or devaluing his or her thoughts and feelings.
Denying - Denies personal needs (especially when need is greatest) with the intent of causing hurt or as punishment. Uses silent treatment as punishment. Denies certain events happened or things that were said. Denies your perceptions, memory and sanity by disallowing any viewpoints other than their own which causes self-doubt, confusion, and loss of self-esteem.
Degrading - Any behavior that diminishes the identity, worth or dignity of the person such as: name-calling, mocking, teasing, insulting, ridiculing,
Emotional Blackmail - Uses guilt, compassion, or fear to get what he or she wants.
Terrorizing - Inducing intense fear or terror in a person, by threats or coercion.
Invalidation - Attempts to distort your perception of the world by refusing to acknowledge your personal reality. Says that your emotions and perceptions aren’t real and shouldn’t be trusted.
Isolating - Reducing or restricting freedom and normal contact with others.
Corrupting - Convincing a person to accept and engage in illegal activities.
Exploiting - Using a person for advantage or profit.
Minimizing - A less extreme form of denial that trivializes something you’ve expressed as unimportant or inconsequential.
Unpredictable Responses - Gets angry and upset in a situation that would normally not warrant a response. You walk around on eggshells to avoid any unnecessary drama over innocent comments you make. Drastic mood swings and outbursts.
Gaslighting -A form of psychological abuse involving the manipulation of situations or events that cause a person to be confused or to doubt his perceptions and memories. Gaslighting causes victims to constantly second-guess themselves and wonder if they’re losing their minds.
Love, Salem
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Reddit is fucking trash. Look at all these "freedom of speech" assholes coming out to defend a person in a position of authority who abused said position by finding confidential information on women he PLANNED TO MURDER AND EAT using government resources.
You know these are the types of assholes that then turn around and say "WOW, look at what this guy was fantasizing about! We should have seen this coming from a mile away" when guys like this actually go through with their fantasies. Remember: women aren't allowed to be protected and feel safe. Men like this should be free to play out their sick fantasies, because up until that point it's "not a crime" and "just a fantasy". Women have to be murdered before people give a shit.
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please love yourself
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I found a “Not all men” in mX. Glorious.
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If men aren’t allowed to have an opinion on abortion, then they shouldn’t have to contribute to federal funding of breast cancer research.
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Tumblr users are…
50% more likely to go to a political rally
2.2 times more likely to advise others on current events and politics
108% more likely to be registered to vote
I remixed this slide from a presentation by Tumblr’s Liba Rubenstein (libawr).
Sources: TED Open Conversation (one-hour video) on May 28, 2014, data from comScore and photo by James Cridland.
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do you know anything of HOCD?
I don't, but looking it up it appears to return results regarding "Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" and sexual anxiety. 
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Don’t ask anyone on tumblr what radical feminism is unless they’re a radical feminist because there’s 99% chance everything they say is completely inaccurate and misguided
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The entire core of MRA ideology is literally "If I can't get laid I will fucking murder people over it". There's nothing to it beyond that. It's not deep, its not complex, its male sexual frustration weaponized against women, who are blamed for not being attracted to their repulsive asses.
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I am the stirrer of shit. 
I know we’ve all moved past pineapple on pizza but I just want everybody to know that I had pineapple on pizza last night and it was delicious.
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And I can't change, 
Even if I tried,
Even if I wanted to
I know we’ve all moved past pineapple on pizza but I just want everybody to know that I had pineapple on pizza last night and it was delicious.
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I missed you too! 
I know we’ve all moved past pineapple on pizza but I just want everybody to know that I had pineapple on pizza last night and it was delicious.
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You're back! You used to follow me when I first transitioned to radical feminism. You are one of the sweetest radfems! I'm glad you're back :)
Oh my gosh wow! The response has been so overwhelming, thank you guys! I've really missed posting here. I've taken a wonderful (if not quite a long) break from using this account but I'm feeling really good now and I'm ready to jump back in and be active again, particularly regarding radical feminism and radical ideology. You are so sweet by the way! This made my morning. :)
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