thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or… send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or… send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or… send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or… send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or… send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or… send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
okay i’m leaving here for the night. i’ll be back in the morning only just to reboggle that post and then to answer anyone who wants it kthnxbai
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
manmaketh replied to your post: give me the link to your new blog becasue i'm...
i’ll always be ya number one fan
this is why i love u my wife xoxo the brightest sun on the cloudiest of days. the sweet calming breeze under a tree in a hot summer’s day. 
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or… send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
give me the link to your new blog becasue i'm sorry i just like aggressively refollowed your new blog
LOL u always the very first follower without me doing anything. like i just finished putting my theme together and i went and saw like all ur blogs in one go. but it’s okay, i love it truly.
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or… send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
so, like i mentioned in my other post, i’ve been feeling not good. being on here makes it worse because i feel like i’m not doing anything that’s satisfactory in terms of quality and what not. i also feel like i’ve reverted back to the wide-eyed rper from back in the day where i’m always too scared to go up to anyone and just plot or rp or... send a meme or something. like it’s 2015 and i just made this blog for the first time or something. anyways, i archived. if you want the blog just ask for it. [thumbs up]
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
sometimes i forget ladies like rosa, foxy and nattie were around when they were still doing shit like those gown matches and like pillow fight matches
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this - please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction.
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
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Rosa’s Thorn is a brand new fanpage for ex-WWE female superstar Milena Roucka (Rosa Mendes). It will feature edits, gifs and graphics centered around Milena. Gladly accepting affiliations! 
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thecompetitor-a · 7 years
i went on totally fit mama’s website to look at their about and i ran into this
“April 2013, I found myself on my hotel floor, in tears, wondering how I got to this moment. I was battling depression, addiction and abusive relationships. 
I needed a change or I was going to die.”
and just it just makes me so happy that she found a way to get better, beat all of this and have such a successful and happy life now.
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