theevilalterego · 7 months
i have 2 write an essay about you for my english exam can you give me some insider tips🥺🥺🥺🥺
“An essay about me? What a boost to a chap’s ego, I suppose I really am the best then, eh?”
“… well, I beat a guy, ain't sure what you really want me to say?
“Guess you could write about how now that I got my sweet, luscious freedom from being the good, upright Dr Jekyll, that really I am just the impulse everyone has, but very little acts on them, ha! But they’re as lame as can be… life can be much more pleasurable, when you actually get to live it they want yer damn well want.”
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theevilalterego · 7 months
“Oh, I can’t proceed with this day bored out of my damned mind.
So, take it up on yourself to bother me with questions…
…Or not. I do not care. — As long as it benefits me, and my need to subtract the absence of entertainment, then I perhaps shall.”
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theevilalterego · 7 months
“My first, ‘ungodly’ act I would do is flirt with Mr Utterson.” [pretending to be drunk out of me wits for sure]
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theevilalterego · 8 months
“Excuse me, Mister?” It was cold and dark. A poor chimney sweeper approached a man who dressed mainly in black. The man’s features were hidden due to him facing forward and striding down the empty street. The young lad ran up and pulled on the man's leg, attempting to get his attention after failing the first time by calling out to him.
Without thinking, the man swept his foot aside, shoving the child back and did not even bother to glance back at him
The boy paused, feeling intimidated. “I didn't mean to be impolite, Sir. But I'm having awful trouble peeling my orange.” The boy told the man. “I was hoping you could help me. I am quite hungry.”
The strange man stopped, and the boy looked hopeful. He turned around, slowly, and snatched the orange out of the boy’s thin, soot-covered hands. “You want me to peel this?” The voice was harsh and unpleasant.
“If you would- If you’d be so kind.” The boy responded. The man smirks, he looks like he is about to peel the orange but instead tosses it to the floor. He squashes the orange underfoot, with the juice squirting out like blood.
“It's unpeeled; eat it up.” The boy looked down at his squashed fruit as the man let out a snarling laugh. “I said to eat up; don't be wasteful, you ungrateful little brat.” With his foot aimed at the boy's ankle, the boy fell face first onto the orange's remains.
The boy stays still for a moment, and then attempts to lift his head back up but is pressed back down by the man’s foot.
A few moments go by, and the man pulls the child by the hair and crouches down. “Tastes good, doesn’t it?” He said with a menacing smile, stretching ear-to-ear, speaking over the sound of the child spitting up dirt and pieces of orange.
Then the man stood up and turned away, vanishing into the darkness of night. The boy was left on the ground, with tears in his eyes, realising he would not be able to eat tonight.
Damn child. He was asking for it. Got in my blimmin’ way.
strange case characters and if they would peel a orange for someone (character study kinda)
henry jekyll- he would peel a orange for someone but most of the time he really dosent want to, he just needs to keep up appearances. Grimaces a little and gives a forced smile while he does it
edward hyde- takes the orange like he’s gonna peel it but either throws it or eats it himself. Probably walks away with it in his hand or eats it in front of the person
gabriel utterson- peels it but dosent say anything while doing it but the silence isn’t awkward, it’s pleasant
hastie lanyon- peels it and gives some fact about nutrition while he does it or some personal story that involves oranges (the story has no punchline to it or shocking thing that happens, but he tells it like it’s the funniest thing that ever happened)
poole- peels it and does a really good job at it
richard einfield- terrible at peeling oranges, punctures the slices with his thumb when he does it and it gets all sticky
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