thedreadnot · 10 years
Happy Valintines Day
For that special someone~
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thedreadnot · 10 years
Backstreet Boyz
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Yeah Youz iz da Warboss da one wiff dakka B'lieve when we'ze says we want ta WAAAGH!!!
an' weze will tear wurldz apart weze rip out deir heartz when youz say dat I want ta WAAAGH!!!
tell us WAAAGH!!! ain't nuffin' but a humie tell us WAAAGH!!! ain't nuffin' but a pansay tell us WAAAGH!!! we'ze really wanna 'ear ya say I want to WAAAGH!!!
are weze ya boyz? da ones wiff dakka ye we knowz we all gitz but we want ta WAAAGH!!!
tell us WAAAGH!!! aint nuffin but a humie tell us WAAAGH!!! aint nuffin but a pansy tell us WAAAGH!!! weze really wanna 'ear ya say I want to WAAAGH!!!
nowz we can see dat weze muckin about not krumpin or stompin at all, yeah no mattah da distance weze wantz ya ta know dat we got dem flashy bitz
you iz da warboss da one wiff dakka you is you is, you is, you is
weze wanna 'ear youz say aint nuffin but a humie aint nuffin but a pansy (we wanna 'ear youz say) weze really wanna 'ear youz say (oh yeah) I want to WAAAGH!!!
tell us WAAAGH!!! aint nuffin but a humie tell us WAAAGH!!! aint nuffin but a pansy tell us WAAAGH!!! weze really wanna 'ear ya say (weze wanna 'ear ya say) I want to WAAAGH!!!
'cause we want ta WAAAGH!!!
(Partially blame my friend for this. We were going to sing the whole song but then thought it was to much trouble. (Aka to shy to sing on the internet.) If anyone else wants to be our guest.)
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thedreadnot · 10 years
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VindiCARE: Killing with kindness.
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thedreadnot · 10 years
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88 notes · View notes
thedreadnot · 10 years
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thedreadnot · 10 years
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Araghast the Villager
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thedreadnot · 10 years
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thedreadnot · 10 years
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Dawn of war. Sanitize the heresy.
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thedreadnot · 10 years
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Let it begin.
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thedreadnot · 10 years
Well now that's just heretical. (It's okay I still love you.)
0 notes
thedreadnot · 10 years
Who are you. How does such glorious mind blessed with the knowledge of arcane crafts of photoshop even exist. The Internet reels in manic laughter and screaming on the couch when you make a dashing appearance on the dash. (HAHAH.)
I am but a humble servant of our ever glorious Emperor. I do his will of spreading joy and laughter throughout mankind. Do not thank me. Thank him. (Your kind words are appreciated sweet anon.)
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thedreadnot · 10 years
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Literal Legions
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thedreadnot · 10 years
try to draw magnus with your off-hand
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I shouldn't have even attempted to color this.
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thedreadnot · 10 years
Draw several cats with your eyes closed.
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thedreadnot · 10 years
Ask/Request with a TWIST...maybe
Alright guys I want to try doing something a little bit different. Ask/Request anything of me (tell me if you want it drawn or photoshoped) and then tell me under what conditions I must do it. I.e. left handed, eyes closed,doing jumping jacks, I don't care. I hope this will turn out as glorious as my mind thinks it will.
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thedreadnot · 10 years
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Requested from a friend of mine.
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thedreadnot · 10 years
My internet went out for a bit so I decided to make happy primarchs.
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Guilliman is my favorite tho.
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