I Know, I Have Been Terrible at Cross-Posting
I Know, I Have Been Terrible at Cross-Posting
I’m trying to figure out the best way to do this again. What do you guys want, knowing that all of the posts are public over at the Patreon. Would you want me to just start where we are now? From the beginning of the year? Slog my way through everything? Alternate more recent with older stuff? Keep it chronological? Let me know if anyone even still has an eye on this. Also, just so you know, if…
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Geek Girls Rule! #821 - No, the Left isn't 'Eating Itself'
Geek Girls Rule! #821 – No, the Left isn’t ‘Eating Itself’
I was going to blog about Death’s Door, because I started playing it, but this happened.   First, I want to make it clear, I am not discussing the Lindsey Ellis situation in specific, it just happens to be the latest in a long line of shit like this, and I’m not agreeing with either side here.  We can talk about that later, but right now I want to discuss something else.   If there is a phrase…
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Geek Girls Rule! #820 - Curse you, Weather!!!
Geek Girls Rule! #820 – Curse you, Weather!!!
So, we’re supposed to move next weekend, and currently there is five inches of snow coating our incredibly steep driveway.  I may be delaying our U-Haul reservation by a week.   We’ll see. It depends how long it lasts.   Snow typically doesn’t last more than a few days here.  But it’s supposed to stay in the 20s this week, which is nigh unheard of here.  Or used to be.   Christmas was good.…
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Geek Girls Rule! #818 - There's More than Just D&D
Geek Girls Rule! #818 – There’s More than Just D&D
So on the Discord that the Geek Husband What Rules started there has been an extended discussion about the fact that a lot people who play RPGs only know or play D&D or Pathfinder.  There was a some debate about why this is, and the GHWR and I discussed it on the way back from my parents’ place.  We came up with a few reasons.   First is that D&D and Pathfinder have much larger promotion budgets…
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Geek Girls Rule! #817 - MORE YOUTUBE
Geek Girls Rule! #817 – MORE YOUTUBE
Ok, I admit it, I have no time to watch/read anything that isn’t before I have to get out of bed or after I’m banished from screens for the night.   Except for YouTube, and we are watching game shows “Um, Actually” and “Breaking News.”  They’re both pretty entertaining.  They both started with College Humor, and College Humor still produces Breaking News, but Um, Actually appears to have broken…
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Geek Girls Rule! #816 - Got my Copy of Orun
Geek Girls Rule! #816 – Got my Copy of Orun
Got it awhile ago and kept meaning to talk about it.  I have not gotten to play it yet, hopefully after we finish moving.   I am going to try not to whine about moving this time.  Much.  Started re-reading the 1632 books by Eric Flint and assorted other authors, love those!  They are on my “comfort reads” list.  Anyway, we got Orun awhile ago.  Created by Misha Bushyager, Jerry D. Grayson,…
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Geek Girls Rule! #815 - Which is the Better Marvel? Comics or MCU?
Geek Girls Rule! #815 – Which is the Better Marvel? Comics or MCU?
So the Geek Husband What Rules brought this up, and then immediately got grumpy because I over-thought it.   Like a lot.   He wanted me to make a blanket judgement of one over the other.  And I immediately started drilling down, waaaayyy too far.   Ok, so here’s the thing.  It depends what criteria you’re using. Ease of entry:  The MCU definitely wins.  It spoon-feeds you origin stories, and…
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Geek Girls Rule #814 - New Podcasts!!!!
Geek Girls Rule #814 – New Podcasts!!!!
It’s not an addiction.  I can stop any time.  So, these two podcasts are pure fun.   Garden Plots with Skeletor and Hard Choices.   These two podcasts are also brought you be some of the same folks who do Smash Fiction which I have not yet listened to.  Apparently Smash Fiction is the podcast incarnation of “Who would win in a fight?”  It’s on my list.   Anyway, Garden Plots with Skeletor,…
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Geek Girls Rule! #813 - Review: Ep 1 of Cowboy BeBop and Q-Force
Geek Girls Rule! #813 – Review: Ep 1 of Cowboy BeBop and Q-Force
This should have gone live for you guys last Thursday, but life kind of got in the way. Sorry. Ok, so we ventured out into new media territory this weekend, between trips to the storage unit and packing, so much packing.   Q-Force is about a queer unit of spies who try to force the agency into taking them seriously.  The voice acting talent, including Laurie Metcalf and Wanda Sykes, is great.…
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Geek Girls Rule! #812 - What is Humor Anyway?
Geek Girls Rule! #812 – What is Humor Anyway?
As we all know, I spend a lot of time watching horror movies, and arguably more watching horror documentaries. And it’s a truism of both horror and humor that a large part of what makes them work is surprise. But if that is all you have, then it only works once. The thing that makes humor work on a deeper level is that you have to surprise us with a deeper truth. The South Park movie was…
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Geek Girls Rule! #811 - What Will Make Me Quit You.
Geek Girls Rule! #811 – What Will Make Me Quit You.
So this story was brought to my attention by someone in the GGR Discord server:  https://medium.com/@nicolas.j.carter/how-to-know-youre-not-insane-and-how-a-cards-against-humanity-staff-writer-was-fired-40fe07fbbfe4  A Black writer for Cards Against Humanity was gaslit, silenced, and then forcibly committed after his bosses there convinced his family that his being unwilling to be silent in the…
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Geek Girls Rule! #810 - Damn, We Still Have a Lot of Books
Geek Girls Rule! #810 – Damn, We Still Have a Lot of Books
This is the problem with being nerds into anything literary.   The comic book single issue collection isn’t too bad, just two long boxes, and a couple of short boxes, some stray issues kicking around.   We do have a couple shelves of graphic novels.   But just straight up fiction?   Oh man…  I can’t even blame it all on sci fi conventions.  We both had a ton of books before we started going…
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Ok, for real…
I’m going to start posting over here again, I promise. Just, everything is so exhausting. Ugh. Pandemic, new job, and we’re moving… The new job was at the start of the pandemic, and I still mostly love it. I am trying to decide how to bring over a bazilionty older posts and still get the newer ones out there. I think I may start with the newer ones and gradually bring the older ones over. I…
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Prepare for a Bunch of Posts
Prepare for a Bunch of Posts
Guess who finally has the wherewithal to start cross-posting from her Patreon. For those of you who haven’t been following along, the last couple of years have been hellish, but I’m finally coming out the other side. I’m on a medication that stops all the migraines. I’m in a new department at work with non-sociopaths in it. My Dad is doing ok after his brain tumor of January 2020, and then…
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Tickets are now available for #GDoCExpo 2020! Share, learn, and connect in new ways. Speakers will cover topics including game art, game design, marketing, and sound design. Learn about games from @WritNelson, @wakingonigames, @ValiDateGame and more.
Register: https://t.co/t59g26yFrg?amp=1
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Geek Girls Rule! #657 - Some Sort of Reviews
Geek Girls Rule! #657 – Some Sort of Reviews
Yet again the Geek Husband What Rules saves my life by not letting me follow through on impulse buys.
The other day he was on Wish and saw a pair of pajama type pants printed with Nicholas Cage’s face all over them.
My immediate instinct was, “How much are they? I am totally buying them for Amnesiak and Gray Pawn.”
He didn’t let me do that.
See, a couple of years ago for Christmas, I bought them…
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