thecleanifier · 2 years
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thecleanifier · 2 years
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thecleanifier · 2 years
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thecleanifier · 2 years
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thecleanifier · 2 years
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thecleanifier · 2 years
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thecleanifier · 2 years
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thecleanifier · 2 years
Best Tips About Cleaning Your Laptop Keyboard Safely
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Cleaning the laptop keyboard seems like a challenging task. You have to take out the amount of time for cleaning it. That isn’t quickly many times. Because you have to do work daily on it. By the way, cleaning of keyboard is also essential. For that, many people ask the tips and tricks.
Meanwhile, the random method is known by everyone to wipe the laptop. Like with cotton and tissue, But if you have to face deep cleaning of the keyboard, then you must follow some best tips about keyboard cleaning. Here some best tips will be discussed, how clean the laptop keyboards.
Why It Is Important
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Cleaning itself is an important thing. So, why should the keyboard not be? Of course, it is crucial. The laptop keyboard is touched by hand and fingers almost every day. Of this act, many things stick with buttons. Like, dust, a speck of dust, any eating food particles, and many more, ignoring the cleaning of the keyboard can damage the keyboard and your health. Because the touched fingers and hands can also touch your mouth, which causes many stomach diseases, make sure to clean your laptop keyboard regularly.
What To Do
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Whenever you go for laptop cleaning, take care of the following things.
Turn off the laptop completely
Make sure that the laptop is not on the charging
If you use a liquid cleaner, then wrap the switch holes
Do not press the laptop screen
Nor the laptop keyboard
Avoid using the hard thing for scratching
To Clean The Keyboard
Here are some of the best tips for cleaning the keyboards.
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Everyone is aware of this. The simple tip for cleaning the keyboard is wiping after finishing your work. Turn off the laptop. Let it cool for some time. Then take cotton or tissue and wipe the surface f the keyboard. For cleaning aside the buttons, take a toothpick to wrap the tissue around or cotton. Run on the button and aside the keyboard buttons. If you do this tip daily, then all is set. You would not worry about your keyboard cleaning.
The Spray Method
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It is an easy and famous tip for cleaning the keyboard. Buy a quality laptop cleaner spray and sprinkle it among the buttons. But be assured that there is a long straw attached to that cleaner. It will be more accessible, and you can do an effective cleaning. The long straw of spray will help you clean the duct inside the keyboard’s buttons.
The force of the air spray will dislodge any debris stuck on the keyboard. Just aim towards the keyboard and press the cleaner. The messy foam will be excluded from the cleaner. Rest it for some time and wipe it with soft cotton. Let’s set it so your keyboard is cleaned.
Cleaning With Solution
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There are many best cleaner solutions in the market. You can buy any of them. A famous laptop cleaner like isopropyl can be bought and used for cleaning. Take necessary things like,
A cotton ball
A microfiber cloth
Soft paint brush
Compressed air
Take all those things before the cleaning process. Dip the cotton swab in the solution and rub it on the keyboard. If these stains are sticky, spread the solution with a cotton ball over the keyboard. Take microfiber to clothe and rub the area. After it, grab the soft paintbrush and sweep outside. So all the leftover material will fall out. Then take the air compressor and aim at the keyboard. Clean all sides of the keyboard. In the end, wipe it with clean tissue or cloth so the buttons will brighten up.
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If you are using a shared laptop, it is essential to disinfect it properly. By this, you can save from many illnesses. Take cotton balls and dip them in the germ-killer solution. Wipe all over the keyboard and clean it. After the first turn, wipe the wet wipe and let it dry for some time.
Underneath Cleaning
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In this process, you have to remove the keys. Remove the keycaps and place them in a plastic bag to save lost. Use small flat tools for uplifting the keycaps. Place it at the edge of the key and take it upward slightly. The key caps will pop up quickly. Take a microfiber cloth to wipe the underneath of the keyboard. But remember, do not use any liquid cleaner under the buttons. Just rub it with a cloth and blow the grim out of it. Place the keycaps again.
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Take a picture before removing the keycaps
You can clean with a wet cotton swab, but squeeze it firmly, then rub it on the keys
 Use a tool kit if keycaps are not uncovered easily
Read the instructions when replacing the keyboard
The bottom line is laptop keyboard cleaning is easy. The thing is that it must be cleaned at a regular time. Please read the instructions before cleaning it. On the other hand, wiping can be done daily or weekly.
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