thedarknessandme · 4 years
An Introduction...
Depression hand in hand with anxiety, along with its many offsprings such as low self-esteem, a poor relationship with food, no self-worth, doubt, overthinking and every other negative, mind eating matter under the sun has been something I have had to live with every single day since I was fourteen. Not a day crawled by when I felt like I wasn’t drowning in my own thoughts and insecurities in an ocean so big there was no land, boat or hope around. Ten years later, I am only learning how to swim. I am learning how to accept the waters I am in and build myself a safety boat out of every insecurity, doubt and emotion I have ever felt over the last ten years. Only now am I learning that non of what I have been drowning in owns me and only now, have I decided that I am taking my power back. I am in control. 
Everyone has a story, every story is unique, every story matters and no story is too small or too much. Depression and anxiety is real and we need to stop the stigma. Depression does not have a voice until the only voices we hear are those who have lost a loved one once its too late. It is important to share your story, let your voice be heard. You never know how many people you will impact by just showing them that no one is perfect, no life is perfect but we all have imperfect perfections that is worth embracing because we are all here for a reason. There are people out there that love you. There are people that need you, need you to stay. Life is meant to be lived and there are ways you can fight and get yourself out there. 
In order to be ready to speak out and use your voice, I believe you need to be in a mental space that is strong enough to open up about what you have been through and what you are going through. You need to be able to talk about what tools you have gathered and put in your toolbox to help you through certain situations. What experiences have defined you as a person and how dark your days have truly been. If you are there, I love you, you are amazing and I am so proud of you. I wholeheartedly encourage you to SPEAK, LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. You will be amazed by how many people you have reached out to and helped. Helping someone in the smallest way, is still helping them. For those that are on the path and are fighting... I love you, you are amazing and I am so proud of you. KEEP GOING.
The purpose of this blog is to share my story, to let my voice be heard. It has taken me ten years of reading and listening to other voices who have overcome what I was/am fighting and it has played a tremendous role in where I am as well who I am today. So at this very moment, with a little anxiety and fear... I have decided to be someone, hopefully someone great. I will be sharing my journey of counsellors, family, friends, medication as well as stories on life events as well as events of the world (disease, breakthroughs and so forth) that have impacted my depression and anxiety both negatively and positively.
My promise to you is to be raw, open and completely honest about my journey in the hopes that you will relate and believe that just like me, we are worthy. We are loved. We are imperfectly perfect and we have so much more to give in this world! 
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