theflyingbluepanda · 6 years
Gagawa din po ba kayo ng Bonizal? Haha XD (ship ko kasi si rizal at bonifacio eh Skl)
hmm i can add that to the list of AUs i'll do but right now medj chill first sa writing cause of thesis hahaha
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theflyingbluepanda · 6 years
Mabinaldo AU
So here is the entire series of my Mabinaldo AU. A couple of people have been messaging me for the links of all the parts kasi. I would tag ya’ll but you guys are naka anon huhu.
I don’t really have a title for it cause the ones I’ve been thinking of are too cheesy. What would you guys suggest?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
And to those who are asking for Gresca series, i’ll probably start on it next week during our break. Thank you again to everyone for the support! <3 YOU ARE ALL ENSAYMADAS!
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theflyingbluepanda · 6 years
Gresca Fic Series
Thank you guys for being my inspiration and endless support! <3
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theflyingbluepanda · 6 years
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"yung paborito ni miong? mayabang yon" Miong: YOU DON'T TALK TO ME AND MY SON EVER AGAIN
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theflyingbluepanda · 6 years
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FAMYlia IS REAL @crejapasta @dakilanglumpia this one’s for you two
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theflyingbluepanda · 6 years
hi everyone! i’m back :D
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theflyingbluepanda · 8 years
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THE SHIP HAS SAILED. I REPEAT, THE SHIP HAS SAILED. operation: sandro marcos x brian poe is a go
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
fixing a mess
aka: my fanfics are everywhere so I thought I’d compile all the links here.
The Modern Domestic AU | tumblr, ao3 | FAMYlia
Quezmeña (part 01 & part 02)
Goyong & Nonong
ang gabi’y payapa | tumblr, ao3 | mabinaldo, gresca, FAMYlia
instant noodles | tumblr, ao3 | quezmeña
kaldereta | tumblr, ao3 | quezmeña
Kuya Mam | tumblr, ao3 | gen, Bernal bros
it’s dangerous out there | tumblr, ao3 | mabinaldo, gresca, FAMYlia
baon | tumblr, ao3 | gen, nonong, goyong, aurora, jose b., joven
(don’t) end (us) with silence | coming soon | mabinaldo, FAMYlia
again & again & again - reincarnation au | tumblr, ao3 | gen, multi
iniwan ko kayo | tumblr, ao3 | gen, luna squad, rusca-centric
mercy | tumblr, ao3 | mabinaldo, miong-centric
RPF family
really weird cracky au | tumblr | monepy, OC amy (also kinda abandoned as of this moment)
after acceptance | tumblr | monepy, OC amy
just a day | tumblr, ao3 | monepy, OC amy
the moon & death upon a mountain
hipong malumanay | coming soon | sidapa/bulan
misc. aus
tagay | ao3 | gresca
batibat | tumblr, ao3 | gresca, mentions of mabinaldo & FAMYlia, isabel
last words | tumblr, ao3 | pacoven
Snap | tumblr, ao3 | mabinaldo
Paradox | tumblr, ao3 | ben/reader/ploo pwp
my writing tag | my ao3 account 
(((also, this is shameless, but comments and violent reactions are very much welcome pls scream at me about stuff i like screaming w/ ppl about stuff)))
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
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Silly Sunday feat. Pole & Miong (& Mon Confiado 😍)
Happy Valentines Day! Heneral Luna Fandom 😄
Mabuhay ang mga Single! ~ Mon (2016, Feb.)
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
prof: who has the original dvd of heneral luna? our department might have a film viewing and---
class: *looks at me*
prof: so you do have?
me: *in my head* bitch pls i went to the damn dvd launch
but yeah i told him bout the dvd launch and the 56 year old fangirled in front of class.
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
she don't like hippos
lol ok here’s the thing
@trixenthenerdqueen @ga-goyong @crejapasta i see your tags and i just want to say that i am grateful that you remembered me somehow despite having so many others you could tag instead
but lol ok here’s the thing
i’m a selective introvert– which is basically another fancy way of saying i’m an awkward duck. @theflyingbluepanda knows this. yes, hello.
the meme thing gives me the jitters just by looking at it. i already give so much of myself away on twitter, somehow doing it here on tumblr too hits me as excessive
lol on facebook you’ll notice the same thing. i don’t talk about my life, mostly just share feminism stuff and the like… i’m very distanced from both of these online accounts
so i’m really not into the meme thing… but thank you. it made me smile, you know. the fact that you thought of me when it came to the tagging part. it’s nice being remembered… ya’ll the best, really
and i’m sorry if i offended you by not saying anything or not replying immediately. that’s unfair to you. i’ll work on that so in the future i won’t come off as such a bitch…
ok, that is all. thanks X3
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
love your icon, saan mo nakuha?
it was actually a group shot, just cropped it (: forgot where i got it tho 😂😅
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
For my best friend @theflyingbluepanda
Because she has to go to school tomorrow and I wanted to give her my ultimate moral support.
You go gurl. Kaya mo ‘yan.
“Serging, that’s my bed.”
Sergio didn’t reply.
“S-Seriously, Serg.”
“Serging, I mean it. That’s my–”
Something metal clattered to the floor in the next room and Manuel felt his fur stand on-end.
On the kitty bed in front of him, Sergio purred in smug satisfaction.
“You’re home late…” he meowed, lazily opening his bi-coloured eyes as Manuel dug his claws into the carpet. “You missed supper and belly rubs.”
Manuel sat on his bristling tail. “I was busy.”
“Busy doing what?”
“Avoiding bath time.”
Sergio scoffed, finally getting up on all four paws and giving a rather dramatic stretch– one that took up all the space on the kitty bed.
Manuel meowed indignantly as a reply. “Serging, seriously.”
“Manoy, seriously.” Sergio purred, licking his right paw daintily in a rather stunning display of passive-aggressiveness. “Our owners were worried, you know? They were gonna report it, too. But then the neighbors called and said you were in their backyard.”
Manuel shrunk back in shame. “I didn’t mean to be gone for so long.”
“Yeah, well… Doesn’t change what you did.” Sergio gave him a pointed look. “Tomorrow you apologise.”
“How? They didn’t like my last apology!”
Sergio paused to think about it and simply shrugged. “Humans are weird.” He said, kneading his sleeping place once more as he prepared to lie down. “Or maybe they just don’t like mice– try grasshoppers.”
“And TRY to bring them back ALIVE this time?”
“HEY.” Manuel meowed, tail now swishing back and forth. “That mouse was alive when I brought it to them, ok? One of them just killed it with that straw thingy when she saw it!”
“Oh? Good.” Sergio yawned, purring. “That means they’re learning.”
With a flick of his tail, Serging crossed both his paws in front of him and lay back down.
“G'night, Manoy.” He meowed.
Manuel replied with a strangled cry. “Serging! That’s my kitty bed!”
“No, it’s not.”
“Uhhh, yes it is!”
Sergio sighed. “Your bed is over there. By the sofa.”
Manuel turned to the spot indicated and gulped at the shadowy corner it was situated in.
“Uh… No.” He meowed, finally wrenching his claws from the furry carpet and nudging Serging to the side with his pink nose. “Move over.”
His best friend flashed his claws. He didn’t like being disturbed. “Manoy.”
Manuel’s tail bristled. “… Please?”
Sergio opened his green eye, looked up at him, and let out a small meow of exasperation.
“Fine.” He said, moving over just a little bit for Manuel. “But only for tonight.”
Manuel meowed happily in response and climbed right in. It was a tight squeeze (no doubt another passive-aggressive move from Sergio, considering how much space the other cat had on his side of the bed) but he wriggled through anyway.
It was only then he realised that Sergio was actually purring.
“Good night, Serging.” Manuel meowed sweetly, licking his best friend’s whiskers.
Serging flashed his claws once more, but intertwined their tails anyway.
“Good night, Manoy.”
A minute later, they were both fast asleep.
The door to the living room creaked open, just an inch, then it creaked close again, and a girl shook her head in fond exasperation.
“Manuel made it back home safe.” She said to her companion. “And somehow bigger– Looks like we don’t need to feed him anymore, Sammy.”
Her companion, Sam, looked up from the metal cat dish she had accidentally dropped on the floor.
“You know, I betcha he gets that from you.” She said, picking up the dish and placing it on the kitchen counter. “The going to the neighbors and eating their food thing.”
“HEY! Star makes too many cookies, ok? If I didn’t go there and eat them her fridge would be overflowing!”
“Triz, it isn’t the eating I mind– It’s the eating everything and not leaving me any that gets me.”
Tricia huffed, pouted, and pushed her bangs behind her ear. “I’m trying to protect you from diabetes!”
Sam grinned. “That’s what the medicine is for, my dear.”
“Foine, foine.” Tricia rolled her eyes, grabbing the laptop she left on the kitchen table and bringing it to her room. “Hurry up with the popcorn. I’m not watching this horror movie alone!”
“Even if your husband’s in it?”
“All the more– I want someone to be there to phone an ambulance when my ovaries explode.” Here, there was a squeal and the unmistakable sound of the mattress springs squeaking in protest as a body mercilessly flopped onto the covers. “Hurry up, Sammy!”
Sam rolled her eyes and fought the little grin she felt spreading across her face. She wasn’t a big fan of Avelino, but she didn’t protest when Tricia presented her with the CD. After all, it was movie night.
And besides, it wasn’t like she hadn’t forced her best friend to sit through three straight Marvel movies just to admire Tom Hiddleston’s face.
“Imma comin’ hold your horses.” She called out, tipping the bag of popcorn into the huge bowl.
However, before she trailed after her best friend, she opened the door and peeked into the living room at the two lumps resting in the dark corner.
“G'night, boys.” She whispered.
She fancied she could hear their purring from all the way across the room. She smiled.
“SAMMY! Hurry up or else we’ll watch Nicholas Sparks instead!”
“Oh god– Yeah, yeah, I’m coming!”
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
hi @ruscano
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That’s my type of guy. 
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
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patawad, artikulo uno productions.
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
tagged by: @trixenthenerdqueen haluu bby <3
rule: tag 5 people you want to get to know better
birthday: 10/04/1998 relationship status: starving. // single zodiac sign: libruh favorite color: B L U E pets: I’M ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING WITH FUR HUUHU love or lust: love, of course  cats or dogs: dogs coke or pepsi: cokeee day or night: night calls or texts: IDK...texts i guess makeup or natural?MAKE UP met a celebrity: of course smiles or eyes: boat sense of humor: anything that isn’t discriminating or offending (sometimes get weired out with sexual ones but hey) favorite things to do: sing, act, read, watch movies, hang out with friends, research  last song you listened to: we built this city
hi friends (: @dakilanglumpia @crejapasta @earlgreymints @iblueberryqueen @katlina-clara 
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theflyingbluepanda · 9 years
Tagged by: @ladyofcruzroja & @johnlockismymuse || hiii! :D
Name: patricia
Nickname: tricia/ trish
Star Sign: libra
Gender: F
Height: omg idk tbh (((:
Time rn: 11:45am
Av. Sleep Time: 3-10 hours? (no classes/ with classes)
Last Thing You Googled: broadway shows at manila 2016
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: uno
Favorite Fictional Character: IDK HUHU ERRR darth vader
Favorite bands/artists: ed sheeran, panic! at the disco, i like 80′s and 90′s music lol, coldplay ++
Dream Job: lawyer/ human rights advocate
Current Clothes: white v neck,  shorts
Number of Followers: 182
Blog Type: multi fandom (mostly hl as of the moment)
Any Other Blogs: nope
When did your blog reach its peak?: my mabinaldo au fic series
My Most Active Follower: @en-sam-malas halu
Why do you have a tumblr?: this is basically where i rant/ post about anything in my fandoms cause i really have no other sources/ websites to do so
Do you get asks everyday?: not really
Why did you choose your url?: BECAUSE FLYING BLUE PANDAS ARE COOL\\ and imade this account back in grad6/ first year. i was foolish.
Plans Tomorrow?: hohol with friends
hi friends, your turn :3
@en-sam-malas @trixenthenerdqueen @ruscano @hotaryu @earlgreymints @gresca-ensaymada @bangskeletariat @cindy-fucking-rella @anditoakoparamagkasala
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