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please enjoy my mediocre life 
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
How's it going?
I have a million thoughts in my head but I don't know how to put any of it into words. How's it going, a the most easiest yet hardest question to answer. I can answer like most and just say fine but maybe I can say more this time. Well for lack of better words I am fine but there's more to it. Lately I have been bummed out, looking at everything "wrong" with my life. Like being at school while alot of my friends have already started summer vacation. Or not having the same privledges as my friends because my parents are strict. But I cease to look at the brighter sides of things. Alot of my friends may be done but why should I be jealous when I literally love being at school. I love the teachers, students, classes everything. When I compare myself to my friends privledge wise I forget that my sisters didn't get to do most if not all of the things I've done primarily because of me. On senior ditch day I realized that I should be grateful for everything my parents let me do. There's only 10 more days of school and I don't know if I'm ready to leave. I enjoy school a largely unhealthy amount. I enjoy it so much that I honestly have no idea what I'm going to be doing with my life in September. But again I am just so happy for all of the good and bad things in my life because I can't imagine it anyway. So I guess I take it back, its not going fine. It's going pretty great.
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
What should a teacher be?
A teacher is a person, someone who can relate to other people's situation. A person who knows when to be an adult and when to just relax and goof around. A good teacher is someone who is willing to work with students even after school is done. They should want to be at school and want to interact and teach students. A good teacher is someone that changes their teaching style if it's clearly not helping other students improve. They want their students to be as if not more successful than they are. A teacher should be a parent, a friend maybe even a therapist for students. Teachers should create relationships and want to be apart of their students lives. Teachers that take time out of their personal lives and show students that school is more than just books and grades. A teacher should be interested in their subjects. The worst teachers are the ones that hate their jobs. It really gets me heated when I see permanent teachers that don't teach and then a bunch of LTOs that love doing their job and are always willing to better themselves. A teacher should not only teach but be willing to learn.
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
10 words I love/like and hate
Love 1. Flabbergasted 2. Bummer 3. Darn 4. Bigamy 5. Accentuate 6. Cheeky 7. Alrighty 8. Jeepers 9. Blast 10. Insignificant 11. Nonchalant Hate 1. Brat 2. Rude 3. What 4. Mom 5. Dad 6. Nevermind 7. Warm 8. Cradle 9. Diaper 10. Tight Slang phrase I'm tired of Sweet
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
Alphabet Advice
A: Always stay positive
B: Be an I did not a I should of
C: Count your blessings 
D: Don't rain on other people's parade
E: Every thing happens for a reason
F: Find your passion and perfect it
G: Grades aren't the most important thing in life
H: High five people
I: Invest your money don't spend it
J: Just do it.
K: Keep in touch with your family
L: Laugh as much as possible
M: Mind your business
N: Never let your emotions get the best of you
O: Openly express yourself
P: Peer pressure is never worth it 
Q: Quitting should not be in your vocabulary
R: Rest when you can
S: Spring back on your feet when you're pushed down
T: Time should be spent wisely
U: Under some circumstances it's okay to break the rules
V: Venting is good for you
W: Winning isn't everything
X: Xerotic Eczema is worse than pimples so be grateful 
Y: Your the only person that's stopping you from being the best version of yourself
Z: Zig-zagging situations isn't always the best way to go
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
5 things I'd rather be doing
1. Eating food because I'm so hungry uhhh 2. Watching a movie at home 3. Eat ice cream 4. Sleeping on the couches in the library 5. Rollerblading outside
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
5 things I'd rather be doing
1. Eating food because I'm so hungry uhhh 2. Watching a movie at home 3. Eat ice cream 4. Sleeping on the couches in the library 5. Rollerblading outside
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
I’ll Never Forget
1. I’ll never forget the day I burned my mom’s favourite tablecloth... it’s still “missing”
2. I’ll never forget the day my sisters and I threw milk over the balcony and it landed on the landlord. 
3. I’ll never forget the day my favourite teacher got mad at me. 
4. I’ll never forget the first time I saw my father cry.
5. I’ll never forget the day my aunt and I carried my very heavy and very drunk cousin home. 
6. I’ll never forget the time I ate a bath bomb thinking it was candy 
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
Based on a True Story
“So you know what happened yesterday?”
“Okay and…”
“Do you know who fricken texted me?”
“Who? Michelle Obama”
“Are you weird? Why would we even talk about Michelle. Anyways…”
“First of all you have no right to call her by her first name but fine who texted you..?”
“Fricken, Tabetha. I was just snapping my food with my friends when I went out to eat and  guess what she said”
“Okay can you just tell me instead of making me guess every time..”
“Okay but can you guess instead of just asking?” God
“She said Maria is so ugly, i don’t blame her tbh”
“WOw your rude. Anyways… as  I was snapping, she swiped up and said…”
“Snapping? Why are you snapping”
“Godddd Nisha, like snapchatting duhhh”
“Oh my bad gosh… okay what did she say.”
“She was like,” yooo you’re actually fat eh?, look how much food your eating compared to all your other friends.” So I was offended obviously so I blocked her.”
“What the heck, did she actually say that? What did you say back? You just blocked her that’s it you didn’t actually do anything in that moment?”
“No I was too in shocked… she’s so rude. So annoying”
“What the hell.. Does she not have manners? Who hell would’ve even say that to someone dumbass”
“Stupid people, that’s who.”
“WHAT THE HECK The next time I see her-
“Imma start swinging"
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
What the heck??
Maria: I’m sorry I’m late. I had trouble finding the place.
Hari: Oh don’t worry you’re not late I was just early don’t even worry about it.
M: Oh man I’m nervous I don’t really do blind dates.
H: HAHA me neither but my friends kind of forced me into it.
M: hehe oh so that’s why you have such a weird username.. Harebear765 I gotta say I was a little hesitant…
H: Um the username was actually my idea, my grandmother use to call me harebear; she died 5 months ago.
M: Oh my God I’m so sorry. I- I don’t know what to --
H: Ah don’t worry I’m just teasing you..
M: Oh really?
H: Yeah, she actually died two months ago…
M: Um, I’m sorry for your loss.
H: Ah don’t worry about it.. Nothing like a little cocaine won’t fix.
M: I’m sorry what??
H: Cocaine.. You know; the magic dust, nose candy….
M: Oh yeah of course, I love cocaine. I take it all the time.
H: Really? So you want some?
M: UMMM no sorry not today I uh only take it on the third day after a full moon. And oh man we’re one day too late.
H: Oh um okay.. Well you mind if I sniff a little.
M: Um yeah sure no problem. But how are you gonna work tomorrow? Won’t you boss or someone notice?
H: Yeah but they don't care they let me get away with murder.
M: Oh really? What do you do?
H: I’m a professional gamer.
M: No seriously what do you do?
H: I’m a professional gamer.. It’s a real job.
M: Oh yeah of course I was just messing around with you.
H: It’s actually really cool and I get paid like 13 dollars an hour!!
M: Oh wow um that’s some big buck.. Oh I’m getting a call is it okay if I answer it?
H: yeah sure go ahead.
M: HI hello, WHAT A CAR ACCIDENT?? I’LL BE RIGHT THERE. I’m sorry um my husband got into an accident i gotta go byeee.
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
What the ****
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
Always Second Best “Longing”
I don’t think I’ve ever been someone’s first choice. People never think hm I’m hungry but I don’t want to go alone; maybe Nisha’s free. It’s usually hm I’m hungry but I don’t want to go alone and Andrew, Mathew and Lauren are busy; but I guess I could take Nisha. Never the first thing to come to mindDiscarded like gum on the floor,Avoided at all costs and disappointed when in contact.I act like it doesn’t hurt. But it does, it really does. Every bone in my body aches thinking of who they’d rather be with instead of me. But alas you should be used to this. Always sitting in the background keeping to yourself. What’s the point it’s not like anyone cares anyway. Missing all the jokes because it’s funnier between two, not three.Trying to please everyone you meet in hopes of being more than backup.    Coming to a point where that’s all you are. The backup. Only ever needed when plan A,B and C don’t work out. It’s a pain only few will encounter. Constantly doing your best, recognized until the main attraction has arrived. Then comes the aching feeling in your throat, where acid slithers it’s way down. Burning every sense of pride, joy and accomplishment you felt when you thought you were important.But you’re not, and you never will be.Because you’re always second best. 
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
To skip or not to skip?
All alone in class.
Everyone has vanished.
I guess I didn’t get the memo..
Obviously I have caring friends.
Undo, wake up! Maybe this is a dream?
By the way the supply is looking at me...
Cannibalism is something that seems pretty relative to them.
Distance is kept.
Eye contact reduced. 
“Freaking hell what do I do?!”
Get to the door as fast as I can? 
Hop desk to desk till I reach the door..? 
Just casually ask to go to the washroom duhh
Knots begin to tangle, act cool
Lean back, stay chill. People do this all the time. 
Maybe if can bring my bag to the door I can grab it when I walk out!
Now thats a good idea!
Please don’t look up just stay where you are
Quietly place my bag at the door
Round the table I walk, “don’t overthink this!” 
Sit down! No Talking! 
Thank God they only looked then...
Viciously grinning like I’m their next meal. I sit down, relax, breathe out and in.
Waving my hand, my moment has come. 
X beside my name... “what was that for??” 
You have got to be kidding after all thing an X?? 
Zero shit are now given, peace out bih we outtie <3
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
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My mood this year.
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
life in 5 sentences
In a regular old hospital on a regular old day, the most wonderful baby was born. Brown skin, brown hair, brown eye just brown; but she liked to go by nisha. Laughed at for the food she ate, the clothes she wore and the funny language she’d speak with her parents, let’s just say kindergarten was rough. Seeing hate in the so called eyes of innocence made her come to a decision. She will not be weird, she will not be brown, she will be Nisha. 
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
worse than a breakup
I remember when it use to just be use three. The dream team, Charlie’s Angel, The Three Musketeers. When we’d go to the movies it was just use three. Playing in the park, just us three. Eating at Kelsey’s, just us three. Having a laugh, a cry, and even a yell it was just us three, me and my girls; sisters forever. But the worst part of all was that I never knew the last day was THE last day. It started off slowly.. oh my friend wants to watch Iron Man with us. “Sure”, I said I mean it’s just one time, maybe he doesn't have any other friends. Gosh my sister is so nice. Tall, brown, skinny, short hair and a big nose, a face I didn't know I’d be seeing for the rest of my life. A week later... hey my friend is going to come with us to the park, he can gives us a ride too. A ride!? No problem sis, he’s a pretty neat guy. Another week later... my friend is coming to eat Kelsey’s with us and Amma will come and pick you guys up a little early. Um well okay I guess. Everyday after that... sorry guys I can’t hang out with you today I’m going out. They’ve been going out since 2008. The amazing trio is now a mediocre duo but hey, some people are worth sharing. 
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thealmightynish · 6 years ago
yur. 100 words.
Lucifer the fallen angel of God escapes hell and moves to LA. He's the Don Juan of the romantic world and the monopoly man of the business. He also has the ablity to reveal anyone's deepest desires. His life is going great till he gets involved in a murder case. He then meets the beautiful and charming Dt.Chloe Decker who is not attractived to him at all. To top it off his powers don't work when he's with her. The plot begins to thickens when Lucifer is summoned back to Hell and must figure out his feelings towards the Detective.
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