theeolianfan-blog · 5 years ago
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Hadestown AU where something goes wrong & Orpheus fails to sway Hades, so he does indeed get locked away to work “where no one can hear you singin” in the toughest & hottest & cruelest part of Hadestown & now Eurydice has to save his ass before his fragile poet body snaps in half 
edit: (part i) (you are here) (part ii) (part iii) (part iv)
more under the cut:
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
i strongly identify with the whomping willow. i, too, would beat people up to keep remus lupin safe.
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
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“Sucker.” Jonas Brothers, 2019.
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
did i ever tell u guys that in fifth grade my class wrote a play bc we were studying ancient greece? it was called persephone and the (not so hot) heroes. i played demeter. basically, persephone got kidnapped by kronos and i strong armed hades into giving me 3 heroes from the underworld to get her back but they were actually terrible and i forget how she was actually saved but bottom line is that you wish you were my fifth grade class
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
The Moon is Online
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
Change a single letter and change the word game
I want to play a game with you all.
You have to make a new word by changing only one letter of the last word.
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
Simple Asks. Send me a number!
How do you take your coffee?
Favorite movie of all time?
The best place you’ve traveled to? What makes it the best?
What’s the name of your childhood best friend? Do you guys still talk?
Do you have a favorite or ‘lucky’ piece of clothing? What is it?
Have you ever been in love? Or thought you were in love? What was it like?
Dogs or cats?
Do you think it’s possible to fall in love at first sight?
Your opinion on marriage?
Name a song that makes you happy.
Who are the most important people in your life?
If you were famous for something, what would that thing be? Realistically speaking.
Would you press a button that, once pressed, magically cures world hunger but anytime someone would say your name you’d respond by slapping that person then doing a chicken dance?
Are you a fan of country music?
What’s the best animated movie you’ve seen?
What’s a movie on your watch list?
Romantic dinner or chill movie night?
Favorite TV show?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel?
What’s a hobby you wanna take up?
Do you have any scars? 
You can tell your future self one thing… What do you say?
Do you like video games? What do you like to play?
What’s something you enjoy doing but don’t tell many people because you feel like they’d judge you?
Favorite outdoor activity?
Favorite movie from the 80s or 90s?
Name a celebrity you’d want to meet– dead or alive.
Do you believe in ghosts? 
Have you ever played with a Ouija board? Did anything spooky happen?
What’s a quote you live by?
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
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(( ooc: based on this text post by @remuslupinisthevoiceofgod, fem!Harry by @scamandergenes ))
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
Okay but to expound on my deaf!Harry post…
- Dumbledore contacts Lupin before Harry attends Hogwarts and has him learn sign language and hires him as an interpreter for Harry during classes
- Snape: “are you listening to me potter?”
Harry, speaking to the best of his ability: “to be fair I can’t listen to anyone, however I was, in fact, paying attention”
-Hermione tirelessly helping Harry with speech and pronunciation so he can get spells right
-Ron aggressively trying to learn sign language to communicate with Harry and he’s so embarrassed he can’t get the hang of it at first but Harry thinks it’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him because what are friends??
-Draco, mouthing: “I hate you”
Harry, misreading hate as date: “If you wanted a date you should have said something sooner.”
-Harry signing rude things at Umbridge.
Umbridge: “What did he say!?”
Lupin: “he said you’re charming.”
-The entire Weasley family learning basic sign language for whenever Harry is with them, making him feel more at home since the Dursley’s never made a decent effort with it.
- McGonagall aware of Harry’s condition from observation at the Dursley’s prepared and learned sign language and signs when she can during her class, allowing Lupin the occasional break.
McGonagall: “You’re not sneaky Mr. Weasley; I very well know what you just signed.”
- Voldemort monologuing in sign language
Harry: “I’m sorry I don’t understand, I’m blind.”
Voldemort: “??????”
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
Proving a point to my boyfriend.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
Ginny Weasley ♡
(( OOC: Just trying to live vicariously through Ginny because I would seriously kill for these freckles :(( ))
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
1st Letter Of My Name : 2nd Letter Of My Name : 1st Letter Of My Moms Name : 2nd Letter Of My Moms Name : 1st Letter Of My Dads Name : 2nd Letter Of My Dads Name : My Child’s Name Would Be ?
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
22 bc I looovvveee rainy days
22. Favourite thing to do on rainy days?
Crochet and drink all the tea while watching a movie. I also like to go for a walk, I live near the beach and going to the beach in the rain always makes me feel peaceful
Rainy days are the best, and I get a lot of them which is nice
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
14. What does your name mean?
Ruth-Friend or Companion
Jane-Jehovah has been gracious
And RJ just because I thought it sounded cool when I was 12
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yes I do ❤️❤️❤️ which is great because it is very long and people like to braid it
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
1. How long have you known your oldest friend?
Both of my closest friends I have known for 7 years. One of them is 9 years older then me and the closer to a big sister
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theeolianfan-blog · 6 years ago
Hufflepuff Ask Game
Ravenclaw | Gryffindor | Slytherin
1. How long have you known your oldest friend?
2. Smells that remind you of home?
3. What movie can you watch over and over again?
4. Do you have any nicknames?
5. How was your day?
6. Who do you wish was with you right now?
7. What are you too hard on yourself for?
8. Do you believe in an afterlife?
9. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what animal would you create?
10. Top 3 OTPs?
11. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
12. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
13. Do you have a secret talent? What is it?
14. What does your name mean?
15. What was your favourite tv show as a child?
16. What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?
17. Would you ever become a vegan?
18. What social issue would you most like to spread awareness about?
19. Tell us a story from when you were young
20. What age do you get mistaken for?
21. What double standard is ridiculous and needs to be ended?
22. Favourite thing to do on rainy days?
23. Do you have any stuffed toys?
24. Who was your favourite teacher at school and why?
25. Most hufflepuff thing you’ve ever done?
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