Never stop the grind 💪💪
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Vilkas and Farkas of the 'Two Brothers' set. I love the personality contrast between these two. Farkas is a jolly person, bringing in that keg for the party tonight.  In contrast is his brother Vilkas, who is keeping to the shadows with a mistrustful glare.
Also it's the one year anniversary of my comic The Sunder Hunt! If you want more Companion action, I recommend checking it out!
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Farkas BF Headcanons!
this wasn’t a request, i just felt like doing this tbh. :D
bf farkas is a whole different person to who he is in everyone else’s eyes. let me explain why…
‘ice brain’ is exceptionally good at reading your emotions, one hint of an offish mood and he’s frowning trying to understand what’s wrong and if he finds out without asking you what’s wrong, he’s pretty good at helping you out.
he focuses a lot on things you like, he usually forgets stuff pretty easily but sometimes he’ll randomly remember you like this certain food or this flower and then soon after he will surprise you with it, just to show he remembers and cares.
great hugger. the best. big strong arms, amazing chest and they’re like the best pillow’s skyrim can offer you. a hard day? cuddles. a good day? cuddles. rainy days? extra cuddles. sunny days? sweaty cuddles.
he likes to pretend it’s you who is the cuddle bug but no, it’s him. he’s a furnace with a pulse so summer times you’re usually trying not to die in the heat between his arms but he doesn’t care. man needs his daily dose of cuddles.
his love language is both quality time and physical touch, since he isn’t too good with his words and expressing verbally he likes to express his love in those ways instead which is evident, physical touch more so when you’re both alone.
he’s likes it when you smell like him, wolfy thing? perhaps. but it makes him feel like people will also know you smell of him which means they’ll leave you alone - because obviously all of skyrim wants you, the big mighty dragonborn, so our beefy wolf likes to ward off the potential threats by letting his scent onto you.
after hard days this boy just wants some TLC. care for him, hum out his childhood lullaby and he’s off to sleep with a wink.
i just hope you’re comfortable because once he’s asleep he moves less than lydia when she’s in front of a door you’re trying to walk into.
he likes to kiss your nose. it’s a little thing he’s always done and will do. when you wake up he does it, before bed, when one of you leaves to work, before you eat. he always does it. and it sets you into a spiral each time because he’s so sweet.
farkas doesn’t understand his strength but with you he does and instead of treating you like an fully able adult he treats you like a porcelain doll - especially near the start of the relationship - gentle hugs, lightly holds your hand, soft kisses. he’s so gentle and it makes you laugh a little because you didn’t think he had that in him.
he has random mood drops. he can go weeks happy one day his entire mood will drop and he becomes this gloomy cloud and if he wasn’t clingy before he definitely is now. sometimes it happens when he’s with his thoughts too much, i see him as a self conscious man when it comes to his smarts and abilities.
vilkas was always the responsible smart one, farkas pinned as the stupid brute so from time to time this will weigh heavy on his conscience. tell him he’s smart, give him the love and reassurance he deserves. </3
he can sing. i don’t care who argues with me. his humming is enough to send you to sleep and when he sings it’s deep and soothing, he doesn’t do it purposely. when he’s doing his own thing he will naturally sing out a small song and each time it shocks you by how he’s good - don’t tell him though, he won’t sing again (until he forgets and does randomly hum or sing).
he’s also a lightweight. too much alcohol to him is the starters for the other companions.
he goes red in the face, mumbles random stuff and either tries to fight someone or tells them how much they mean to him - depends who they are and exactly how much he’s drank. he passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow though.
farkas is the sweetest partner ever and i will die believing that. there’s a juxtaposition between who he is to others and then to you and you love it because you get special attention while with the others its like ‘whatever, i’ll deal with them later. i’m with you right now.’
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LI's Waking Up Hungover and Naked.
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Ft. Brynjolf, Farkas, Hadvar, and Vilkas. Spicy content ahead. Minors DNI.
One word: Fuck.
It wasn’t the first time Brynjolf had awoke with a stranger in his bed, hell, it wasn’t the first time with a friend either.
But a new recruit? That was new. That was dangerous.
He had rules for fun nights out:
One, never drink so much that you can be robbed.
Two, don’t sleep with new recruits.
And yet here he was, naked as the day he was born with his newest protégé in a similar state - his golden rules shattered into pieces.
Seeing them so vulnerable had a tightness coiling in his chest, despite his best efforts, he just couldn’t remember the events of the evening, his mind too clouded - by the gods he hoped no one saw them leave together.
Neither would hear the end of it.
He stumbled, quietly as he could, shaking off his inebriation enough to at least get his trousers on. He had to leave, and fast.
The sooner he got to the cistern the sooner he could cover his tracks – quell the rumours before they started – but not before he tucked them in, blanket pulled over their shoulders.
Later, he’d tell himself it meant nothing, that he’d just been overly drunk, and it was a one-time thing. He’d tell himself – but it wouldn’t quite convince, not when he saw them – able to see their nakedness in a way he never wished he had, and unable to shake the memory of their touch that had burnt into his skin.
The Nord groaned deeply, hugging his pillow tighter, burying his face into it in hopes it would comfort the ache in his head.
He took in a deep breath, Vilkas always said breathing made it better – or was that water? Either way, it wasn’t until his third deep breath that he finally registered an extra scent on his pillow. Accompanying his usual musk was something new – new to his pillow at least, for some reason the scent felt familiar, made his chest feel warm.
Realisation struck – this wasn’t his pillow. It was soft yes – comfortable even – but too warm and too sweaty to be the fabric he’d usually hold.
It was a person – the new blood in fact - fast asleep, an arm flung over their eyes, and laying as bare as the day they were born. He eased himself up, gently sliding his arm from beneath their frame so as not to wake them.
He admits – he starred for a while – long enough to realise what had occurred between the pair, finally acknowledging his own nudity contributed to such a revelation.
He could feel their bare legs against his sides, the heat of their most intimate area bleeding heat onto his abdomen. All sense told him to stalk from the bed, flee and leave both their dignities intact.
But he just couldn't.
How could he do that when he had them like this? The way he’d imagined.
No one had to know he’d chosen to fall back asleep.
Headache, blurry eyes, and a queasy stomach to boot – Hadvar never did cope well with hangovers.
The barkeep was ready and waiting with water as he stumbled past, thanking them awkwardly, to focussed on finding the exit to relieve himself outside.
The morning air was a slap to the face - one that soon had his senses returning to him in full swing.
A few minutes in the cold air had him bright-eyed and bushy tailed as he should be, feeling more himself, he chugged back the water before re-entering the inn.
He was now able to spot fellow soldiers nursing their own jugs of water and fighting the aches that came with too much drink. It had been a celebration of some sort, a victory? He couldn’t remember just quite yet, but he remembered the singing, the drinking, the dancing – the dancing with the dragonborn.
The dragonborn.
How they’d danced and drank, and touched, how they’d leant in and kissed
Him – he’d blushed as though he was a teenager all over again.
He could feel them even now, their touch all over his skin, kisses placed in
places he’d never been kissed before.
He needed more water to calm his racing mind, surely those were dreams. It
wouldn’t be the first time.
He’d asked for a tankard of water – the barkeep gave him two.
“For your friend”
He looked toward the door, eyes connecting with the dragonborn as they slumped against the frame.
“Water first, then we’ll talk.”
Despite the initial blurred vision and pounding in his head, the silhouette of a nude, slumbering harbinger had him hurtling so quickly into reality he nearly vomited.
It was shameful instinct that he considered leaving, though that was nothing more than the coward’s way out. This was, after all, the harbinger of the Companions – his friend – not a stranger he’d drunkenly tumbled into bed with after a night in a tavern.
The wave of nausea overcame him once again. His head falling back onto the pillow, large palms closing over his eyes to halt the spinning.
It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.
There was supposed to be candles, a picnic, maybe a poem he’d spent hours composing, at least a confession of some form before this happened.
“I can hear you overthinking from here.”
His suddenly felt like a deer staring down an arrow. He watched them stir through the cracks in his fingers, their body rolling and flexing as it awoke till the pair were face to face, the harbinger quite secure in their nudity.
“You don’t need to be thinking this through so much Vilkas, come now, we’re both adults.”
Their fingers trailed up his arm, wrapping loosely around his wrist to pull a hand from his face.
“If it consoles you any I don’t remember much.”
“I remember wanting it, I remember you making me feel wonderful.” He’d imagined this situation very differently, more clothes and less nausea, but Vilkas swore he’d never felt happier.
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Highwayman: Your money or your life!
Me, the Last Dragonborn, Dragon of the North, Harbinger of the Companions, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Protector of Solitude, Thane of Nine Holds, Champion of the Nine Divines and of Sixteen Daedric Princes: oh no
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Farkas says "I would stand at his back, that the world might never overtake us."
And I'm just supposed to be NORMAL about that!?
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vilkas is so serious when he's testing you to be one of the companions. i wish farkas could do it. he'd just like. wrestle you and laugh while putting you in an affectionate headlock then tell you that you passed.
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S K Y R I M   |   F A V O R I T E   S C E N E R Y
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TES: Skyrim (2011)
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S K Y R I M + details [5/?]
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Really thinking about the possibility of Aela the Huntress being Arnbjorn's daughter. Arnbjorn seems old for Astrid to have been his first wife, and Aela says she grew up hunting with her father in the woods, and that her mother never lived to see her join the Companions...maybe she and her father joined together?
Could explain why Arnbjorn doesn't mention being a former Companion unless you're a Companion too. I don't see why he'd care about protecting their secret unless he left someone behind that he doesn't want to put in danger. Might also explain the generational gap in the Circle: before Aela, Vilkas, and Farkas you had Kodlak, Skjor, and Arnbjorn.
I think Aela and Arnbjorn are the only werewolves in the game that refer to being "moon-born" - not a large sample size, but still. They both also seem pretty solitary compared to other members of their respective guilds.
Aela's dedication to the Companions and the gravity she attaches to the beastblood also takes on an interesting light if her father forsake the company and decided to use his powers to assassinate and murder.
Maybe why Arnbjorn is never mentioned by the Circle or even in Kodlak's journal - imagine the shame Kodlak must feel at the memory of granting a brutal killer the powers of Hircine. And now he has to watch that man's daughter tread the same dangerous path.
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She takes the critism in stride
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me (playing skyrim): the voice-acting in this game is horrendous and the writing is so stiff. the awkward dialogue is part of the appeal and while there are other aspects of the game i enjoy, let it be known i am not at all invested in any of the characters in-
random npc in the most dry and lifeless tone ever after i finish a quest: thank you for your help adventurer :) you are my friend now :D
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I’m always a slut for Razum-Dar and Queen Ayrenn
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When your run out, of cups… no prablem for me 😎 My water bread cup
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