thedogmanarchives · 13 hours
Would any character from any of your games like Bill cipher?
Like if they met him in person.
Callum Crown would for sure.
"Say, who is this little devil? I quite like the cut of the jib! He's got MOXIE! Gumption! Pay attention to this little guy, he's GOIN' places!!!"
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thedogmanarchives · 13 hours
Is bigfoot freinds with any other cyptids?
As mentioned in the DLC by Gingi, Bigfoot has a cousin in Florida, but their relationship is strained.
Bigfoot has met other cryptids historically (most notably Mothman, the Jersey Devil and the Chupacabra), since Bigfoot has been sighted in the same areas these guys roam in, with these encounters all going somewhat differently.
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thedogmanarchives · 3 days
would it be kosher if i ate gingi
Considering the practice relates to eating animals that are considered clean or unclean, I'd have to say no by default, but to look at the scripture for a moment:
"Leviticus 11:3–8 and Deuteronomy 14:4–8 both give the same general set of rules for identifying which land animals (Hebrew: בהמות Behemoth) are ritually clean. According to these, any animal which "chews the cud" (e.g., consumes vegetation and later regurgitates it into the mouth to be re-processed and more efficiently digested) and has a completely split hoof (cloven-foot) is ritually clean, but those which only chew the cud or only have cloven hooves are unclean."
Gingi has a cow-like stomach (compartmentalized). While Gingi has a massive aversion to eating vegetables, I do picture that Gingi does occasionally chew grass when its stomachs are upset to make itself puke - like cats and dogs do. Since Gingi doesn't have cloven hooves, this would mean that Gingi's meat is definitely not kosher.
Sorry about that. Hope this helps.
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thedogmanarchives · 5 days
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HELLo . i . i apologize for asking a billionth question BUT considering as the mingus plush is coming soon i thought it would be a LOVELY time to ask about this considering as it IS mingus related; on her profile thingie, it states that mingus was groomed from a young age. (yeowch!) will we ever get any more elaboration on this, like on her backstory / her father whatsoever? theres . a lot to unpack with that single thing itself and im currently in the trenches of the mayor mingus (or michelle if your fancy) brainrot and would love to hear more about this considering it is QUITE depressing with how bad it could be . i fear i may have worded this wrong but uhm ya..
Groomed in this context means basically forced towards success, not the other meaning.
I've talked about it a lil elsewhere. Basically, her dad (Hannibal Crown) was kind of the proto her. Failed politician who tried to run on name recognition and failed. He instilled Mingus with a lot of inner turmoil/insecurity and forced her to study hard and basically not have a social life, after his political ambitions fell through. He wasn't very smart and couldn't really maneuver. Had no good ideas of his own and botched every job he was given in one way or another. Due to him being raised with an absent father figure and by a traumatized mother, he transferred and worsened the negative aspects of how he was raised to his daughter and showed her no love or affection.
He harshly corrected his daughter on her posture, how she spoke (this is why Mingus speaks somewhat formally to this day), pushed her into every extracurricular he could and basically just negatively compared her in every way to her grandfather, causing her to both internalize his vision of Crown and also develop a deep yearning for him to come back - so he could show her the love that she never got from her dad. Mingus truly despised him and by the end, a part of her relentless pursuit of success was to spite him, to prove to herself (and the world) that she was better than he ever was.
It says a lot that she even abandoned the name he gave her for the name that her paw paw gave his CAT, after all.
Mingus ironically wound up becoming the person her dad wanted her to be and achieved something he never was able to through his failed campaigns - becoming the MAYOR of Dialtown and refilling her paw paw's old position. But of course, enough is never enough. That inner well of insecurity is deep within her and she puts up walls because she was trained to understand that to show vulnerability is to appear weak.
Mingus' last conversation with her dad would make a REALLY good short story too, actually. I'll put that on the list of potential short story ideas for after Roger's route releases! Might be insightful.
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thedogmanarchives · 5 days
Did Crown ever listen to music back in 50s/60s? If he did what did he listen to?
Definitely. His favourite band would've been The Beach Boys, I think. I have a really persistent image of a coked up Crown dancing around the oval office to I Get Around.
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thedogmanarchives · 8 days
strange question... but I was curious
how do you feel about people calling Randy a twink? i.e. because you're the one who posed for his body sprites--
if the shoe fits...
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thedogmanarchives · 8 days
What is Abel's brother like?
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thedogmanarchives · 8 days
Correct. I believe Mothman has a lamp head (or possibly a stagelight?)
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thedogmanarchives · 8 days
can phonegingi go beast mode
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thedogmanarchives · 8 days
Would the ginglings ever get individual names?
very likely! i think gingi would not name them (just number them 'unnamed child #1-5') and be forced by its friends to name them
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thedogmanarchives · 10 days
Since Randy's cult-ability relies on his lack of strong connections and self-esteem, how would someone like Roger fare?
We know he's at least easy to scam short-term, but would a full-on cult indoctrination stand up to the whole "not being homeless and alone" thing?
For Roger, I'm gonna say no. Firstly, he runs many big ideas by Peter, who would ABSOLUTELY smell a cult from a mile away and undoubtedly warn Roger about it before he got in too deep.
But, for the sake of argument, say he didn't bring it up to Peter or ignored Peter's warning: I think the cult would eventually exile Roger after failing to extract value from him. He's a terrible salesman (so he'd be fuck all use as a recruiting agent), poorly motivated and has a tendency to fuck up tasks that he's given (so they couldn't put him to work). He's a nice guy who lives along and gets along, but he would drive a cult crazy. He asks way too many questions and it's hard to get through to him.
What cults really want are strong willed people with a vulnerability in their personality. They sucker you in, then both reprogram you and surround you with invasive support networks that both reinforce close the backdoor they used to get to you so you can't be deprogrammed easily. Roger is impossible to program because his brain jumps around so much. They could never get him to comply and would eventually cut their losses and release him, and there's a decent probability they'd have to actually ban him from their premises to keep him away, with him never even figuring out he was IN a cult to begin with.
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thedogmanarchives · 10 days
how easy would it be to convince Randy to join a cult?
I've explored this idea in an unpublished script, so I have an objective answer to this.
Answer: Surprisingly easy. He lacks direction and craves positive feedback. All you've have to do is make him feel like he's valued and give him something that he can do correctly and he'd miss tons of red flags.
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thedogmanarchives · 10 days
hey dude! just have a lil question(s) about Hannibal if that’s okay ?? :3
i wanna ask if he was dialed before or after he was born? ik you’ve said how in the dt universe they’re genetically modified and while i doubt callum would have tested this on his pregnant wife, i wouldn’t put it past him-
if he wasn’t i would also like to know around when was he dialad?? (like was he just a baby or a kid??)
and if you can answer this last one , what kind of phone model did he have ?? wanna know purely 4 fanart reasons !! ^_^
i completely understand if you can’t answer these questions at this time due to spoilers or any other reasons so dw! but i’d appreciate it SO much if you could !! :3
He wasn't dialed before the Dialup, and he wound up being dialed at the same instant everyone else was, which was January 1st, 1967, as a toddler.
I'm not sure what his head looked like off the top of my head! Admittedly, I'd never really considered it until now.
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thedogmanarchives · 10 days
Who out of the Dialtown cast is most likely to buy a Spirit Halloween animatronic?
I'd say Oliver for sure. Gingi would want one even more, but wouldn't be able (nor willing) to pay for it.
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thedogmanarchives · 11 days
is it beastiality to be attracted to gingi since it’s legally considered a feral animal
There isn't really a yes/no answer to this because the question doesn't fully apply to what Gingi is.
Gingi is legally considered a cryptid more so than an animal. Gingi mentions this while talking to Karen in their first scene if you consider setting up a bank account (implying there's a legal classification for cryptids in DT's world.)
Cryptids in DT's universe range heavily in how they appear. Some appear to be fully human at first glance (but have borderline inhuman capabilities that might not be readily apparent), some are more animalistic, like Bigfoot, Mothman and the Loch Ness Monster (though they almost always have human intelligence.)
Our definition of that word revolves around the idea that humans and animals are distinct because we're clearly at the top of the cognitive food-chain when it comes to rationalizing, conceptualization and general sapience. Great apes, dolphins and some really smart birds (like ravens) come relatively close to us in some ways, but the gap between us and them is a gaping berth.
No animal species could live a complete human life or survive in human society without the aid of humans. There are species of animals who can live alongside humans or even survive on the outskirts of human society without engaging with it, like raccoons, cats, dogs and birds, but they can't knowingly hold jobs where they perform tasks that we haven't trained these animals to do (or that their own natural instincts allow them to do.) They can't industrialize.
Gingi lives a feral life, clearly has non-human DNA, but isn't really an animal by the definitions listed above. Gingi's pathology is clearly inhuman, but has as many similarities with human thought as it does with that of an animal. Gingi is undeniably sentient and capable of complex thought, industrialization and even holding a job (...to the extent that any lazy/erratic human could, of course.)
So, I don't think that word really applies to what Gingi is. There's no equivalent word because there's nothing like Gingi walking around in reality.
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thedogmanarchives · 14 days
out of curiosity, who in the dialtown cast could you trust with fireworks
Ranked from most trustworthy to least:
Norm is the obvious first choice because he has experience with literal rockets and has experience with stuff like firearms and would be anal about procedural stuff.
Tango, Mr Dickens, Jerry, I'd trust with them 95%, since I think they'd be responsible and follow instructions even if they lack experience. Karen would also be this category but I doubt she'd willingly take the job.
Mingus could probably do the job but she'd be so eager to get it over with that she may overlook something.
Oliver, I would be hesitant to trust with fireworks because while I feel he probably has some experience with explosives I feel he might do something stupid like strap a few together.
Stabby + Shooty lacks Oliver's experience and would 100% injure themselves trying to do something cool. Pass.
Randy, I would not trust with fireworks for the same reason I wouldn't trust him to pour sulfuric acid from one vessel to another. I've read scientific manuals that say "pour decisively" because taking a half measure when pouring something lethal can cause you to end up with dangerous tiny amounts of liquid ending up outside of your beaker. Also, shaky hands.
Bigfoot + fireworks is a really bad combo.
Gingi cannot be trusted with fireworks. C'mon. Like I need to explain this one.
Billy cannot be trusted with fireworks despite having the most experience with them. He would 100% use them maliciously (as per usual. Good example of what he'd do with them is mentioned in Roger's DLC.)
(Not included in the ranking: God would not willingly handle fireworks having a fear of explosives + having seen up close what happens if they're mishandled and would let someone take the job, and stand at a distance when they're launched.)
Thank you.
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thedogmanarchives · 19 days
Where's dialtown located? Sorry if you've answered this before, couldn't find it anywhere
northern wisconsin! there is actually a dialtown in georgia, and it comes up once in-game when you're talking to Tango (in-universe, they were bullied into changing their name!)
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