28 posts
Frequent daydreamer who occasionally puts words on paper (AO3, under the same username) I usually talk about The Owl House 🩉🏠, Arcane 💜, Harlivy♊, and any other cool stuff.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thefrequentdaydreamer · 1 year ago
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I just fell to my knees...
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 2 years ago
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A little doodle I diddled! Really going under the wire here with this one, but I haven't been inspired to draw for a while until I saw OTGW for the first time a few days ago. Yes, I know, shocker!
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
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I'm sorry, WHAT?! Overarching plotlines, potential lore expansion!
Childhood me is dancing 💃
So is adult me!
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
This, all of this!!
Yknow, I’m kinda relieved and grateful and impressed, that they didn’t go the route so common in fanworks of Luz being Amity’s therapist in their relationship, and that being all she’s good for in making Lumity solely about Amity’s development; Like obviously, I love the tenderness of Luz, as this girl who truly was the catalyst for Amity’s growth, as a person she could always count on to be herself and lower her guard around. Someone who would comfort Amity and whom she could trust, but like;
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I’m glad they didn’t make it one-sided, and have Luz pull all the heavy lifting and legwork in their relationship. It’s not just mutual, it’s arguably the other way around with Amity doing more of the support for Luz, although Luz’s impact on catalyzing her arc can’t also be forgotten either. With how Amity tries to get Luz to open up about her mom and then dad respectively
 It’s very mutual and healthy.
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And I feel it reminds the fandom to give Amity some more credit; She’s not as weak and soft as we might make her out to be, she’s capable of providing the same love for Luz that she herself needs! Even when Luz rescues her from Odalia, we see Amity apply her admiration of Luz to form her own resolve to escape before that; Which leads to Amity standing up to her mother! Luz isn’t just saving Amity, she’s giving her the opportunity to save herself; Amity already has plenty of personal initiative to be better and stand up to her parents, on the basis of morals alone! Luz can count on Amity to rescue her from a predicament, too.
Keep reading
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
Just watched the first three episodes of Harley Quinn season 03! Spoilers ahead!
Yeah, big f***ing spoilers here, tread carefully!
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Yeah, ok, so...I've been waiting for this for ever, as have all of you, and it delivered in a big BIG way! I love how even as they showed us Harlivy in paradise, we see how their differences continue to persist. Harley is trying to be better about her impetuous nature, but she still makes some big fucking messes....
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And Ivy is also realizing she needs to find her own path, but her quiet, introverted nature just doesn't always mesh with Harley's... everything.
And yet, they work because they communicate!
The one thing I loved seeing already was how they talk to each other and try to understand where their partner is coming from. They've worked so hard to get to this point, so it makes sense that they'd continue to put in the work to stay together!
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And (EXTREME SPOILERS AHEAD) we know they will stay together throughout the season, and onward, if we get more seasons. So it's refreshing to see them figure things out while they enjoy their honeymoon phase, rather than burning bright and crashing hard.
Then again, I trust these writers with giving Harlivy one of the BEST portrayals seen either on screen or in comics, so, ya know, no pressure there besties. đŸ„°đŸ˜ŠđŸ˜‡đŸ€©đŸ˜˜đŸ€—đŸ˜…
Anyways, all this to say I loved all 3 episodes! The comedy with all the characters was on point, we got some fantastic characters make their triumphant return, and the new ones that showed up were very quick to make their mark.
Poison Ivy remains as relatable (and hot...please don't look at me like that, I know you feel the same way) as ever, to the point where I literally had to turn to my sister and ask her where they'd gotten all this footage of me.
And this moment!
Harley is just as chaotic as ever, but that's why we love her!
The rest of the crew is also back in full swing, with things being set up very perfectly for a fantastically comic B-plot.
And Bane... well, I don't think I've ever related more to a character in my life as I did to him this season. Someone give my man a slushie... or at least a new credit card! (If you know, you know)
In conclusion, loved it all so far! Can't wait for next week! Definitely gonna be thinking about everything I just saw, but esp that scene in Ep 1 with Gordon (again, if you know, you know).
Here's to the rest of the season!
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
"There were three things in this world that Bruce Wayne was terribly sure of.
One, the sun always rose in the east and set in the west, no matter how dark the night seemed.
Two, the truth always came to light, even if deceit seemed the victor at the moment.
And three, he was definitely, undeniably in love with Selina Kyle.
Many women had come and gone over the years, but somehow, he always found himself returning to Selina.
Because only Selina knew the pain that had driven an orphan like him to crime-fighting. She’d been the one to wipe his tears when Jason died – and when he inexplicably came back to life. She’d been the one to watch over his comatose form when he got his back – and his spirit broken – by Bane. She’d been the one by his side when Talia sent him a son he never knew he had and then disappeared without a trace.
She understood him.
But at times like this, Bruce wished he could understand her, just as she did him."
Interested? It's part of my fic featuring BatCat, Harlivy and Bruce Wayne learning about some pesky little thing called feelings, and communication.
Synopsis and link are here. Give it a look see!
After a fight, Selina slinks off to do hero shit on her own, and suffers because of it. When she chooses to turn to her friends instead of him, Bruce wonders just why Selina is so chummy with an ecoterrorist and an insane mallet-wielding maniac.
He doesn't understand, but in the tense days that follow, he will.
This is an examining of Bruce Wayne's morals and how he comes to understand just how twisted the words 'good' and 'evil' can really be.
Chapter 5 is now up!
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
I just want to sleep, so why won't you let me? (Set after King's Tide, TOH season 2 finale)
“Luz, I’m so happy I had you as a big sister
“We’ll see each other after the Day of Unity
“Us weirdos stick together
“Luz, I’m so happy I had you as a big sister
“We’ll see each other after the Day of Unity
 â€œUs weirdos stick togethertogethertogethertogether–”
Luz shot up from the mattress, one hand clenched over her rapidly beating heart.
“King!? Eda!?”
It was dark. Why was it dark? Where was she? And sleeping? Why was she sleeping when she should be rescuing her FAMILY AND –
She stumbled out of the bed and towards the partly open door. The place didn’t look too familiar, was this another CATS hideout or something?
Why were they here instead of out there stopping Belos? Why did her head hurt and her stomach twist into infinite knots like she’d eaten one too many boo-berries? And her biggest question?
Why didn’t she remember ANYTHING?
She slammed a hand against the wall as she dug her free hand into her pocket, but –
“No pockets?”
She glanced down for the first time. To her surprise, she was dressed in her cozy pajamas, ones she hadn’t seen in ages because she had never packed them in her bag for summer camp and left them in her

In the human realm.
Luz looked up and out the window, noting the dim glow of the street lights and the rectangular, geometric-ness of the human realm that stood out in sharp (and very obvious) contrast to the warped shapes of home.
The home she’d left behind when King’s shout shocked her into releasing her grip on the vines and sent her and Amity tumbling into the portal just before it collapsed, leaving them stranded here.
In what was supposed to be her home.
Luz braced against the wall as a spell of dizziness overcame her. The trip from the dilapidated shack to her
mom’s house was too blurry to remember, shock and a tingling numbness permeating every fiber of her being as she led her friends to the one place they’d all be safe.
She did vaguely remember knocking on the door, and the look of utter surprise and confused relief that crossed her mom’s face as she saw them all scratched up and shaken.
But she definitely remembered sitting down on the couch and feeling right like she could go to sleep, because fatigue was weighing down on her every limb like she hadn’t rested in centuries, which was ironic because the last time she’d slept was

When was the last time she’d slept?
She remembered nearly falling asleep on Amity’s shoulder before her mother suggested they all turn in for the night and explain their story in the morning.
She remembered leading her friends to the rooms upstairs and pulling out spare sleeping bags and pillows like she knew exactly where they were – which she did, because it was her house and no amount of time and distance could change that, but it wasn’t the house she’d grown to think of as a home anymore and the fact that she could even bear to think of something like that when she was finally here with her mom was just TOO much for her to handle at the moment so she shut down and began mechanically arranging their beds until she nearly stumbled over a pillow and Vee directed her to her old bed with a simple order:
And that was all she could recall.
She sank to the floor, wincing as the movement jostled some injuries she hadn’t yet revealed to her mother. Then again, she hadn’t revealed a lot of things to her mother. She didn’t know where to start.
Like was she supposed to start with what had happened to all of them right before the portal collapsed, or how they’d spent weeks preparing for the genocide of the entire demon realm and maybe they’d stopped it, but the situation was far FAR worse now because that Collector kid was going around turning everything into a game and she had just LEFT King and Eda and the others there alone to deal with it all and what kind of person – what kind of human was she to just leave them in their misery and escape to her own world –
“Shshd! Sorry, anyone who’s still awake
I did not mean for that to happen.” A hint of golden eyes peered her direction, but the light was clearly not enough to grant them a clear picture.
Luz wiped at her tears. “I-it’s okay
The eyes shone with recognition, “Oh, Luz
” She stepped over the sleeping bundles and nestled down by Luz’ side. “I didn’t realize you were awake.”
“I didn’t want to be.”
“Oh.” Amity sighed, glancing quickly at their friends before lowering her voice, “Are you thinking about
what happened back there?”
aren’t you?” She wanted to be sharper with her question, because how could Amity not be thinking about everyone they’d left behind, but her voice quavered dangerously and she could feel a little lump growing in her throat that shut her up real quick.
But Amity had always known her too well. “Luz
“You’re going to say it’s not my fault and that I couldn’t have stopped the Collector or saved King on my own. I know you are.” She wiped at her eyes. “But I just LEFT them, Amity
.I just left them there and now we have no way of going back andandAND!”
Amity gathered her into a hug, wrapping her whole body around Luz’s trembling frame as she wept softly to herself. “Luz
The girl whimpered in her embrace.
“Luz, I’m not going to sit here and try and pretend there’s an upside to all of this. Because everything happened so fast and we literally haven’t had a single moment to process it all and we’re tired and sore and hurting and nothing I say can really make you feel better anyway
but there is one thing I want you to know.”
She ran gentle fingers through thick brown hair, relishing the little content hum that came from her sniffling girlfriend. “I
I want you to know how unbelievably GLAD I am to see you alive and to be able to hold you in my arms right now
because after that little stunt you pulled at the factory,” Amity released a wet chuckle, “I thought I’d never get to see you again, or hold you again
I thought we’d never get that date...”
Luz’s head shot up so fast, affront written all over her face like she’d just insulted her mother. “But, but I promised you that date!”
“I know,” Amity giggled, “I know you did, and I know you always keep your promise, Luz
and maybe that’s why I shouldn’t have worried at all. But
I was so scared for you that all I could think of on the ride to the Titan’s Head was what I would do if I got there too late
“Hey,” A warm, brown hand cradled her cheek, nudging her glance back to Luz’s soft gaze, “It’s okay, Sweet Potato. I’m here now.”
“I know.” Amity leaned in, pecking a light kiss to Luz’ lips and enjoying the beet-red blush that spread across her girlfriend’s face. “There are a lot of things I’m not sure about and I know our future is really uncertain right now
but I’m just glad I get to do that again.”
“Oh, you-you can do that whenever you want,” A flustered Luz blurted out.
“Whenever?” One eyebrow went up. “So, if I were to give you another one right now, you wouldn’t mind?”
It hadn’t seemed possible, but Luz was quickly rivalling her in the tomato-face department. “N-NO! I-I mean, sure, you-you could
but-but I- I mean you-in this- and now and I just
” She groaned and buried her head in her hands with a soft cry, “Help?”
Amity couldn’t help but giggle at Luz’ adorableness as she removed the hands, “If I knew you were going to get this flustered, I’d have kissed you sooner.”
Luz was mere seconds from passing out, “S-sooner? Like how much sooner?”
Amity felt a hint of warmth creep across her own face. Thinking about when or how she might have summoned the courage to kiss Luz without the end of the world looming in the distance was far more than she cared to think about this late at night, not on top of everything else.
“Maybe I’ll tell you later. After you get some sleep.”
” Luz whined, an adorable pout on her lips, “Please, Ames
ya can’t just leave a girl hanging like that!”
Amity feigned indifference, “I’m immune to your wily ways, Noceda. Your charms can’t bamboozle me.” Her expression softened as Luz stifled a yawn, “See, you can barely keep your eyes open. Bed first, talk later.”
Luz huffed but allowed Amity to help her to her feet. “Will
?” She blushed and rubbed her forearm, but the hesitation and the awkward silence was enough for her girlfriend to get the hint.
Amity blushed a deep red, “You
you want me to sleep with you?”
It was a miracle neither girl had passed out from lack of oxygen. But Luz sure felt on the brink of it. “J-just for tonight
I-it’d help.”
” Amity sucked in a deep breath, “O-okay.”
They crossed over their dozing friends and to the bottom bunk, brushing aside the scattered covers so that Luz first, then Amity could crawl under.
are you sure your mother is okay with this?”
Luz bit her tongue. She hadn’t yet told her mother about
well, anything. But it was far too late to worry about that now. “I’ll tell her in the morning. Besides, we’ve had a long day, she’ll understand.”
” Amity laid down, her arms stiff against her side like wooden boards.
“Hey,” Luz curled her arms around her girlfriend, brushing her fingers against her sides, “Relax hermosa, be comfortable.”
“Shhhh.” Luz nuzzled her head against Amity’s shoulder, “Bed first, talk later. Remember?”
Amity managed a nod. She could do this. She could overcome her gay panic and cuddle with her girlfriend in her bed, in her room. Right?
Soft lips landed on her cheek before Luz settled down into slumber, “Good night, sweet potato. I love you.”
The surge of warmth that swelled in her heart vanquished any lingering anxiety. Amity pressed a soft kiss to the brown hair before her before wrapping her arms around Luz. “Good night, batata. I love you too.”
In mere minutes, the couple were fast asleep.

Hunter released his breath, lightly patting Willow beside him, “What-what was that thing she said? Batata? And why did they say I love you to each other? Are people supposed to say that to each other normally? Or is that something they do because they’re ‘together’ or whatever?”
Willow sighed. As delightful as Caleb’s curiosity could be, it was way too late at night to handle all his enthusiasm. She patted his arm, “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
but I am –!”
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
Okay, so I'm writing something now...aren't I? Like I can't not write something after that finale...
Yeah, I'm writing a one-shot.
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
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I'm still too stunned to speak about that episode... but I'll just say I did not expect that ending. Also, this is what I found, lemme know if I missed anything!
Perhaps the most surprising thing is that the Collector didn't posess anyone. Huh.
Update: so i guess I do have a bingo!
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
Okay, lot of people think Raine is dead here but I think they survived, they were probably just too weakened by the spell. I refuse to believe Raine Whispers is dead, I just do.
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i promised a special kid
i’d protect you.
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
This was the most bittersweet moment I never expected, seeing Lilith insist again that she can do this in Eda's place, seeing Eda be tough for her older sister....UGH, I really do hope they're both okay (or you know, as okay as one can be after having just lost an arm)
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this was fucking rude btw
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
Yeah, the moment King got that look on his face, I knew I was gonna start crying! This episode didn't go the way I all!
Luz, I'm so happy I got you as a big sister
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Hi mom, I'm back 😄💔
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
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Just one little picture of our cute lil owl family before everything goes to heck in a handbasket!
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
The world is ending (so where are you, my love)
The Owl House fanfiction (Luz x Amity, set after Clouds on the Horizon)
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The world was ending.
Luz was missing.
And it was all her mom’s fault.
Okay. So it wasn’t ENTIRELY her mom’s fault, but her mom had destroyed her only link to her awesome girlfriend with a fiendish delight on her stupid, smirky face and a clench of her fist, and so technically, really, it was her mom’s fault.
Because she couldn’t contact Luz now that –
I just want to know Luz is safe.”
Her siblings were trying their best, bless their hearts, but it didn’t compare to the ever-present optimism in Luz’s voice or the soft smile on her pretty face or the way she’d hold her close and make her feel like the luckiest girl in the world because the best, most compassionate, bravest, most adorable witch in all the Boiling Isles was her girlfriend and she loved her so SO much and if she could just see her for a second, just ONE, it would make all of her nightmares disappear.
But she didn’t know if she would see her girlfriend again, because the world was ending and Luz –
“Woah. I would say all of that.”
Amity’s teary face shot up to find a very familiar, very welcome sight.
Luz was here.
She was HERE.
Her girlfriend was here! In her room!
And now that Amity had her, she would never let go of her again.
The world was ending.
Luz was missing again

And it was still, somehow, that woman’s fault.
Again, that bit wasn’t entirely true, but Amity felt better blaming all of her problems on that she-witch, because if she hadn’t given Kikimora a new upgrade, that little demon wouldn’t be halfway to the Titan’s Head right now with Luz in tow

Amity felt like punching something.
She usually didn’t, but the emotional whiplash she’d experienced of seeing her girlfriend after a week of uncertainty, fighting by her side and then losing her all over again, it
it made her do stupid things.
Like not-realize-that-the-person-pretending-to-be-her-girlfriend-was-actually-Hunter kind of stupid. Like flying-to-the-Titan’s-Head-to-face-off-against-the-Emperor-stupid.
Or like fly-off-the-handle-at Luz’s-utter-lack-of-self-preservation-before-grabbing-her-collar-and-pulling her-into-another-kiss kind of stupid because OHGOD-that-first kiss had changed her entire life and she really, REALLY didn’t want that to be the last one they ever shared.
She wouldn’t let it end that way.
Her story with Luz would not end that way.
She would make sure of it.
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
A little theory that may or may not fall to pieces in tomorrow's episode
So, I wasn't sure how to frame this but I've had a few thoughts in my mind since Elsewhere and Elsewhen that make me wonder if we're severely underestimating Belos' planning for the DOU.
Then I saw someone post about how Eda replacing Raine as head of the bard coven might actually play into Belos' hands and complete the draining spell.
And then it hit me.
When Kikimora said 'Belos had eyes everywhere' she didn't mean a traitor. She meant Belos is watching them, always.
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We've had this hint before, when Belos had Terra tell Luz he was looking forward to meeting her at the Coven Day parade. After the time pool events, my biggest question then was 'How did he know she hadn't traveled back in time until this very moment?"
The answer is...because he's been spying on them with Oracle magic.
Now bear with me as I try to piece everything together. (Again, this is just my theory, it may have holes, but it's my way to process everything before King's Tide ruins me)
Okay, so the way I see it, it starts here.
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This portal does NOT look buried. It never did to me. But we didn't get an explanation for its random appearance until Elsewhere and Elsewhen. Now we know it's a time pool. Which means the portal popped up through a pool and Eda tripped over it.
Now, when exactly this portal came up from, I don't know. But likely, Philip and his brother were arguing about something (maybe about the new girl Caleb? was seeing. (I know that's not confirmed yet but I'm calling him that). Anyway, they fight. Portal gets lost in a time pool and ends up almost 370 years in the future. Caleb dies at Phillip's hand, but he is now out of a way home.
So he stews and plans a way to destroy all the witches. He waits for almost 400 years (again, we know now that he HAD to wait that long for the eclipse to happen exactly where he needed it at the head of the titan, cool little fact about eclipses, look it up!) and spent this time perfecting sigil magic and making grimwalkers of his dead brother.
He did not know where the portal had gone or if he'd see it again, but he didn't care about that at the moment, because he had a bigger mission.
The draining spell.
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That's why when Luz showed up in his time, he didn't seem all that pressed about the door. He'd probably accepted he'd never get back or something.
Cue his rise as Emperor. Once he put himself in a position of power, all the witches fell under his sway and then suddenly, he could use their powers for himself.
I'm sure one of the first things he did was use Oracle magic to search for where the portal might have ended up, and was probably pleasantly surprised to learn it was going to fall into the hands of a little girl, one he could easily capture and retrieve HIS portal from. I say it was, because he ascended to power at least 20 years before Eda is cursed, so she probably hasn't even been born yet.
But he's looking into the future, and lo and behold, he finds the portal with this red-haired girl about 20 years in the future.
But then, he looks further.
And the more he sees, the more he realizes just how important it is for the portal to remain in Eda's hands. Because Eda's frequent use of the door as well as the nature in which she visits the human realm is what ensures Luz arrives to the Boiling Isles.
Which means...
Yes, I think Belos knew Luz was going to show up on the Boiling Isles.
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Now, he HAD to have, because he met her in the past and knew she was lying about being a crab maiden. He remembered of course he's not surprised that she shows up, but now he realizes this is the point of time in which she arrives to the Boiling Isles, which means he has to ensure that happens to complete the time loop and ensure he meets the Collector, right?
If he takes the portal away, Luz never appears and...the time loop is never completed, which ruins his plans.
So he lets Eda keep it.
Now granted, I'm not saying he created the circumstances in which Luz shows up or anything. He didn't manipulate Camilla into sending Luz to camp or make Luz run after Owlbert.
Luz walked through on her own free will and Eda let her tag along and made her her apprentice on her own free will.
What I AM saying is that Belos knew Luz would show up, and so he took that information and used it to his advantage.
Now, he didn't just need Luz to arrive to the Isles, he needed her to stay on the isles, remember?
So he begins pursuing Eda with a vengeance to get the portal AFTER Luz arrives to the demon realm. Not before. Both for his own purposes, but also to ensure she doesn't leave without helping him.
Now this is where it gets tricky, because you would think someone who has access to all of the Oracle coven's powers would trap two criminals no problem, right?
Because while Belos can see some big, key moments, I don't think he can see everything in the future.
How do we know this?
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Because Luz cracked his mask, and he had no idea it was going to happen.
I think he saw some things ahead of time, like Lilith's betrayal. But he was not prepared for Luz to be such a fierce opponent, nor did he expect her to destroy the portal when she handed it to him.
Both were surprises, but they were only minor setbacks. I think the biggest one thought, was her keeping the key.
Now some people have noted that it's odd Belos didn't ask for the key too when he took the portal from her, and I think that's because he didn't make the portal in the first place. His brother did. (That's a whole other story though.)
Anyway, end of season one, he has the portal, but it's destroyed, he's got no key, and he's freed the Owl Lady instead of punishing her. It feels a bit like a lose-lose situation for him considering he can somewhat see into the future, right?
Wrong again.
Because I think...and this is where I'm treading into plot hole territory, I think he's the one who made sure Eda was cursed in the first place.
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Think about it. He's had 400 years to plan the draining spell out. He's working with the Collector, who we KNOW is the one who trapped the Owl Beast in the first place.
What if that was part of his plan for the DOU?
Remember back when I said something about Belos using Oracle magic for the first time and catching Eda with the portal almost 20 years before it happens? Maybe...maybe he did some digging and saw she was running away from home because she was cursed, maybe he realizes that future Eda is going to be cursed, and maybe...maybe he realizes he's the reason she gets cursed and that she needs to be in order for events to play out.
Assuming he sees her future almost 20 years before Lilith and Eda face off for the Coven tryouts, that gives him plenty of time to ask the Collector for a favor. One where they trap the Owl Beast and turn it into a curse scroll that finds its way to the night market.
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That and a few choice words spoken to the public about how you must sacrifice to be considered great, and he's practically coerced Lilith into doing his bidding, for the first time, I might add.
(Also I fully believe he treated Lilith like shit for 30 years and made false promises to cure her sister and threatened to petrify her like he did other wild witches all because she punched him ONE time! the biggest snowflake of them all, honestly!)
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Now, this is gonna sound hokey, but what I'm saying means that Belos' had a kid cursed so that they unwittingly stumble across the one thing that would ensure the second person crucial to his plan would show up in about 30 some years. And that they would grow up to become a part of his draining spell and is it weird? Yeah! But it seems like something Belos would do.
He gets the Collector to capture the Owl Beast and turn it into a curse, Eda gets cursed, she runs away from home, stumbles across his portal, uses it for years and has it connected to Luz' hometown (again, I don't think Belos knows it's set to his old hometown), but at the end of the day, Luz shows up at the boiling isles.
TLDR; Luz the Human and her surrogate mom, Eda the Owl Lady are both crucial to his plan. He's known the specifics about them both for years by spying on them and now, as the day of Unity approaches, he's got Eda right where he needs her.
Which is why I think the biggest plot twist is that Raine Whispers figures this out right before Eda gets the sigil.
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This expression here tells me they're worried for Eda's safety, but what if this is the moment they piece together the bare bones of Belos' plan?
Which is that Eda is part of it.
If they do stop Eda for that reason, that'd be the biggest plot twist of them all (and a total vindication of at least part of my theory).
That or the fact that since Eda split the curse with Lilith, it isn't as strong as Belo's expects it to be, so it doesn't kill the witches so much as weaken them. But all of this is hypothetical.
And yes, it could be that I'm completely wrong and Belos' isn't actually seeing the future and ensuring things go his way, and maybe Eda's curse would actually screw things up and Raine is just worried about her here...
But it's fun to theorize, isn't it?
Comment below if this theory makes any sense, or if you'd like to sum it up nicely for others, or if you disagree with it. Or anything, really.
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
Lemme talk about Arcane
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So, I finally got into Arcane after watching everyone die over the visuals and
HOLY SHIT! It did NOT disappoint! Just the intro killed me (I also love Imagine Dragons so it was like a double death tbh) and as an artist, that play with color and the way each character is sculpted and presented hit so hard that I just...
UGH, no words. At all.
Also the entire show itself was like a fever dream and I wish I could watch it all again with fresh eyes, because my brain was not prepared for the level of anything.
But yeah, now I'm on board the Arcane train and wanna see what other people think about it.
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thefrequentdaydreamer · 3 years ago
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The thing that scares me the MOST abt the finale is not what might happen to King or Luz, it's what will happen to Eda if either of her kids get hurt. We've seen her shit scared for her kids before, and what she's willing to do to keep them safe. So, if Luz does get posessed by the Collector, or King freaking dies!, you just KNOW she's gonna blame herself. And since she's blamed herself before for hurting her loved ones in one way or another, this is gonna destroy her, because these ARE her kids! They're all she has right now and she can't lose them, not after everything they've been through.
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You see this Dana? This is what we wanna see after the Day of Unity. No Luz being a host for an eldritch chaos entity or King joining the rest of his kind in Titan heaven, no! We want our cute, sweet lil owl family back in one piece! 💕🙏🙏🙏🙏💖
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