thefirstmydear · 8 years
;outofgrump; I’m going to go work on my theme on Ten and make some icons for a bit, so go bother me there. In the mean time, come invade my inbox for stuffs.
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thefirstmydear · 8 years
cont. from here with arkytiorforeman
“Hours? Oh, my dear child... you’re telling me these humans do this every year, hm? Sit about waiting for some COLOURFUL BALL to drop? There are quite- quite a lot more productive ways to spend the evening, I should think. Hmph! Yes, well, I suppose I did promise, didn’t I? Yes, yes, I suppose I did. For you my dear Susan, I shall wait. But I certainly won’t be quiet about it!”
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thefirstmydear · 8 years
new year's / new year's eve starters
“New Year’s is always the year’s biggest letdown.”
“So, what are your resolutions?”
“I swear, if I have to hear ‘Auld Lang Syne’ one more time…”
“Hey, sorry, it took me forever to find a place where my cell could get a signal… happy new year’s from [location].”
“What have you accomplished this year?”
“This year sucked. Good riddance.”
“Let’s hope this year goes better than the last one…”
“There’s a party at [name]’s house. You coming?”
“We’re headed to Times Square to watch the ball drop. You can tag along if you want.”
“Hey, last year of [politician your character doesn’t like]!”
“Just think of all the video games and movies that are being released this year…”
“No champagne for me. Designated driver.”
“Giving up chocolate for new year’s? I give it a week.”
“We’ve had a big year.”
“I plan to hit five parties before midnight.”
“3… 2… 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
“Want a party hat?”
“Three biggest moments from this year?”
“It’s nearly midnight… have you seen my date?”
“Ah, yes, it’s almost midnight, which no one is going to kiss me at.”
“This time last year, I was living in a motel. This is definitely an improvement.”
“I’ve heard ‘Auld Lang Syne’ six times tonight and it’s only 11:30.”
“And to think, this time last year I was dating you.”
“I need someone to kiss at midnight. You up to it?”
“I need your help. I want to kiss [name] at midnight, and I need you to help me make it happen.”
“It’s New Year’s. Aren’t we supposed to be making out?”
“Oh, God, my ex is here. Pass the champagne.”
“Look, I know you’d rather be in bed, but could you at least pretend to be excited?”
“A toast to my amazing friends, and to the new year!”
“I should’ve been in bed two hours ago.”
“Are you sure [name] is up to stay awake until midnight? I mean, s/he’s only [age]…”
“Psst. Hey. Hey, wake up. It’s midnight. Make your resolutions.”
“I swear, if next New Year’s, we’re in the same place we are now, shoot me. Just do it. I’m serious. Just shoot me.”
“I remember when I’d get so excited for New Year’s…”
“Y'know, New Year’s sort of loses its punch when you stay up until 2 AM every night anyway…”
“I like to think we grew up this year.”
“No firecrackers this year. The neighbors complained.”
“I’m tipsy, covered in streamers, surrounded by hung over people, I have Auld Lang Syne stuck in my head, and I don’t know where my cell phone is. It is New Year’s.”
“You know, under the circumstances, I think this isn’t such a bad impromptu New Year’s party.”
“I can’t believe you gave our son/daughter champagne!”
“Come on, it’s New Year’s Eve, you can’t spend the whole party hiding in the bathroom!”
“How much longer?”
“Any good New Year’s specials on?”
“I’ve had a glass of champagne, I made my resolution, I watched the clock strike midnight. I’m going to bed.”
“You’re crazy. That place is always a zoo on New Year’s.”
“Just pick an outfit so we can go. I mean, it’s just a New Year’s party, it’s not a black-tie event.”
“We should probably get back to the party.”
“What are you doing out here on the roof? The party’s inside.”
“Snow on New Year’s! Wish it had bothered to show up for Christmas…”
“Where’s [name]? S/he’s my ride.”
“I rented a limo. We are arriving to that party in style.”
“To 2016. May it not totally fuck us in the ass.”
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thefirstmydear · 8 years
;outofgrump; guise i am revamping my old old ten page. go follow him and love him.
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thefirstmydear · 8 years
“Oh my-!”
The Doctor jumped slightly as he turned around, startled by someone standing behind his TARDIS console. His left hand had immediately shot up to rest over his rapidly beating right heart.
“You should be ashamed, you know. Frightening a fellow like that. Ashamed, yes.”
He slow began walking around the console, nearing the character before him; sizing them up with his eyes.
“And what exactly do you suppose you’re doing, hm?”
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thefirstmydear · 9 years
;outofgrump; ANNOUNCEMOOSE! I’m back, bitches. Yes, I am revamping this page (along with, when I have time, a fully revised theme). SO come give me love and start threads while I work on stuff pls I miss Onesie I must embrace him.
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
"Oh, my dear child, you don't. No, no, I'm sure of it. You don't need some silly old fool like me weighing you down."
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"I need you, I need you way more than you need me." (//I LITERALLY LOGGED ON BECAUSE I NEEDED TO SEND THIS TO SUSAN)
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"I love you— I need you too, Grandfather. Honestly, I do…"
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
What do you think of the fashion sense of your future selves?
"My my my my my, you certainly want to open quite a rotten barrel of fish, don’t you?" the Doctor can’t help but to giggle to himself slightly. "Eh, well, you see, it’s rather hard to keep track of them all. There’s quite a- quite a few of me, yes. And some of them are a bit touchy on the matter of their dress sense. Let us say, shall we, that some are more favorable than others?"
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
Carter looked around worried. He had gotten separated from the others. "Which way is camp?"
"Hm? What was that?" the Doctor turned as he heard a voice speaking. "Camp? How should I possibly know?"
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
"Oh, my dear child, I can assure you I am quite beyond that sort of thing now. Besides, Chesterpot and Miss. Wright were simply an accident. I had no intention of keeping them," the Doctor said, grabbing at his jacket with a dignified gaze. What a lie THAT was.
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"Just make sure that you don’t kidnap any of the inhabitants." she was teasing, of course. She couldn’t help it.
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
"Eh? What exactly do you mean by that, young man? And how is it you know my name, hmm?"
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"That might be a bit dangerous you know, Doctor. This place is going to get rather hot soon. And turbulent. Probably best for you to just leave."
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
"So much to examine, yes, yes, quite a lot, oh my. But a beautiful planet, isn't it? Yes, I shall quite enjoy, eh- exploring it."
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
outofgrump: How do I disappear for a few days and still manage to get followers? You're all fantastic for putting up with me, honestly.
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
outofgrump; I'm an awful person who is awful at doing replies and yet I am tempted to make a Third Doctor and or possibly Fourth Doctor RP blog oh god someone stop me
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
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thefirstmydear · 10 years
outofgrump; There are so many random one line starters that people tag other people in that Onesie is just tempted to invade on even if it makes no sense to him whatsoever. Bad Onesie.
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