The arts and city witch
15 posts
Jo ○ Eclectic ○ Solitary ○🕯⛈❤○ Here to share bits and pieces and hopefully help others out
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thecityandartwitch · 3 years ago
Witchcraft, runes and vikings
Before i start this post, i would like to give full credit to the instagram account @a_shaman_called_connor for their incredible work, but also because they shared this knowledge
Now onto the topic. When we think of runes and vikings, the ones that come to mind most are the elder futhark runes. These are a runic alphabet with 24 signs. However the elder futhark date back much further than the viking age.
But what runic alphabet did they use? The younger futhark were used by the vikings. However, both alphabets have been found in the north and can be seen as Norse.
As a norse pagan, i have read the tale of Odin hanging himself from Yggdrasil in order to learn wisdom and how he found the runes. The elder futhark have their magical meaning, but if you want to use the runes connected to the vikings, it is best to use the younger futhark.
And what about the vegvisir? The vegvisir is an Icelandic stave found in the Huld Manuscript. So it is not related to the vikings, however iceland falls under the category of nordic countries. You can still use it! But just be aware of its history.
Personally, i use the elder futhark for my magical and religious practice. But i do take in account the younger futhark and try to see where i can incorporate these. There is some personal research in here of course, together with what i have found/read. I will be starting on the Hude manuscript soon! If anyone is interested in a post on that, do let me know!
And apologies if i made mistakes. I try my best to read and learn!
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thecityandartwitch · 3 years ago
Small book review of Magickal Tarot by Robyn Valentine
Well I forgot about this blog
Since i'm here i might aswell post something! When it comes to research for my craft i love reading books. Recently friends have been asking me which books i read.
And recently i've been recommending the book the magickal tarot! I'm rather picky when it comes to books, and this one blew me away! It focusses on the major arcana, their meanings, how they can be used in spellwork and so much more!
To me it was an easy to read book! It's clear and very well written and accesible! I'd definately reccomend this to people who are just starting out with tarot but also those more experienced. It's a great book to have in your collection and a good start if you're researching tarot and getting into it!
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Research in Witchcraft!
I've seen this as an important topic on certain platforms and i decided to make a post about it
Witchcraft and research go hand in hand. There's always something to learn or to find out. But research and studying is an important if not one of the biggest parts of witchcraft. If you don't do research and don't study... Well good luck with staying safe! Magick can be beautiful but also do dangerous! Do your research!!!
We live in a world were we have easy acces to a bunch of information! A lot of people have acces to the internet, there are libraries and bookstores and we can learn from other witches their experience. Books are an amazing way to learn but for some it's not really an option. This can be for various reasons and that's okay!
My research comes 60% from books and 40% from online. Now when i say online that also includes books that i can find online
But here's the thing: doing research on the internet doesn't make you less valid! We have such a big source of information, why not use it. But don't believe everhthing on the internet.
Always fact check your information!!!
Is this from a trusted source? Does this match with things i have read before?,...
There's nothing wrong with online research as long as you fact check or learn from a known and good source. Just be safe and don't believe everything that's online
I will try to make a list with sources i know and some of my favorite books that have helped me or that i still use from time to time
Please do your research and take your time with it! It's alright if it takes longer but it's better to know too much rather than not enough
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Witchcraft and deities
i'm making this post about a common misconception i see and just for advice.
Witchcraft is not a religion! It is a practice that can be combined with religion. (Trying to form this right english isn't my 1st language)
There are paths such as Wicca that work with specific deities. But you don't have to follow a path that is connected to deities if you don't want to!
You don't have to work with deities to be a witch!!!
Working with deities isn't a game. It can be as easy as you make it but also hard. If you make mistakes it can backfire. (We all make mistakes and it's ok but they're not always forgiving)
Also christian witches exist!!! Every religion can be combined with witchcraft! And every craft is as valid with or without deities!
Don't feel forced to work with deities if you don't want to or don't feel ready yet!
For example: Thor had been calling to me for months before i started witchcraft! I knew i was bound to start at some point due to my family and its history with it but did not feel ready yet! So i waited, did a few months of research, started my practice and then started working with Thor. I felt like my worship for him and my craft would go hand in hand so i took my time to do research and wait until i was ready.
Working with deities sounds cool, but you don't have to!!! Take your time to do your research, learn before you practice and be safe! And if you don't want to work with deities that's ok! Every craft and path is as valid as the other!
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Post ideas
So i have some ideas for posts and what not but i want to ask you guys or people who might see this: what do you wanna see? Are there any specific topics people want to see such as for example spell jars or cleansing sticks that are not sage? Anyway if anyone has suggestions or requests drop em of pm em because this blog is as much for other witches as it is for myself!
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Altars and loving them
Your altar is your workspace, where center and it sort of represents your craft. When you look up altars you see the most beautiful altars! But what if yours doesn't look like that? Or what if you don't have everything that's on it.
Today i wanna share some advice i wish i got when i was a starting witch!
Witchcraft runs in the family and my mentor who started teaching me passed a few years earlier. We never got to talk about an altar so i didn't know what and what not to do. She never got to see me start and after her death i never expected to continue. So here's what i learned over time
Your altar does not have to be big and expensive!!!
When i started my craft all i had was the 4 elements, candles, a deer jaw, a wand and offerings. I made the wand myself from a fallen branch. I felt bad because it wasn't as cool as others.
Over time i added crystals i collected when i was a child. I bought a few bone fragments, made a cloth out of old clothing,...
An altar does not have to be big or expensive to be good or strong enough. It needs to represent who you are and what your craft is about! There is no specific guideline to what exactly should be on there. There is a base that can help you grow but it's completly yours!
Some small tips
Second hand shops have cool things like candle holders or old bottles
Make a decoration cloth out of old clothing! It's 1 of a kind!
Make things yourself! My wand was made from a branch i found! Be sure to thank nature for it's gifts!
Add elements from your deities, entities or what or whomever you work with! For example i work with Thor so i have the Thurisaz rune hanging on my altar!
Add candles! Candles give off energy!
I dried an orange or 2 and made a sun chain to hang on the wall together with a moon chain made out of old wood! Things can be so simple and make a big difference
But most importantly: love your altar! It is one of your centerpieces and where you work (and maybe worship). Your altar, no matter how big or small, is a part of you and should be loved as you love yourself! It grows overtime together with your craft!
Make things, have fun creating, buy things you like that you think will add to it! Anything goes!
(This is just my opinion on the matter! Everyone has a different view to it)
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Book of shadows
So i wanted to talk about my book of shadows and just share some advice i wish i got as a baby witch.
Your book of shadows is where you keep all the info about your craft, spells, rituals,... anything related to your craft!
Now here's the thing, you can use anything as a book of shadows! I usually see most people advise a binder so you can add stuff which is a great way to do it! But you don't have to!
There is no format for a book of shadows!!! And i mean no format!!!
For example i have an actual book and a box! Yes a wooden box! I put cards in it with things taped onto it or ingredients for a spell jar or stuff like that. Both my book and my box are important to me!
Why do i use a box? I don't always have enough concentration to write a chapter in my book (thank you neurodivergent brain) so sometimes small cards are quicker and more efficient!
I also have a binder for my tarot cards! I painted it with a galaxy print to make it look cool!
Your book of shadows can come in any shape, size or form! It can be anything and don't be afraid to adjust it to your needs! And don't feel forced to make an actual book like something! It's an important piece of your craft and personal!
Disclaimer: this is just advice and my opinion! Everyone has a different opinion on this topic and that's ok
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
How do I know if I'm a witch?
Anyone can be a witch really! It's something you'll just sense! There are multiple paths tho so be sure to do a lot of research if you wanna jump into it!
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Cemetery experiences
So since a lot of people seemed to like my cemetery magick post i decided to make a post about a cemetery i visited a while ago. And most importantly why it's important to protect yourself.
A while ago i visited this old cemetery that belonged to a psychiatric hospital. I came in and instantly felt something was wrong. I had a friend with me who stayed in the car because they sensed it too. As i walked i grabbed my necklace and said a small prayer to Thor.
I went up to the center and saw a broken down Jesus statue. That just made it only worse.
After i went up to the graves, i talked to the presences there and made it known i had no bad intentions. Still i didn't feel safe.
A month before that a storm wrecked up the place and multiple trees fell down, those still weren't cleaned up. I decided to do my thing and repair some small things here and there (always ask first). I asked if i could take some photographs to show the damage and ask the state to clean up and let the people rest in peace.
There was a grave of a little girl with a teddybear. I talked to her grave and i instantly felt at ease. I felt so bad for her being there. I didn't touch her grave because i was scared of disrupting her peace.
A few minutes after asking that everything calmed down, i felt calm and at peace. This i knew was a yes, or so i thought. I used both a digital and analog camera.
After taking my pictures and doing small repairs i thanked the beings who were present and left the same way i came. It still didn't feel right but i just shruged it off and went home.
Until i developed the photographs.
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Images that were shot on analog film
After developping the film i was in shock. The images of the cemetery were dark and red. The rest of the film was fine! I couldn't believe my eyes. I shot up another film on a neutral place and there was nothing wrong with my camera nor with my film!
These are a few images of the cemetery. To this day i still don't know what caused this. The rest of the film is fine! I never went back, and to this day i still thank Thor for protecting me.
Please whenever you visit a cemetery always be safe! Protect yourself! Not all entities are bad but not all are good either.
(Should i make another post about a cemetery experience? Let me know)
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Bonding with Tarot Cards or Runes
So i thought i'd talk about how to bond with your cards or runes or whatever divination set you use! I'm gonna use my rune set as an example but you can apply this to anything!
1. Spend time with them! After i finished my rune set i started to put them next to me while doing research or writing in my book or shadows. It's a way in which they get to know you.
2. Use them for readings! From day one i started my day picking a rune. It's something i've explained in my last post.
3. Put them under your pillow while you sleep. I put mine next to my pillow but it's also a way of getting to know you.
4. Communicate with them. While i do readings i react to them or ask my questions out loud
5. Learn each rune's meaning. Learning their meaning makes it easier to use and makes the connection stronger.
6. (Optional) forming a bond while making your set. I started forming a bond with my set while making it. It just felt like i had been using it for years already even tho i just carved them.
This might not work for everyone or you maybe have other ways to bond. But bonding with your divination method is important! Take your time with it, the stronger the bond the better!
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Rune divination
Something that has been talked a lot about are tarot decks and oracle cards. Something i don't see very often are rune divination sets. I also use tarot cards for divination but i also use runes! I work with both Greek and Norse deities and rune divination, for me, is a great way to connect to the Norse gods.
So a while ago i decided to make my own rune set! The runes used are the Elder Futhark.
You can use a lot of materials but i used the wood from a huge branch that fell off from a tree near my house. I thanked the tree by making a nature altar in their honor!
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Cutting all the pieces
First i cut all the pieces off. After that i carved the runes and painted them with an ink based paint. While making these i instantly felt a connection!
While they were drying i made a pouch to keep them in! I've been using them daily ever since and have such a strong bond with them
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The finished set!
Now there are multiple ways to use these! I'm going to list the 3 ways i use the most
1st. The daily rune draw.
Every day after i wake up i grab the pouch and grab the rune i feel most connected to. After i take it out and try to relate it's meaning to how my day could go.
2nd. The 3 rune spread.
I use this one for broader questions. Grab the first rune from the bag and lay it down on the right. Repeat this process for one in the middle and one on the left. The right one is the situation you're in and the issues that should be adressed. The middle one is the suggested course of action. The left one is the outcome when using the suggested action.
3rd. Traditional casting
Use a white cloth and lay it down either facing the sun or on the east west axis. Determine the direction of casting.
Focus on the question you have and cast the runes on cloth. The ones that are right side up are read. Whether the rune is reversed or not will have an influence on the reading.
If anyone has any questions about this or wants to make their own set i'd be more than happy to help!
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
"That long coat makes you look like a witch in the wood"
- Grandmother
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Cemetery Magick
Maybe like me you’re attracted to cemeteries but don’t know how to go about it. I’ve been working with cemeteries for about 3 years now so i’m here to share my tips and experience.
I go there mostly for art purposes but my witchcraft got involved too since i do some light spirit work. Cemeteries can be scary but also a nice neutral space! 
Important about visiting a cemetery is your intent. Make it loud and clear you have no intention of harming any graves or spirits. They’re gonna be wary at first because they don’t know you or your intent. Try to pick up some trash, put some cents near the grave to pay your respects or for spirits to move on, clean a grave (only after asking if you’re allowed to) or do some repairs!
Don’t just take photographs! Some spirits may not like this! Always ask politely if you may take a picture! 
Bond with the spirits. After they sense your intent they will allow you into their cemetery and draw you to nice spots. Always be respectful because they’re showing you something special! Bonding with them will make it easier and safer for you!
Now to keep you safe:
- TRUST YOUR GUT!!!! I cannot stress this enough! If something doesn’t feel right get up and leave! Say goodbye and go away! Not all spirits are bad but if something’s off than something’s off!
- Don’t whistle in a graveyard! You will tempt death and you don’t want that!
- Don’t yawn! A spirit may try to take over your body!
- Never step on a grave! And if it happens apologize! It has happend to me before and after apologizing i was forgiven. Accidents can happen but just be careful! (If you see the soil sunk a bit just.... Don’t step on it whatever you do avoid it!)
- Always leave the same way you entered and say goodbye! Always end your visit like this! You’ll leave its energies where they belong and not leave the portal open.
- While making your intent clear, make sure you make it known you do not intent to take a spirit home! 
- Do not steal from graveyards! It will take revenge!
You don’t have to be into spirit work to visit a cemetery! Just be respectful and make your intent known! If you want to go but not on your own you might want to take an experienced witch with you! Also take a Clear Quartz and a Rose Quarts with you for protection!
If anyone has questions about this please send me a message! It can be scary at first but i’d love to help!
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Celebrating Yule
There are a lot of ways to celebrate Yule! Yule is the winter solstice where we celebrate the return of the light and the sun. It also represents new beginnings.
I celebrated it in multiple ways. 1 of those was making gifst: for my friends and one for myself!
In this post i'm going to be talking about my door charm hanger. The intent of this one is to protect myself and everyone in this room!
Cinnamon stick: protects the home
Slice of dried orange: represents the sun, gives energy and enhances creativity
Aventurine: calming, wards off negative forces
Dried lemon verbana: wards off negative forces
Lavender: healing
Lapis Lazuli: protects against people such as liars
The Algir rune: protection
While making it i kept the intent in mind! I charged it with candle light and hung it up after!
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thecityandartwitch · 5 years ago
Crystal garden
First post on this blog! Yay! So as the blog title reads i'm a city witch. That means there isn't too much nature around me as i wish there was. There are some fields with a few trees but no big forests or lakes.
I have a lot of ways to solve this problem and a smaller one of them is my crystal garden!
It's a small jar that i use to meditate and calm down, and feel the power of nature combined with a few of my crystals
Oak branches: brings good luck
Rose quarts: Love and self healing
Blue stone: unknown, still trying to identify it . For some reason i felt like i had to add it.
Snowflake obsidian: Protects and clears your mind
Dried lemon verbana: breaks bad luck and protects against negativity
Slice of dried orange: gives off energy (and it smells nice)
I've been wanting to add moss but i haven't got to it yet and want to be able to take good care of it
(About the small pieces of oak, i got it from a huge branch that fell off a tree near my house. To thank the tree i made a little nature altar for it! Never forget to thank nature for its gifts)
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