The Finchley Clinic has a wide collection of health products including Oxy powder, Aerobic oxygen, Threelac, Fivelac and Colosan. Get more information at
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Eat Your Way To Health
Taking most types of supplements shouldn’t be necessary if we followed the perfect diet. But unfortunately, the perfect diet consists of a variety of fresh natural foods that aren’t always available.
Not only are they not always available, but most of us have busy lifestyles that encourages a sort of on-the-move mentality with takeaways and ready processed snacks and meals.

Digestion problems become inevitable with a modern unhealthy life style and this usually results in many other more serious problems.
There are perhaps a dozen top foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. That last ingredient is often forgotten but they help reduce cell damage that can certainly lead to some serious medical complications.
If you can’t get enough of these foods then you may need a supplement like Megahydrate.
Most of these nutritious packed foods are best when fresh and grown organically to avoid any residual chemicals from fertilizers and other sprays.
They include fresh blueberries that are strongly thought to provide minerals and vitamins that are excellent for the immune system.
Grapes are also top of any nutritionists list, especially dark ones. This fruit is loaded with antioxidants as well as vitamin C and selenium.
Continuing with the berries theme, most of the red berries from strawberry to raspberries contain a little known but essential ellagic acid. This particular antioxidant is thought by some to help prevent or at least delay some onset cancers.
Nuts of course are on anyone’s list, Walnuts in particular have a high content of both omega-3 and selenium.
With fish coming here in the list and then dark greens there is a clear pattern that makes us think that early shoreline dwelling cavemen were probably healthier than most of us are today.
It’s always fresh untreated product that provides the healthiest diet that’s good for our body and soul. It’s just unfortunate that all of this is not regularly available all year round.
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Hydrogen And Oxygen Partners
If you had to name the two most important constituents for life on Earth they surely would have to be Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Of course, we need a lot more than that to sustain life and oddly, the fresh air we breathe consists of only around 21% Oxygen and 0.00005% hydrogen.
But as hydrogen is so essential to our growth it gets its own back against oxygen in volume by becoming two thirds of the content of drinking water compared to one third oxygen. Both are essential to life and in particular in the gut.
There are a number of supplements designed to provide extra molecules of oxygen into the intestines where it aids good digestion and helps clear any blockage, but few supplements that bring extra equally needed hydrogen.
But one recent product known as crystal energy water may balance this out. The theory behind this product is that the silica in the water binds extra hydrogen molecules.

We don’t know the exact principle of what this does but we have heard stories from many that taking this regularly seems to revitalise and give them extra energy.
All life depends on a constant replenishment of vitamins and minerals to keep us alive. Both vitamins and minerals along with good gut bacteria don’t last a long time. In fact some vitamins need to be replaced more or less daily to maintain a healthy balance.
It’s often repeated that a man starved of oxygen and hydrogen long enough will die for the lack of both those two elements more surely than a lack of solid food.
There are some stories going around about people that have deliberately starved themselves of everything bar water and lived for years.
As with all supplements, including this one, don’t discard the notion that they will be of no benefit until you have given them a try.
If you read the many endorsements then it is clear that these natural products can be of great help to many.
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Health Supplements: How to Ensure You're Buying a Reliable Product
The health supplement industry is a booming one. People used to look down on it, assuming that it was kooky. However, as science has started to conduct their research on health supplements, they have found some very promising results.
As a user of supplements, you need to be aware of the choices you make – not all of them are safe or effective. Today, we are going to provide you with a quick guide to help you to make the right choices when it comes to buying health supplements.
1. Conduct thorough research.
This is the most important thing you can do. Rather than taking an article, or your friend’s advice, about starting a particular supplement, conduct some of your own research. These articles and friend’s recommendations can often be wrong and that can result in you buying a supplement that doesn’t work, or worse, makes you ill.
To conduct research, you should use reliable sources, such as Google Scholar and NICE. Establish whether any evidence confirms its use or whether there’s any evidence that the supplement is dangerous.
Remember, that a lack of evidence doesn’t necessarily mean that the supplement is bad. It simply means that the scientists haven’t yet taken the time to study the supplement. If this is the case, you might have to research other people’s experiences with taking the product. For example, if you're looking to buy Biocare products, read up on other people’s reviews of the product range. This should give you a good indication of the suitability of the supplement.
2. Only buy from a reputable source.
You should not be buying supplements from just anywhere. For example, don’t buy them off eBay if the seller has very few sales and appear relatively new to the market. Instead, shop with established retailers, such as The Finchley Clinic.
As well as this, try to buy brands that are well known, such as Biocare products. Again, these are tried and tested and if there were any issues, you would easily be able to uncover them by doing the proper research as outlined in point 1.
We hope that you now have a much better idea about how to stay safe while buying health supplements. If you are interested in buying such products from a reputable source, then please visit here -
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Two Ways to Kick Start Your Diet This Summer
OK, so summer’s just around the corner, and for many of us, that can only mean one thing: time to prepare our beach bods. But, what’s that? You ate a bit too much over Christmas and now you have to work a little bit harder?
Don’t worry. This is a familiar story, and it happens to the best of us! The best thing for you to do is to really get a head start on that summer diet by kicking it off in the right way. Below, we’re going to give you some great tips to help you do just this.
Get Rid of Temptations
The first thing that we would always recommend is that you empty your cupboards of potential cheat food. When it comes to temptation, studies show that we have a limited resource of will power. The more you use your will power, the less you have, until you go to bed and wake up refreshed in the morning, with your will-power powered up.
The best way to help your will power is to get rid of temptation. If it isn’t there to draw you out, you will not have to participate in as much determination.
If you have kids that need snacks, then a great way to remove the temptation without affecting their snacks is to give them a box market “Kids” or with their individual name. This helps you to avoid eating their snacks, because they belong to someone else.
Take a Supplement

Oxy Powder is a great way to prepare the body for dieting. It helps to eliminate junk food cravings by cleaning the body of old and compacted matter. Junk food is addictive; the more you eat, the more you crave. Eliminating it as fast as possible will help to rid you of your cravings within a day or two.
We hope that you have found this article useful. It might not sound like much, but these tips can help you a lot.
If you would like to learn more about Oxy Powder then please visit
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How to Tackle Fatigue in the Work Place
There probably isn’t a worked alive that doesn’t experience fatigue from time to time. For some of us, though, it is a chronic problem. If you find that you feel tired much of the time while at work, then you will find the following tips helpful. Follow our guideline and you should experience greater energy levels.
Eat Properly So many people eat poorly for the working day. You need to start with an energy-promoting breakfast. This means including starchy foods that release energy slowly. An ideal breakfast would be a bowl of porridge with a few pieces of fruit – avoid adding sugar to your cereals, as this will give you a quick boost of energy, but you'll soon crash.
Throughout the day, eat every two to three hours, and choose highly nutritious foods that release energy at a steady pace. This means avoiding junk food.
Get Up & Walk Around for At Least 5-mins an Hour OK, so your boss might not like it to start with, but regular breaks enhance productivity, and the faster our bosses realise this, the better. Getting up and walking around – maybe even doing a few push-ups if you can – will help to increase muscle mass and cardiovascular health, both of which increase energy levels.
Get Enough Sleep Practice good sleep hygiene so that you can get the required amount of sleep. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, try doing more exercise in the day. Some of you may need to visit a GP for further help and advice if sleep hygiene fails to work.
Take a Supplement Some supplements, such as Oxygen Element Max, can help to boost your energy levels in the long term. They help to boost the function of your colon, which in turn allows your body to better process your food, which in turn boosts energy.

Avoid Overly Stimulating Environments In loud or overly stimulating environments, the brain can quickly become tired. In these environments, we’re constantly screening out excessive, but useless, sensory information. This leads to tiredness. if you can, try to minimise the amount of stimulation you get by taking regular quiet breaks and by using special equipment, such as ear defenders.
If you would like to browse a fantastic collection of supplements that can help boost your energy levels, then please visit
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What is it?
Many health practitioners believe leaky gut syndrome – or intestinal permeability – can be caused when undigested particles pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream1.
Leaky gut can be caused by:
· Candida overgrowth and dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance in the gut)1 · Chronic stress1 · Poor diet1 · Toxin overload1.
What happens?
These undigested objects – toxins and germs – cause inflammation and affect the gut wall’s permeability (‘leaky gut’), initiating an immune response1. Leaky gut can lead to:
· Adrenal fatigue2 · Arthritis2 · Autoimmune disease2 · Chronic fatigue syndrome3 · Depression and anxiety2 · Eczema (and other skin issues)2 · Hypothyroidism2 · Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)2 · Nutrient malabsorption2.
What can you do?
First of all, seek a medical practitioner if you think you have leaky gut.
Beyond this, you’re advised to reduce or – better – avoid sugary foods and gluten. Instead, consider introducing into your diet:
· Anti-inflammatory foods – beets, blueberries, bok choy, broccoli, celery, chia seeds, coconut oil, flaxseeds, ginger, green leafy vegetables, pineapples, turmeric and walnuts4
· Fermented vegetables – kimchi, kvass and sauerkraut2 · Omega oils – linseed oil and Omega 3:6:9 Balance oil · Raw cultured dairy – amasai, kefir, yogurt and some butters and cheeses2.
And why not consider supplements? The following are all available through The Finchley Clinic:
· Aloe Gold Natural (1,000ml and 485ml) – may help healthy digestion, immunity and skin
· Colostrum Plus (120 capsules) – also for gastritis, intestinal candida and food allergies
· Glutamine (100g, 200g and 90 capsules) – ideal for healing troubled guts
· Marshmallow Formula (60 capsules) – may help maintain normal intestinal permeability
· Mindlinx (60 capsules) – supports healthy function of the gastrointestinal tract
· Permatrol (90 capsules) – includes intestinal-supportive nutrients like L-glutamine, N-acetyl glucosamine and probiotic bacteria
· Restore (32floz, 16floz and 8floz) – works to restore the tight junctions of the gut
· Slippery Elm Intensive (75g) – also contains gamma oryzanol, licorice, marshmallow and aloe vera extracts, combining to support gut permeability.
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Two Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking Colostrum Supplement
Colostrum supplements have been around a while, but it’s only recently that they have come to be a popular addition to the shelves of the health supplement shops. Today, we’re going to look at the two key advantages that have driven this change.
First, though, what is colostrum? Colostrum also goes by another name, “First Milk”. Mammals produce this special milk straight after giving birth. It’s different to ordinary milk because it contains additional nutrient, minerals, and vitamins. For this reason, it is highly sought after as a health supplement.
Here are two reasons why you should consider taking a colostrum supplement:
1. Increased immune function: colostrum contains antibodies that the mother has developed over time through exposure to the real world. By consuming the colostrum, you take on some of these antibodies, which in turn help you to fight off infections, viruses, and harmful bacteria.
There is some contention as to whether we benefit from the colostrum belonging to other animals, but many people feel the immune benefits in doing so. Until such time that there has been rigorous scientific research, we can’t say either way, but what we can say is that even if it’s a placebo effect, if you feel that it works, you will feel healthier.
2. Increased growth factor: growth factors, as the name implies, helps the body to grow, but also to repair too. Colostrum contains growth factors, and as such, may help us to repair bone, muscle, nerve & connective tissue much faster than we would ordinarily be able to repair them.
People report positive effects in terms of increased positive mood, faster healing times, better energy efficiency, better regulation of various bodily processes (e.g. glucose function), better concentration, and healthier looking skin.
We hope that you can now appreciate why colostrum has become a particular popular choice of health supplement. To find out more, please visit our official website
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Milk Sugar Intolerance
A surprising number of people are unable to digest dairy products, otherwise known as lactose intolerance.
In mother’s breast milk there exists this type of sugar that can result in many babies having constant diarrhoea. In older days the baby stood little chance as there was no understanding of the condition. And certainly no substitute products like we have today.
The baby suffering this condition would have to keep taking breast milk out of desperate hunger pangs. But the constant diarrhoea would lead to dehydration and eventually death.
The problem is much more predominant in some parts of the world than others. In the Far East it can be a problem for over ninety percent of the population. It can also begin in later life even as when a baby there seemed to be no problems.
There is no simple cure for this but taking prolactazyme capsules may help some adults suffering this problem. The capsules contain the enzyme missing in the digestive system but it will not be a total cure for the condition.

If you’re not sure that you have the difficulty and yet suffer some abdominal pain or bloating and diarrhoea just 30mins to a couple of hours after eating dairy products, then you probably do have the condition.
Lactase is an enzyme naturally produced in the lining of the small intestine. Many people may just suffer a shortage of this enzyme and be able to eat cheese and yoghurt products without any discomfort.
But then they will find that fresh milk is causing them discomfort. This is because the fermenting of some dairy products reduces the amount of lactose and individuals may have enough lactase enzyme to deal with the remaining amounts.
The first step if in doubt, is to visit your health professional. There are a number of simple tests that can be carried out. A blood test is one, a stool test another and something known as a hydrogen breath test.
In each test case if the result is positive it may be worth looking for prolactazyme products.
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Where’s The Fun in Fungi?
When you are suffering any of the problems associated with candida albicans the last thing you want to hear from some joker is that it’s a kind of fungi.
That’s as in fun guy, but the trouble is it’s rarely anything but. Whatever your beliefs on the origin of life on Earth it’s almost certain that the first bit of greenery on land was lichen. And this growth is also a fungi.
There are many examples of fungi that are worthwhile just as there are less attractive versions like that mould at the back of a little used cupboard or on a damp bathroom wall.
The useful ones include the yeast to make beer and help bread rise. Another example of a fungi really living up to its name is magic mushrooms or even plain ones with your steak.
The question what is candida may equally be phrased as what is the point? We probably all carry plenty of this particular fungi in our guts from mouth to anus. For a fortunate few, a whole lifetime can pass without it rearing up.
But the majority will experience problems and not just once or twice.
The main problem is that it’s hard to diagnose and even your general practitioner has as much chance as you in a correct diagnosis.
Athletes foot, certain skin rashes including ringworm are perhaps the easiest to diagnose. But there are dozens of other signs that you may have an out of control over production of this microorganism careering around your body.
Unfortunately, the list is never ending and can easily be put down to other causes. Headaches, poor digestion, irritability and depression are just a very few examples of where the core problem could lie with this yeast in your body.
The key word here is yeast and as yeast feeds on sugars then a crash candida diet is not a bad idea. It rules out sugar, gluten and casein. But it includes fermented foods like the wonderful sauerkraut and other pickled foods.
Any form of candida can often be traced back to poor diet or a reduced immune system often ironically caused by too many antibiotics intended to kill some other unrelated medical problem.
For more on what is candida visit our official website.
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Are Probiotics Genuinely Helpful?
Health supplements always get a mixed review. Some are deemed as excellent, while others are deemed as snake oil. The truth is that both of these are true, it simply depends on the supplement.
Indeed, some supplements claim to do things that they simply do not do. In the UK, the government has clamped down hard on companies that mis-lead people in this way, so we are seeing much less snake-oil claims than we used to do.
However, there’s also the flipped version of this: some supplements do indeed work. One such supplement is the probiotics. In answer to the question, “Are probiotics genuinely helpful?”. The answer is ‘yes, but it depends on the circumstance’. Here’s why:
Some people are lacking important probiotics and they will require replenishing. A lack of probiotics can cause many problems, including the following:
• Diarrhoea • Candida infections (also called thrush or yeast infections) • Athlete’s foot • Bloating and gas – especially if there's a lot of it and it’s painful • General feelings of tiredness (clearly, the cause of tiredness can be many and varied, but sometimes it IS due to a lack of probiotics in the body)
If you suffer from one of these problems, then probiotics can genuinely help tackle the problem and help you to feel better. This is not an exhaustive list, there are other problems that they can address too.
However, it’s important to remember that probiotics are not a magic elixir. They can make you feel better, but they will not solve all of your ills and problems. They can’t cure everything. If you take probiotics and they don’t work, then it might be time to visit a GP.
When choosing probiotics, you should check out the reviews to see how other people rate them, because some probiotics supplements are better than others are. For instance, if you check out the Fivelac reviews, you will see that there are many very positive reviews. This is because Fivelac is a reputable brand.

However, with other brands, the supplements may be an entire waste of time because the probiotics may be dead. These are living organisms, and the manufactures need to respect this, but not all do. By checking out Fivelac reviews, and other brand reviews, you can get a good idea of which brands do their best to look after these precious and delicate microorganisms.
Are you interested in reading probiotic reviews? If so, please visit our website
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Three Tips to Help You Find the Correct Supplement for Your Needs
There is so much information available about supplements, that we can actually become overwhelmed. We suffer from information saturation and this makes it difficult to make the correct decisions. If this sounds familiar, then you have come to the right place. Here, we have provided you with three tips to help you make the right choices when it comes to your supplements.
1. Work out what they issue is so that you can find appropriate supplements. The first thing that you need to do is work out what the problem is. If you can’t do this, you have no hope of finding a potential supplement.
For example, if you know that you have thrush (aka “candida” or “yeast infection”); you can then look for supplements that tackle with this infection, such as Oxygen Elements.
If it’s something more diffuse, such as “lethargy”, then you can start to look at the type of supplements that help with this, such as NADH 20mg, and then read other people’s experiences. See if they relate to your own, and if they do, take suggestions from them. Here, you might need to take a few supplements until you find one that works.
2. Visit the online review sites and see how other people rate the products. You can now find out what other people’s experiences of the product are. For example, if you have decided to buy Oxygen Elements, you now need to go and check whether this product is one that other people find successful.

If it has many negative reviews (it doesn’t) then you will want to reconsider your choice. Remember to visit several review sites, e.g. trust pilot, the amazon reviews, and supplier reviews, so that you can build up a decent picture of other people’s reaction to the supplement.
3. Finally, research the product on Google Scholar. By doing this, you can check for any health and safety concerns or any corroborating evidence that the supplement works. Remember to research by ingredients, rather than brand name. Scientists generally investigate ingredients/compounds/mixtures, and not specific brands.
As long as you follow this advice, you will help to ensure that the supplements that you buy are safe.
If you are interested in buying supplements online, please visit our official website.
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Proof In The Pudding
Humankind has not always been as obsessed with longevity as it is today. Throughout history there have been warriors that felt privileged to die in battle believing unfailingly in the afterlife.
But today, if we’re just the slightest under the weather we make an appointment with our GP and expect some quick fix medicine.
Some doctors in general practice even recognise that it’s better to prescribe something rather than nothing. Patients feel re-assured that there was something wrong with their health even if there wasn’t.
Tests using placebos often uncover the same story where those treated with a totally useless product report feeling better.
The global pharmaceutical business is huge. It’s worth well over a trillion US dollars in sales every year and maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise to discover the richer the country the bigger the sales.
Many tablets, lotions and potions are synthetic versions of naturally occurring plants. The obvious one we all know about is aspirin that is the most taken tablet in the world and originally came from the bark of the willow tree.
As medical science evolves the mechanics of specific treatment is better understood. But it’s plain that the old saying that Granny knows best bears a lot of truth.
Before we understood the importance of roughage in the diet we were always taught to eat our greens before being allowed pudding.
We only recently understood the immune system and the importance of bacteria in the gut. This can be topped up with good gut bacteria in products like Bio Kult.

Generations of kids were bought up being allowed to wallow in mud occasionally and get dirt in their mouth. Despite the continued obsession seen on television adverts for products that kill 99% of all germs in the home, it’s now clear that without germs to fight, children’s immune systems are less effective.
Conventional western medicine clearly has many good points but some alternative options should never be ignored. After all, if your gut feeling tells you that probiotics does your gut some good, then it probably does.
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Virgin Olive Oil And Ozone
The benefits of olive oil are well known and if evidence is needed then we only have to look at life statistics in Mediterranean countries.
This is a part of the world where all olive oil originated and consumption here is still the greatest. Of course, many centuries ago the population would have been unaware of the difference between saturated fats and mono-saturated fats. Olive oil is one of the latter.
If you enjoy olive oil then always try to get the very finest. And that will be the first press of some organic crop.
If you’re lucky enough to enjoy summer holidays in this region then befriending the owner of a small hillside farm where this crop is grown may prove beneficial. The one I know well gives me a few bottles every year that no doubt will contravene some EU petty laws but it’s superb.
When taking a spoonful of inferior olive oil there is often a slight burning sensation at the back of the throat. With the genuine first press organic Mediterranean oil there is no burning whatsoever.
The acclaimed Mediterranean diet undoubtedly improves longevity and it means lower instances of all cardiovascular disease. But it’s also good for many other applications.
It protects the skin from sunburn and helps heal by blocking open wounds. It was also discovered about a hundred years ago that if ozonated it has some real medicinal qualities.
Ozonated olive oil for the early part of the twentieth century was often recommended for medicinal matters such as eczema and other skin conditions.
In recent years it has become re-discovered and is an increasingly requested supplement. Over a period of time ozone gas is fired into the oil until eventually it begins to hold quantities of this gas. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas that is much misunderstood.
It has often been described as good when high in the atmosphere and bad when nearer home. The high gas protects us from the Sun’s UV rays but the lower levels can trap pollution helping to create smog. As a kind of super-oxygen with the element number O3 it can be healthy and healing when trapped in olive oil.

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D3 The Vitamin For The Whole Body
Vitamin D helps with just about every bodily function and yet it is known that many people do not make enough.
Those that are deficient should get out more. Because it’s the vitamin we get from the sun’s rays and that means working in a factory or office all day in the winter and leaving when it’s dark is not helping.
This is a vitamin that is produced on the skin as a hormone and is unlike most other essential vitamins that are obtained through food. But a supplement where there is thought to be a shortage can be taken orally.
A severe shortage of this vitamin can lead to some pretty unpleasant ailments. Rickets is one and so too is osteoporosis. Even excessive sweating along with a light-headed feeling can be a sign of shortage.
As we get older the skins ability to absorb vitamin D diminishes. It’s also harder to produce with over-weight and darker skinned people. Ironically this means that lying in the hot sun all day might appear to be the answer but too much tanning in the long run isn’t.
The supplement Suntrex that contains D3 is strongly recommended for people over the age of 70. It contributes to so many aspects of our health including boosting the immune system and thereby keeping all the functioning parts such as organs, blood vessels and even aiding the nervous system.

It has also been shown to help calcium absorption thereby leading to healthier bones and teeth. A boost of regular VitaminD3 helps improve muscle strength in those more mature in age.
This product is GMO free and is safe for vegetarians as well as vegans. If you need convincing of the importance of Vitamin D3 for all warm-blooded creature then ask your Vet. There is a great deal of controversy about how much cats absorb it lying in the Sun.
It seems their fur prevents them making this vitamin as we do but the licking they do later is probably how it’s absorbed. And next time you feed your cat or dog with their commercially prepared food, just check the ingredients and you’ll find it there.
For Suntrex visit
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Amuse Yourself With Krebs
Maybe you remember the part in human biology at school where the Krebs cycle was being discussed. Or maybe that was the point where you lost the will to live and stared out of the window instead.
In a nutshell it’s a complicated explanation of what happens when we eat and how we derive energy with the help of sugars, amino acids and fats. A lot of enzymes are also involved and if you can recite more than a dozen of those out of the 75,000 in the body then clearly you weren’t one of those staring out of the window.
NADH was just another set of initials in the cycle. And that’s probably a great deal easier to remember than the full nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide that in turn is best to just call Vitamin B niacin.
With KREBS it’s best to just think of a car but instead of refined petrol going in we feed ourselves a mixture of all sorts of fuel and let the biology get to work. The main fuel source for us is carbohydrates, proteins and fat.
A lot of the work is done by enzymes but just to confuse, there are also others known as coenzymes. Many of these coenzymes are derived from vitamins and this is where we get to NADH. This is the coenzyme that is made by vitamin B3.

NADH supplement is a popular way to give a boost and is especially good for vegetarians and vegans as it is naturally obtained from fish and meats. It is practically non-existent in vegetables and fruit.
The critical point is that this is where we get energy with the two catalytic agents of oxygen and acetyl. Additionally, this is all linked in with changing the amino acid tyrosine into dopamine that is so important for our brain to function well.
It would be nice to think that the origin of the word dope was something to do with dopamine but before you look it up, it’s from Old Dutch and means a thick sauce.
For NADH supplement
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B12 And Memory Loss
The vitamin B12 is essential to good health and a dire lack of this can at worst result in hallucination and memory loss.
Oddly enough, of all the essential vitamins this one requires the smallest daily intake. All committed vegans know all there is about this vitamin as it only occurs in meaningful quantity in fish and meats.
So in their case it is necessary to take it as a supplement. It’s also a problem for vegan mother’s breast feeding their babies as there is likely to be a shortfall of the vitamin to the child. The other problem with B12 is that a complete lack of it can go undetected for a number of years.
It’s also not easy to measure how much is in the body through a blood test as such a small amount is necessary whether you’re healthy or not. Serious deficiency will eventually result in anaemia and damage to the central nervous system.
Additionally, loss of energy, numbness and a lower pain threshold with blurred vision, confusion and even a personality change are all worrying signs of a B12 deficiency.
The problem is that all of the above and other related problems can also be a sign of something completely unrelated to a B12 deficiency.
It’s therefore essential to have a professional medical appraisal. If it is a lack of B12 then taking a B12 supplement should speedily help the body to recover. b12 spray or tablets are normally prescribed although you can of course also buy this over the counter or online.

Vegans are sometimes promised that they can obtain B12 through certain algae but this has been proven not to be the case. The unfortunate fact is that even with a blood test there may be a false reading.
Some recent medical research suggests that a lack of B12 is so slow to develop and manifest itself in such a number of ways that many older people should probably have it recorded on their death certificates.
It really is an essential vitamin and yet we only need a tiny regular amount of this vitamin.
For b12 spray
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Popcorn: Is It Butt-Tastic?
Popcorn is often hailed as a healthy snack – that it, unless it’s toffee covered and sugar sprinkled, but is it as good as it’s made out to be? Experts are now starting to question some of the hidden dangers of popcorn, namely, that it’s bad for your butt. Too much popcorn can make you put on weight (you already know this, probably), but also, it can damage your colon. Below, we’re going to explore these issues in more depth.
Weight Issues As long as there are no added “naughties” (honey, toffee, caramel, chocolate, etc.), popcorn is actually a fairly low calorie snack. The problem with weight and popcorn is when they start to add all the bad, but oh so good, stuff, like cheese, butter, and toffee.
Colon Issues Unfortunately, for those of you suffering from certain bowel complaints, such as IBS, diverticulitis, and Crohn’s disease, the thick outer husk on the popcorn can be problematic. In fact, medical practitioners often include popcorn in the list of foods to avoid in people suffering from such issues.
However, there are other some scientific studies that show that popcorn is safe. This can lead to confusion. If you want to try eating popcorn, then you might supplement with a bowel-friendly aide, such as Oxy Capsules. If it does become painful, taking your supplements (or medicines if prescribed) can help minimise the problem until it passes.

Clearly, you should not undertake such experimentation in cases that are severe. If it’s mild, or you haven’t had a flare up in a while, you can try to introduce popcorn. Make sure that you only consume a small amount, until you know if it’s going to have any ill effects. Furthermore, start by eating clean popcorn (i.e. none of the added ingredients, e.g. cheese, toffee, etc.) and if that’s OK, you can start to introduce new ingredients – but not too much!
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