thedickgrant · 7 days
When you open up a search engine are you looking for information or confirmation?
I think I'm beginning to figure out that when my 23-year-old friend Adam uses the internet he's not looking for facts he's looking for information points that support his existing argument. He was trying to support his argument that Texas was not a Republican state based on some past voting records he had found.
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thedickgrant · 13 days
I wuv u
I 2 b wuvin' u
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thedickgrant · 17 days
I hate brunch. I don't like to use that word hate. I don't like to use that word brunch either. But I'll pull it out for brunch. I hate brunch. I hate people. I hate the prices. I hate the food. I hate brunch
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thedickgrant · 20 days
I think I probably present as a sigma. But those who know me know better. There is no self-assuredness deep down
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thedickgrant · 22 days
Why do people that don't know what they're doing think they should make a video about it?
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thedickgrant · 23 days
Oh I don't care about her. She's not who I'm concerned about. The world gets a little lighter when an idiot dies. No I'm concerned about the person that hits her. What an awful thing to go through that is. This idiot breaks the law either willfully or through ignorance and gets herself killed and an innocent driver has to live with that shit. No the rules are good rules and they're in place for good reason. You should follow them or stay home.
Notes on a young woman crossing the street in a pedestrian crosswalk on a rented electric scooter.
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thedickgrant · 28 days
Not one thing I did, said, or bought met your approval. And you made it apparent
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thedickgrant · 29 days
I have so many thoughts. So much still to say. But let me draw attention to this point. You are not the reason he gets upset. He gets upset because every day he's dealing with loss and abandonment. He is upset because his wife killed herself and left him alone on this earth. His soulmate - the person he relied upon to help him through this harrowing journey of life is gone. Every day he wakes up empty and alone. The person that promised to help him left him alone. He spent decades believing that he knew that he would have a partner for the rest of his life. That security has been ripped from him. He may never get over it. He needs your help. How can you help him? Listing his foibles is only the first of many steps. I think you accurately identified some areas that he's having trouble with. How do you help him through them? Well, the answers are in books. We have to educate ourselves. We can spend our lives trying to find the therapist that has read the book that pertains to us or we can find the book that pertains to us and read it ourselves. I have found that we have to do both. Neither your first therapist nor your first book will have all the answers you're looking for. It takes many. There are no easy answers. This is going to take decades of work from you and it's just begun. The truth is this is a long long long long hard arduous terrible process. Patience. Understanding. Kindness. These are our allies. Work to remember that your father is hurting every bit as much if not more than you.
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thedickgrant · 2 months
I guess you're drunk.
Yes you'll never realize that you left the bag of chicken on its side and the crazy chicken liquid dripped on across the counter and onto the floor and splashed on all the dishes that are on the shelf below it and that all that had to be cleaned up. And I guess you'll never realize that you filled the sink part way up with disgusting water and left at the slowly drain so that suddenly required cleaning. This is just what it's like living with an alcoholic. You just totally oblivious stuff how much work you create needlessly fucking needlessly
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thedickgrant · 2 months
I'm so quick to want to be a part of
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thedickgrant · 2 months
You being a contrarian is just never helpful.
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thedickgrant · 2 months
Erica I have the worst news. Christy got away from us.
I don't think I remembered correctly the wording before. Somehow it just came to me now and I think I'm remembering that correctly what a day
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thedickgrant · 3 months
Heard some tires spin just a little bit. Looked up to see my first cyber truck in the wild.
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thedickgrant · 3 months
I'm going to suggest to you that the reality we live in is of our own making. And we make that reality through our thoughts our speech and our actions. We create it with our interpretations, our imaginations, and our self-talk. And then we bring it into being through our actions. In this case I'd like to focus on self-talk and what we hear ourselves say to others.
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thedickgrant · 3 months
Yeah I'll bet he is tough to argue with. He is a really skilled communicator. There's no need for you guys to be arguing. You guys are on the same side. You're both victims in this. Neither of you asked for this. Neither of you knows what the hell to do about it. It is awful. You jus gotta hold on to each other - cherish each other - and work to get through it.
If he made mistakes - forgive him.
It is offensive for you to suggest that for one second he was selfish. That for one second he wasn't actively working to do the best for everyone involved.
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thedickgrant · 3 months
I am wildly talented in many areas and yet I have difficulty finding success. I want to talk to friends about this. Get their advice on what I could do and be successful. Sean's the first person hopefully he'll want to engage about that
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thedickgrant · 3 months
Goddamn I cry a lot. I really want it to stop
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