Female college student, gamer, fan artist, aspiring conceptual artist, avid fan of Steven Universe, Yuri on Ice and more.
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Due to the inconsistencies in style her style, I had suspicions that Ariel might be tracing. Deciding to look further into it, I came across a stock photo that looks remarkably similar to this piece of hers here:
From then on more and more evidence of her having traced many, if not all pieces of her art began to emerge. Not only has she been tracing various stock photos:
She used one of the stock photos to trace a commission for tumblr user @looktothehorizon
She’s also traced non stock photography
T.v screen caps
And different other people’s artwork, one belonging to tumblr user @elvishness and another who I couldn’t find the source for.
Tracing stock photos is one thing, but to trace another artist’s work, whether it be their photography or drawings is completely unacceptable. To do that and also charge money for it is beyond believable. @orisoni if you’re going to go around policing other people, claiming that they’re copying your art and stealing your ideas, maybe you should learn not to do that yourself?
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How to put “wrote fan-fiction” on your résumé:
Leveraged an inventory of established fictional character and setting elements to generate a disruptive custom-curated narrative entertainment asset.
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Rebloging to support fellow artist friend.
Commissions open!
(about time, eh?)
Anyways, I’m opening three commission slots so contact me if you want some stuff done by yours truly!
Delivery: Depending on the level of difficulty or amount of characters: between 2 weeks and one month. Will constantly annoy you with progress reports.
Payments: via PayPal; half in advance, the other half when delivered
EXCEPTIONS (aka. Stuff I WON’T do): gore, mechs, fetishes/NSFW, incest/pedo stuff
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ユーリ!!!まとめ② ほぼヴィク勇 || ゆっちゃん [pixiv] || Twitter ※Permission to upload this was given by the artist (©). **Please, rate and/or bookmark her works on Pixiv too** [Please do not repost, edit or remove credits]
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OPヴィク勇 || hika@yoi垢 [@yoiromk] || pixiv ※Permission to upload this was given by the artist (©). **Please, favorite/retweet/follow to support the artist** [Please do not repost, edit or remove credits]
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Me enjoying a thing while ignoring the fandom/discourse:
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the Mickey Mouse shorts are golden I don’t care who you are I’ve been laughing at this clip for days
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There is a shocking number of people with Hot Opinions™ about Catherine who, in the course of their ranting, prove themselves to have never played the game themselves, having misunderstood the plot, forgot who the intended audience was, or never got the “good” ending with Katherine (likely some combination of the above).
“ugh Vincent and Katherine are both terrible people”
t. 20-year-old in a queerplatonic polyamorous relationship with absolutely no frame of reference for having a long term monogamous heterosexual relationship thrown into a commitment crisis in a person’s late 20s
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The Art of Overwatch, by Blizzard Entertainment
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Okay that does it
As a pro-lifer, I don’t much like the Zootopia comic (you know the one). However, as an artist, I’m a strong believer of the old rule:
If you don’t like the original, make your own version.
So, here are my pro-life headcanons for Zootopia, kinda following the premise the comic presented. (I really should not be wasting my time like this but here goes.)
Judy finds out she’s pregnant…
Nick is excited to be a father. (Can I just, omigosh, imagine him wagging his tail XD)
Judy doesn’t want the baby, she’s scared. There may be problems that could arise from this.
They talk like fricking reasonable people, both listening to and considering what the other says. It’s a heavy subject and all sure, but after everything they’ve been through this is most certainly not gonna tear them apart.
(Btw Nick isn’t pro-life because he’s Catholic or Christian or whatever? If anything I would imagine him to be agnostic or even atheist. (Coming from a Christian girl that would like some positive/non-cringey Christian representation.) With as difficult as his life has been I don’t imagine he’d believe so easily that Anyone Up There was looking out for him.)
Ultimately there are more questions that answers.
What if Judy’s body can’t handle it? What if their children are, for lack of better terms, freaks, and their lives are difficult? What about her career?
They agree to do some research and contemplate more before making any final decisions. They’re in this together.
They look up whatever they can about interbreeding. There’s plenty of info for other animals, but a rabbit and a fox? Not too common tbhhh.
They talk to a very select few about it.
Finnick has seen plenty of interbreeding, but not exactly the same case as this. Cats and dogs, elephants and hippos, even wolves and sheep, but they’re not quite the same as their case.
While Fru Fru is happy to offer advice about pregnancy and parenting, she doesn’t know anything specifically about interbreeding. Regardless, she and her fam are happy to help in anyway they can if the need arises.
Word accidentally leaks to…
Who apparently?? Has half-rabbit siblings??? Nick and Judy wonder why they didn’t know about this???????
Well where did you think all that unchecked rage and aggression came from lol. Turns out Gideon didn’t take his parents’ divorce all too well when he was a kid, especially when one of them remarried a bunny.
(What, cheesy? Too convenient? Baseless? Idk, I personally like it, even apart from this pro-life story.)
He happily tells them what he knows
After all this, Nick and Judy converse some more in private.
With questions answered and a loving, supporting partner to help her, Judy doesn’t feel so scared anymore. Her choice is made,
They keep it/them.
Nick asks her if she’s absolutely sure.
“Hm, am I sure? Yes, yes I am.”
Family and friends are excited and happy for them.
Judy’s dad is somewhat confused by the whole hybrid thing but supportive nonetheless. (And probably crying, lol he’s so happy for them.)
Judy’s mom sets to knitting onesies right away.
(There goes Judy breaking new ground again, lmbooo)
Nick’s mom is happier than she can say.
Turns out ZPD offers maternity leave.
Their coworkers throw Judy a baby shower?? Omigosh.
He would totally get them some donut shaped/themed teething rings.
(Gideon would give them a pie, on the house)
Oh btw Nick is totally supportive of Judy and her career, he knows how hard she worked for it, which is why when the time comes,
Nick will be a stay-at-home dad. Until then,
Nick works extra hard to provide/prepare for his growing family.
Building a nursery, getting essentials, maybe even finding a new house?
Imagine Judy craving blueberries (among other things) bUT ESPECIALLY BLUEBERRIES.
They find out they’re gonna have two beebs.
They’ll be a bit bigger than a normal kit, (yet smaller than a fox cub) but there won’t be nearly as many in a typical bunny litter. (Average is six, though fourteen is possible. (Judy knows.))
Baby kickksssssss.
They kick whenever Nick says “carrots”.
Nick is always making sure that Judy is comfortable and dotes on her.
A lot.
“Nick I’m FINE.”
(He loves her so much.)
When the time comes they have a home-birth with the help of Judy’s family .
(With as many siblings as Judy has you can’t tell me that not one of those litters was birthed at home. (If not all of them.))
(Plus they won’t have to deal with any skeptical or even racist doctors. (Don’t forget that a fox and rabbit isn’t the norm.))
Imagine Nick and Judy’s dad both waiting nervously.
Nick sees Judy’s siblings bustling about and helping however their mother tells them and wonders again how they manage to keep track of so many kids.
They’re only having twins but Nick makes a mental note to go to them for advice on that if need be.
The birthing was successful, everything’s fine. Fricking props to Judy.
They’re like little, round, fuzzy peaches.
(Idk what they would name them. Gideon and Fru Fru?)
Judy adores them.
Nick might cry.
They’re happy and proud and, honestly, tired, but overall super glad.
Nick and Judy would make such great parents you guys.
The kids look different and are sometimes picked on or even bullied for it.
Nick and Judy teach them how it’s okay that they’re different and that just because they look a certain way or are a certain species, that doesn’t define them.
They teach them to be brave and strong, to never give up and also not to take the world’s junk.
They also teach them how to kick those kids’ butts.
Also “Uncle Finnick” would always have Pawpsicles for them.
They’re also considered practically part of Mr Big’s family (and thusly are under his protection as well. Ain’t nobody gonna mess with these fluff nuggets. See: The Godfather)
The best part of Judy’s day is coming home to these loving faces.
There are some long nights.
There are some days that couldn’t be long enough.
It’s tiring.
It’s rewarding.
It’s a responsibility.
It’s an utter blessing.
Nick and Judy love their children. They couldn’t be more thankful for them, for their friends and family, and for each other.
And that is how a pro-life Zootopia story should go, if ever there was one. (Or at least, this is my idea.) Feel free to add your own ideas or, if you don’t like anything here, make your own version. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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