26 posts
i create & my creations are extensions of my soul. please don't steal my soul. writer/artist/filmmaker (sometimes musician/actor)
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thefrancreatitisuniverse - reviews
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Reviews that I create will be separated by certain icons, and I don’t think it is fair to use any type of “rating system.” Unless I come up with one of my own which will most likely make zero sense.
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Films & Television
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Books & Comic Books
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Video Games
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There are some of the main icons that will be used to differentiate between reviews. (Also reviews will not be limited to things I’ve JUST seen, read, played, or heard. If I feel compelled to write a review based on something I’ve just “experienced” I will wait until it digests in my brain a little longer, and then let loose my mind kraken..
Anyway, starting either tonight, or when I have the time.. to reiterate, I will be writing reviews, (or let’s call em what they really are), opinions that are not to be taken seriously whatsoever.  Anyone can write/create them, because everyone has opinions. It shouldn’t be a job.. at all. Unless they are somehow completely fair.. which I suppose can be done in some cases. But I can’t think of any off the top of my head. Probably because it’s a useless job... And look at what has basically replaced reviewers, at least when it comes to movies... you get the internet response... “Rotten Tomatoes” being the most popular, which is reducing this shit down to numbers. So now people see a certain number, and if it doesn’t meet their standards they won’t go and have a good time at the movies. Which is what movies, television, music, video games, etc, have always been kinda about. Even if they all immediately became somewhat evil money making machines.
But to get back on point, I’m a dick who sometimes enjoys sharing my opinion on things. So this is an exercise on writing for now.
Sometimes I don’t let a movie sink in long enough and I think, “that was the best movie I’ve ever seen.” But then once they have sunk in enough, I have a full review in my head ready to be heard.. but by who? Who’s gonna listen to me? Probably no one.. My opinion, just like most other peoples’, is not worth shit. Especially when it comes to stuff you watch, like movies and TV, specifically. Most people love, or are even obsessed with those things.. The thing I wanna exercise is how I would review a book (something not everyone enjoys), or video games (which I only enjoy unless I really, really want to experience the game, because let’s be honest, they are expensive). I could review some old video games, which maybe I will, but it will basically just be getting to re-play old Nintendo games, and then writing about what an awesome time I’m having. And when it comes to music, yes, it is also something that everyone loves, and I’m not quite at all sure how I’ll tackle that subject yet, but I’ll definitely try to figure it out,,,
But back to movies, reviews do nothing but hurt movies, especially if that movie is still in the box office. People will actually say things like, “oh I heard that wasn’t that good,” And then deprive themselves of a fun time and a possible good time, (hopefully with a friend, or significant other, and hopefully not alone [unless you dig that, in which case, there’s nothing wrong with it]), even if the review didn’t come from a “professional reviewer,” like Ebert & BlahBlah. I know one or both of them are dead, so I guess I apologize for being insensitive, but I’m trying to make a decent goddamn point here. 
Anyway, even if some jerk off had just heard a “review” from a friend, they still won’t see the movie, just 'cause their friend, or a friends friend, said “it wasn’t that good.” Thus possibly hurting a great movie’s chances to make its money back. Let’s not forget that these movies do take quite a lot of money to make (honestly, some celebrities should just take less money for their work, ‘cause not all of ‘em are fuckin’ Alan Alda or Edie Falco.) For all you know the dumb ass who told ya not to see that awesome movie, also likes to watch videos of decapitations online, or writes fantasy porn involving incest or children. Sorry to be so graphic, but seriously.. 
So, in conclusion, I will be starting a review section on my Tumblr as a writing exercise. I’m excited, even though I do not have many followers. Maybe one, once I start posting more. But seriously, just like most reviews.. Who fuckin cares?
First review(s) coming very soon. I recently watched “Baby Driver” and I think that’ll be my first movie review... 
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This is a poster sized piece I did, titled "Severing the Mutated Tentacle," that I then customized by painting the background and framing it. My good friend, the lovely Jenna, had a birthday coming up so I also customized it just for her!
The same may happen to you! I may just see you on the street, dig your style, and then give you a business card, or get your number, and next thing you know youre getting an original piece of weird fuckin artwork sent to your house!
But hey! To see regularly updated artwork, please check out my art page on Facebook, Art By Francis ( 
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(this artwork belongs to myself and Art By Francis. do not try to steal it.)
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I know this is a little late to the game, but this is some truly sad stuff, and it makes me cry, which makes me feel good and human. I loved the old Batman TV series, and Adam was always genius on Family Guy, on which Ralph Garman also plays many voices.
Anyway, this is a clip from the podcast (now vodcast [is that what they’re called?]) “Hollywood Babble-On” starring Ralph Garman (K-ROQ LA, Family Guy, Yoga Hosers, Tusk) & Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Red State, Tusk, etc...) in which they perform their weekly segment Tinsel Town Stiffs, where they pay tribute to people from pop culture who had died that past week. It often gets emotional, but this one just happened to fall on June 10th, the exact day that Adam West passed away, so as you can tell it is still pretty raw, but Ralph does a great job getting through the segment. 
I wanted to make a post about this because not only is Adam West a massive loss in the world of pop culture, as he was, of course, television’s colorful, campy, and often ridiculously hilarious Batman from 1966 to 1968.
It’s hard to watch, as you feel for Ralph, who grew to eventually become very good friends with his childhood hero, which I guess luckily turned out well, since if most of us met our heroes, we’d all likely be let down. (Although for me, I personally don’t think I could be let down by meeting Trey Parker [as long as he isn’t in the middle of a run of South Park], Kevin Smith, Ralph Steadman, Sigourney Weaver, or Edgar Wright). But clearly Adam had such an amazingly positive effect on Ralph, that they got to become close friends, and as for the rest of their history together as friends, you’ll see Garman talk about it in this video.... Please watch if you loved ADAM WEST.
Rest In Peace Adam West!
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.. and while we’re at it let’s throw Yvonne Craig into the mix, because she was the sexiest Batgirl (so far, but probably always will be) in film history. She died back on August 17th, 2015 at age 78, and she is still missed.
Here she is, as Batgirl:
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Do a Google search for what she looks like out of the costume. She was truly incredibly beautiful. <3
That’s it.
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via weheartit
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via weheartit
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via weheartit
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Some People Should Learn This
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ready freddie
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Freddie on the set of the “A Kind Of Magic” promotional video in 1986.
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July 1st. Great White Buffalo.
This date is significant to me, so before it’s over I wanted to post one of my favorite pieces I’ve done, called “Twelver.”
“If you told me ‘bout all this when I was 15, I never would have believed it.” 
-Against Me!, “Tonight We’re Gonna Give It 35%”
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George Carlin Said It Best
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FUCK yes! Just finished GLOW & the new season of OITNB. So goddamn good.
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netflixfr: GLOW is the new black. (x)
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