The Fourth Branch
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
6/11/2020 ​The Coronavirus Conspiracy: The Picture Puzzle of Tyranny is Taking Shape
​         The headline read: "World Health Leaders Urge Green Recovery from Coronavirus Crisis" (The Guardian - 5/26/20)
      The article cited numerous International medical organizations and medical unions who are calling upon the governments of the world to institute drastic changes in environmental policies as they bring an end to Martial Law and reopen their nations.  This for the purpose of addressing 'Climate Change' which they claim is causing unnecessary deaths around the world.  Again, we see the Left's same tired, worn-out playbook of political hysteria: "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!"       Another article documented the economic destruction that has been brought upon small communities as a result of the Coronavirus or, more accurately, the imposition of Martial Law, which has caused the destruction of businesses, the loss of jobs and, as a direct result, the loss of tax revenue to these communities.       How curious it is that throughout the article the so-called 'journalist' repeatedly asserted that 'Climate Change' is the source of the economic destruction.  It was quite the demonstration of mental gymnastics to say the least, but I'll give him credit for this much, he was quite persistent in his effort.  Expect more of the same from his 'comrades' in the socialist media over the coming days, weeks and months.       Now, before you assume that any of this is coincidental, be aware that Bill Gates has asserted that the government response to the Coronavirus will prove that government is capable of handling 'Climate Change.'       And, so we see, another piece of the tyrannical puzzle, 'Climate Change,' falls right into place.  Is anyone surprised?       Then, there is this headline: "Twitter Adds Fact-Check Notices to Trump Tweets on Mail-In Ballots" (The Wall Street Journal - 5/26/20)       When Twitter adds a fact check notice to a tweet, they attach a link to the sources that are doing the fact check.  How convenient that the sources that they relied upon in this instance were the Washington Post and CNN.  Quite the joke, wouldn't you say?       Twitter, of course, failed to attach a link to Fox News which reported that a wide array of experts, who are not paid by the government and are not employed by the Deep State mouthpieces in the media, all agree with the President and cite the long and fraudulent history of mail-in ballots to prove that he is correct.       And, again, we see two more pieces of the tyrannical puzzle fall right into place, media censorship of a political candidate and the Democrat's chosen mechanism for electoral fraud in the upcoming election, mail-in ballots.  Again, is anyone surprised?       In sum, the Coronavirus CONSPIRACY has been implemented to destroy private sector businesses and drive the citizenry to a greater state of dependency and control by the government; cause local and state governments to collapse which will require federal bailouts and all the federal control that will come with them; establish the precedent of imposing Martial Law on the basis of fear; create the impression that government is 'capable' of handling 'Climate Change' based upon it's 'stellar' performance in addressing the Coronavirus, and, last but certainly not least, steal the upcoming election by abandoning our long standing practice of free and open elections and replacing it with mail-in ballots which is the election process most susceptible to electoral fraud.       If they succeed, the picture that their tyrannical puzzle will ultimately reveal is one of economic collapse requiring even more severe government intervention and impositions, linked with draconian 'Climate Change' policies and a coup-d'etat through electoral fraud.  It will all add up to centralized government control over virtually every aspect of your life.       Perhaps it is time for those who have been hiding in fear from a virus to open their eyes and realize that the Coronavirus CONSPIRACY has been nothing more than a smokescreen to hide the implementation of the tyrannical agenda that they truly should be afraid of.       It is time for them to open their eyes and realize that the only thing they need to fear is centralized government at both the state and federal levels.       It is time for them to open their eyes to the reality that the greatest weapon in the arsenal of those who wish to control them is the weapon of fear.       Do I expect them to open their eyes anytime soon?  No!       So long as they can live and eat like kings they will accept any lie and submit to any tyranny.  Not until they are no longer able to live and eat like kings will they open their eyes.  Unfortunately, I fear that before that happens they will find themselves in the middle of the third American Revolution/Civil War.       Then, of course, they will be quick to ask, how did we get here?  But they will never look in the mirror and point the finger directly back at themselves in answer to their question.       Unfortunately, I fear that in the end only God, with the help of Patriots, will save the Republic from these useful idiots who know nothing, but think they know it all.  Such fools are tyranny's greatest ally
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
6/2/2020 ​Socialists and Communists Exploit Pain to Achieve Power - George Floyd
      I'm beginning to wonder if there is even a single individual in the media, including those who work for Fox News, who knows anything about the history of Communism.  The reason I wonder is because as I watch the riots unfolding across the nation following the murder of George Floyd, not a single reporter has drawn attention to the fact that what we are witnessing is the strategy and tactics of Communists.  No one is pointing out the fact that George Soros, chief financier and organizer of the violence is a Communist.  I have all but run out of hope that I will ever hear someone in the media accurately identify as Communists those who populate the ranks of Antifa, who are once again at the heart of this latest violence just as they have been for the last three and a half years.       Communists have been implementing this strategy and these tactics for more than a hundred years since the Bolshevik Revolution.  The reason is always the same, to destabilize and overthrow the existing government.       In America these tactics began to be employed in the 1960's by the Communists who seized upon the opportunity provided by the peaceful anti-war and Civil Rights demonstrations.  In both instances they added incendiary fuel to the situation and brought violent destruction upon the cities of America.       Ever since, at every possible opportunity the Communists have come out of the woodwork across the land and repeated over and over again the tactics of violent anarchy that we are witnessing once again.       The only way Communists ever succeed in achieving their goal of tyrannical power, is by deceiving the citizenry into believing that they are not what they are, Communists.  And they do so, by attaching to themselves labels that are innocuous and deceiving.       So, do not judge them by the labels that they attach to themselves.  Judge them by their actions in the context of history.  And identify them by the name associated with history's examples of such actions as theirs.       Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton and the entire leadership of the Democrat party call themselves Democrats.  But at every turn throughout their political careers they have promoted and advanced the agenda of Socialism.  Therefore, they are Socialists.  But they are far worse, for they have demonstrated throughout their political careers, time and time again, that they are adherent practitioners of the most fundamental Communist doctrine: "The end justifies the means."  If your agenda is Socialism and you live by that Communist doctrine, you are a Communist.       Then there is Antifa.  This group call themselves Antifa, meaning anti-fascist, in an effort to deceive and distract attention from who and what they are.  By calling themselves anti-fascists they hope to garner the support of all who are, in fact, anti-fascist.       Unfortunately, the media aids them in this deception, by not pointing out that they are the political equivalent on the left of the Fascists and the Nazis on the right.  By not calling attention to the fact that they are Communists, the media leaves the citizenry to assume that they are just a bunch of lunatic anarchist running about the land with no organization or designed purpose.       If the media did their job and accurately identified these people as Communists, the citizenry would immediately sit up and take notice of the fact that they are a serious threat to the survival of this Republic.       For three years the media breathlessly wore themselves out trying to convince the American people that we were being undermined by the Communist Vladimir Putin of Russia.  All the while they were ignoring the violence that was being perpetrated, by American Communists, upon college campuses and in cities around this nation.  At the same time, for three years, they ignored the billionaire cadre of Communists led by George Soros who have been organizing and financing these Communists in the streets and on the campuses.       Now, quite predictably in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the Communist George Soros has once again unleashed his army of Communist foot soldiers all across America in cities run by Socialist Democrats who are Communist sympathizers. Again, quite predictably these Communist sympathizing mayors and governors have told the police and National Guard to stand aside and let the Communist foot soldiers wreak their havoc.       What is it that all of these players, the media, governors, mayors, George Soros and the foot soldiers of Communism have in common?  Again, they all live by that fundamental Communist doctrine: "The end justifies the means." And what is the end that they seek?  To turn America and the world into one Socialist/Communist state.       You cannot defeat an enemy until you first understand his nature, his strategy and his tactics.  It is time for the American people to recognize that the enemy are Socialists and Communists and they are being aided and abetted in their pursuit of tyranny by their fellow travelers in the media who are, likewise, Socialists and Communists.
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
5/26/2020 ​Who the Hell Gave Them the Right?
      Over the Memorial Day weekend, when we honored and mourned all those who have died in defense of The Bill of Rights and the innate rights of the Sovereign Individual, I thought of some questions I would like to ask the elitist tyrants in the governor's mansions and the ivory halls of the Deep State at both the state and federal levels.       Who the hell gave you the right to put 39 million Americans out of work?       Who the hell gave you the right to tell the entire nation that we have to sit in our homes and behave like good little boys and girls?       Who the hell gave you the right to shut down the majority of the American Medical system all for the purpose of catering to your power agenda cloaked in the deception of coronavirus hysteria?       Who the hell gave you the right the violate the First and Fourth Amendment protections of a single individual, let alone the entire nation?       Every governor, both Republican and Democrat, and every Deep State 'expert' who played any part in this tyranny needs to be run out of town on a rail.       To my fellow citizens who, out of fear are supporting this tyranny, I would like to ask this question: Who the hell gave you the right to call upon government to burn the Bill of Rights and trample on my innate rights simply because you're afraid?       The Bill of Rights was not added to the Constitution to grant us our rights, it was added to the Constitution to recognize and protect our innate rights that we possess from the moment of our creation. And no form or level of government ever has the right to deny us these rights!       The Bill of Rights was not added to the Constitution to protect government from We the People, it was added to protect We the People from tyrannical government which creates a climate of fear based upon lies and speculation and, then, seizes upon the opportunity that you present as you demand to be protected from the manufactured fear.       That is exactly what has happened here. And you, my fellow citizens who are supporting this tyranny, are partly responsible for the tyranny that is being imposed upon us because you are afraid of a virus.       If you doubt that we are suffering the imposition of tyranny, realize, that any violation of the Bill of Rights by government at any level meets the definition of tyranny.       In the last two months the First and Fourth Amendment protections of the innate rights of the Sovereign Individual have been violated from coast to coast in numbers that are beyond quantifying. Starting with the imposition of Martial Law and the house arrest of the citizenry, followed by the prohibition upon freedom of assembly and worship.       Yes my dear citizens, it is time to stop deceiving yourselves, THIS IS TYRANNY!!!!!!! And if we do not stop them now this is just the beginning.       Remember what the old sage said: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."       For five decades I have watched the incremental concentration of power in the hands of state and federal government bureaucracies. And who has been running this latest agenda of hysterics through deception? The so-called 'experts' of the Deep State bureaucracies at both the state and federal levels.       Everybody keeps waiting for the government to end this madness. I would ask, why should they? After all, this madness is concentrating power into their hands. Simply put, government has no interest in ending this. Their interest lies in the perpetuation of it.       It is time for We the People to accept the cold hard reality that tyranny only ends when it is crushed by We the People. The longer we wait the harder it will be to get the job done.       It is time for We the People to rise up and enforce the Bill of Rights as the Founders intended.       How about it my fellow citizens, have you had enough?!?! Or are you still willing to cling to that naive, self-deceptive notion that "it could never happen here" even as you watch it unfold before your very eyes?
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
5/26/2020 Who the Hell Gave Them the Right?       Over the Memorial Day weekend, when we honored and mourned all those who have died in defense of The Bill of Rights and the innate rights of the Sovereign Individual, I thought of some questions I would like to ask the elitist tyrants in the governor's mansions and the ivory halls of the Deep State at both the state and federal levels.       Who the hell gave you the right to put 39 million Americans out of work?       Who the hell gave you the right to tell the entire nation that we have to sit in our homes and behave like good little boys and girls?       Who the hell gave you the right to shut down the majority of the American Medical system all for the purpose of catering to your power agenda cloaked in the deception of coronavirus hysteria?       Who the hell gave you the right the violate the First and Fourth Amendment protections of a single individual, let alone the entire nation?       Every governor, both Republican and Democrat, and every Deep State 'expert' who played any part in this tyranny needs to be run out of town on a rail.       To my fellow citizens who, out of fear are supporting this tyranny, I would like to ask this question: Who the hell gave you the right to call upon government to burn the Bill of Rights and trample on my innate rights simply because you're afraid?       The Bill of Rights was not added to the Constitution to grant us our rights, it was added to the Constitution to recognize and protect our innate rights that we possess from the moment of our creation. And no form or level of government ever has the right to deny us these rights!       The Bill of Rights was not added to the Constitution to protect government from We the People, it was added to protect We the People from tyrannical government which creates a climate of fear based upon lies and speculation and, then, seizes upon the opportunity that you present as you demand to be protected from the manufactured fear.       That is exactly what has happened here. And you, my fellow citizens who are supporting this tyranny, are partly responsible for the tyranny that is being imposed upon us because you are afraid of a virus.       If you doubt that we are suffering the imposition of tyranny, realize, that any violation of the Bill of Rights by government at any level meets the definition of tyranny.       In the last two months the First and Fourth Amendment protections of the innate rights of the Sovereign Individual have been violated from coast to coast in numbers that are beyond quantifying. Starting with the imposition of Martial Law and the house arrest of the citizenry, followed by the prohibition upon freedom of assembly and worship.       Yes my dear citizens, it is time to stop deceiving yourselves, THIS IS TYRANNY!!!!!!! And if we do not stop them now this is just the beginning.       Remember what the old sage said: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."       For five decades I have watched the incremental concentration of power in the hands of state and federal government bureaucracies. And who has been running this latest agenda of hysterics through deception? The so-called 'experts' of the Deep State bureaucracies at both the state and federal levels.       Everybody keeps waiting for the government to end this madness. I would ask, why should they? After all, this madness is concentrating power into their hands. Simply put, government has no interest in ending this. Their interest lies in the perpetuation of it.       It is time for We the People to accept the cold hard reality that tyranny only ends when it is crushed by We the People. The longer we wait the harder it will be to get the job done.       It is time for We the People to rise up and enforce the Bill of Rights as the Founders intended.       How about it my fellow citizens, have you had enough?!?! Or are you still willing to cling to that naive, self-deceptive notion that "it could never happen here" even as you watch it unfold before your very eyes?
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
5/20/2020 The Vaccine is in the Air, on the Doorknob, and in the Palm of Your Neighbor's Hand       When I did a web search to try to find out how many different coronavirus strains there have been, I was unable to find any definitive answer.  However, when I went to the WebMed website I found that seven strains of Coronavirus can infect human beings. The four common ones are: 229E (alpha) NL63 (alpha) OC43 (beta) HKU1 (beta). The three less-common ones are: MERS-CoV, a beta virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) SARS-CoV, a beta virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.       This tells us that of the six previous strains that infect human beings, none have resulted in the development of a vaccine.       Apparently, Dr. Fauchi is not aware of this and is also not aware of the fact that children have proven to be nearly completely immune to Covid-19.  After all, according to Dr. Fauchi, we can not reopen schools and resume normal life until a vaccine for Covid-19 is created and administered.       I'm sure the good doctor is not aware of the fact that the human immune system was designed by God to interact, on a daily basis, with the viruses of nature through exposure to them.  This requires the immune system to fight to defend the body.  In so doing, the individual immune system becomes stronger against the future strains of viruses that always mutate to a greater strength.  As a citizenry, this effort results in a stronger communal immunity.       I'm sure the good doctor is not aware of the fact that when we wash every germ and virus off of our body, and attempt to eliminate breathing them into our lungs, we deprive our immune system of the fight that it must engage in on a daily basis if it is to remain strong and increase in strength.       I'm sure the good doctor is not aware of the fact that you cannot hide from viruses forever because they will not go away, they will simply continue to get stronger. Sooner or later, you have to come out of hiding and get into the fight.  The longer you hide the weaker you become while the virus becomes stronger and the less likely you are to win the fight that is inevitable.       I'm sure the good doctor is not aware of the fact that the vaccine is in the air, on the doorknob and in the palm of your neighbor's hand.  And only through exposure can you hope to build the strength to deal with what nature will throw at you in the future.       Simply put, you need to breathe, touch and shake hands and, in so doing, expose yourself to small dosages of inoculations on a daily basis, as God intended for the advancement of the evolutionary resiliency of the immune system.       I'm sure that the good doctor is not aware of the fact that the death count has been inflated by counting a whole myriad of deaths that had nothing to do with Covid-19.  But for some reason they were counted simply because the patient also tested positive for the virus.  I wonder, what could that reason be?!?!       And I'm absolutely certain, that the good doctor is not aware of the fact that this is the first time in history that we have established mortality rates on the basis of dividing the number of deaths by the number of reported cases, as opposed to the total population.  Again, what could possibly be the reason behind that?!?!       I'm certain that the good doctor is not aware of any of these facts because, as we are told, he is the most decent human being to ever exist and the one that we would all wish to have as our grandfather.       But wait a minute, the same people who have elevated the good doctor to the position of national grandfather, also want us to believe that he is the most brilliant, competent scientific mind in the history of humanity.       Does anyone but me see the contradiction?       The only way that he could be the decent grandfatherly type that we all are told he is and, at the same time, not be aware of all the obvious facts that are stated above is if he is an incompetent idiot.       On the other hand, if he is the most brilliant scientist in the history of humanity, then surely he is aware of all the facts stated above.  And if he is the most competent scientist in the history of humanity, in light of those facts his proposed 'solution' should be the complete opposite of what he is subjecting us to.       If you have been reading my blogs over the past couple of months you are well aware of my assessment that Dr. Fauchi is "The Most Dangerous Man in the World" (See my blog post below 4/23/20).       I believe he is both brilliant and competent, but his brilliance and competency are taylormade for the arena of offensive, tyrannical government. The very arena where he has been enriching and empowering himself as he has played his nefarious games for 40 years.       His 'solution' has brought upon us offensive dictates that carry the weight of law as they shred the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.       This is tyranny and Dr. Fauchi is a brilliant, competent, nefarious tyrant.       Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I am happy to report that my grandfathers were neither idiots nor incompetent.  I'm even happier to report that they were not nefarious tyrants.       The Coronavirus is the classic example of what I address in my book, We of Mind and Reason, that turning to government should be the last resort of the citizenry when confronted by any problem except dealing with criminals or foreign military aggression.  The reason, is that those who govern are generally incompetent and all to often looking for the slightest opportunity to impose offensive, tyrannical law.  Both incompetency and tyranny are present in this crisis that, without government involvement, would be no crisis at all.  Please go to the home page of this website and purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason.  Please join the ranks of We of Mind and Reason, The Constitutional Patriots of America, and become a voice for history's greatest instrument of Liberty, the Constitution of the United States.   Thank you, and God bless America! Rick Chase
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
5/8/2020 The Questions All Should be Asking the 'Experts' of the Coronavirus Response Team?         If I was a member of the White House Press Corps these are just a few of the questions I would ask the coronavirus response team:       Dr. Fauchi, how can I trust someone who's entire position is based upon a flawed premise?  For if you believe the flawed premise to be sound, how can I trust your judgment?  On the other hand, if you know the premise is flawed, how can I trust your intent? For would not your intent be to deceive?  And if your intent is to deceive does it not stand to reason that it is for the purpose of exploitation and subjugation?       From the beginning, the flawed premise presented by Dr. Fauchi and his merry band of 'experts' has been that we should determine mortality rates by dividing the number of deaths by the number of reported cases.  Never in history has this been done.  In every instance before this, the mortality rate has been determined by dividing the number of deaths by the total population of the nation.       The next logical question is: Dr. Fauchi, why have you changed the mathematical equation?       To answer that question I must first point out that long before Hegel presented to the world the Hegelian Dialectic, the governments of man had been engaging in a pattern of behavior that always resulted in the imposition of some level of tyranny.  In the Hegelian Dialectic, Hegel simply documented that pattern of behavior which he summed up with three words: problem - reaction - solution.       Simply put, government creates a problem, which then motivates the citizenry to react emotionally and demand that the government provide a solution.  Under such manufactured circumstance who could expect any self-respecting aspiring tyrant not to rise to the demand of the citizenry?  To say the least they always have been, and always will be, more than happy to do so.  For every opportunity such as this provides them the opportunity to concentrate power and wealth into their own hands at the expense of the citizenry.       The infancy of the manufactured Coronavirus crisis occurred in China when the Chinese communists attached the words "potential Pandemic" to their reports regarding the Coronavirus.  The western media, champions of centralized governmental power, seized upon this opportunity and dropped the word "potential" from the narrative. Ever since their entire focus has been on the word Pandemic.  A word that strikes fear into the hearts of the citizenry.       Now, given that words mean things, it is important to take a moment and focus on the definition of the word Pandemic: "A disease prevalent over the whole of a country or continent, or over the whole world." (The Oxford Universal Dictionary on Historical Principles)       First, the word pandemic is not defined by speculative and deceptive estimates regarding degrees of mortality.  All that is required is that it cover a wide geographical area.       Second, every year the world suffers a pandemic flu.  Cancer is a pandemic that has existed since the beginning of time.  AIDS is a pandemic that has afflicted the world for decades.  Yet, never in the history of the world has the entire world economy been shut down to deal with any of these or any other Pandemic.       This brings us back around to the original question: why have the 'experts' completely changed their mathematical evaluation with regard to this Pandemic?  And why, for the first time in history, have they proposed that the solution is to shut down the world economy?       The change in the mathematical equation was intended to create hysteria by convincing the citizenry that unless we surrendered our Liberty and our livelihood 5 out of every 100 of us will die.       The 'experts' want us to continue to focus on their narrative that tells us that We the People are benefiting from their 'solution'.  But are we?       In my last blog post I showed that Sweden has proven this to be a false premise.  To reiterate the point, as of today if you divide the number of deaths in Sweden and the United States by the total population of each country the mortality rate for the United States is 0.00023 and it is 0.0003 for Sweden.       That is a difference of 0.00007       If you multiply 0.00007 x 330 million Americans you will find that had we followed Sweden's path of Liberty we would have experienced an additional 23,100 deaths. You can find daily updates of Coronavirus statistics at: > Coronavirus       Now, of course, the narrative of the virtue signalling 'experts' provides the predictable question: "Don't those 23,100 lives matter?"       That question is designed to deflect attention from the real issue by putting the bearer of truth on the defensive.  But I will not be reduced to such a state.  I will answer that question with this far more important question: are those 23,100 lives more important turn the 33 million lives who have been added to the unemployment line along with an average of two family members who also rely upon that lost income?       100 million Americans are suffering economically from the imposition of Marshall Law. Alcoholism and drug addiction are on the rise because of this draconian approach.  How many lives will be lost from the disease of addiction in order to save those 23,100 lives?       Now, let's consider this.  The headline read: "UN Warns Coronavirus Fallout Will Lead to the Next Pandemic – Gobal Starvation"  (By Hollie McKay - Fox News - 4/29/20)      McKay reported: "Ian Bradbury, CEO of the Canada-based humanitarian organization 1st NAEF, told Fox News: "We can expect more global deaths due to secondary impacts of COVID-19 than the virus itself — the UN World Food Program currently estimates that 265 million will be on the brink of starvation by the end of the year."       Again, to answer the virtue signaling question: "don't the 23,100 lives matter?" - I ask: do those 23,100 lives matter more than the millions of lives who will now be lost due to starvation as a direct result of world government's self-serving impositions?       It is time for We the People to stop focusing on the 'benefits' that the 'experts' assert they are bestowing upon us with their draconian Marshall Law.  It is time for us to turn our focus to the ways in which the 'experts' of government are benefiting from their 'solution'.       Let's begin with the Chinese Communists.  They have benefited because it has derailed President Trump's economy that was crushing them.  And they have benefited because their hope to dominate the world by 2040 has been resurrected.       The Socialists and Communists of the world are benefiting because the move toward nationalism that was sweeping the world, and with good reason, has been reversed and we are firmly back on the path to a One World Socialist Government.       The un-elected bureaucratic 'experts' of the Deep State are benefiting because, once again, we are back on the path of concentrating power in Washington DC and in the capital cities of the states where the lust for power is insatiable.       The central bankers are benefiting because in a little over a month we have added three trillion dollars to the national debt.       The aspiring tyrants are benefiting because they have now established the precedent of imposing Marshall Law based upon nothing more than speculation about a virus.  And we all know how aspiring tyrants love to cite precedent of previous tyranny to justify their next tyrannical imposition.       The Chinese communists, the Socialists and Communists of the world, the un-elected bureaucratic 'experts' of the Deep State, the central bankers and the aspiring tyrants will all benefit greatly if their intent to bring about the defeat of President Trump in the fall election is successful.  And let there be no doubt, that has been their intent behind this entire charade from the beginning.       As for the so-called medical 'experts' who have been driving this draconian Marshall Law 'solution', I would ask: Dr. Fauchi, how well have you lived up to the Hippocratic Oath that you took when you became a doctor?  The Hippocratic Oath demands that you do no harm.       Do the millions who are being driven to addiction, and the tens of millions who are going to die from starvation, have the justifiable right to feel that you have harmed them?       Last, but certainly not least, how many tens of millions will suffer harm due to deprivation, starvation and death in a worldwide depression that will surely result if we continue to allow ourselves to be subjugated by your imposed 'solutions'?       Will not every single one of them be able to look at you, Dr. Fauchi, and legitimately declare that you have caused them harm?        For further insight into Dr. Fauchi, I encourage to scroll down to by Blog post for 4/23/20, entitled: "The Most Dangerous Man in the World" where I ask you to click on a link that will take you to the Videos page of this website.  There you can watch the "Banned Video by Greg Reese at"        You will then want to view - Plandemic Movie - A Documentary on Medical Corruption - PLANDEMIC Documentary_ Part 1 - Dr Judy Miko.  This video is not yet available on our Videos page but if you copy and paste the following link to your favorite search engine you will find the answer to the question I pose in my 4/23/20 blog - "how is it possible that Dr. Fauci knew that there was going to be a surprise pandemic virus during the Trump presidency --- three years before it happened?"       With each passing day I am more convinced that Dr. Fauchi is in perhaps the most ruthless and notorious white collar criminal in all of human history.         The Coronavirus is the classic example of what I address in my book, We of Mind and Reason, that turning to government should be the last resort of the citizenry when confronted by any problem except dealing with criminals or foreign military aggression.  The reason, is that those who govern are generally incompetent and all to often looking for the slightest opportunity to impose offensive, tyrannical law.  Both incompetency and tyranny are present in this crisis that , without government involvement, would be no crisis at all.  Please go to the home page of this website and purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason.  Please join the ranks of We of Mind and Reason, The Constitutional Patriots of America, and become a voice for history's greatest instrument of Liberty, the Constitution of the United States.   Thank you, and God bless America! Rick Chase The FourthBranch.Biz
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
Sweden's Alternative Approach to the Coronavirus
From the beginning there has been the argument that when it's all said and done we'll never know whether or not those who supported Marshall Law or those who opposed it were right.  However, all it takes is one nation opposing Marshall Law to provide the example to either prove Marshall Law to be the correct path or simply another opportunity to advance down The Descending Arc of Tyranny.       As it turns out, Sweden has provided that example.  They did not institute Marshall Law.  They did not close schools, restaurants and businesses.  They simply encouraged the citizenry to limited public gatherings to no more than 50 to 70 people and to voluntarily practice social distancing.  By anyone's standard a reasonable approach.       From the beginning they had two stated objectives.  First, avoid the destruction of their economy.  Second, allow the citizenry to be exposed to the virus with the stated intent to build communal immunity against it.       For the first several weeks of the worldwide imposition of Marshall Law, Sweden's mortality rate was consistent with the rest of the world.  Two weeks ago that rate began to rise when compared to the rest of the world.  All along, all mortality rates have been determined by dividing the number of deaths by the number of REPORTED cases.       From the beginning the media, always the sycophants of the omnipotent state, have tried to create the impression that Sweden's approach of freedom and recognition of the Innate Rights of Man borders on the insane, while the approach of the rest of the world of imposing Marshall Law is both virtuous and wise.       When Sweden's death rate began to rise one such 'journalist'/EDITORIALIST took to task the government of Sweden on the basis of the fact that the government of Sweden had declared its approach was designed to prevent a negative economic impact on the nation.  The reporter, almost gleefully, pointed out that Sweden has suffered a negative economic impact.  Conveniently, he failed to mention the fact that every single trading partner with Sweden has virtually shut their economies down.  Only a fool would not be able to predict that this would have a negative impact upon Sweden.  Only a charlatan would fail to acknowledge that fact.       So, once again, we see the utter uselessness of the media with regard to information and analysis.  But, then, what more should we expect from fools and charlatans?       It is important to point out, once again, that the overwhelming majority of so-called journalists are not journalists at all. A journalist is one who presents all the facts so that the consumer of information can arrive at a sound conclusion.  The overwhelming majority of so-called journalists are in fact editorialists who edit out the facts that are contrary to the conclusion they wish you to come to.       Never have we seen a more classic example of this as with the Coronavirus.  From the beginning I have been pointing out that the number of deaths should not be divided by the number of reported cases but, rather, by the total population of the nation.  For the first time in history national mortality rates are being determined by reported cases as opposed to population.       At the very least, this is irresponsible.  But common sense tells us that it is far more than that.  It is obvious there is an agenda to deceive the citizens of the world so as to create a state of hysteria which will motivate citizens to call upon their governments to infringe even further upon their innate rights.       As of yesterday, the mortality rate for the United States vs Sweden, when determined by dividing the number of deaths by the number of REPORTED cases was -- .056 (5.6%) for the United States and -- .126 (12.6%) for Sweden.       However, when the historically traditional method of determining national mortality is applied, and the deaths are divided by the total population, the mortality rate for the United States was .00016 -- and for Sweden it was .00021.
      You can find daily updates of Coronavirus statistics at: > Coronavirus       If this accurate mathematical approach had been applied from the outset, as it is always been in the past, who in their right mind believes that any citizen on this planet would have agreed to the draconian, tyrannical measures that have been imposed upon us?       When it's all said and done, do not be surprised if Sweden, based on total population, suffers a slightly higher mortality rate for this year, but suffers a lower mortality rate next year because they will have succeeded in building their communal immunity.  Immunity that can only be achieved by exposing the citizenry to the virus.  Remember, the 'experts' keep telling us the virus will be back next year and viruses always mutate to greater strength.       Simply put, the people of Sweden will become stronger, as will the virus, and the rest of the world will become weaker and, as such, will suffer an even greater mortality rate next year.       As for Sweden's economy, when we are plunged into a worldwide depression, thanks to the 'solutions' of governments, Sweden will be dragged down along with the rest of us.  But, that's the way it always is as the idiotic 'experts' of government drag us all down together.
      The Coronavirus is the classic example of what I address in my book, We of Mind and Reason, that turning to government should be the last resort of the citizenry when confronted by any problem except dealing with criminals or foreign military aggression.  The reason, is that those who govern are generally incompetent and all to often looking for the slightest opportunity to impose offensive, tyrannical law.  Both incompetency and tyranny are present in this crisis that , without government involvement, would be no crisis at all.  Please go to the home page of this website and purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason.  Please join the ranks of We of Mind and Reason, The Constitutional Patriots of America, and become a voice for history's greatest instrument of Liberty, the Constitution of the United States.   Thank you, and God bless America! Rick Chase
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
4/23/2020 (31 days since the imposition of Marshall Law by the Governor of the state of Ohio) The Most Dangerous Man in the World
​        Dr.Anthony Fauci is dictating the national political and economic policy of this nation and, with it, the world.  As such, he is the most dangerous man in the world because he is either an idiot or a nefarious charlatan who has been ordained by the bed wetting idiots and political charlatans in the media as an 'expert.'       Remember, the death of George Washington was caused in part by the widely accepted practice of bleeding.  And who accepted this widely?  The 'experts' of what at the time was considered modern medicine.       Howard Hughes would have paid stupid money for the advice of this man.  But before you regard that as a positive endorsement, remember, Howard Hughes died prematurely in large part because he subscribed to the absurd belief that he could prolong his life by isolating himself from germs and viruses.       I encourage you to watch the Banned Video by Greg Reese at
      Therein, in January, 2017, you will see and hear Dr. Fauci predict a pandemic virus during the Trump presidency.       I tried to post the video to The Fourth Branch Facebook page but was denied because it quote: "does not meet our community standards."       Hmmm . . . I'm hard pressed to think of how the video could receive a more positive endorsement?  But let's not get sidetracked by the enemies of the First Amendment.       Now, ask yourself, how is it possible that Dr. Fauci knew that there was going to be a surprise pandemic virus during the Trump presidency --- three years before it happened?       Remember, as FDR said: "Nothing in politics happens by accident."       With that in mind, let's look at just two examples of the consequences of the 'solution' offered by Dr. Fauci. The 'solution' accurately called Marshall Law.       Let's start with the 26 million added to the unemployment lines in the last .  And remember, that for every one of those 26 million there are on average two others relying upon that lost paycheck.  This means that nearly 80 million Americans, 24% of the population, have been negatively impacted in the last 30 days thanks to the Marshall Law 'solution' of Dr. Fauci.       This past Monday, West Texas crude oil finished the day at minus $38 a barrel.  Dr. Fauci's Marshall Law 'solution' has all but destroyed the most fundamental component of our industrial infrastructure.       Now, bearing in mind that Dr. Fauci is a scientist, let's take ANOTHER look at the mathematical science of the Coronavirus that is being employed by Dr. Fauci.       Let me start by pointing out the fact that the good doctor has been inflating the death rate by adding to the death count those who have died from other ailments.  He justifies this on the basis that they also tested positive for the virus even though the virus had nothing to do with their death.  As one nurse succinctly stated: It's a bunch of bull****."       Next, the other half of the mathematical equation is the number of REPORTED cases that are being weighed against the number of deaths.  From the beginning it has been obvious that number has been criminally fractionalized in light of the fact that Dr. Fauci has been unwavering in his assertion that this is the most contagious virus in the history of man.       If you think I am being incendiary by using the term criminally fractionalized, consider these following reports from the last few days.       The headline read: "Coronavirus antibody testing finds Bay Area infections may be 85 times higher than reported: researchers"  (By Alexandria Hein - Fox News - 4/17/20) - Stanford University       In sum, Stanford University researchers found the number of cases in Santa Clara County, California amounted to as high as 4.1% of the County population.       This was further backed up on Monday when the headline read: "Testing shows hundreds of thousands in LA County may have been infected with coronavirus"  (By David Aaro - Fox News - 4/20/20)       The article reports: "The coronavirus outbreak in Los Angeles County is believed to have infected at least 200,000 people by early April, which would far surpass the number of officially confirmed cases, according to a report on Monday. A large scale study by the University of Southern California and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health found that 4.1 percent of the county’s adult population has antibodies to the virus in their blood, which is an indicator of past exposure."       Now, bear in mind that from the beginning to the present Dr. Fauci and his merry little band of 'experts' have been dividing the number of deaths by the number of REPORTED cases.       As of yesterday, the number of REPORTED cases in the United States was 819,164.  The number of deaths, many of which were inaccurately attributed to the coronavirus, was 45,340.       You can find daily updates of Coronavirus statistics at: > Coronavirus       When you divide 45,340 by 819,164 you arrive at a mortality rate of 5.5% (.055).       Anyone that looks at that mortality rate without applying mind and reason and, more importantly, simple common sense would be inclined to an emotional reaction of fear.  That number implies that unless we isolate ourselves from exposure to this virus we stand better than a 5% chance of dying from it.  Without applying mind, reason and simple common sense the emotional reaction leads one to believe that 5 out of every 100 people are going to be dead at the end of this.       This is exactly the unreasoned, emotional reaction that Dr. Fauci and his merry little band of 'experts' were hoping for. For this afforded them the opportunity to wield power through the implementation of Marshall Law.       However, with the simplest application of mathematical science we can completely destroy Dr. Fauci's deceptive and tyrannical math.  All that is required is to take the numbers from Los Angeles County and Santa Clara County and multiply 4.1% x 330 million Americans.
      4.1% x 330,000,000 = 13,530,000 ACTUAL cases of infection.
      When you divide 45,340 by 13,530,000 the mortality rate plummets to 0.3% (.003).       Now, given that it is assumed that Dr. Fauci is so eminently brilliant that the entire world should follow his lead and implement his Marshall Law solution, how is it possible that he is not able to do simple math and apply simple common sense?       I for one do not believe this man is an idiot.  I do not believe he is incapable of doing simple math and applying simple common sense to the equation.  I believe he is a nefarious charlatan who has deliberately set this nation up for calamity which will then, of course, require further government solutions to solve the problems that he and the government have now created.       Now that he has facilitated the precedent of Marshall Law based upon speculation about a virus, imagine the degree to which Marshall Law will be imposed to deal with the crisis of an economic depression.  The depression that could very well result if we do not IMMEDIATELY abandon the path that he has set us upon.       Dr. Fauci is precisely the kind of Deep State charlatan that I address at great length in my book, We of Mind and Reason.  And the Coronavirus scam is the exact kind of emotional exploitation that I speak of in the book that has been employed for decades to advance the agenda of enslavement.  Please go to the home page of this website and purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason.  Please join the ranks of We of Mind and Reason, The Constitutional Patriots of America, and become a voice for history's greatest instrument of Liberty, the Constitution of the United States.   Thank you, and God bless America! Rick Chase
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
4/21/2020: Liberty Without Spiritual Awareness is Impossible       It was recently revealed at a White House briefing that individuals have been counted against the death toll of the Coronavirus who have not died from the Coronavirus but, rather, from other ailments. And they were counted simply because they had also tested positive for the Coronavirus.       Then, on Tucker Carlson Tonight (4/13/20) Tucker cited statistics from the NY City Department of Public Health (5 p.m. 4/12/20) that of the 6,182 deaths in N.Y. City only 128 had no known underlying conditions when they arrived at hospital. Out of the 222 deaths in the age group from 18 to 44 only 26 had no underlying condition.       Now, anyone who has been paying attention to the numbers from the beginning, has known that the number of cases being reported have been minimized to the point of insulting absurdity. Unfortunately, most people with common sense were not paying attention to the numbers until after the elephant sat on us with the imposition of Marshall Law.       Why? Because your common sense told you that this was just the latest example of the media proving the accuracy of the old Eagles song about the media entitled, "Dirty Laundry." If you're not familiar with that song, look it up and you will get the point.       Now we know that the number of deaths have been inflated while the number of cases have been criminally fractionalized.  The end result of the number of deaths being inflated, divided by the number of cases which has been criminally fractionalized, has resulted in a deceptive and wholly inaccurate mortality rate which has created an unjustified panic among the citizenry.       The question is, how could the 'experts' avoid being aware of this flawed equation?  There are only two possible explanations.  Either they are incapable of doing simple math and applying common sense to the equation, or, they are engaged and a nefarious effort to wield power and subjugate the citizenry.       In either case, incompetency or nefarious agenda, why do we trust them to do anything on our behalf?  Why do we continue to passively submit to their tyrannical, dictatorial solutions?       Why?  Because, while it used to be that so many people believed that it is the government's responsibility to take care of us from cradle to grave, now, it seems, we have reached the intolerable state where so many expect the government is supposed to take care of us from the cradle to eternity.       Simply put, it seems that a great many Americans have lost sight of the fact that we're all going to die.  It is a natural part of life and to assume that government can stop the process assumes that government possesses abilities that no man or collection of men will ever possess.       In the aftermath of a tornado passing through my neighborhood recently, my brother and I were discussing the need for preparation to allow for all possible calamities, man made or natural.  With regard to man made calamities caused by oppressive government he made the point that spiritual preparation was perhaps the most important.  I agreed and my response was, Liberty without spiritual awareness is impossible.       The Coronavirus, and more to the point, the reaction of the citizenry in support of the imposition of Marshall Law reveals the truth in that statement.       God structured nature in such a way as to facilitate the weeding of the gene pool through viruses, diseases, famines (all to often created by tyrannical man) and war.  Spiritual awareness allows us to recognize the value of God's plan, as it weeds out the weak and maximizes the strong.       Yet, so many of our citizens who regard themselves as spiritual place their faith in the ability of man, through modern medicine, to nullify God's plan.  And they believe that this is wise.       How arrogant are they to believe that man is superior in thinking and wisdom to God.  Such arrogance is not evidence of spiritual awareness, it is evidence of spiritual confusion.       The good news is that in the end God's superior plan will prevail over man's confusion and arrogance.       The question is, will man's confusion and arrogance result in tyranny prevailing over Liberty and the innate rights of the sovereign individual?  So far, tyranny is winning!       In my book, We of Mind and Reason, I discuss at length the need for absolutes to guide us.  Absolutes are rooted in spiritual awareness and it was such awareness that kept previous generations of Americans grounded in reality.  Please go to the home page of this website and purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason.  Please join the ranks of We of Mind and Reason, The Constitutional Patriots of America, and become a voice for history's greatest instrument of Liberty, the Constitution of the United States.   Thank you, and God bless America! Rick Chase
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
4/19/2020: Would the Founders Find Us Worthy?       The headline read: "U.S. Is Nowhere Close to Reopening the Economy, Experts Say"  -  Jim Tankersley - The New York Times (4/6/20)       First, with regard to a plan to reopen the economy, Tankersley asserted that "there is no good answer yet, in part because we don’t even have the data needed to formulate one."       Then he turns to the 'expert' -- “Our ability to reopen the economy ultimately depends on our ability to better understand the spread and risk of the virus,” said Betsey Stevenson, a University of Michigan economist who worked on the White House Council of Economic Advisers under President Barack Obama.       Question: how much of the economy must be destroyed and how many lives with it, before these 'experts' will have enough data to be able to formulate a plan?  And then, how the hell long is it going to take to implement the damn thing?       In an effort to help them, here is some relevant data: In order to prevent the POTENTIAL death of 200,000 people our wise leaders, in less than a month, took us from near full employment with a mere three million unemployed to, now, a staggering 22 million added to the unemployment line.  In essence and, in fact, we have sacrificed the well being of 99% for the sake of 1%.       Now, factor in this headline: "Everyone will likely be infected with coronavirus at some point, California health official says"  -  By Edmund DeMarche | Fox News (4/6/20)       That is the point that I have been making from the beginning of this madness.  I have also been making the point that there is a far greater danger that is posed by the precedent that is being set by the governors of this nation through the implementation and enforcement of Marshall Law.       If you doubt that we are in a state of Marshall Law and would like to see an excellent nationwide accounting of the enforcement of it, and just a handful of the violations of the 1st and 4th Amendments to the Constitution, please stop and scroll down to the Blog post preceding today's, and let Matt Walsh of THE DAILYWIRE present the case in his article -- "WALSH: We Have Become A Police State, And None Of Us Should Be Okay With That"       Now, with his presentation fresh in your mind, there are two things that every citizen should be enraged about.       First, is the fact that our state governments have become so emboldened that they believe they can impose Marshall Law upon the citizenry based upon speculation about a virus.       Second, and this is the root of the problem, is that the citizenry of this nation has reached the point where the majority are perfectly willing to allow them to do just that.       The Constitution was not written to protect the citizenry against viruses and disease.  It was written to protect the sovereign individual against the tyranny of government at all levels.         It is one thing to watch the nations of Europe and the rest of the world submit to such tyranny.  But this is the United States of America where our heritage demands that we should view tyranny as intolerable and, more importantly, stand up to it.  But, apparently not!       I wonder, can you hear the screams from the grave of Patrick Henry?  "Is life so dear, and peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?  Forbid it almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, Give me liberty or give me death!"       I wonder, if the Founders were here today, would they find us worthy to fight for?       For 50 years I have watched this nation steadily advancing toward this day.  And here we are.  My book, We of Mind and Reason, reveals how we got here and what it will take to restore this nation to a level of strength, Liberty and justice worthy of our heritage.  Please go to the home page of this website and purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason.  Please join the ranks of We of Mind and Reason, The Constitutional Patriots of America, and become a voice for history's greatest instrument of Liberty, the Constitution of the United States.   Thank you, and God bless America! Rick Chase
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
4-16-2020: WALSH: We Have Become A Police State, And None Of Us Should Be Okay With That: (This is a reprint of an article by Matt Walsh from THE DAILYWIRE, published on 4/6/2020.  All of the cases of police actions that he cites I have seen reported by other sources.  The value of this article is that he presents them together in the context of the state of Marshall Law that is being imposed upon us.)         On Saturday, police in Kansas City “intervened” to shut down a parade of elementary school teachers. The staff of John Fiske Elementary School decided to organize the parade as a way to boost the morale of their students and encourage them in their new distance learning adventure. All of the teachers and administrators were in their own cars. There was literally no chance whatsoever of any virus being transmitted from car to car. But a spokeswoman for the police later explained, after the elicit gathering was descended upon by law enforcement, that the celebration of learning was not “necessary” or “essential.”       Two days before the Kansas City community was saved from the threat of cheerful elementary school teachers waving to children from their sedans, police in Malibu arrested a man who was caught paddle boarding in the ocean. Two boats and three additional deputies in vehicles were called to the scene of the non-essential joyride. How could a man out by himself in the Pacific possibly contract or spread the coronavirus? Nobody knows. But orders are orders, after all. And so the man was pulled out of the ocean and hauled away in handcuffs.       Not far from this harrowing scene, the San Diego sheriff’s department was giving out citations to people who’d committed the nefarious crime of “watching the sunset” on the beach. At around the same time, over on the east coast, Pennsylvania state police were pulling over and ticketing a woman who, according to the citation, was “going for a drive.” You may think that going for a drive when you’ve been locked in your home for three weeks is indeed a rather essential activity. And you may also think that there is essentially zero risk of contracting or transmitting the virus while you drive along a country road in the rural county of York, Pennsylvania. But none of that matters. The politicians have spoken. You may leave your home only for the reasons they decree.       A woman in Minnesota was recently pulled over and ticketed for two offenses: First, driving with a canceled license, which seems fair. But second, for violating her state’s stay-at-home order. She said she’d gone to Taco Bell and before that had visited her storage unit. Why should one be essential and not the other? Who knows. That is up for the politicians to decide. The point is that you can’t just go out and move around as you please. What do you think this is? A free country?       Officials in other parts of the nation have banned essential retailers from selling non-essential items like mosquito repellent. I suppose the prevention of West Nile and malaria are no longer considered essential. The mayor of Port Isabel, Texas, has decided, for whatever reason, that residents may not travel with more than two people in their vehicles. What if you’re a single parent with two kids? Well, sorry, one of your kids is out of luck. It’s not clear how this rule will be enforced, but some states have made that easier on themselves by setting up checkpoints to stop and question every car that passes through. A driver from New York who gets caught in Florida might face 60 days in jail. I should stop here to remind you that Florida and New York are places in the United States of America, not Soviet Russia.       Meanwhile, protestors outside of abortion clinics in California and North Carolina have been arrested for violating their state’s stay-at-home orders, despite the fact that they were following the protocols of social distancing, not to mention that obscure legal artifact known as the First Amendment. But the First Amendment has officially been neutralized, as the multiple pastors arrested for holding worship services have found out. All of this may seem quite oppressive and gestapo-ish, but a police chief in Colorado put those worries aside by explaining that the act of leaving your house and going outside is not a right but a “privilege” that can be revoked if it is “misused.” A prosecutor in Ohio, exploding in a fit of rage during a radio interview, said that those who defy his state’s stay-at-home order are committing “felonious assault” and if you’re guilty of that, you can “sit your butt in jail, sit there and kill yourself.”       Again, I remind you: this is the United States of America. Or at least it used to be.       Apologists for our newly established police state will tell me that states and localities have the authority to impose restrictions in an emergency. That is true, but the question of how far their authority actually goes is complicated, and in this case made even more complicated by the fact that these stay-at-home orders, in many cases, are based not on a current medical emergency in the respective state, but on models that forecast the possibility of an emergency in the future. For example, Minnesota is under a stay-at-home order despite having only 29 coronavirus deaths among a population of over 5 million. Perhaps the situation will get worse. Perhaps not. The point is that there is no current emergency in Minnesota or many of the other states currently under lockdown. There is, rather, a model that projects an emergency. And if projected emergencies can justify the effective nullification of the Bill of Rights, where is the limit? Haven’t we now granted the government the power to seize near-total control on the basis of any real or phantom threat?       And there are other problems. We don’t know that these lockdowns will actually have the effect of saving lives. It’s possible, as Dr. Fauci has admitted himself, that the virus could come roaring back to life whenever we emerge from our homes. It’s also possible that the illness came to America in November, December, or January, aboard any of the hundreds of thousands of travelers from China who poured into our country during that span. If that’s the case, then the viral horse has long since left the barn, and the lockdowns are obliterating our national economy and driving millions into ruin for minimal preventative gain. So we have, then, a series of indefinite stay-at-home orders based on dubious models, and dubious projections, with a dubious chance of success, and which often outlaw behavior that could not even plausibly put anyone at risk from the disease that may or may not, or maybe already has, become epidemic in the states where these laws have been enacted. Is that good enough to justify treating Americans like subjects in a communist dictatorship?       I would argue that nothing could ever justify such a thing. Indeed, the First and Fourth Amendments — the provisions of the Bill of Rights that seem to be having the worst time of it, recently — serve no purpose and have no reason to exist if they can be canceled or overridden whenever the government might have a specially compelling reason to do so. It is only when the government has a specially compelling reason to violate the amendments that the amendments have any function. After all, we really don’t need them during the times that the government has no interest in infringing on them. It seems that if we toss aside our right to assembly, our right to practice our religion, our right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, etc., whenever the government insists that such protections are hazardous to our health, then we might as well not have the rights in the first place. It’s like locking a criminal in a cell but giving him the key to open it along with a stern warning to only use the key if he has a very good reason. Doesn’t the key make the cell a rather pointless accessory? Sure he might remain in it sometimes, but only when he wants to. And it’s precisely when he wants to be behind bars that you don’t need the bars at all.       I’m not suggesting that state governments should do nothing in response to the coronavirus. I am suggesting that they shouldn’t have the power to do whatever the hell they want, for whatever reason they want, to whatever extent they want, for however long they want, with whatever penalty they want. Which is what is happening now all across the country. Governments can and should act justly and prudently to respond to threats that endanger their citizens lives. But there is little in the way of justice and prudence in these measures. Matt Walsh - THE DAILYWIRE -
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
4/14/2020: A BELATED HAPPY EASTER AMERICA:       I've been absent for the last week because nature decided to bounce a tornado through my neighborhood last Wednesday night at 11:00.       The good news is that no one was hurt, in part, because the only legitimate function of government to defend the people worked, as the early warning system alerted all in time to take shelter.  But I'm sure in larger part it was because of the grace of God.       I'm sure it comes as no surprise that the citizens rose to the challenge in the finest fashion of Christian Americans. We did so without benefit of a single reporter, politician, government 'expert' or bureaucrat to 'guide' us, 'direct' us, impose upon us and generally get in our way.       In the finest tradition of American decency, born of Christian ethics, neighbor helping neighbor with the aid of private enterprise dealt with the problem, and by the evening of Easter Eve we had restored our neighborhood to a state of relative stability and normalcy.       Finally, today, my internet cable was reattached to the pole and I'm once again able to connect with you.       My first impression in the aftermath of the storm Wednesday night was that we can not hide from nature, and it will randomly determine the time of our demise, not doctors, government 'experts' or politicians.       Then, at one point on Thursday, as I took pause to observe all that was happening around me, it struck me that it was so refreshing to deal with a real crisis, with real Americans, as opposed to a manufactured crisis of emotion with all of it's speculating 'experts' and agenda driven political partisans.       It all comes down to this, the Christian ethic does not rely upon government to solve the problems of the sovereign individual. The Christian ethic relies upon the sovereign individual cooperating with fellow sovereign individuals in a free exchange of effort. There is no force, there is no coercion, there is no tyranny!       There is only advancement of the human condition brought about by the decency of Christian souls. Rejoice in the resurrection of Christ and, again, A BELATED HAPPY EASTER AMERICA!
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
4-7-2020: Cuomo's Created Problem - Imposed Solution:       The headline read: "Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing" (Elizabeth Cohen - CNN - 4/2/20)       At this point nothing would surprise me, but I think we are safe in assuming that we will not be asked to stop breathing in order to stop the Coronavirus. Hope springs eternal!       My question is, at what point are we going to stop the draconian actions by the government that are killing the economy?       To that point let's factor in the next headline that read: "NY Gov. Cuomo Orders National Guard to Seize Ventilators From Upstate New York."       Picture this in your mind. The self-appointed socialist dictator of New York is ordering the military, in military vehicles, with military weaponry, to forcibly enter private hospitals in upstate New York, which is populated by an aging community, for the purpose of seizing private property to be taken to the socialist city of New York City.       Once again, the social capitalists (socialists) who perpetually seize upon the opportunity provided to them by the power of criminal law, will be saved by the free market capitalists who will be deprived of the equipment that they responsibly provided for themselves for this hour of need.       I'm still searching for the headline that reads: The Dictator of New York is in Violation of the Posse Comitatus Act Which Prohibits the use of the Military to Enforce Domestic Law.       While we're all holding our breath in order to prevent anyone from dying, do not expect to see that headline. For that would require the media to place the interest of individual liberty and the Innate Rights of Man above the interests of the incompetent, omnipotent, tyrannical state.       With regard to the incompetency of government, in my post on Sunday (4/5/20) I focused on the pattern of government created problems which require government imposed solutions. What is happening in New York is a classic example of this. Proof of this is provided in the 2015 New York State Health Report concerning ventilator allocation.       On Page 30 the report states: “during a severe influenza pandemic, there is likely to be a projected shortfall of ventilators (-15,783) during peak week demand.”       At the bottom of page 30 the task force warns: "Because influenza pandemics are unpredictable and their impact unknown in advance of the pandemic, officials must consider and PLAN for a worst-case scenario."       The crisis that exists with the coronavirus is not the virus itself and the people that it is impacting. The crisis that exists is the inability of medical facilities to provide enough ventilators to accommodate the number of patients in need.       It is not a matter of happenstance that the Governor declares that there is a 17,000 ventilator shortage to meet the needs of this crisis. Five years ago his own task force warned him of this and very nearly predicted the exact number of needed ventilators that he is now citing.       So, we see that once again the problem is not the virus but, rather, the failure of the Governor to heed the warnings and PLAN for a worst-case scenario.       Simply put, this is a crisis that he CREATED! Now, in typical fashion, his 'solution' is IMPOSED upon the people of upstate New York who were responsible and followed the advice of the report and secured the ventilators that they would need to take care of their community in this crisis.       This IMPOSITION upon the residents of upstate New York will in turn CREATE a new problem when the coronavirus finds its way to their community and they no longer have the ventilators that were STOLEN from them by the socialist thieves of New York City.       I fully expect the citizens of upstate New York will be overwhelmed with a sense of disdain and dread when the good Governor comes to them with those ten wretched words: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." For they will know, from past experience, that his help will only CREATE more problems than they already have from his IMPOSED solutions of the past.       This whole situation surrounding the coronavirus and the government response to it is a symptom of the greater problem that will continue to exist after the Coronavirus is long since past. My book, We of Mind and Reason, defines the greater problem and provides the solution.  Please go to the home page of this website, purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason, and become a soldier in the army of The Constitutional Patriots of America. Thank you, and God bless America Rick Chase
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
4-5-2020: The Nature of Offensive Government - Create a Problem - Impose a Solution:       Societal law came into existence for the singular purpose of acting as a collective extension of the sovereign individual's innate right to defend his life, liberty and property.       Unfortunately, it was not long before individuals of an offensive nature seized control of that collective force and transformed it from one a defensive posture to one of an offensive posture. Solely for the purpose of catering to their self-interest at the expense of the innate rights of the sovereign individual.       Ever since, to one degree or another, societal governments have engaged in offensive actions against part or all of the citizens of nations.       Human nature dictates that human beings are inclined to look to others to solve their problems for them. Naturally, politicians and aspiring tyrants exploit this human inclination.       They do so, in the first instance, by offering to solve a problem that faces the citizenry. Unfortunately, due to the inept and corrupt nature of government, their 'solution' almost always results in the creation of additional problems without solving the original. And, thus, the path is laid for a never ending pattern of government creating problems which then require further government 'solutions.'       Remember, there is nothing more pleasing to the ears of politicians and aspiring tyrants than the cries of the citizenry calling for government action.  But also remember the ten most dreaded words in the English language are:  "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."       In the case of the Coronavirus it was not the people crying for government action, it was the media. And, thus, we have witnessed the symbiotic relationship between the Deep State 'experts' and the media which supports and promotes them at every turn to the detriment of the citizenry through the advancement of centralized power.       The way this has played out is that the media created the emotional perception that there was a crisis and the government 'experts' who are always possessed of the mindset to never let a crisis pass without taking advantage of it are doing just that.       The result is that we are now at 4.4% unemployment; businesses are being destroyed all across the country; there is now talk of food shortages and tax revenue to the treasury has been drastically reduced requiring the government to rely more heavily upon borrowed money to pay for all of its previous 'solutions.'       As I've said before, we will survive the germs and viruses of nature. The question is, will the world economy survive the solutions of government? This is a brief glimpse of the case that I present in my book We of Mind and Reason.  Please go to the home page of this website, purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason, and become a soldier in the army of The Constitutional Patriots of America. Thank you, and God bless America
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
4-3-2020: The Most Critical Issue of Our Time and Our Children's Future is the Lack of Constitutional Awareness and, as a Result, the Political Exploitation of an Emotional Citizenry:       We do not need an agenda which caters to the emotions of greed and envy to redistribute wealth in America, we need an agenda to redistribute awareness and understanding of the Constitution - from the elites - back to We the People.       We do not need emotion driven agendas to protect us from the forces of nature, be they the perpetual fluctuation of global temperatures or the germs and viruses that will run their course in spite of man's infantile assumption that government is either capable or responsible to end death in our time.       We need an agenda that shows that politicians and aspiring tyrants thrive on the emotion of the citizenry with the deliberate intent to exploit that emotion for the purpose of further infringing upon your liberty and concentrating power and wealth in their hands.       This is my agenda, and my book 'We of Mind and Reason' is step one in the process.  We are in a war between We of Mind and Reason and those who are motivated by feelings and instinctual desire.  The key to winning this war is the Constitution of the United States.  For it and it alone provides us the power of LEGAL knowledge to end the insanity brought upon us by emotion born of ignorance. Ignorance that is exploited by those who seize power through the implementation of self-serving UNCONSTITUTIONAL law.         The Constitution, in its entirety, is contained in 40 pages measuring 3" by 5".  It, literally, fits in your pocket.  How, then, is it possible that over the last 50 years the average citizen, upon graduation from high school, does not know the content of the Constitution and understand it fully?  After all, what is more critical to your welfare as a citizen than an awareness and understanding of the law that governs you?       The answer is simple.  The elites do not want you to understand the Constitution because if you did you would understand that it alone is the law of our land and that all other aspects of the law, that the elites want you to believe are part of the Constitution, are merely the product of the will and whim of politicians and aspiring tyrants.  And that every legislative statute, executive order, judicial edict and bureaucratic regulation are required to comply with the content of those 40 pages.       The elites know that if you understood the content of the Constitution you would realize that a large percentage of statutes, executive orders, judicial edicts and bureaucratic regulations are not in compliance with the content of those 40 pages.       The Founders did not write the Constitution for lawyers, politicians and judges.  THEY WROTE IT FOR YOU!!!!!!!       As they were writing it, the first thing they took into account was the Nature of Man, which they understood by virtue of their knowledge of history which is, literally, the documentation of the nature of man.       Their understanding of the Nature of Man in the context of history allowed them to define the Rights of Man.       Finally, the combination of their awareness of the Nature of Man and the Rights of Man allowed them to understand the Proper Function of Law.  The culmination of their awareness is revealed in the language of the Constitution.       The Constitution is not rocket science, and the reason you do not understand it is NOT because it is too complex for you to understand, as the elitist have conditioned you to believe.  You do not know and understand the Constitution simply because your educators FAILED to educate you with regard to its content.       Unfortunately, you do not have time in your busy schedule to go back to school to learn the lessons that should have been taught in your youth.  The good news is, you do not need to.       'We of Mind and Reason' is the first in a series of short tutorials designed to bring to you the awareness and understanding of the Constitution that has been denied to you by the elitist educators of our country.       'We of Mind and Reason' is designed to bring you to a state of awareness like that of the Founders as they wrote the Constitution.  Simply put, 'We of Mind and Reason' will build the foundation of understanding in your mind of the Nature of Man, the Rights of Man and the Proper Function of Law.  In the process of doing so, I deal with certain critical constitutional issues of this time so as to reveal the failings in our law and to demonstrate the Proper Function of Law in the context of the Nature of Man and the Rights of Man.       Once that Foundation is established the other tutorials will easily educate you as to the specific Articles and Amendments of the Constitution and their relevance to the existing laws of our land.       Please go to the home page of this website, purchase a copy of We of Mind and Reason, and become a soldier in the army of The Constitutional Patriots of America. Thank you, and God bless America Https://
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thefourthbranch · 5 years ago
3-31-2020: Conflicting Information / Confusion, Skepticism and Anger / Silver Linings        The most recent Gallup poll shows a favorable rating of 8% for the media in the minds of the American people. Only Congress was worse with a rating of 4%.       Now factor in that over the years the American people have become increasingly suspicious of the so-called 'experts' of the unelected Deep State. About a year ago Larry Kudlow summed it up best as he chuckled and uttered these words: "Why is it that the experts are considered to be so smart when they're always wrong?"       In light of the skeptical, suspicious mindset of the American people regarding the media, Congress and Deep State experts, it is easy to understand why there is so much confusion, skepticism and anger among the American people with regard to the handling of the Coronavirus.       From the beginning we have witnessed a colossal cluster foxtrot of contradictory information. Our lives and economy have been turned upside down and, as of today, the so-called experts are still unable to give us any clear answers that are based upon facts as opposed to emotional speculation.       The latest twist is revealed in the following headline: "Coronavirus pathogen could have been spreading in humans for decades, study says" The study was based upon research done by researchers from the United States, Britain and Australia.       If the study is accurate the likelihood is we are all infected and only now, based upon the research, a triggering mechanism in the human body has been activated. If this is the case, those who survive and those who die will be determined by the law of the survival of the fittest. And all the draconian measures and trillions of dollars borrowed will not matter.       How this plays out in the end is yet to be determined because of all the conflicting information and analysis. Yet in spite of all the inconclusive and contradictory analysis by the so-called experts, the governors of the states and the United States Congress have enacted draconian policies of Marshall Law and legislation that has resulted in trillions of dollars of additional national debt.       This is a classic example of how, in the absence of conclusive data, analysis can only be built upon a foundation of emotion. And it would be an understatement to say that there is a growing segment of the population who are completely fed up with policy and legislation driven by emotion as opposed to facts and the application of mind and reason.       It would also be an understatement to say the people of this country are fed up with three things: politicians, the media and the unelected deep State experts who far more often than not are the ones who run our government and rule over our lives.       For decades reasonable people in this country have patiently waited in the hope that our peaceful constitutional mechanisms can solve the problem of an ever-increasing incompetent and omnipotent state. This patience is running out because the people are realizing that the Constitution can only work if it is supported by an honest media and if it is upheld according to the original text and not manipulated through agenda-driven misinterpretation.       When you boil it all down, what we are witnessing with the Coronavirus is a situation where the suspicion and distrust of Congress, the media and the Deep State experts is so profound that it has left the people in a position where they do not know what to believe.       Fortunately, there are five silver linings to point to in the midst of this crisis.       The first silver lining is that the President has a 60% approval rating among the people regarding his handling of the crisis. The reason is that while all around him the experts are engaged in a contradictory debate as to the nature of the problem, the President, in his normal fashion is focusing on action. And the focus of his action has been to unleash the unlimited power of the private sector to solve the problem. And it is doing just that.       The second silver lining is that his 60% approval rating reveals that in spite of the best efforts of his enemies in the media to exploit the situation to destroy him, the people of this country are once again demonstrating that we are smarter than the media elites gives us credit for. Simply put, when this is over the media will have only succeeded in further destroying their own dwindling credibility.       The third silver lining is that this crisis has driven home the point to the American people of the need to return to being a nation of borders. With the focus on our need to be self-reliant in all areas of national manufacturing interests. When this is over the American people will get about the task of returning this country to a state of self-reliance.       The fourth silver lining is that over the last three and a half years the President, with the help of the Republican Senate, has approved more judges than any president in history. More importantly, these judges have a reputation of adhering to the standard of constitutional Originalism.       The fifth silver lining is that when this is over there will be an even greater desire by the people to support the President in his attempt to drain the swamp of the Deep State and eliminate all it's useless experts.       In light of these silver linings the only thing that will prevent this country from coming through this stronger than ever before is a prolonged imposition of Marshall Law. Our fate lies in the hands of the governors of the individual states.
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