The Baby Face Diaries
19 posts
A blog dedicated to all of those young, round, baby faced fashionistas out there looking for ways to look the way that they feel.
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thebabyfacediaries · 10 years ago
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Ernest Hemingway: Spoken to his wife before he killed himself
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thebabyfacediaries · 10 years ago
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thebabyfacediaries · 10 years ago
The brain is an organ. Mental illnesses are illnesses of that organ. Brain scans show that there is a physical difference between a healthy brain and a sick brain. Telling someone “You’re not really sick. It’s all in your head.” is like telling someone with asthma “It’s not real, it’s all in your lungs.” The brain is an organ that can malfunction as much as any other organ.
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thebabyfacediaries · 10 years ago
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gone girl (2014) // "Cool Girl", men always use that as their defining compliment. "She’s a cool girl". Cool girl is hot. Cool girl is game. Cool girl is fun. Cool girl never gets angry at her man.
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thebabyfacediaries · 10 years ago
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Shaved half of my head
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thebabyfacediaries · 10 years ago
I'm 24 and totally tired of my round babyface and don't know how to embrace it. Will it be possible to send a photo and get a tip from you? I don't want to harass you or anything, I'm totally confused and don't consider myself pretty at all.
Sure my email is [email protected]
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
I just found your blog and want to thank you. It is lovely and is already helping me feel more confident about my baby face. Again, thank you so much. xo
youre welcome!
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
Your blog is awesome!
Thanks! : )
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
Perfect example of pushing the hair away from the face in order to make the face appear thinner.
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
Another Round Faced Celeb! Witness the high bun in action!
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
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Smile Baby Faces!
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
Examples of my Baby Face Hair Styles Conquest:
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Junior year.
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Senior Year when I was modeling.
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The middle part.
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Off Center Part with 3 Barrel Ringlets
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Pin up Curls
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Deep Side Part with Fishtail Braid
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Long, Dark, Wavy, and Bushy. Side Bang.
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Long Wavy Curls
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Curling Hair Away from the Face
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Playful Pony
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The Ombre
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The Long Ombre Bob
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And the Permed Bob, which is current.
There are so many more hairstyles I have done, but if this doesn't prove to you that I have definitely tried ALOT, then I don't know what will. Finding what works for you takes time, and as we age we grow.
Let me help you find what makes you happy today, and maybe it'll be with you for tomorrow.
Follow and Support the Baby Face Diaries,
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
Haircut Basics: choosing a haircut that suits your face shape.
Many times I have googled hairstyles for a round face and have discovered far too many pictures with little explanation. Finding a cut for your face shape can be extremely complicated, especially when you're unique and you're not the doppelganger of some celebrity. So I'm going to give you some questions to ask yourself, and some answers, and even examples of how to go about getting your haircut, and how you plan on styling it in the future.
What is your favorite feature? And how do you plan on complimenting it with your new haircut?
If it's your eyes you may want something that is very open and even on the top of your head, so it brings the attention to your eyes, it also helps to wear an eyeshadow or an eyeliner that defines them and makes people gain attention to them. A middle hair part may serve this purpose, without straight bangs that can at times tickle your eyelashes when grown out. You can fix this with a high bang (a fifties style) or a side bang, but I would recommend keeping the side bang thinner and wispy to avoid them distracting people from your eyes, and once you get bangs you know you are going to grow obsessed with perfecting them.
If it's your lips you are more open to experimenting with many styles, just as long as your hair isn't hanging down in your face.
If it's your nose you are also more open to many hairstyles, and because you do like your nose it will be easier to change parts and have layers to play with.
So there's other features, but we'll get into those with the more important question.
What features of your face do you least enjoy, or what bothers you the most about your face?
And do you want to wear your hair curly or straight?
If you don't enjoy your nose, you can get a busy hair style that will distract others from noticing it. This could be a style with more layers, a perm or a side bang. But keep in mind. We are baby faced, and that is why you are here. This means that if you wanted to primarily base your hairstyle off of the features you hate you would be somewhere else, and face shape takes a huge part in choosing the right hair cut.
Here are some tips.
If you have a big nose and want a busy hairstyle, long layers can be okay, but if you have a pointy nose you want to avoid a bob or short hair, because it can make your nose look longer and give you an uncomfortable profile view. If you do end up getting a bob because that's what you really want more than anything, then consider using it to soften your features with appropriate make up and styling your hair wavy or in ringlets. It'll pay off.
If you are in desperate need of making your face look thinner without looking like you have a comb over: consider growing your hair long and getting a spiral perm. If you don't like your hair curly get long layers and have a side part. Or if you want to get ballsy you can do a middle part and grow your eyebrows thick and pencil them to frame your face. This is a neutral look many models use and can make your features more noticeable and compliment your cheek bones. But make sure that if you do this that you're in considerably good shape. If your face is round because of more than just genetics this might do more harm than good.
If you want to embrace your round face and even bring your chin out, you can get what I call a thick "British Bang". I got one a few years ago when I was modeling and enjoyed it for a couple months, but then when I realized I looked like a five year old girl when I didn't style it I decided to grow it out. The British Bang is a bang where they pull a large amount of your hair forward and chop it into a thick bang from ear to ear, when properly styled it brings out your chin and jaw line. It can be sexy, but it can also be childish when done wrong. Do some research before making such a sacrifice.
Also, if you feel like your face looks heavy:
do not get a side bang that is lower than the top of your cheek bone.
do not get bangs that stop at your chin, and avoid any thick chin level layers.
do not have a heavy side bang period, even if it's a grown out side bang, either pin that animal back until it's grown enough to be properly layered, or suck it up and trim it back where it belongs. The worst look for a baby face is a heavy grown out bang that doesn't want to be styled. If all it wants to do is flop around and annoy you, make a choice. If it's curl-able I would recommend curling your hair and curling the bang back out of your eyes.
avoid chin level anything, it will make you feel chubby on your worst days. It's better to go above or below than at chin length.
avoid short curly hair if possible, you don't want to feel like a 20 year old Shirley Temple.
Unfortunately I am currently a rule breaker and am a victim of a medium length permed bob. When styled appropriately it is suitable, but I am waiting for my hair to grow long again, so I can enjoy red lips and high buns and curly wisps peeking out of my pony tails.
So if you're thinking about a hair cut, keep in mind what you're going to do with it after it's cut whether you hair it straight and sleek, curly and wild, wavy and voluminous, or just in a messy bun and a fish tail braid. The more layers the longer it takes to braid, the longer is takes to curl, and the more pieces you have to spray to stay still.
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
Utilizing Make Up to Compliment Your Baby Face Part One: Foundation
Cover up or foundation is a tool that many young women use to cover up acne, uneven skin tones, and any facial scars one may not want seen. But, foundation/cover up can also serve a huge purpose for women with round faces. When used appropriately cover up can be a phenomenal tool to:
1. Thin the face.
2. Highlight your favorite features.
3. Give the illusion of a longer face.
Not all of these have to be done with foundation, you may choose to do what is suitable for your face. You may also use a highlighter as a partner to your cover up in order to great an ultra-highlighted look.
Look at this illustration:
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Depending on the look you would like to achieve this is a great map to look upon when deciding how you want to do your foundation.
I would recommend purchasing two foundations each time you seek out a new cover up. Why? Because you want to choose a slightly darker (one shade most likely, if you go too dark you might look orange or too dark based on your skin tone) One foundation is your main foundation, the regular skin tone, this is the tone you use when you are putting it on the parts of your face that you want to look regular (as in not shadowed). The darker cover up is used on the areas of your face that you want to thin, but depending on the look you are going for this illustration does not need to be followed precisely.
For Example:
I have a very round slightly square (when my face is thinned out) baby face. I have a larger nose, it does not look large when I am straight faced, but when I smile it widens drastically. I have a chicken pox scar on my forehead, right in between my eyebrows, so I choose to not highlight my forehead. Plus, I have combination skin, so I try to not stress out my T Zone as much as possible. Therefore, using the illustration, I will apply my main foundation completely, covering my whole face. Then, I will use the darker foundation on the sides of my jowl area and underneath my chin.
What does this do?
This provides an illusion of an overall thinner face and if you don't have a perfectly thin under chin area (I don't have a double chin, but it's slightly sloped depending on what I've been eating) it will camouflage that area. It creates the illusion of a slight shadow without looking starved. It's also very important to blend these foundations with a sponge or make up brush. I would also recommend using the same brand of foundation with the slightly different shades to avoid irritating the skin (there could be tons of chemical reactions going on that you have no idea about, not worth the risk).
For highlights, I will use a light powder or an actual highlighter to highlight the bridge of my nose. I will also sometimes use the darker foundation on my nostrils to give them shadow and less concentration. It adds depth to your nose and thins it ultimately. And since I have always used blush on my cheeks to compliment them I don't always highlight my cheeks either.
This is where I tend to break the rules based on what works for me. I'm not telling you how to do this, but try different positions and see what best compliments you. Personally, my cheek bones are very close to my eyelids. I don't really understand why this illustration tells you to put the blush so low, but I always believed that the point of blush was to look like you were blushing. And as a woman that likes the 50's cute cheeks look I put my blush on the top of my cheek bones and sometimes even to my temples. As someone that also still breaks out, putting blush in the suggested area above would result in my acne scars being defines, and irritated. It is also important to avoid putting anything that could really irritate your face in areas that you have broken out in the past. So if you're breaking out on your cheeks, use a green primer before putting on foundation and rough out the break out blush-less, you can even use the opportunity to go for a nude lip smokey eye look, or a red lip with liquid eyeliner. Do what works for you. And if you feel like nothing works. Ask the Baby Face Diaries, and I'll recommend a solution for you.
Thanks for reading. Part 2 will be on the details: lips and eyes.
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thebabyfacediaries · 11 years ago
How often will you be posting here?
As often as possible, the more followers the more frequent my posts will be. Right now I have a large amount of information to cover and share. So hopefully people will gain interest and want to read more. If you like the idea and feel that it's a blog you will most definitely follow often and check on please feel free to promote it and share it. The more people I can empathize with, the more information I can share to help. I plan on covering  make up, hair styles, hair cuts, and individual style. From edgy to prep. I think it's important to be as well rounded as possible and I think the more corners I cover the more people will feel involved and happy to have such advice on hand. Being someone that has a baby face, and has tried it all, from hair cuts to different styles, I want people to know that there's someone that empathized with their frustration and wants to find the right look for them as well!
I hope I helped!
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