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Major Arcana Meanings: The fool- The Lovers
Hello friends, this will be part of a series I do on tarot cards and their associated meaning; please enjoy, and as always feel free to reach out to me if you have questions. Some of these associations are personal, whereas others are simply well known and accepted meanings of the cards. Do not take this as a comprehensive list, rather as one reader's interpretation.
the fool. I associate this card with innocent, blind faith, new beginnings, often an optimistic card, however when coupled with more negative cards or reversed I think it important to consider that this card may be telling the querent that they are on a foolish path. The querent might want to ask; what’s going to happen if I walk off this cliff, will I fall and hit the rocks below or will I fly? Planet: Uranus
The magician: a card of creating things. When representing the querent, it meas that they have the power to create their own destiny,however when representing another person in relation to the querent, it sometimes can mean that person is trying to control coerce, or otherwise control a person. Planet: Mercury
The high priestess. A card of spirituality and higher powers. Also duality, means that the situation is very nuanced and has both great positives and great negatives. I don��t always entirely trust the high priestess for this reason, as even when it is ushering in an era of supposed good there will inevitably be a dark side; this card almost always requires further clarification and should be paid special attention to. Planet: The moon
The empress. “Queen card.” coming into one's power, feminine energy, can often mean pregnancy. When coupled with certain cards it could be a domineering matriarch, misuse of funds or authority, and occasionally indulgence. Planet: venus
The emperor. “The king “ the male equivalent to the empress. Masculine authority figures, sometimes could represent institutions, the police and law enforcement. Be careful with this card because it could become controlling or even potentially abusive very quickly. However it can also symbol support and protection as well. Planet: capricorn
The Hierophant. Marriage, religious institutions, anything established. I also associate this card with the royal family, cults, and occasionally the justice system as well as the school system.
The lovers. Does this card need an explanation?I love this card, it always means a union. However it not only represents romantic love but also that between friends, family members, and even god or a higher power at times. When reversed it could be talking about “trouble in paradise” so to speak, or occasionally even the relationship with the self. Planet: venus
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after years of being locked out of my account i’m finally back in
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@ningalfedmelillies can you dm me again? For some reason when I tried to reblog your message it came up as anonymous...
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hello love! I’m needing help getting a message across. I made a post (it’s pinned) needing help with anyone who could donate a few dollars to my gofundme to help me with medicine for my blood disorder I’m suffering with as I re experience symptoms I experienced a couple years ago when I was experiencing kidney dysfunction. I’m also making potions to sell. I am seeking out the witch community and I need all my witches with me. if you could please rb I pray and thank you dearly for your kindness.
Yes of course! Everyone go check her out if you can
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Can I do a protection spell on a full moon?
Yes you can technically, though I would do them honestly on a new moon, or on a waning moon
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Summer Witchcraft
Just some of my thoughts about witchy things I enjoy in summer.
- Flower crowns. they dont necessarily have to be witchcraft related but there is something so deeply pagan in making a flower crown out of fresh flowers and wearing it. Especially when you pick specific flowers that correspond to your intentions or feelings
- Nice cold spell baths. I take so many cold baths in summer, and if you’re like me you can utilize the watery venus like energy that often feels abundant at this time of year and incorporate it into your daily washes... its so nice and calming to settle in after a long hot day, into a nice cooling bath with oils and crystals
- sun tea. does more need to be said? I know its specifically used to enhance male beauty, but it doesnt matter much to me. I still use it anyways, especially in regards to enhancing health and vibrancy
- ya know I hate the beach but I understand a lot of people don’t share my views. This might be a good time to create an alter or devotional centered around water or a water or sea deity. At least go and collect some sea- shells, believe me they have their magical uses.
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I’m doing a bit better now though so Imma try and get back on here regularly if I can.
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Reblog this for luck in love, for Venus to watch over you & to be able to find yourself & others who are good for you.
Reblog to imbue love in your current relationships, to assist in finding a new one, to help heal from past ones & in order to obtain a loving and committed relationship.
Reblog in order to maintain, reblog to persevere, reblog to commit, seek loyalty, and to love wholeheartedly.
Reblog for love for the years to come. Reblog for the love you want. Reblog in hopes of a fairytale, reblog to make that dream come true.
Reblog for love, for me, & for you.
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Love attracting charm bag . . .
This is a charm bag I created to attract love & keep love near you.
Ingredient list:
• Rose petals • Red cloth / string
• Rose bud • Cinnamon stick (or ground)
• Jasmine • perfume sprits
• Mint leaf • Rosemary
• Lavender • Pink salt

Wrap thread towards you when wrapping . .

To fold , grab each four sides and bring to the center . .

Places to keep it
• Pockets are the most common / ideal
• Purses only when you’re out of the house
Wrap the thread towards you when wrapping
• Under your pillow to bring more sensuality
• In your bra or undershirt to bring true love
• In your home to bring familiar love
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What the Fuck Am I Doing? Tarot spread
(Please excuse the poor editing I did this on my phone)
1) What should I be focusing on?
What needs to be done that I am not/cannot seem to focus on? What is my goal? What should I be doing?
2) What am I thinking about instead?
What's distracting me? What is keeping my attention away from what I need to do?
3) Why is it distracting me?
Extra cards optional, pull as many as you need to figure out the root of the problem
4) How do I refocus?
What do I do to get rid of this block? How do I move past the distraction? How do I solve the root issue of the distraction? Again, pull as many as you need.
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Tarot card combinations
Empress + Ace = childbirth
2 or more pages = Schools, education
4 of wands + Sun = Babyshowers, an amazing family gathering, sometimes weddings
King of pentacles + Magican (if querent is a man or NB) or high priestess (if querent is a woman)= Querent’s money
10 of swords + death = only time death can actually mean death (in my style of reading)
Death + king of pentacles = sudden changes of money
Death (reversed) + king of pentacles = need to change money situation; need to manage money differently
The Hierophant + 4 of swords = a place of worship, church, mosque, etc
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✨🕊2021 retrogrades🕊✨
✧ Mercury Retrograde: Jan 30 - Feb 21
✧ Pluto Retrograde: Apr 27 - Oct 6
✧ Saturn Retrograde: May 23 - Oct 11
✧ Mercury Retrograde: May 30 - June 23
✧ Jupiter Retrograde: June 20 - Oct 18
✧ Neptune Retrograde: Jun 25 - Dec 1
✧ Uranus Retrograde: Aug 20 - Jan 18
✧ Mercury Retrograde: Sep 27 - Oct 18
✧ Venus Retrograde: Dec 19 - Jan 29
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The Snow Moon ❄️🌝 taken on my telescope 🔭 - 27th February 2021 ✨
- ✨🌝
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Hello. someone has been bullying & disrespecting me for a while and i have spoken to them and argued a lot, Yet they still disrespect me. can i make a poppet for them and use it to teach them a lesson? it's justice so i assume it's only fair to get them back not by harming them because i don't feel comfortable doing that in my practice. I feel bad about myself because i don't like to hurt others even if they deserve it, but that's a matter of my own personal limits. I know it may be hard to give me your opinion since we all have different limits when it comes to revenge. Also is there anything i can do to make the possibility of the poppet working bigger? anything that helps strengthen sympathetic magic?
I think if you feel it is something that needs to be done go ahead and do it. I’m not a believer in the “do as ye will an it harm none” motto. Hurting people without reason is malicious, but some people need to be taken care of. Might I suggest, an alternative however, or possibly an addition to a hex? If a person is bullying you, you might want to try a spell that would make them leave you alone or a banishing spell. Here is a good one I did awhile back myself, it’s by a young woman I follow that I think has some good information:
But yeah to answer your question, if you feel your boundaries are being violated take care of that. Also, if you “want your poppet to work better,” I might recommend incorporating cinnamon as part of your spell, if it feels right for you. It is commonly used for “enhancing” or “speeding up” the effects of the craft, as are a lot of other spicy foods.
Best wishes and I hope you solve your problem
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Reading Request
So I’m like, terrible at reading my own cards for some reason. I can, but it’s really hard to be objective about the outcome since I obviously want things to work in my favor in the future, and when I do see good sometimes I wonder if I am fooling myself. It’s a sticky situation.
So yeah, I was wondering if some lovely souls out there would give me a reading, lol. I met this woman tonight at a restaurant, and I think she was into me? Like, seriously we had chemistry, or was I just imagining that??? I would appreciate a reading on her intentions or feelings towards me, if she finds me attractive, etc. I would appreciate it so much you have no idea
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