22 posts
I go to tumblr for inspiration. Inspiration on the world, fashion, and just plain ol' pretty things. 
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theemusicnerd · 5 years ago
Imagine this day
It’s around 7:00am and you wake up naturally. Some sunlight peeks in through the blinds, but it’s not overpowering. Even though it’s kind of early, you don’t feel groggy or the need to go back to bed. You stretch, roll around a bit, but easily get out of bed. It’s a bit cold since you're only wearing that fancy slip dress but you put on fuzzy socks and an oversized cardigan and walk to the kitchen to start the morning. After chugging a cup of water and boiling water for tea, you go to the bathroom to wash up. 
You walk back out to the open space and lay out your yoga mat; made sure to open the blinds to let in the sun. Turn on a simple stretching video on youtube, and follow that to wake up your body. After stretching and feeling much more awake, you end this part of your morning with a quick meditation. It isn’t easy, but something you’re doing your best to stick to. No results yet, but you believe there will be in the near future. Keep going love. You go back to your room to do a simple skin are routine (10 step routines are so tiring... a few good products are good enough!) and get dressed. You still get dressed even thought you’re spending the day in because it separates lounging around and being productive. 
Back in the kitchen, you make your morning tea and a quick but filling breakfast. Not too much time spent on breakfast, so you can move on and use your energy on being productive, but enough time that you’re taking it slow and relaxed. Do the dishes right after! So you don’t have to do it later, you’ll thank yourself later. 
Start your productive day! Nursing is a life-long learning carer, so you might be reading some articles on updated guidelines, reviewing new unit procedures, or searching for ways to add certifications to build your knowledge. But remind yourself that you don’t have to bring work home. Do something else then! You continue to work on your french through light simple reading, learning words, and practicing sentences out loud (pronunciation is hard!) 
It’s lunchtime already? Take it slow again, and appreciate the food. Make something with lots of veggies! It can still be delicious and green. You’re already caught up on dramas, and it’s a nice quiet day. Play some music and focus on eating, instead of watching something. It’s a nice break sometimes. Lunch goes by quickly, but again relaxed. Dishes again! 
Afternoon comes, and that slump comes along with it. You’re tired, but NOPE. NO NAPS. These next two hours you spend doing things that don’t require much focus or physical things. Checking emails in case of anything. Then cleaning, tidying, anything that keeps you moving. After about an hour you change into your workout clothes. Time for a quick run and some sunshine! 
Back in the house, you feel much more refreshed, but sweaty... hop in the shower and wash your hair while you’re at it. Coming out all clean and even more refreshed! Make sure to moisturize your whole body... your preference for steaming hot showers makes your skin so dry. Pamper yourself and use a nice scented one (innisfree love). 
Do a little more work! The “work day” is almost over. You finish up what you started this morning, cross off the goals for the day, and smile at what you’ve accomplished! Dinner time! 
Dinner takes longer because you’re trying out a new recipe. It doesn’t turn out exactly how you want it to but hey, with more practice comes improvement. It’s an early dinner because you feel much better eating earlier in the day. Watching something during dinner is nice, your brain can rest and just mindlessly watch whatever you chose. Dishes again (it’s a good habit to do it after the meal). 
Ok, kitchen is clean and resting for the night. Rest of the apartment is clean too thanks to the slump-time cleaning. You make another cup of tea, and go over to the music corner. It’s time to be creative and play some songs! New and old. Music just calms your soul and makes you feel like you’re in another world. And time flies so fast, it’s getting late. 
Bathroom to wash up, don’t forget to floss! Changing into that silky slip dress again (sweet purchase and worth the splurge). Snuggle up in bed, and first things first, turn off the wifi. That way people who really want to reach you still can, but you won’t be disturbed by late night notifications or be overwhelmed in the morning by them either. You read that book you’re just getting into and also get transported another world. It’s a quick escape but also winds you down for the night. 
Yawn, it’s time. You’re ready to knockout. Set an alarm just in case, but you know you’re going to wake up naturally again, it’s already a habit. 
Goodnight love, sweet dreams
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theemusicnerd · 6 years ago
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theemusicnerd · 6 years ago
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c a s u a l  o u t f i t
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theemusicnerd · 6 years ago
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c a s u a l  o u t f i t
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theemusicnerd · 6 years ago
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A Small Guide to Journaling by Eintsein
Something you may or may not know about be is that I journal. However, only recently have I gotten the hang of it and stayed loyal to the habit of journaling. Here are some tips and tricks on how you can journal successfully. Hope you like it :)
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theemusicnerd · 6 years ago
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c a s u a l   o u t f i t
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theemusicnerd · 6 years ago
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c a s u a l   o u t f i t
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theemusicnerd · 6 years ago
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theemusicnerd · 7 years ago
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another masterpost!! i hope this gives everyone some tips. pleeeeease message me if you wanna ask for specific recipes or for more detail as i’m more than happy to talk about it more! had to be brief so this post wouldn’t chunk up everybody’s feed
lots of love ~
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theemusicnerd · 7 years ago
If you inherently long for something, become it first. If you want gardens, become the gardener. If you want love, embody love. If you want mental stimulation, change the conversation. If you want peace, exude calmness. If you want to fill your world with artists, begin to paint. If you want to be valued, respect your own time. If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself. This is how to draw it in, day by day, inch by inch.
Victoria Erickson  (via lonecowgirl2)
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theemusicnerd · 7 years ago
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theemusicnerd · 8 years ago
To more dinner dates.
My dad’s best friend is a key person in his life. He helped my dad get all his paperwork done when he landed in Canada, and gave him a place to stay when he didn’t have one. They still talk to this day and have been meeting up a lot more recently. 
Currently I’m taking a family psych course. And it’s getting real, talking about old age and death, and family and friends; all the good stuff. 
And it just hit me that I’m really happy that my dad and his best friend have dinner together almost weekly. I’m happy that they talk all the time on the phone even though they don’t really know how to use it properly. (When they figured out how to use video call, it was so funny how surprised they were!) 
I may be just reaching 20, but I don’t want to wait until I’m older to realize that I should’ve spend more time with those in my life whom I love and cherish dearly. I want to have (almost) weekly dates with my best friends throughout all the years we will know each other, all the way until we’re 100 years old. 
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theemusicnerd · 8 years ago
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Bukchon Hanok Village - Seoul, South Korea 
Bukchon Hanok Village is traditional Korean Village in Seoul, featuring numerous alley ways, and traditional Korean homes, known as Hanoks. The village has been preserved for 600 years, and reflects what Korean neighbourhood life was like during the Joseon dynasty. 
While the village was not created for tourists, and is still fully inhabited by local families, it is a great place for international tourists and younger Koreans to visit, to learn more about the Korean culture. Some of the Hanoks house galleries, restaurants, and craft workshops. 
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theemusicnerd · 8 years ago
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theemusicnerd · 8 years ago
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theemusicnerd · 8 years ago
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theemusicnerd · 8 years ago
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this will save you so much time! (and make you look like a pro lol) (here’s the link!)
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