The Fallen Crest Family
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A "Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-Kun" AU about a girl named Melody Crest, a former Misfit class student years ago, before she mysteriously disappeared. Her family bloodline was proclaimed dead after a massive slaughter, or so it seemed.
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thefallencrestfamily · 3 years ago
"The Fallen Crest Family"
Chapter 6: "Mela vs Misfits Exam"
She knew the most trouble she'd have would be the Execution Cannonball. She wasn't told about who was who. All her info she had was that Iruma is Human. The rest were guesses, or blanks. She felt a slight cold breeze chill from the girl in glasses, which her ability is Ice but doesn't know the specific type of ice bloodline. There was also a sense of a another presence, and since she was already been informed that the Misfit Class is 13 people and only saw 12, stated that she might be dealing with a Purson Family Bloodline Ability. But again these were just mere guesses.
The next day roles around to the Execution Cannonball Exam for her Physical. They held it after school, since they wanted all the teachers to be present to watch. Even the Student Council went to the court to watch. She got to the court where saw the Misfits and Kalego in the middle line of the court.
Kalego: "Brats you better take her seriously and don't pull punches, otherwise I'll be demoting your ranks. She is Rank He after all. If one of you hits Mela, that person will be ranked up by one."
The crowd cheered as everything was going to begin.
As soon as Kalego left the field, three dodgeballs were placed in the middle field.
Kalego: "Ready? Begin!"
Melody: "Pulius! Terrazu!"
Immediately the ball in the middle pulled towards her and the two other dodgeballs were launched in the air by earth magic in two different angles.
Melody: "Extelus Boltikus!"
Melody threw the ball at extreme speed, it hits both of the other dodgeballs in the air and hits Kerori and Clara too fast for them to react.
Kerori & Clara: "H-How?!"
Kalego: "Kerori and Clara are out."
Alice: "I'll finish this quickly, Master Iruma."
Alice's flames rises as she uses her barriers to block it. However, the begins to break off a little bit and she had to be quick about it.
Melody: "Reflecta!"
The dodgeball of fire bounces back to Alice but Sabro protects him as he gets called out of the court. Alice was about to make another attack then Iruma stops him.
Iruma: "Azz, don't! She'll counter it all over again. We have to stall and take her down by surprise when she's low on magic."
Alice: "Your right..."
Melody: "Oh really? Well Iruma, let's see long that lasts!
Little by little, Melody takes out the other members. She was getting exhausted, and while she does have a lot of magical capability she isn't the type to keep enduring but she had to push through. Finally only 3 out of the 13 Misfits were left, Alice, Iruma and the third guy with no presence. All three gathered together and talked to each other of a gameplan. She couldn't really do anything given her depleted magic now and the dodgeballs being on the other side of the court.
Melody: "You gonna attack or what?"
Finally, Alice began to bring up flames, burning brighter than the last. As the ball reaches towards Melody so she tries to grab the ball. Knowing the situation, Alice could block his own move back so he can't attack him. So instead, she did a similar grabbing move that Iruma did to Alice and grinned. She planned to target Iruma as a bluff to get Alice.
Melody: "Extelus Boltikus!"
The flame ball aimed at Iruma's face too fast for him to react, but Alice uses his hand to block the move barely on time.
Iruma: "AZZ!"
Alice: "I'm okay... It stings but nothing for you to worry yourself with."
Just as Melody was trying to catch her breath, she felt a presence of wind hurdling towards her, grabs it feeling it to be the ball and throws it back to the direction where it was aimed at, hitting Soi in the process.
Soi: "...She got me when I was invisible."
It was left with Iruma and Melody. Iruma had two balls in his side with her holding only one. Humans didn't have magic but there was no way Iruma could have passed at the very most the Harvest Festival without magic. It's been bothering her since she met Iruma and learned of his rank. She then realized the golden ring on his right hand.
Melody: "A magical item...? Wait is that-?!"
Iruma: "Libera!"
Melody: "Ah! BE ZUL DERA!"
Immediately Melody grabbed the ball and the dragon was gone as her hands absorbed the magic inside the ball. She felt something inside herself rise as she looked to Iruma. It felt cold and dark. There's no way he's...
Iruma: "She absorbed it?!"
Melody: "...Phew well Iruma, I didn't think you'd attack me like that. Thanks for a bit of your magic, pretty powerful spell. Don't suppose I can do it right back at you~?"
Iruma: "Oh no..."
The ball with Libera hits Iruma's counter Libera as it blocks the ball in its tracks, and powerful waves of magic begin to break the court.
Jazz: "Do they both have a death wish?!"
The explosion happened and the smoke cleared both Melody and Iruma were still standing. Melody however, walked towards Iruma and pass the middle line, to everyone's shock.
Kalego: "Melody, you are out of bounds."
Melody: "...Does it matter? Even if I stayed in the court... I have no magic... or stamina... Iruma... won..."
Both Melody passed out and Iruma who is also injured from the battle managed to grab her before she fell. Her mind fell into a dream, more of a memory that she can barely remember who told her.
Do you remember the Demon King Prophecy Scroll?
"I remember father talking about it..."
"He shall make one and all of his servants. He shall form blood pacts and heal all demonkind. He shall descend from a foreign realm and wear the golden ring of Solomon on his right hand."
"It's the only scroll of the next demon king."
Oh but you're wrong. There is more to this than this scroll can tell you. One of the many secrets of The Crest Family. The Second Prophecy.
"A... second prophecy?"
"Millions will fall before her, fallen to despair. She will ascend equally with the fated king and become her saviour. She shall become the ultimate guide for the realm but the ultimate sacrifice to her very leader."
"Why are you telling me this?"
...Because I heard you wanted to be Demon King.
"So what? Why's that important?"
You... You can't be the Demon King-.
She woke up suddenly in the infirmary and saw Dali and Blushenko with her. She tried to get out of the infirmary bed but the pain overwhelmed her and Dali had to lie her down again.
Dali: "Don't move, you have a lot of magic reflex you need to rest."
Melody: "...Sorry."
Blushenko: "I'm just surprised you lasted this long. You are really careless, you know. You were already depleted of magic yet you persist to use more than your body can handle. Magic Reflex is not something to brush off. Oh, and Dali told me about your grounding so don't worry yourself."
Melody: "...Where's Iruma? I need to apologize to him..."
Dali: "He left a little while ago. He wanted to stay with you, but the rest of the Misfits wanted to celebrate with Iruma."
Melody: "Oh yeah... I lost. That means I didn't pass, huh?"
Dali: "Actually-."
A knocking was heard and Kalego let himself in.
Kalego: "How are you feeling?"
Melody: "It just stings, I'll be better if I rest a bit."
Kalego: "Listen, about your exam-."
Melody: "I failed, and Iruma gained another rank up, I know. I didn't perfect it, so I won't be eligible to enter Royal One, right?"
Kalego: "No, you won."
Melody: "...What?"
Kalego shows one of the camera's recordings revealing one specific detail. After the explosion, the dodgeball hit Iruma in the blast in slow motion. Melody was shocked looked at Kalego then back at the screen.
Kalego: "Apparently it counts. So by that logic you won. Which means you'll be a part of Royal One once you recovered."
Melody: "Yes-! OW!"
Melody: "Right, of course..."
Dali: "We have fourteen crowns of Babyls now instead of 13!"
Melody: "Wait... what did you say?"
Dali: "The 13 Crowns of Babyls were what the school called the Misfit Students."
Melody: "The 13 Crowns..."
Melody looked back on her dream memory from earlier and back to her exam. Rethinking back, she saw the Demon King in Iruma... she saw his golden ring... And almost in a instant she felt something chain to him. But... a human couldn't possibly be the next Demon King, right? But he did descend from a foreign realm... and he's wearing the golden ring on his right hand. She even felt the connection with him and has fought on equal grounds. But if Iruma is the Demon King then what would make of her ambitions? And then she remembered the second prophecy. His guide. Iruma knows only a mere fraction of this world and if he's ruling she would be the ultimate guide of the world since the demon king is the world itself.
Melody: "I'm... just gonna rest."
As she slept, it was then she knew what her true ambition has to be now. She would devote her time to educate Iruma as his guide. That's all she can do for him, for the sake of the future.
Kalego: "Is the reason you didn't let me in to assist healing is because you didn't want me to see her grounded?"
Dali: "...What makes you say that?"
Kalego: "I... have my reasons, but I noticed she never flies. And not letting me help with the full body healing just confirmed it."
Dali: "She just didn't like bringing it up, but does plan to make new artificial ones with a spell she plans to work on."
Kalego: "I see. I'll make sure to keep this to myself."
Dali: "Can I ask you something?"
Kalego: "What?"
Dali: "You could have let Iruma win since the dodgeball got destroyed, but decided to check on cameras. If you really didn't want another student in your class, you would have done anything to stop her like disapproving the previous negotiations on her physical exam."
Kalego: "..."
Dali: "I might be going on a hunch here, but did you do that to ensure she'd pass?"
Kalego: "It's not of that I assure you."
Kalego left Dali as he looked down irritated. Of course Dali noticed that. He was his former student teacher after all back in his student days, and had a way in seeing through his own students. He was always annoying, but never wrong. Kalego did do that to ensure she'd win, and he didn't even know why he did that. Why did he do that? He thought this question over and over again in his mind as it finally flashed to Mela's execution cannonball reflecting back to Melody's execution cannonball, on how she lost the very same way and has watched the entire thing on the backlines with Balam.
Kalego: "Why is that girl so much like her...? Dammit..."
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thefallencrestfamily · 4 years ago
"The Fallen Crest Family"
Chapter 5: Mela Ami, The Mysterious 14th Misfit Student (3)
Kalego: "You've been quite for a few minutes since we walked."
Melody: "..."
Kalego: "Hey! That's a-!"
Melody accidentally bumps into a tree and she finally wakes up from her daydreaming. Kalego sighs as he helps her up a bit. It's one thing to weirdly prefer to walk over flying home but to not look where you're going. He should have just left and yet here he is, enduring all of this for the sake of confirmation.
Kalego: "Okay something's up, unless it's studying spells, I don't see you as a type of person who spaces out in public. Is there something your not telling me about your home life?"
Of there was, she did have a home Lord Sullivan gave her a house, and thanks to Opera her home was furnished, neat and tidy by her preferences in the span of a day. Lord Sullivan even gave books and bookshelves as a extra bonus. It's just that she didn't want Kalego to judge her tastes. Again. Kalego never liked her tastes during their class days. Most specifically her cute tastes. She knew Kalego doesn't like Akudols, plushies or all things childish. Which is what she requested in her preferences for her bedroom to Opera.
Melody: "I just... I don't think you'll like my home."
Kalego: "If you mean it's messy then-."
Melody: "No no, not that."
Kalego: "Look whatever it is, I promise I will not say anything to judge it rudely."
Melody looked at Kalego and pouted.
Melody: "You'll still rudely judge it mentally though."
Kalego: "Would you rather have me judge you verbally about your home?"
Melody: "Fine..."
Melody got to the house and opened the door to see it as a simple living room with a TV attached to a few video games added with a dinning room at the side.
Melody: "Welcome to my home, I'll make some Hell Grey Tea and food. You can look around for a bit. Remember, no verbal judging me!"
Kalego was a little confused, so far everything was tame. He looked in one room to find her study room, where she looks up all her books to help with her spells. Then he saw her little training room where there was a lot of gym equipment and a punching bag. He saw the guests rooms and they all looked simple yet different to keep hospitality. Even the bathrooms, the kitchen Melody was in and the laundry room looked clean and nice.
Kalego: "This girl is overthinking too much..."
Then he looked in her room and immediately closed it. It was too much to process, what people call "fluff"? Yeah fluff.
Kalego: "So... she's that kind of person. That's why she was nervous about bringing me here."
Of course, Kalego was still mentally judging her, but not too much. He was warned beforehand going to her home, and he still went anyway. Plus, she did live alone and was forced to mature at an early age, so he'd give her some slack. He came back and the food and tea was on the table. It looked like somewhere out of a fancy cafe which surprised him.
Kalego: "Spellcasting, Music and Culinary. Is there anything else I should know about you?"
Melody: "My culinary skills came from part time job I use to work in."
Kalego: "About that. What jobs did you do? Because being your age a minor taking jobs should be illegal."
Melody: "Let's see... I already said my part time job. I also did commissions for artworks and charms, entered many contests for prize money or rewards, let people live in my home as rent and when I saved enough to buy my own internet box, I did online freelance voice acting and music. When my freelancing was booming, I decided to quit my part time job and stop my commissioning to focus fully on that, as I finally started school."
Kalego: "How did you get this house let alone pay with freelance money?"
Melody: "Luck. Pure luck on a contest. Also I have full ownership of this house as per my win, so it's all in my name so I don't have to pay for rent."
Her luck is just all over the place, and her determination was incredible. It's a miracle for her to have survived this long without doing something illegal.
Kalego: "I see. Well this was all I needed from you, let's talk about the song you'll pick."
Melody: "Um..."
Kalego: "You still haven't decided, have you?"
Melody: "I'm sorry, I just feel kinda pressured."
Kalego: "Then go for a song that you feel the most comfortable doing."
Melody sees a small flashback to Kalego's student days back in his first year where the classes were deciding on what performance her class should do, where he found Melody was playing piano while singing songs alone.
Young Kalego: "It's not a solo performance, you know."
Melody: "I know but I do this to calm down- Wait... AH GEEZ! Kalego! Knock before you enter!"
Young Kalego: "Delayed reaction much? What would have happened if it was a assassin who came in this room, you would be dead instantly."
Melody: "Sorry..."
Young Kalego: "Anyways, what's this about calming yourself?
Melody: "I just feel a little pressured is all. Everyone in my class expects me to lead them because of my musical talent, but I don't know what to do. I need to figure out the song but there is too many to choose. Not to mention the themes, the performers, the stage need to be checked and I-."
Young Kalego: "Then go for a song that you feel the most comfortable doing."
Melody: "What?"
Young Kalego: "If you're stressed about picking a song, then pick the one that gives you the least amount of stress."
Melody: "I guess that helps... thanks Kalego."
Young Kalego: "Don't get it wrong, I didn't help you out of a whim."
Melody: "...You want me to teach you the piano, don't you~?"
Young Kalego: "No!"
Melody: "You didn't want to turn to your teacher for help or your classmates, so you turned to me because I wouldn't make fun of the 'Prideful Kalego' while he learns the piano for the first time to help his class's music performance. Am I right?"
Young Kalego: "Tch..."
Melody: "Alright, lock the door and I'll help. This room is a private soundproof room after all."
Young Kalego: "And yet you leave it open for people to sneak in."
Melody: "Oh hush!"
Young Kalego: "Remember, no telling anyone you did this."
Melody: "I know."
The flashback ends as Melody smiles from the memories. He's always been the same after all these years.
Melody: "Thank you Mr. Naberius, though you don't look to be the type to help without compensation."
Kalego: "Of course. You can pay back with keeping our little time here at your home a secret. The last thing I want is an inconvenience."
Melody: "Of course. So I'll see you at the exam tomorrow?"
Kalego: "Naturally."
The next day Melody got to the school early to walk with a lot of props and decorations. She sees Dali there, looking like he's waiting for someone. She knew Dali in the past too, he was a student teacher of Babylus at the time, very surprised that his face or height really hasn't changed over the years. But she respected him, and was the only teacher back then who knew of her rough family life and became her mentor, like the father she wished she had.
Melody: "Good morning, you must be Mr. Dandalion. What are you doing up so early?"
Dali: "Your Mela, correct? I'm just waiting for the other judging teachers, though I do admit I might have been too excited for your performance that I came earlier than I thought. What about you?"
Melody: "I wanted to come early to prepare the stage for my Talent Exam. Do you by chance have the keys to the stage?"
Dali: "Okay, but I would need to supervise you."
Melody: "That's fine."
Dali took Melody to the stage as she began to decorate the stage. When she had to reach the top parts of the stage she looked down being unable to reach, which confused Dali.
Melody: "Fractal."
She jumps and she is light as a feather, being able to change the gravity of her body. This however, surprised Dali as she finished all her decorations. Any normal demon would have just flew, and looking back, she didn't fly when the other teachers spied on Kalego going to her home or even flew when she came back to the school today. And then a thought hit him, something he hope isn't the case. He walked to her, as she deactivated the spell.
Dali: "This might be insensitive of me, but... if you don't mind Mela, may I see your wing roots?"
Melody hesitates for a moment. She knew Dali was just being concerned and she could just say no then he wouldn't press it further. But she thought again that at some point, someone else would bring it up, and it would keep going until the situation got worse. She might as well show it to her former mentor, it's better than being exposed forcefully. She lifts her shirt to expose her back to see scars, scratches and burn marks. The wing roots were burned and ripped right off, revealing she has no wings also known as "being grounded".
Dali: "...I'm so sorry."
Melody: "No no, don't be sorry for my faults. I was at a wrong place at the wrong time... I plan to make artificial wings one day when I can create a spell for it, but..."
Dali: "...Can you at least tell me who did this to you? You don't have to tell me, but... those marks look recent..."
Right, they were fresh like she lost her wings several days ago.
Melody: "I don't know... I was blindfolded at the time...and after blacking out from the pain I was found by the Principal's Grandson."
Which she wasn't wrong. At the time of the incident they tried to blindfold her and she couldn't know who grounded her. A lot of her memories of that time were blurry and painful to begin with. And she did meet Iruma right after that.
Dali: "Well whatever happens in this exam or the next one, even if you don't pass for the Royal One with the Misfit Class, I'd be happy to assist you to enter in my homeroom class."
Melody: "...But why? Wouldn't problems stir if I'm put in any normal class? You know, spellcasting shenanigans."
Dali: "Well you are interesting, talented and you did say you wanted to enter Babylus. Any teacher would be proud to have a student like you and be a fool to let that talent go to waste. And besides, you'd make homeroom much more exciting, so your shenanigans would be worth the trouble."
Melody: "Thank you Mr. Dandalion."
The other teachers came in and was ready seated in the audience. The only other teachers she recognized were Raim and Suzy. Raim was Mrs. Asmodeus' mentee back then, and would see her often when she asked for tips from Mrs. Asmodeus on trying verbal spell seduction. Suzy was also a student teacher with Bali, but would help with tips on verbal plant spells. Even Lord Sullivan, Opera and Balam joined in with Iruma and the rest of the Misfit Class to join in the audience. Of course, Kalego complained to the Principal about the students being there, but he gave in as long as the Misfits were quiet.
Melody: "Multiza Clonius Dera."
Immediately multiple versions of Melody were made as they got the instruments ready. Melody along with the other clones used magic to change their clothes, as the music of the instuments began to play. Iruma immediately knew what she was planning to play the moment he heard the first music bar.
Iruma: ("Black Vow...")
Melody sang, with many stage effects, beautiful voice and music and amazing acting. The story of a angel who gave up their wings with a few lyric changes, stating that it was a demon instead of a human, which did get Iruma a little confused, but probably was trying to cover the fact about humans.
Robin: "6 for me! That was absolutely beautiful, Mela!"
Raim: "Such elegance and talent, 6 as well."
Dali & Suzy: "I also say 6."
The something inside his sparked a familiar moment as Dali's smile faded once he stared back again at "Mela" who he now saw as Melody in a flashback to her Music Festival performance. He whispered Melody's name and realized it rather quickly how similar their face shape and body size was, with her current rank to add along with the the story of her "being pushed down to a delinquent class because of experimental spells" and her connection with the Ami Family. "Mela" and Melody were the same person, and that Melody Crest is alive. Of course, he wants to ask her so many questions, like how she survived or why she is still the same size and age before she disappeared. But it was clear she was hiding it, and Lord Sullivan was a part of it, so he would have to ask "Mela" and the Principal after the exam. He turned his head to Kalego, as he was the only one who didn't vote yet.
Dali: "Kalego, what's your vote?"
Kalego: "..."
Kalego looked to Melody and finally he sighed like he couldn't find a excuse and gave her the unexpected 6. It was magnificent, and he couldn't describe the feeling any further. With a perfect 66666 the whole Misfit Class cheered for Melody as they all approached her.
Iruma: "That was amazing, Mela!"
Clara: "La La even made Eggy Teach vote a 6 too!"
Melody: "Eggy Teach?"
Shax: "Oh, you'll learn that later on."
Kalego: "Silence! Mela, since you were able to pass the second exam, you are eligible for the last exam, the physical. And it will be separated into 3 parts. The first being an obstacle course race, the second being a power measurement, and lastly you will be doing the ultimate case of fighting the Misfit Class in Execution Cannonball."
Misfit Class: "EHHHH!!!"
Dali: "Kalego, even I know that's too much. She-."
Kalego: "-Can handle it. Dismissed."
Dali knew this won't end well. Melody has extreme magical power yes, but there is only so much she can handle. She already used magic to practice her performance and used magic for her final performance. She needs to recharge, she can't tackle this much by herself. By the time she would make it to the Misfit Battle of Execution Cannonball, she'd pass out from magic overuse.
Dali: "Kalego wait-."
Melody: "It's okay, Mr. Dandalion, I'll be fine for tomorrow."
Dali: "But your magic-."
Melody: "-Is fine, so don't worry. I'll take responsibility for what happens to me tomorrow."
Dali: "...Hey, can I speak with you in the Principal's Office?"
Melody knew. By the time she performed, Dali would see through her right away. Didn't know how he can tell and why he would care, but always appreciated a keen eye to finding out what's up with her, even though somehow he couldn't see through Iruma being human. She nods as he goes to meet with Lord Sullivan and Opera in the Principal's Office.
Melody: "I take a guess you're here to ask about me. You were always good at seeing through me, Dali."
Dali: "So you are her... Your Melody Crest."
Lord Sullivan: "Yes, we found her recently in a Crest Magical Item that was kept away in the Magical Apparatus Battler. According to her, she was in the middle of the incident before being sealed away."
Dali: "So that's how you were grounded..."
Lord Sullivan & Opera: "Grounded?!"
Dali: "She-... She didn't tell you two?"
Melody: "No I'm sorry... especially to Opera... It really was a bad topic to bring up... The only reason I told you Dali was because I was left in a situation where I really couldn't avoid the topic you asked. Again, I plan to make replacement wings with a spell I've been trying to perfect, so it won't be forever."
Opera: "Melody..."
Lord Sullivan: "For the sake of Melody's protection, can you keep her identity a secret. The people who harmed her family are still out there and if she were to announce her return she would likely be targeted again. Can we trust you?"
Dali: "Even to Kalego and Balam? Don't they deserve to know you're alive more than anyone else?"
Melody: "It's better this way. I don't want them to involve themselves with me as Melody. I want to protect them from my involvement... Though I realized too late you were very unavoidable so..."
Dali: "Fair enough, you have my word that I won't expose your identity. Or do you need the Crest Secret thing to-."
Melody: "No no, I already did that with Opera a long time ago and regretted it, so I'll just take your word for it."
Dali: "Are you sure?"
Melody: "Yeah."
Dali: "Now that I said what I wanted to say, I suggest you take a early leave and rest. You need your magic for tomorrow."
Time skip to after school, the teachers were discussing how to organize each part. Dali along with a few other teachers however, tried their best to not make it too extreme. As they agreed with Dali that Kalego might be expecting too high of her. So in a final agreement, the only thing she needed to do was the Execution Cannonball along with two choices. The first choice is picking only two of the Misfits Students Ranked Daleth to assist her, but it would involve Kalego if she picks. The second choice was the original choice of just facing the Misfit Class alone. Sullivan nodded to Opera and they called Melody.
Opera: "Good news, you won't be doing the obstacle race or power measurement, but they do ask you one thing. Would you rather face the Misfits alone or would you like to have 2 allies with you but you'd be facing Kalego too."
If Melody fought Kalego, she'd be screwed as well as endanger her allies to a Cheth Rank. She'd rather endure it on her own than hurt her soon to be classmates with that kind of struggle. Especially since she knows for a fact that Kalego is a no mercy man.
Melody: "...Let me face the Misfit Class alone."
Kalego then took the phone from Opera as he smirked.
Kalego: "Then it's decided. You will face the Misfit Class in Execution Cannonball alone."
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thefallencrestfamily · 4 years ago
"The Fallen Crest Family"
Chapter 4: Mela Ami, The Mysterious 14th Misfit Student (2)
As the lunch bell rang, Ameri shows up out of nowhere and drags both Iruma and Alice to a room and lock themselves inside.
Ameri: "Sorry for the sudden rush but this was important and I had to be sure no one else can hear us. Do you remember when you asked for research help about the Crest Family?"
Iruma: "Y-Yeah."
Ameri: "Well, I actually had the liberty to ask my father for the closed case files about it, but I promised him not to tell anyone else and to give it back once we all looked at it, I'm sorry, I couldn't just text classified info."
Iruma: "It's alright Ameri, I appreciate this. Thank you."
All three of them look at the files, as it talks about the crime scene. Pictures of the place burned books and dried blood stains. It seemed like the building itself was still perfectly intact. The case files talked about every name that was counted in as deaths, all except one.
Iruma: "...Melody Crest."
Alice: "It says that she was the only one who wasn't counted as dead, since her body was never found and was reported missing for years until the case file got closed."
Ameri: "It's too bad too, I was told she was a prodigy student of Babylus who was labeled as a Misfit."
Iruma: "...By chance, do you guys know what the Crest Family Bloodline Ability is?"
Alice: "Their Bloodline Ability? Oh, their ability is very rare and was told that the family members barely shows it off unless it was for emergencies. Balam knew Melody Crest during his time with her so he remembers it well, once and only once she has used it in battle. The Bloodline Ability Sacrifice, the ability to sacrifice a piece of themselves in exchange for power be it healing, strength or protection. The more power needed, the more they have to sacrifice themselves."
Iruma: "Sacrifices a piece of themselves..."
Ameri: "We should ask more details with Balam then if he knew about the Family Bloodline and we can go to the Crest Family home afterwards."
Iruma: "Oh yeah, speaking of which. Ameri and Azz, can we have one more person help with the investigation. She too want to learn more about the Crest Family Slaughter, and she knows a lot about the Crest Family through her own solo research before."
Alice: "What's her name?"
Iruma: "Her name is Mela Ami-."
Alice: "Iruma Sir, did you just say Mela was a Ami?! Like part of Kirio Ami's family?!"
Iruma: "Um y-yeah?"
Alice still remembered when Kirio returned to the Battler Room. His eyes that has been taken over by the succumbed by his wicked phase and returned to origins. If Mela is a Ami, then he can't take chances with her being a accomplice to Kirio.
Alice: "Why didn't you say she was a Ami?!"
Ameri: "Alice calm down. Iruma, you are aware of the problems this might turn out if we bring her right? You know the reasons Kirio left the school, so why would you associate yourself with another Ami?"
Iruma: "Because she was a illegitimate child of the Ami Family and was abandoned at a young age, so she resents her family and prefers not to be mentioned as a Ami. I doubt she even knows who Kirio even is."
Ameri and Alice looked to each other. Both had their suspicions, but it was clear she probably hasn't even met Kirio. Suddenly a phone call from Clara in Iruma's phone stops the silence between them.
Clara: "Iruma-kins, where are you? Me and La La already finished our lunches in the Cafeteria and playing what she calls Luffy Pow!"
Alice & Ameri: "Luffy Pow?"
Iruma: "Sorry Clara, something happened but me and Azz are on our way."
Iruma and Alice say their goodbyes to Ameri, as they go off to see Clara and Melody of the aftermath with what was basically a paintball fight but with giant cotton balls.
Melody: "That was so much fun!"
Clara: "Let's play again soon like this, okay La La?"
Melody: "Yeah! I look forward to it! But first... Clera Ricos Disineria!"
Immediately after saying those words, the paint cotton balls surrounding them disappeared. All three were shocked as they never saw a spell like this before.
Alice: "Where did you learn to do a spell like that? I never seen anything like it."
Melody: "Oh that spell? It was self taught. It's a spell I made myself."
Alice: "You made that spell?!"
Melody: "Yeah, it's something I've been passionate about for a long time. It's also how I was able to move up the ranks in my first year. Without my spells, I wouldn't be where I am."
Alice: "Spells? As in plural?! You have more?!"
Melody: "Why yes. After my exams, I can teach you guys a few easy Mela Spells I came up with if it interests you."
Alice, Iruma & Clara: "Yes!"
Time passed by so quickly, that school ended and everyone already left to go home. The teachers had a meeting with Lord Sullivan, who need as many teachers to volunteer to judge the Talent Exam. After a lot of discussions Kalego, Dali, Robin, Suzy & Raim decided to be the judges. Similar to the Musical Festival, she had to perform to pass with a 666 marm. But this would be different. No music specialist judges could come at last minute, so she would have to fight against teacher judges for a 66666 mark.
Dali: "Are you sure this is okay? Sure she finished the Written Exam with ease, but don't you think getting a perfect 66666 for all five teachers is a little too much to ask for the poor girl?"
Kalego: "She can handle it if she is ambitious enough to join the Misfits in Royal One."
Robin: "Well I just look forward to see what she has in store! If she passed Kalego's Written Exam so quickly, I'm dying to know what she'll do next."
Suzy: "Mm hm, same here."
Raim: "Hold on... do you guys hear that?"
Kalego: "Yeah, no one else should be in this school but us."
Kalego and the 4 other teachers decide to investigate the sound and as they got close they realized it was more than one sound. The sound of a orchestra coming from outside.
The peeked over to see multiple clones of Melody playing many different classical instruments with several other Melody clones singing in a chorus. The piece they were playing was Six Trillion Years & Overnight Story, a song they never heard before.
Robin however stepped on a twig from behind and in a panic, Melody stopped her music from loss of focus and turned off her clones, as they disappeared with their instruments.
Melody: "Who's there?!"
Kalego told the four other teachers to stay as Kalego was the only one to decide to reveal himself instead. Melody sighed in relief from his presence as he approached her.
Kalego: "What are you doing in the school grounds this late?"
Melody: "I was just practicing is all. I couldn't do it at home, and since the music rooms tend to close off bookings after 6pm, I had to find open space."
He remembers that he had locked and kicked her off the Royal One room because school ended for the day. And if she stayed in the music room after school, she practiced for another 3 hours. That means she has been practicing all day, how is she not tired? But he looked at her face and saw worry and stress.
Kalego: "You have a gift for musical talent. And to be able to play so many roles with mirror clones of yourself takes a lot of focus. And it looks like you have a performance picked out. So what's bothering you that can make you stay in school grounds this late?"
Melody: "To be honest, I haven't chosen a performance yet. All the stuff you saw, it was just to help me think of ideas to make the performance better."
Kalego: "But your performance was-."
Melody: "Good? I know... but I want a performance that represents me. I wanna tell my story as I sing. I don't just aim for scores, Mr. Naberius, I aim to tell my identity on stage."
For a small moment, Kalego saw "Mela" as Melody, repeating those same words all those years ago. But the moment stopped when he felt a hand touching his face, realizing he started tearing up.
Melody: "Mr. Naberius? Are you okay?"
Kalego: "I'm fine, get your hand off me."
Kalego pushed her hand away as his tears dried off. Why was he remembering now? He pushed his memories of first year away because of the incident with the Crest Family was preventing him from pursuing his ambitions. He had to give up on her and deliberately tried to forget her. And yet, this girl who appeared so suddenly makes him remember the girl he tried so hard to push away. And then finally he asks."
Kalego: "Have we met before all of this?"
Melody: "No, we haven't. I only met Balam in a bookstore beforehand."
Kalego: "...Tell me how you saw him without him detecting you?"
Melody: "I use detection warding glasses."
Kalego: "Why would you need them when going to the bookstore?"
Melody looks down, twiddling her thumbs as her face turns a little red. Was she blushing?
Melody: "O-Oh that... Well um... It was... because I was banned from going to the bookstore after multiple accidental spellcasting incidents from reading the spellbooks. I got too excited and I was always a curious person when it came to spells so I... I wasn't always thinking about the consequences. So when I would go there, I would use the detection warding glasses and for extra measure, I'd use a temporary silence spell I made myself so I don't speak out spells in the store anymore."
So that's what happened. It would make sense that a girl who caused so much trouble at a store because of her ambitions and interests. Sullivan was right, she was a troublemaker when it came to her love for spellcasting. If she passes, chaos would ensue, he would have to ensure limits on the girl.
Kalego: "...Tell me. How many times have you caused trouble with your experiments on spells? Give me a average number."
Melody: "I guess like... 3-7 times a day."
Kalego: "And how many of those are serious?"
Melody: "Like... 1 or 2 a day?"
Kalego facepalmed himself. She's worse than Iruma's attraction to danger. At least with Iruma, he tries to dodge danger and unintentionally puts himself in danger through reactions, with her though she speeds head on. Now worried about this girl's future, he's just thinking how her home life by herself. Probably a mess.
Kalego: "You know what...I kept you here too long. Let me take you home."
Melody: "Are... Are you sure?"
Kalego: "Yes, and I guess I can help you try to decide your song as we go."
That confused Melody for a moment, as Kalego didn't make eye contact with her.
Melody: "Why thought?"
Kalego: "Because I was suppose to kick you out originally but ended up stalling instead, so I take full responsibility for tonight. I don't want you doing this again, you got that brat."
Oh. He was just worried in his own way. Kalego was always stubborn.
Melody: Sure okay I guess-.
Kalego: "Also, I want to see the state of you home. You live alone right? I need to inspect so I can confirm you living situation."
Melody: "...Wait what?!"
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thefallencrestfamily · 4 years ago
"The Fallen Crest Family"
Chapter 3: Mela Ami, The Mysterious 14th Misfit Student
Lord Sullivan: "You want The Ami Family to take you in?"
Melody: "Not exactly, I want to use their family name, but I want to live on my own. And make up a story that's still the truth enough to fool Balam. The Ami Family will back me up with that story, and I don't have to risk another slaughter."
Opera: "But what would your name be?"
Melody: "I'll be Mela, it was a nickname in my old family so it still works."
Iruma: "The only problem I see is Kirio..."
Melody: "Kirio?"
Lord Sullivan: "Yes, during the recent Battler Party, a boy named Kirio Ami from The Ami Family was arrested for attempted slaughter of the Babylus Students with his own Battler's attractions, fireworks. If the DBC ask Kirio about you, you'll be exposed sooner or later."
Melody: "...I see, I figured as much. There are next generation students here after all so I did came up with an excuse for that also isn't false."
Kalego: "...I see, she may have come from one of the Ami Family Bloodlines, but she was a illegitimate birth and refused to raise her and grew up alone?"
Lord Sullivan: "Yes, but she prefers not to be refered by her family name. And while I did ask if she would stay in my family, she refused the offer. I think she still distrusts the means of families."
It was clear that this Mela had hard relations towards her family. And sure, often demons with illegitimate children will essentially abandon their kid, but kids who were neglected tend to either fall back into their origins, stay a low rank and die at a early age. How did a kid in that type of household last that long alone? To have no proper guide and yet still gain a Rank 5, He?
Kalego: "How did she support herself if she lived alone and went to school."
Lord Sullivan: "Apparently she homeschooled herself before going to an actual school one year. As for her funds, her rise in rank and job gives her the muns she needs and used most of it for her education pays and food.
Kalego: "...How much of a troublemaker is she?"
Lord Sullivan: "Enough of a troublemaker to experiment verbal spells she created during her first few days. Half which became curses."
Kalego paused for a second. A student who got herself in trouble to enter the Misfit because of spells, and yet is raising to a high rank on her first year? It felt familiar. Where has he heard that before?
Kalego: "Alright, I'll inform the other students of her arrival. However, I would like to make one small request of her then, if you don't mind."
Lord Sullivan: "I'm guessing you want to test her properly."
Kalego: "Correct, I need to make sure she is worthy of the Royal One with the rest of the miscreants. But it is obvious we can't throw all the events of Babylus first year all at once her."
Lord Sullivan: "Let's make it only a written, talent and physical test for the first 3 days she stays here. It helps round up the events together of one year, wouldn't you agree?"
Kalego: "That's fair enough, she has to keep up with the others level of learning...What do you suggest?"
Iruma: "Was it really okay for you to change your look completely like that?"
Melody: "It's not a big deal, this is to ensure I don't get caught as Melody. Besides, it suits me, don't you think? Huh?"
Melody and Iruma goes through the front door, and sees Alice and Clara at the front of the gate door.
Alice: "Iruma-sama, who's that?"
Iruma: "O-Oh right I forgot to tell you about my friends..."
Melody: "Friends, huh? Well, it's nice to meet you two, I'm Mela. An acquaintance to Lord Sullivan, Iruma and I just met and I stayed over last night. Your hair color and face looks similar to Mrs. Amaryllis Asmodeus."
Alice: "Ah yes, I am in fact her son, Alice Asmodeus. It is a pleasure to meet you. Just call me Azz."
Mrs. Asmodeus had a child? Oh that's right, she always bragged about wanted to have a kid back when she teached in Babylus in her time. Does she still teach though?
Clara: "Hi I'm Clara! So you wanna play with me, or have snacks, I can summon some in my pockets!"
Melody: "Summon? Oh, your from the Valac Family, aren't you? Sure, how about we play after my entrance exams, sound good?"
Clara: "Yay! A new playmate!"
Alice: "Wait, entrance exams?"
Iruma: "She'll be making a attempt to transfer to Babylus by my grandfather's recommendations. It's suppose to be 3 different exams."
Melody: "Today is a Written Exam, tomorrow is a Talent Exam and the next day after is a Battle Exam."
Clara: "Isn't that too much for La La? Doesn't she need time to prepare."
Melody: "La La?"
Iruma: "According to our teacher, he wants to know if she can keep up with the the rest of us and form all the tests for the first year together into one test. She can't ask any of the Misfit Class students for help, so she has to do it all solo so she can be the only one properly evaluated."
Alice: "That's seriously unfair!"
Melody: "It's okay, Azz. I have no problem with the teacher's conditions, I'm always up for the challenge. The class will be there for the Talent & Battle Exams, but I'll be alone for the Written Exam today, so you won't be seeing me all day. And then we'll play, right Clara?"
Clara: "Yeah! Yeah!"
She smiled as all four of them walked to school together. It felt so nice to her, it reminded her of when she hung out with Kalego, Balam & Opera. Friends. She liked the thought of that. She says goodbye to the gang who wished her good luck on her as she went to assigned room for her written exam. From there she mets Kalego and Balam, which shocked her. They looked so tall and mature. She remembers being the same height as them, and now she felt so small. She even saw their badges as Rank 8, Chet. She was both proud and frustrated at the same time. Kalego is easy to fool, but Balam is much more tricky. She just hopes Balam doesn't see through her right away.
Kalego: "So you're Mela, correct?"
Melody: "Yes sir. And you must be Mr. Naberius and Mr. Sicirue. The principal told me a bit about you two and said Mr. Sicirue is watching over my long full written exam because of his bloodline ability, right?"
Kalego: "Correct, this is to ensure no funny business goes on in the exam."
Melody: "That's fine, I plan to give all these exams my all."
Kalego: "You better, you'll need it."
As he leaves to go take over Balam's classes, Balam looks at Melody being a little observant. She felt something familiar to him. As he was about to give her all the exam papers.
Balam: "Have we met before this, Mela?"
Melody: "I mean, I have seen you in the book store before if that counts, but I don't know if you saw me there before."
It wasn't a lie. Balam sometimes goes to the book store to gather more intel about humans and she would sneak and hide to see Balam's excited face from all the human books, and even Lord Sullivan mentioned he still kinda does that sometimes.
Balam: "I see, well then good luck with your exam."
Lied: "IRUMAAAA! Why didn't you tell us anything about a new transfer student coming to our class?! I just heard from Clara."
All the Misfits: "WHAT?!"
Soi: "I passed by a while ago after parting ways with Iruma, heading to a room with Kalego and Balam."
All the Misfits: "EHHH!"
Iruma: "Clara, we're supposed to keep it a secret! We don't know if she would even pass the exams for our class!"
All the Misfits: "SHE?!"
Alice: "Well for now we can only hope she passes the exams first. If she passes the written today then-."
Melody bursts into Royal One with a happy smile as she proceeds to tackle hug Iruma. The whole class was shocked. Was the written exam that easy? Kalego walks in to start homeroom when he saw Melody with Iruma.
Balam approaches Kalego and shows the exam not only finished but perfected.
Balam: "She speed through it with no problems... And I couldn't sense anything off or any form of cheating... Honestly, I'm surprised on how smart she is, let alone how fast she finished."
Kalego looked over the sheets again and again. 666/666 perfect score. She was absolutely brilliant, which would probably explain why she was talented enough to try to experiment and make her own verbal spells, she probably looked up every possible magic book she could find and the history behind it. She had to have calculated and read everything to smallest details to create her own magic at all.
Kalego: "Well normally I would send you home after you written exam since originally is was made to make you stay in the school the entire day, but since you finished in several minutes, you can use one of the rooms to practice your Talent Exam tomorrow."
Mela: "Oh thank you, Mr. Naberius!"
As Melody left happily to a room to practice, the rest of the class were a little shocked.
All of the Misfit Class: "Mr. Naberius?"
Kalego: "Well, I guess I don't have to take your shifts."
Balam: "Well thanks for offering anyway. You know, she told me she has seen me in a book store reading about humans."
Kalego: "What about it? Maybe she bumped into you when she was gathering intel herself for her verbal spellmaking."
Balam: "Yes but... only you, Opera and Lord Sullivan should know I still do that. And it's clear she wasn't lying. How is she able to see me without me detecting her?"
Kalego: "Maybe she had detection warding glasses-. Wait, why would she need that in a bookstore unless-."
Balam: "Let's not jump to conclusions, sure she probably had a rough childhood, but something tells me she wouldn't steal magic books from a book store."
Kalego: "...We'll see."
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thefallencrestfamily · 4 years ago
"The Fallen Crest Family"
Chapter 2: Melody Crest (2)
As Opera carried the girl to the bed of the guest room, Iruma followed along, unaware that Lord Sullivan just came back home walking right behind them.
Lord Sullivan: "I never thought I'd see her again."
Iruma: "Gah! Grandpa!"
Lord Sullivan: "Good evening, darling grandson! I see you have a very special guest with you."
Iruma: "Grandpa, who is that? Do you know her?
Lord Sullivan: "I do, but it would be best for Opera to tell you who she is, wouldn't you agree?"
Iruma looked to Opera, as he was silent since dinner. He sighed as he looked back at Iruma.
Opera: "The girl you are looking at now is Melody Crest. She is the sole daughter of the Crest Family... and from the looks of it the last living bloodline member."
Melody: "Mm... So noisy..."
Iruma and Opera look to the girl who just woke up, wiping her tired eyes with her hands and yawning. She looked around the room, which was different from what she saw previously, then stared at Lord Sullivan tiredly.
Melody: "Lord... Sullivan?"
Lord Sullivan: "Good evening, dear, glad to see your awake. Tell me... How much do you remember?"
Melody: "I remember... so much death. Being taken away and my mother... Wait! My mother! Lord Sullivan, have you seen my mother?! I remember she managed to run away just before I blacked out! If I'm here than she managed to call for help, right?"
Lord Sullivan: "...I'm sorry my dear, she was reported dead years ago with the rest of your family bloodline."
Melody paused for a moment in shock. Her look was in disbelief, as she shook her head.
Melody: "D-Dead years ago? B-But I was only asleep for a couple of days, wasn't I? That can't be!"
Opera: "It's nothing but the truth, Mel. Look at me, I look much older than you. Not only that, but your uniform is overly outdated. The one Master Iruma wears now is the most recent design for Babylus students."
Melody turns to look carefully at Opera, wishing it isn't the case. She turned to the kid he called "Master Iruma" to see the male uniform, hoping it isn't true. But no... there was nothing she could back it up. She disappeared for years and is kept at the very same age of 15. She began to cry in acceptance of her family's fate.
Melody: "...They were strict family to live on. I always hated their rules and the restriction of freedom they took from me just for being their only child... but I... I didn't want their fate down like this... I'd never... I'd never want them to die! I wanted to upstage them and and let them see my ambitions grow! B-But now..."
Opera hugged Melody in response to her tears, he knew her hardships at home and achievements she wanted to set herself free. To only be free because of a slaughter is devastating and leaving all she went through for naught. Iruma gave Melody the pendant for her to see, just to break the tension a bit.
Iruma: "T-This is yours right? You can out of this pendant when we found you.
Melody: "Yes... This is a Selia De Grace, a Crest Magical Item that seals a member of the Crest Family into deep slumber. It can never be broken or undone once a person is sealed inside, unless you know a specific song of the sealed Crest member's choosing. Which comes to question... you were the one who sang it right? Iruma, was it? How do you know it?"
Iruma: "Oh! You mean 'Proof of Life'? I use to always hear it before. It was such a sad yet beautiful song."
Melody: "Use to always hear it? That can't be right unless-. Oh. Then that means you're human."
Iruma: "W-WHAT?!"
Melody: "One of the Crest Secrets is the knowledge of the Human World. We know far more knowledge about humans than any demon can obtain. One of which involves many songs that can easily be converted into spells. To know a song casting spell that no demon other than Crests know of, can only mean you were a Crest with I doubt or you were human."
Iruma: Oh... well I guess I dug my own grave... Are you... gonna eat me now?
Melody: "Obviously not! We Crests have a oath to humans! And even if I did, Lord Sullivan and Opera are right here, they look to really care for you, so I would be massively outnumbered and outmatched. But I'm sure you have your reasons for being here in the Netherworld, so I won't push it."
Iruma sighed in relief, though Melody did stare at Iruma with a confused look, realizing some else very crucial.
Melody: "What is a human like you doing here in the Netherworld attending Babylus anyway?"
Lord Sullivan: "I'll explain. You see I adopted Iruma legally as my grandson, prior to a contract. Thus I made him attend my school as a student, to give all his education and living needs."
Melody: "That's dangerous! He could have gotten himself killed or eaten! Either way this ends up in death! Does anyone else know about this?! Does DBC know about this?!"
Lord Sullivan: "Calm down, Melody. I had everything under control, don't you worry. Only a few people know, but they are on our side. As for if the DBC knows, however, that's a no."
Melody: "Everything under control?! You brought a human child in without telling the DBC! How is that fine?!"
Lord Sullivan: "You don't mind keeping the secret, don't you?"
Melody: "B-But why would I do that?! I have to report to the DBC, the Crests still have a responsibility to uphold!"
Lord Sullivan: "But the Crests are proclaimed dead. You have a chance to leave that life behind and start over in Babylus."
Melody paused for a moment. Starting over her life and leaving her old one behind? That felt like betrayal! She could never do that! Even if she loves the thought of being free from her previous life it's not like she can run away from her bloodline.
Lord Sullivan: "Besides, the people who slaughtered your bloodline are still out there. They never caught the culprits and if you announce that Melody Crest is alive you will most likely be hunted down and killed too."
Melody: "...What are you suggesting then?"
Lord Sullivan: "We'll find a loving family who is willing to help hid your identity for your protection and keep you educated at my school back in Babylus, in exchange you'll protect my precious Iruma's secret of being human and protect him. How does that sound~?"
That's why. He wants her to be Iruma's bodyguard. Looking at his badge she was pretty amazed. A human who has a Rank 5, He, at his human age seemed amazing. He might not need her protection completely, but it's better like this then just simply keeping a secret and hoping this kid would last another year.
Melody: "But who could possibly understand my circumstances to care for me as another alias?"
Opera: "You can ask Balam or Kalego. Balam already knows Iruma's identity and Kalego is Iruma's familiar. Both you know are trustworthy from your experiences and connections to my grandson."
Iruma: "Huh? Trustworthy from experiences?"
Melody: "Balam and Kalego were the same year as me, with Opera being our Senpai. Wait. Balam knows Iruma's human but not Kalego? And Kalego is... Iruma's familiar?! How did that-?! Oh right, you're human."
Opera: "Well who would you prefer?"
Melody: "Both are good choices but..."
Opera: "But?"
Melody: "...I'd rather not. It's better if less people know I'm alive."
Opera: "Are you suggesting to live with us?"
Melody: "No, I don't think I can handle myself being smothered by Lord Sullivan as another adopted grandchild. Besides, if I were here, then people would get more suspicious if another grandchild of Lord Sullivan suddenly appeared."
Lord Sullivan: "Then what do you think is the best solution, my dear?"
Melody: "...I know a family, and they are very loyal to the Crests without fail. I just want to make sure they're still alive."
Lord Sullivan: "Which family are you suggesting~?"
Meanwhile, Kalego was doing paperwork early in the homeroom class when he gets sudden phone call from the ChairDemon. He sighs, already starting to feel irritated, and picks up the phone.
Kalego: "Hello?"
Lord Sullivan: "Kalego, I have important news to tell you~. You'll be having a new student coming to the Misfit Class for their second year! Don't worry, I already informed the other staff of her too."
Kalego: "Lord Sullivan, isn't it a little late to be having another student here? And why this class of all places?! For another student to be in the Royal One-!"
Lord Sullivan: "I know, and I can assure you she more than reached the qualifications required to be a part of this class. She is a Rank 5, He, like my grandson, a bit of a troublemaker herself and I can assure you she is very talented. She'll fit right in~!"
Kalego: "Alright fine... Which family did she came from exactly?"
Lord Sullivan: "You are familiar with The Ami Family, yes? Well her name is Mela Ami and her Bloodline Ability is Barrier."
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thefallencrestfamily · 4 years ago
"The Fallen Crest Family"
Chapter 1: Melody Crest
Iruma Suzuki, age 15, just came back to school sometime after rejoicing in his now second year in the Demon School, Babylus. He decided to clean off the his battler's room for a bit and organize it, with his friends Alice Asmodeus and Clara Valac. They were just about to finish but-.
Clara: "Iruma-kins! Are we done cleaning yet, I wanna play more?"
Iruma: "Almost, I just have to finish cleaning these shelves and then we'll be done."
Alice: "Do you need any assistance with that, Iruma Sir?"
Iruma: "No, I can take it from-."
Something shined at the back of the shelf and it caught Iruma's eye. It was hard to tell what it was, so Iruma grabbed it and in his hand was a silver pendant pattern carved beautifully with a crystal blue gem.
Iruma: "Huh? What's this pendant doing here?"
Alice: "A pendant? May I look at it for a moment?"
Iruma left the shelf to show Alice the pendant. It shocked him for a moment when he realized the pattern carvings represented.
Alice: "Amazing, this is magical artifact from The Crest Family!"
Iruma: "The... Crest Family?"
Alice: "The Crests have always been known for many talents and secrets. They knew more knowledge than anyone in the Netherworld. They brought prosperity with their gifts and magic and people assumed one of the family members would be the next Demon King, after the previous one vanished, since most of the family were of a very high ranking. Alas, the bloodline died years ago during a slaughter, so this is a rare treasure."
Clara: "Treasure! Treasure!"
Alice: "Quiet you! Artifacts from The Crest Family shouldn't be taken lightly! It could be dangerous for all we know!"
Iruma: "...Maybe I should take it with me for now."
Alice: "But Master-!"
Iruma: "I want to ask my Grandpa about this pendant more, since neither of us have any idea what this pendant does. Until then, we can't test it out for any reason, it's better safe in my hands. So while I do that, can you help research more about The Crest Family."
Alice: "As you wish, Master Iruma."
Sometime after Iruma and his friends finished cleaning the room, they went their separate ways home and Iruma went to reading with Ameri. When they finally finished, Iruma paused for a moment and flashed back to the pendant. Maybe Ameri would know?
Ameri: "Is something wrong, Iruma?"
Iruma: "...Ameri, what do you know about the The Crest Family?"
Ameri: "The Crests? Well, I know my father's first investigation as part of the Demon Border Control was of The Crest Family Slaughter. No traces of life were left in that house and their books were burned away so no one figured out their secrets. Why are you asking?"
Iruma remembered what Alice said. He can't just confess about the pendant so casually, it's too risky. And this came from his Battler's Room, he has some form of responsibility for this pendant.
Iruma: "Azz just talked about The Crest Family today, I was just curious to learn more since there isn't much info to go around about it. A part of me feels like there is more to this than a slaughter so..."
Ameri: "You went and started to look up your own research on the matter. Well... if the topic interests you that much, then I can ask my father more details about it and do my own research on The Crest Family with you."
Iruma: "Really?! Thanks Ameri! Azz is also helping with that research too, so we'll make a group chat on our phones to talk about it!"
Iruma knew he can rely on Ameri and Alice for research help. Now all he needs to do was figure out the pendant. It felt clear something was off about it and if it was dangerous as Alice thought it could be, then it needed to be handled carefully. So by the time he got home, only Opera was at the front door.
Opera: "Welcome home Iruma Sir, Lord Sullivan won't be home for a while, apparently he is with the Demon Border Control from discuss something important. I'll have dinner prepared for you shortly."
Iruma: "O-Oh, okay then..."
He didn't think too much of it, he knows there will be times his grandfather would be busy with his own work. He didn't mind waiting to ask him, but it did bum him down a bit which Opera noticed.
Opera: "Is something weighing on your mind?"
Iruma: "It's nothing, really! I just wanted to speak with Grandpa about something today is all. Do you know exactly when he'll return?"
Opera: "Relatively soon. Unless they try to arrest him. (Again.) But I can try to answer in his place, if you wish. There is no need to hide things."
Iruma: "...What do you know about The Crest Family?"
Opera's ears drooped as his eyes looked in a sadden shock, but as he was about to speak something bit his tongue, forced his hands to cover his mouth, and as a result couldn't utter another word. Iruma looked at Opera in concerned confusion.
Iruma: "...Opera, are you okay?"
Opera's hands loosened up from the question and was able to properly speak again. Something didn't feel right with Iruma. Was Opera hiding something?
Opera: "My apologies, I just remembered I had to assist with the ChairDemon's papers while he's absent, please excuse me."
As Opera leaves and closes the dining room door, he has a small flashback to a little demon girl calling him "Brother Opera" with the biggest smile that could light up a room. She was a Crest, but totally different from everyone else in her family. He remembered all the time they spend that whole year together. He remembered the sealed promise they made to each other. He wanted to propose to her when he graduated. He wanted her with him aiming for the top. The day he heard the news about The Crest Family Slaughter, it broke him down ever so slowly. He lost his only chance with her. And no one else could ever compare. It was at that point he tries everything to distract himself, and kept his pursuit to focus on his own ambitions all to forget her.
But he couldn't. And he wouldn't be able to speak his mind about The Crests even if he could. His sealed promise kept him from speaking any truth of The Crest and their secrets. But Iruma... he deserves to know some form of truth about it. He has to answer, it's his code of duty to serve him and Lord Sullivan however he can. When he was writing some files, he heard a crash in Iruma's room. He immediately dropped the papers rushed in to check on Iruma.
Opera: "Iru-!"
Iruma: "That really hurt... Huh? Oh right, the pendant! Oops! Oh no, I hope it didn't break-!"
Music began to play in the pendant just as it opened. Opera remembers this tune. It was the one of the Crest Family's Sacred Songs. Or at least the music box version of it. He then realized why Iruma asked about The Crest Family, and was about to announce himself in but-.
Iruma: "Wait... I remember this song, it's 'Proof of Life'! Ah, this takes me back!"
And just like that Iruma took a deep breath before going in beat with the music box melody as he sang.
"I don't want to sing this type of tragic song right now~"
"Hey, I have but one request, so won't you hear me out~?"
"I just want to see you smiling, laughing with you everyday~"
"Singing light and happy songs, taking all the cares away~"
A bright light shined from inside the pendant and when the light faded a small girl with long wavy dark blue hair with silver eyes and a torn up old Babylus school uniform with golden bracelets on both her wrists and a badge that says Rank 5, He. Before she passed out, caught in time by Opera, her first words upon seeing Iruma were only:
[Prologue] [Next Chapter]
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thefallencrestfamily · 4 years ago
"The Fallen Crest Family"
I am the sole daughter of the Crest Family. When you are a Crest you carry many secrets. When you are a Crest you have a lot of magic inside you. When you are a Crest you have a strong duty to maintain. When you are a Crest, you must try and stay on top.
I hated it.
I hated my position as a Crest. I hated the rules given to me on what to do and say. I hated the expectations. I felt trapped, like I was unable to think for myself. I was unable to think of any dreams or ambitions.
That is until I entered the demon school Babylus and met ChairDemon, Lord Sullivan.
He was more or less a man child, and it fascinated me. To be free to be yourself, and no one can tell you otherwise because you were strong, respected and of a high rank. It gave so much privilege and perspective on how I wanted to grow.
It became my ambition: To become the highest demon rank possible. In other words, becoming Demon King. All so I could have that freedom for myself as I please.
I was put in the Misfit Class due to my chaotic behavior but I keep moving up the ranks on my first year. I was higher rank than my pals, Kalego-kun and Balam-kun, who were from different homerooms from me, but we were almost same classes together all the same so we created a bond. Opera-Senpai always teased and bothered Kalego-kun a lot, but we all got along either way. Life was good for a whole year.
I was the rare one, started off as Rank 3, Gimel, and ended at Rank 5, He. By the time I was suppose to reach my second year in school, my family was attacked by a mysterious group of strong demons. The last thing I remember was being grounded and taken away by those bad people, while my mother fled from the murderous slaughter.
Everything was pitch black from then on. I felt trapped again. So dark and alone in this empty void of pitch blackness. Somebody... Anybody... Please...
"Huh? What's a pendant doing here? Maybe I should take it with me for now."
"Oh right, the pendant. Oops! Oh no, I hope I didn't break-! Wait... I remember this song, it's 'Proof of Life'! Ah this takes me back!"
He knows one of my family's songs?
"I don't want to sing this type of tragic song right now~"
Is he a Crest? It's possible he's a relative. He does have an amazing voice.
"Hey, I have but one request, so won't you hear me out~?"
But wait... I don't recognize the voice. He doesn't sound like anyone I know of. And if he was a Crest I would have known by now.
"I just wanna see you smiling, laughing with you everyday~"
Who is he? I want to know who he is. I want to meet him.
"Singing light and happy songs, taking all the cares away~"
Please tell me, who are you?
At that very moment, I would feel a bright light engulfing me and the black void breaking out of the cage as I woke up in a unfamiliar room looking up to see a boy with blue hair and eyes in a bit of a shock who also has a Rank 5, He, on his badge.
I'm... free?
[Next Chapter]
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