the20thangel · 3 days
The Dragon and The Raven Chapter 15: Luring the Beast.
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Chapter Summary: Team Black prepares a more offensive approach as Harrenhal and the riverlords prepare to support their queen. Aemma and Benjicot realize their son is the future and make a difficult decision to ensure his safety.
Word Count: 2.1k
Taglist: @poppyflower-22 @alastorhazbin @callsignwidow @whimsicalmystic02 @mercedesdecorazon @rhaenyrathecruelwithteats @ithilwen-blackwood
The morning after brought new energy to Benjicot, who retold the dream to his family. Alysanne's and Aemma's hearts squeezed with bittersweet happiness, knowing their departed family was guiding and watching for them. Cregan, feeling energized as well, continued to work hard in the warging process for the Raven lord. As the week progressed, Benjicot finally made the process, feeling the sensations of winds flowing around him. 
Aemma was also glad, feeling that everything was aligning in their favor. As Benjicot and Cregan continued their quest, Aemma was placed in her father’s war council in Harrenhal, ensuring the allies her beloved brother brought stayed faithful to their promises of supporting her mother’s cause. Their plan was to find a way to lure Aemond away from Kingslanding, leaving the usurper and the greens vulnerable to her mother. Aemma agreed that everyone from the greens should be tried as traitors with the exception of Heleana and her two surviving children. They were innocent, but she was finding it hard to receive support. Many believed that if they left Heleana and her children alone, the Greens would utilize Prince Maleor or Princess Jaehaera for the Green’s cause. It did not help that many wanted to continue with the line a son for a son. Since Prince Jacaerys was killed, the Greens should also lose another prince. Aemma angrily protested; she would not have her mother be branded as a kinslayer or allow her mother’s reign to be tainted like the green were willing to stoop down to. 
Since the council could not reach an agreement, they decided to move on again to discuss how to lure Aemond away from the capital. 
“What if we have the princess fly with her dragon and lure the one-eyed prince out?” proposed a Riverland lord, who then gulped once a crowd turned to glare at him. 
The most intense glares came from Benjicot, Alysanne, and Daemon. Daemon cooly looked at the lord. 
“You want to send my heir and daughter on a mission that could very much kill her and create another succession crisis? Hmm?” questioned Daemon, his eyes hardening as the cowardly lord gulped and lowered his head in shame. 
Aemma sighed, “I don’t think I am enough to entice Aemond away from Kingslanding; he has never really paid attention to me… we need someone he sees as a rival or threat…” she started. 
At the same time, Benjicot froze, allowing his sight to travel, and he used a nearby crow to travel to Kingslanding. The blackbird landed on an open window, peeking into the room. There, he saw the Kinslayer arguing with the council. Aemond was unedged and restless, wanting to take a more offensive approach towards them. Allowing himself to return, he leaned to Aemma and whispered in her ear. 
Aemma nodded in gratitude. She felt reenergized by the new information and turned to her father’s council. 
“Aemond has always been restless, wanting to prove how “Targaryen” he is and how he should have been the green’s chosen heir, not Aegon. We need to consider his insecurities. Utilize them to tempt, blind him in his stupid rage, and lead him away from the capital. This will allow our allies and my mother to take Kingslanding and place them in her rightful arms.” She tauntedly explained, growing happier as she saw the rest of the lords wholeheartedly agreeing with her. 
Daemon grinned at his daughter. Like her birth father, Laenor, she always knew how to manipulate the crowds with wordplay. He added the cruelness to her strengths; he couldn’t be more proud.
Feeling assured, he stood, relishing how the crowd quieted and placed their attention on him. 
“My daughter is right. Aemond is a rabid boy who thinks more highly of himself than he should. If he feels so Targaryen, I will gladly knock him down from his high horse. Send whispers of my taunts towards the capital; I’m calling upon him to prove himself infront of me. If he thinks he is worthy, he should come to face me like a true dragon rider. Caraxes and I will enjoy the challenge the little boy will give us. Let us adjourn; I must prepare for the battle. Aemma, send word to your mother, let her know of the plan, and ask her to prepare for her siege. Kingslanding will soon be placed back to the rightful heir of my brother. It’s time to finally honor and make true King Visery's last wishes.” 
As Daemon departed, the hall exploded with cheers for their King, consort, and Queen. Everyone stood to bow or curtsey as they left the hall to prepare for the battle, making sure the riders went to spread the whispers. Let the game begin. 
Once they returned to their tent, Aemma quickly wrote the letter to her mother, outlining the plan and praying for her safety. As Ben watched her finish writing the letter, he took Jaesys from the handmaiden.
Jaesys was growing more and more beautiful by the moon. After five moons, their son was finally expressing his ever-growing personality. His round purple eyes ideally give the illusion of sweet innocence, which works in the little heir's favor whenever he decides to use it as a disguise for his sneakiness. Even at such a young age, the little one tries to avoid his nurses by rolling away from them. This always makes everyone laugh, but Aemma and Ben know that once their son starts to crawl, the handmaidens and servants will have difficulty keeping an eye on their son. Nevertheless, everyone volunteers to watch over the sweet boy, no matter the circumstances. 
Seeing Aemma finish, Ben traded his son for the letter, tying it on the foot of a raven.
“Ben… how comfortable are you with your warging?” asked Aemma, kissing her son and enjoying Jaesys’s giggles. 
Ben cocked his head to the side, “Stronger by the day, my love…why?” 
Aemma rose and walked to her husband, “I don’t trust that our raven will arrive in my mother’s hands on its own. I fear Mysaria has been worming her way; I don’t trust her motives. Could you warg to the raven and ensure our letter reaches my mother’s hand?” she pleaded, knowing what she was asking was a huge favor. 
Ben pondered. The farthest he had let his sight travel was to Kingslanding, and even then, it was for a short period. 
“I’m not sure I will be able to… the most I can assure you is to check in with the raven constantly, and once it reaches Dragonstone, warg fully to hand the letter to your mother.” Ben proposed. 
Aemma grinned and kissed his cheek, " Thank you, my Raven. I appreciate everything you have been doing lately."
Ben flushed from his princess's pretty words. Placing a sweet kiss on Aemma's lips, he replied, "I will always support you, Aemma. You have stolen my heart, and I want to ensure a future where I grow old with you.
Tearliy Aemma returned the kiss; she could imagine that future. She and Benjicot, old and grey, sit with their grandchildren under the weirwood tree in Raventree Hall.
As the princess and lord share their loving moment, they break out from it with little Jaesys cooing in the background. Grinning, the little family walked out of their tent, meeting with Aly and Cregan to continue preparing for the upcoming battle. 
Once they met up with them, they decided that Aemma would hide with Sliverwing on standby. Aemma knew Daemon would want to face Aemond alone, but she was still worried; she could not handle another loss. So a plan was made that she would only appear once she saw an ounce of struggle from Caraxes. Her memories of Meleys death and the near death of her grandmother were still fresh in the Crown Princess’s mind. 
Alysanne then changed the subject to little Jaesys: “What about Jaesys? Where will he stay during the battle?” 
Aemma and Benjicot both turned to each other, remembering Rhaenyra’s concerns.  As much as both parents wanted their son to stay with them, they both knew realistically that keeping him in camp was not a smart move. It left the little Prince vulnerable to the enemy to attack and harm the raven-haired prince.
Aemma gulped sadly as she kissed her son’s cheek. “If Ben agrees…I think I will be flying to Vale soon. I will plea to Lady Jeyne to host Jaesys and Seasmoke, at least until it's safe for him to return.” she explained, looking at Ben. 
Benjicot stared at his son, fondly tracing the boy’s chubby cheeks. He sighed as he raised his eyes to his aunt, “I agree with Aemma; the Vale is far from any battles taking place soon, and with Seasmoke, the Eyrie will become the safest place for him and the remaining princes and princess.” 
Agreeing, the four stared at the future of House Targaryen and House Blackwood; the little prince unknowingly held a heavy burden to continue the line of both houses—a burden that his parents did not want to impose upon him yet, for he was just a babe. 
The next day, six people stood infront of two gray dragons. As Aemma turned to her family, she allowed everyone to say goodbye to little Jaesys, who tiredly blinked back at his family. Daemon waited for Benjicot to kiss his son and wife, wishing them a swift and safe journey before walking forward. Taking his grandson in his arms, he held the raven-haired boy in his arms and kissed the babe’s crown. He whispered his love to him and promised the babe that soon. A monster would be wiped out of existence to finally put an end to the torment he afflicted on their family so that Jaesys could return with his aunt and uncles to their rightful home. Giving Jaesys back to his mother’s arms, he took Aemma into his arms, kissing her brow and expressing his love. 
Aemma smiled and returned a kiss to her father’s cheek. Daemon then took out four letters and handed them to Aemma, asking her to deliver them to her brothers and sister. Agreeing, Aemma took the letters and climbed up on her dragon. Waving goodbye, Aemma commanded both dragons to fly. 
Sliverwing and Seasmoke sang as they took flight, going in a circle before turning towards the direction of the Vale and setting forth their destination, leaving behind three raven-haired and one sliver-haired to stare from the ground, watching as the dragons disappeared in the distance. 
In Kingslanding, Lord Larys Strong quickly went to where he was told Prince Aemond was spending time with his mother, Queen Heleana, and her children. Entering, he saw the Prince talking to Prince Maelor as the Dowager Queen and the young princess tried to converse with Queen Heleana, who was mutely sewing something. 
Ever since her first-born death, Larys could see that the Queen was slowly being enveloped in her grief. It is a sad sight, but unfortunately, he has no remedy for grief. Clearing his throat to make his presence known, he bowed before the royal family and turned his attention to Prince Aemond. 
“My Prince, the war council is being called upon. Daemon has been spreading … rumors about you and your…character,” explained Larys as he saw Queen Alicent freeze at the name of the Rouge Prince. 
Aemond raised an unimpressed brow as he rose, walking towards the door, “Oh? Let’s see what my ailing uncle has been saying about me?” 
As the two men walked away. Alicent stood and followed them.
“Wait, My lord, Aemond, let me join you… I wish to hear what that man has been saying about you, an actual Targaryen prince…. He has no shame-” 
“There is no need, mother. The war council is no place for a woman. Stay with Heleana and the children instead. If you wish to support us, go to the castle’s sept and pray to the seven for our victory; that is the place for a woman.” 
With that, Aemond walked out of the room with Larys. Leaving behind Alicent, who felt a cold shock fall upon her as she sat down. An ugly feeling clawed up her throat in disgust at how easily Aemond pushed her away. Did her son not remember the years she spent inside the council when Visery was ill? Did all that work and dedication mean nothing? How could they just push her away? 
Seeing her mother’s internal conflict, Heleana sighed as she somberly left with her two children following her. She would pray for Lucerys, Jacaerys, and her sweet boy, Jaehaerys. They deserved her prayers, not Aemond. For this, Aemond was not her beloved brother; this was a beast that would soon perish beneath the god’s eye.
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the20thangel · 4 days
THE NEW CHAPTER for The Dragon and The Raven coming tomorrow morning.
Hello, Lovely people. Thank you for being so patient with me. I had the biggest writer's block, which caused me so many headaches, but I finally found inspiration, and a new chapter has been written. Since I am on a roll, I will outline at least three more chapters to avoid getting stuck in a writing block again.
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the20thangel · 17 days
It has been written, Our Dear Winter Wolf Cregan! Here is the link --> The Comforts in the Flames.
New Fanfic
I want to expand my writing within HOTD, so vote in the poll below on who you want to see fanfic about. It will be a one-shot while I continue my series with Benjicot x OC.
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the20thangel · 17 days
The Comforts in the Flames
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Cregan Stark x Velayron! Reader
Summary: As the realm grieves for Prince Jacaerys, Cregan Stark arrives with his men to support the queen and bid farewell to the prince. There, he meets you, a Velayron Couisn, who is also deeply mourning a sweet boy you knew.
Tags: This is my first time writing for Cregan; please be gentle in your feedback, and I hope you enjoy it. Stay tuned for more fanfics
Word Count: 1.5K
Dragonstone was a chaotic mess; the servants and noble houses were running around, saddened by their grief as they tried to prepare for the funeral of Prince Jacaerys. Many houses, especially those who met the prince, came to show their condolences to the Queen over losing her heir and son, but most importantly, to show their honor in keeping their oath to the late prince. They honored their promises to House Targaryen, Queen Rhaenyra, and Prince Jacaerys. One of the great houses was House Stark, led by Cregan Stark, who was stricken with sadness over the boy he saw as a brother. 
Cregan felt out of place here; the island was grey and gloomy, almost like it knew of the tragedy, with dragons crying in the distance, crying for their fallen sea dragon prince—nothing like Winterfell, with the white sheen from the snow and howls of direwolves in the distance. He tried to stay distant from the funeral preparations, another aspect in which he felt inadequate. In the North and Winterfell, they place their dead in the crypts while House Targaryen makes pyres. He respected his Queen and her house customs, but it did not stop him from feeling like an intruder. 
As He walked to the clearing where the funeral would take place, he saw someone wearing teal blue clothing and white curly hair standing infront of the ever-growing pyre. He recognized you as someone from House Velayron, Prince Jacaerys second family. House Velayron had arrived a fortnight earlier, and Alyn and Corlys Velayron expressed regrets to the Queen for not being able to bring back the prince’s body for the Targaryen funeral. It was a tense time for both houses, having lost three prominent figures in such a short amount of time. Ever curious, Cregan allowed himself to walk closer to you, seeing how meticulously you wrapped the banners of Houses Velayron and Targaryen, representing both sides of the prince. Deciding to make his presence known to you without frightening you, Cregan cleared his throat, defeating his purpose as it made you jump slightly from hearing such a deep and foreign voice. 
Cregan huffed, trying to mask his slight laugh as a cough, “My apologies, milady, I did not mean to frighten you.” 
You placed a soothing hand on your chest to calm your slight nerves as you turned to the deep northern voice. You replied, “Oh, hello, Lord Stark. There is no need to apologize. I should be more aware of my surroundings. What kind of sailor can I be if I am not always aware of my surroundings?” 
Cregan smiled at the lady, “I still apologize. May I ask your name? I figured from your clothes and previous comment that you are from House Velayron.” 
Turning to face the Wolf Lord, you took in his handsome features. However, you were used to seeing Valyrian features from Houses Targaryen and Celtigar prominently being so close to your own; you could not help but marvel at the handsomeness of the Blood of the First Men shown in this man before you. 
“I am (name) Velayron. Lord Corlys is my Lord Uncle.” you introduced yourself to the Lord of Winterfell. 
Cregan tried not to frown. He did not want to offend, but the only brother he knew of Corlys Velayron was that of Vaemond, and he never spoke kindly to his Queen or her sons. You noticed the winter wolf’s face change and quickly commented further. 
“Oh! I am the daughter of the youngest brother of my uncle. Vaemond …was my uncle, and we tolerated him at best.” You laughed nervously, not wanting to speak badly about your late uncle, but it was true. Besides his immediate family, Vaemond made it extremely difficult to care for him.
Cregan flushed in embarrassment that you hurried to defend yourself due to his facial reaction. 
“I again apologize, Milady. It… it's just that he was not seen in a positive light…” Seeing his ever-growing nervousness show through his red face as he tried to defend himself, you thought how cute it was. 
You gave him a wide grin and decided to ease his misery: " There's no need to keep apologizing, my lord. I knew my uncle, and he was rather unkind to everyone. He was vulgar to my cousins, Prince Jacaerys, Prince Lucerys, and Prince Joffrey.” 
You grew sorrowful again at the mention to both Jace and Luke. Both were taken so young from this world. Feeling tears prickle at your eyes, you turned slightly back to the pyre, trying to finish the last details before the funeral. You wanted everyone to see that House Velayron, the true Velayron, recognized Jace as a Velayron and wanted to honor him. Seeing your sorrow, Cregan also turned to the sea, frowning that it had swallowed two princes, and instead of a body, they would be burning clothes.
Not wanting to take more of your time, Cregan announced he was going to the castle for a while but would see you during the funeral, which promoted a nod in agreement for you, wishing him a restful break before the funeral.
As what seemed the whole island made its way to the cliff where the pyre was located, House Velayron stood somberly but proudly behind their queen. You were standing by the Queen’s side, holding objects from Prince Jacaerys that would burn in place of his body. The queen called for her dragon to come forward and asked her beloved Golden Lady to light the pyre as the She-dragon was too mourning another son, Vermax.  After Syrax crawled back from lighting the pyre, you handed the Queen the first piece of clothing. Even in her moments of grief, Rhaenyra gave you a small smile, always remembering how your Velayron side always defended her boys, and she even considered once a marriage between you and her boys. But that was all in the past, and now she can only be grateful you were here to support her in her grief. Once the funeral officially ended, the queen left with the crowd following her back to the castle. On the other hand, you stayed behind, watching the last embers burn; as you let tears flow, you began humming a Valyrian Lullaby, hoping the prince would hear it in his journey to Balerion’s realm. 
Cregan once again stood next to you, silently listening to the tune. He held something in his hand. As you finished humming the song, you turned to him. Seeing his uncertainty, you decided to be brave and ask him what was bothering him. 
Cregan turned his grey eyes to your purple eyes; you gulped at his intense stare. 
“ I… I was hoping to burn a few things, Jace- I mean, Prince Jacaerys left me during his trip to the north,” whispered Cregan. 
You gave a watery smile and touched that the Winter Lord wanted to honor the prince. 
“Of course, I will help you throw them into the pyre. May I ask what they are?” you pondered, hoping you didn’t cross the boundary with him. 
Cregan opened his hand with a wolfish grin, revealing a letter and a small sea dragon brooch. You smiled, recognizing the brooch. 
“This was the last letter he sent me, and he gave me this brooch to signify our brotherhood; he said it was special to him.” croaked Cregan as he remembered the brave prince. 
“Yes, I’m glad he loved that brooch…” you started saying while staring at the stark lord; seeing his confused state, you continued. 
“I gave him that brooch. After his father Laenor passed, he was worried about the future, and I gave him the brooch to remind him that he was a Velayron prince as much as Targaryen. It was also my symbol declaring my loyalty to him and Queen Rhaenyra. I’m glad he cared about you and trusted you so much that you could hold onto it.” 
Cregan gaped. He felt guilty for throwing it into a fire and stated he should instead return it to you. You quickly grasped his hand, closing it tightly around the brooch. 
“No, my lord, he gave it to you. It should stay with you or return with Jace as he enters Balerion’s realm. Either way, I know the brooch will be with someone who rightfully should have it. So choose, my lord, it stays with you or goes with Jace.” 
For a moment, Cregan stared at you in awe of your kindness. Both of you gazed into each other's eyes, hands intertwined. After another beat, Cregan raised your hands, pressing a light kiss to yours as he asked you to throw the brooch into the dying fire. Blushing, you took the letter and brooch, telling Cregan to follow you closer as you both stood infront of the pyre. You said a quick prayer as you threw the items into the fire. Staring as the flames change colors due to the minerals and jewels of the brooch. You both mourn the loss of a prince who was deeply loved and cared about by many, including you both. Your hands lightly graze each other, finding peaceful comfort and solace in each other.
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the20thangel · 17 days
Those who are patiently waiting! I appreciate you all for your patience; I finished up the fic and had a scare where my laptop was lost for a whole day, and my anxiety was through the roof looking for it!
New Fanfic
I want to expand my writing within HOTD, so vote in the poll below on who you want to see fanfic about. It will be a one-shot while I continue my series with Benjicot x OC.
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the20thangel · 20 days
Not really surprised that Cregan won by a landslide!!! Stay tuned for the fic to be posted soon!
New Fanfic
I want to expand my writing within HOTD, so vote in the poll below on who you want to see fanfic about. It will be a one-shot while I continue my series with Benjicot x OC.
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the20thangel · 22 days
New Fanfic
I want to expand my writing within HOTD, so vote in the poll below on who you want to see fanfic about. It will be a one-shot while I continue my series with Benjicot x OC.
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the20thangel · 1 month
The Dragon and The Raven Chapter 14: Warging Lessons.
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Chapter Summary: Benjoct begins his warg lesson, growing frustrated at the slow process when his dragon princess decides to provide stress relief services. A certain person from the past comes to visit in dreams.
Tags: Smut, 18+ NSFW, angstishFluff
Taglist: @poppyflower-22 @alastorhazbin @callsignwidow @whimsicalmystic02 @mercedesdecorazon @rhaenyrathecruelwithteats @ithilwen-blackwood
word count: 2.7K
Ben stared at his aunt and the lord of Winterfell before laughing, his cackles frightening the whole group. The only person who seemed not bothered by the young lord’s outburst was Jaesys, who, in turn, began cooing, looking at his father. Alysanne would have swooned at the scene if she weren’t so worried about her nephew’s reaction to their plan. The Blackwood lady turned to Princess Aemma, who was staring at her husband with slight worry but was trying to hide it. 
After a minute, Benjicot finally calmed down. 
“I’m sorry, but it seems so far-fetched; you want me to try something I have only read in books. We don’t know if I even have enough blood from the First Men…” 
Aemma squeezed his hand, making him pause and face her. 
“It wouldn’t hurt to try, right? Look at my family; we asked Dragonseeds to come and try to claim dragons to support us in the war… If my family can have magic to bond our dragons, why can’t yours have a different magic to warg into animals.” explained Aemma to her husband while caressing his cheek. 
Benjicot smiled, leaning into his wife’s touch. She had a point; he just didn’t want to get his hopes up in trying something that could potentially amount to nothing, but again, just like the Dragon seeds, the outcome would never be certain unless he tried. Nodding, he turned to Cregan, letting him know that he was willing to try to learn how to warg. 
Cregan beamed, “Great! Using a raven or crow from Blackwood Lands would work best because they will sense a familiarity with you.” 
Aemma grew excited as she answered for Ben, “You can use my raven, Ben, the one you gave me when we started courting.” 
Benjicot smiled at her, placing a chaste kiss on her cheek as he stood with Cregan. Both lads eagerly wanted to start the process, Leaving Aly with the princess and little heir. 
After allowing a small moment of solitude to pass, Aly moved to sit next to the princess. As she finally allowed Jaesys to return to his mother’s arms, she asked how the princess was doing. 
Aemma nuzzled her baby, smiling as he cooed. She turned to answer Aly,  “Okay, there are days when I just want to wallow in my grief, but thankfully, Ben and Jaesys are always there to bring me out. Ben has also been amazing in being so hands-on with our son…truthfully it surprised me. As far as I knew, lords tend not to be so hands-on, but then again, many people also expected me just to hand my baby to a nursemaid.” 
She knew the greens were surely like that; she saw how out of touch Alicent was with her children.  Her mother rightfully criticized the green queen for that. 
Aly smiled as she replied, “Ben was always excited to have children; he would always take time to play with the children of the village and our younger cousins; he had more patience than Davos.” 
Bringing up Davos opened a wound in Aly; it had not even been a full year since her brother's and eldest nephew’s death. She knew Davos would have made an amazing uncle, adoring Jaesys with so much attention and gifts. He also would have enjoyed teasing his shy younger twin endlessly for wooing a Targaryen princess, but alas, fate was cruel in the form of Brakens. 
Aemma smiled, knowing the ghosts of their loved ones were close; grabbing her hand, the princess and lady leaned on each other, quietly reminiscing about their families. 
As the days passed, Benjicot spent many grueling hours reading and practicing the process of warging, but so far, nothing seemed to make process. It was frustrating for him; he wanted to support Aemma but felt like he was failing so far. He was also growing upset, having to place most of his lordly duties on Aly and Aemma while he trained with Cregan. Both women didn’t seem to complain, but Benjicot knew that putting all the engagements to them was unfair, especially since Aemma herself was taking her lessons from her father, preparing for the announcement from the Queen proclaiming Aemma as the new official heir to the Iron Throne. 
Rushing into his tent after another day of failure, he grabbed his cloak and threw it to the ground in frustration. Sighing from mental exhaustion, he sat tiredly on the bed, rubbing his hand up and down his face and trying to cool off. The rustling of the tent’s entrance made him look slightly up as he and his princess walked in wearing mostly red today. Warmth spread in Benji’s stomach; he always felt like this whenever Aemma decided to wear red instead of fully black. She looked gorgeous, and he was greatly considering asking a seamstress to make a dress for the princess that would have ravens and dragons embroidered just like their son. 
As the princess walked in, she noted her husband's mood, quietly sitting beside him and taking his hand into her own. After a moment of the two sitting in quiet peace, Ben raised their intertwined hands and kissed Aemma’s hand. Smiling, Aemma turned to her love, raising her other hand to move some of his hair from his forehead. 
“How was your day today?” asked the dragon princess, frowning slightly as Ben huffed quietly. 
“Frustrating… I just can’t seem to grasp how to warg… all I seem to be doing is growing headaches,” explained Benjicot as he felt his frustration coming back. 
Aemma moved closer to him, knowing he was placing so much pressure on himself. 
“It will come; just don’t push yourself too much. I don’t want this process to hurt you; skin changing can become dangerous.” pleaded Aemma. 
Ben shook his head, “I want to support you, be your eyes in the air; I want to prove to you and everyone how much I can bring into our marriage…” 
Aemma kissed him before she replied, “Yes, but what good will come if my husband ends up injuring himself because he constantly pushed himself beyond his limits? Warging is a skill; you have magic in your blood, as I do, but the magic needs to be trained, just like how I built my dragon riding skills. I was born with the magic to bond with dragons and ride them, but I did not magically wake up with a strong bond between Sliverwing and me. I worked hard for years with her to build our bond; there were days I was too frustrated, but my father and mother both made me realize that forcing skills to appear quickly was not the route to go; it would have only hindered my bond and caused serious repercussions. So be patient, my love; your hard work will come to fruition.” 
Benjicot sighed, knowing his dragon princess’s words to be true. He kissed her back briefly before separating himself from her and asking for Jaesys. 
“Daemon has him, says that the Blackwoods have been hogging him for too long, and the boy also needed to know his Targaryen roots. His words, not mine,” replied Aemma as she stood from the bed, walking behind Benjicot and placing her hands on his shoulder. 
Mischievous, the princess smirked, pressing her body to her husband. She began messaging his tense shoulders, causing the raven-haired lord to groan. Leaning to his ear, Aemma whispered. 
“Besides, I felt you were going to be tense, so I decided to use this free time to release you from any tension.” 
Benjicot blushed slightly at his wife’s words. Determined not to falter, he decided to play on. “Oh, and what plans do you have, wife? Will you serve me on your knees and-” 
Ben sharply inhaled, seeing Aemma knee before him, and spreading his legs open. Aemma placed her hands on each thigh, squeezing them a little, making sure to keep eye contact as she replied. 
“What a wonderful idea, husband. Let me serve you tonight.” 
With that, she reached forward and grabbed Ben’s clothed cock messaging it and squeezing it for a moment before she freed it from his clothed restraints. She stared at it as it slowly started to harden and rise. Spitting in her hand, she grabbed his rod again, moving her hands in a circular motion and up and down. 
Ben groaned, spreading his legs farther, allowing Aemma to come closer to him as she spat on him, squeezing his cock before continuing with her motion. Once she knew he was fully erect, she leaned her mouth to him, placing a kiss at the tip before dragging her tongue slowly down to his base and enjoying his loud groan from his mouth. 
Benjicot felt like he was in paradise with an angel. As he placed his hand on Aemma’s head, he entangled his fingers in her sliver waves, tugging a bit, which prompted the princess to lick upwards before taking him into her mouth. 
“Fuck Aemma!” exclaimed Ben as he felt her warm mouth around him. 
Aemma smiled. Hearing her name coming out of his mouth in a pleasurable tone, she continued her attention to him, moving her head up and down and swirling her tongue around him like he was a sweet candy. She moaned, feeling his hands grip her hair harder, pushing himself deeper into her mouth. She begins feeling wetness pool under her. 
At hearing her moan, Ben began panting, feeling his release coming fast like a train; as he tried to pull her off, it only caused her to suck harder, which pushed him to the edge. Letting a loud grunt, he released himself in her mouth. Opening his eyes, he moaned loudly, seeing how his beautiful wife swallowed every single drop. She looked so angelic, her purple eyes slightly hooded, staring at him. With a smile, Aemma released him with a loud pop, kissing the tip again before she moved up and sat on his lap. 
“How was that for you, my love.” She whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Ben chuckled as he, too, wrapped his arms around her waist, dragging her body closer to him, causing her to grind on him. Both lord and princess quietly moan at the sensation. 
“Wonderful, you are a divine, sweet girl; now let me return the favor.” He stated as he kissed her hungrily. 
Aemma moaned again, allowing her raven lord to push his tongue into her mouth and explore the inside of her mouth. Still feeling mischievous, she lightly sucked on his tongue, which prompted him to growl in pleasure as he retreated slightly. Before she could tease him, she squealed when she felt him bite her neck. Her squeal quickly turned into moans again at feeling him attack her neck with love bites. 
Gasping, Aemma began to grind herself on him, feeling her husband’s cock awaken again. She moaned, feeling him against her. As much as she wanted him inside of her, she remembered the caution from the midwives: she shouldn’t lay with her husband until 3 moons after giving birth. Jaesys was barely turning two moons. 
“Ben, we can’t; the midwives warned against laying with you until Jaesys is 3 moons,” she whispered, although she didn’t want to stop. 
Ben kissed her again before replying, “I don’t have to be inside you to make you find your release angel. Take off your small clothes; I promise I won’t enter inside you.” 
Aemma, slightly confused, raised herself and did as was told. Once she removed her small clothes, she gasped at Benjicot’s stronghold, roughing, pulling her back onto his lap. She whimpered, feeling his stiffness nestle in between her folds. Ben placed his head on her neck, licking her neck and huffing as he felt her slick wetness coating him. Placing his arms around her waist, Ben began to move his princess, allowing his cock to slide in between her lower lips, savoring her moans and gasps. 
Aemma closed her eyes in pleasure, wrapping her arms around Benjicot’s head as she, too, began to move and grind herself on him, enjoying the feeling of him sliding. 
“Mmmhm, yes, Ben, just like that,” she whispered, for she only wanted him to hear how good she felt. 
Ben, wanting to hear more, began to roughly and faster grind himself to her, grunting at how much wetter she began. She was gorgeous, and she was his, and he was hers. No other man will ever compare to him, and no other woman can hold a candle to her. They were made for each other, and both princess and lord knew that thought to be entirely true. They were always meant to find each other. 
“Please, Ben, please..” Aemma began to plead, moving her hips faster, wanting to bring her release faster. 
“Please, my love, I can’t give you something I don’t know.” Ben taunted, although he, too, was coming close to his second release. 
“Make me undone…I need your release; I need you to bring me to ecstasy,” commanded Aemma, leaning her hips as she felt like she was going to burst. 
“Go ahead, sweetling. I will never deny you,” assured Ben, groaning as he and Aemma simultaneously allowed their release to flow over them. 
Both moaned at the sensation, holding on to each other until their ecstasy soothed over, panting. Both stayed frozen, smiling at each other. 
After a moment, Aemma kissed Ben sweetly, playing with the hairs on the back of his neck. Smiling at the kiss, Ben caressed her face. Allowing each other to feel their love for each other. 
“We should probably bathe before someone comes with Jaesys; I’d rather not see my father with our fluids still on us.” proposed Aemma, rising from his lap. 
Benicot laughed but silently agreeing he did not need to give his good father an excuse to stab him. Taking his wife into his arms, he walked them both to the bathing section of their tent. 
As the night progressed, Daemon finally returned the baby to his parents, wishing them goodnight as the young family prepared for bed. Jaesys snuggled in his bassinet, and the babe cooed in his sleep. Aemma snuggled into her husband, breathing in his scent as she allowed the realm of dreams to welcome her. Lastly, Ben, too, entered the realm of dreams. Two ravens flying around him welcomed him as one landed before him. Benjicot’s eyes widened, seeing the raven transform into his twin. His shock grew as the second raven flew down, Jaesys transforming out and landing in his uncle's arms. Davos smiled at the babe, tickling the baby as he turned to his younger twin. 
“Look at you, snagging a Targaryen princess, aye,” smirked Davos, watching as Benjicot openly gaped at him.
“What, the dragon got your tongue, Ben? Close your mouth before a fly enters; I don’t think my good sister would appreciate that.” Davos laughed as Benjicot glared at him. 
“How…what… how are you here? Where am I?” asked Ben. 
Davos shrugged, placing his nephew back in his father's arms. “Not sure, this could be your dreams or the realm in between; regardless, the old gods have decided to be generous with me and allow me to meet my nephew; he's a handsome bugger, isn’t he…a proud Blackwood, he will grow into.” 
Benjicot smiled, slightly agreeing with his twin: “He has Targaryen qualities, too; he has his mother’s eyes.” 
Davos nodded; the Blackwood genes were beautifully enhanced thanks to the Targaryen's otherworldly beauty in his nephew. 
As the twin brothers continued making small takes, Davos felt his time was coming to a close. As he expressed his thoughts, Benjicot frowned. He was not ready to let go of his twin. 
Davos chuckled, walking to his twin and hugging him. Benjicot was always the sweeter of the two. 
“We are proud of you, Ben; Mother, Father, and I are all proud. You will lead our house to glory. You will be the first in generations to warg, allowing our allies and enemies alike to see the true power of having the blood of the first men. Continue on your path, brother; you will be successful. 
Sniffing, Benjicot smiled tearily at his twin, knowing their time was up. Walking away from the young father and son, Davos smiled. 
“Tell your princess I thank her for honoring our customs and that her brothers are safe with their families.” 
Ben gaped at the words. Nodding, he stared in awe as his brother transformed into a raven again, taking flight and flying away from father and son, with sweet little Jaesys cooing, his purple eyes following as the blackbird became smaller and smaller in the distance.
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the20thangel · 1 month
The Dragon and The Raven Sneak peek
Have a sneak peek of the new chapter. Thank you for being so patient with me!
Ben stared at his aunt and the lord of Winterfell before laughing, his cackles frightening the whole group. The only person who seemed not bothered by the young lord’s outburst was Jaesys, who, in turn, began cooing, looking at his father. Alysanne would have swooned at the scene if she weren’t so worried about her nephew’s reaction to their plan. The Blackwood lady turned to Princess Aemma, who was staring at her husband with slight worry but was trying to hide it.
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the20thangel · 1 month
I'm so upset I want to write a new chapter for The Dragon and The Raven but my job is literally taking over any free time!!! Don't they know I have properties, which is continuing my story!!! 😫😤. I'm giving myself a deadline of this Saturday; I need to have the new chapter written and ready to post!
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the20thangel · 1 month
We have to wait two years. 😭😭And we'll still be here and probably with new obsessions. And hopefully a Benjicot...
I'm dreading it!! Honestly, two years will be so long, but I will be patiently waiting and writing fanfic to appease myself until then.
I’m really hoping we have a benjicot next season!
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the20thangel · 1 month
Finally, I was able to write out this request, I hope you all enjoy it! Lost to a Blackwood.
Request: I'm thinking a jealous love triangle. Targaryen reader thought she would marry Aegon because they are like very close but her mother weds her to Benjicot for an alliance and Benji is all for it but she is still against even after they got married and Benji gets possessive after he hears talk of Aegon and her being in a brothel together and he decides they should finally do there duty of making an heir, but also to shove it in Aegons face. 😈
Request 5: I'm all for making Aegon jealous hehe.
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the20thangel · 1 month
Lost to a Blackwood
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Summary: (request) The Targaryen reader thought she would marry Aegon because they are very close, but her mother weds her to Benjicot for an alliance. Benji is all for it, but she is still against it even after they get married. Benji gets possessive after he hears talk of Aegon and her being in a brothel together, and he decides they should finally do their duty of making an heir, but also shove it in Aegon's face.
Tags: 18+, Smut, jealousy, MDNI
Word Count: 2.0 K
You were walking fast through the slim allies of Fleebottom, holding onto your hood from falling and revealing your platinum hair and identity as the proud Targaryen princess and daughter of Princess Regent Rhaenyra. As you passed by one slim ally, you nearly trip if it were not for the person you were holding onto, Your uncle Ageon. You tried to stifle your giggles as he smirked at you, leading you into a brothel. 
You and your Uncle were very close growing up, ignoring the tensions of the greens and blacks trying to burst into court. You imagined marrying him; he was different when he was with you; others never saw the side he only showed you. You daydreamed of your wedding to him and a marriage life. Unfortunately, your mother had other plans. She trampled your dreams of marrying Aegon and forced a marriage with a man from a lower house, Benjicot Blackwood. The Blackwoods were loyal supporters of your mother, a quality that you will give them, but other than that, you found no other benefits. Once you heard of your potential marriage, you raged at your mother, how she was following King Viserys' footsteps and forcing her into a marriage she did not want, with a man she could never love. 
Your mother stated that you were young and didn’t fully know Aegon and that she was thinking about the betterment of the realm and your happiness. This only brought you rage. How could she say she thought about your happiness when blocking the aspect that would have made you happy? 
So four moons later, House Blackwood arrived in Kingslanding, and you married your now husband, once infront of the weirwood tree and the other in the sept. Your Husband Benjicot was a fierce warrior and a kind man. He was sweet and treated you lovingly, never forcing you into anything, only touching you on your wedding night. You almost felt bad when he was so kind and loving. He brought you gifts and tried his very best to create a relationship between the both of you, but he was not Aegon. He was not the person you enjoyed Dragon Flying with. He was duty, but Aegon was love. 
So when Aegon invited you to flee your constraints for one night to feel free and explore the city with him, you took his hand and ran. Entering the Brothel, you blushed at the sight and sounds coming from the rooms inside the pleasure house. Walking around, Aegon walked behind you, pressing his body to yours. His arms wrapped around your waist as he led you to a room where a woman was performing and allowing the man to take her from behind. Growing hot, you stifle a moan from escaping your mouth as you feel Aegon’s body slowly grind itself on yours. His lips find your neck, his hot breath bringing goosebumps to your skin. His arms move up and down your body, one hand grasping your breast and the other going between your legs. You leaned your neck to the side, giving him more access to your neck. Your excitement grew at his attention. 
“Your husband will never bring you pleasure like I will, little dragon,” Aegon whispered huskily, continuing to tease you in between your legs. 
Aegon grinned as he heard your gasps and his teasing, squeezing your thighs as he reached to pull your skirt up, both growing more aroused as the woman’s moans grew louder. 
“After tonight, anytime you lay with your husband, you will be wishing it was me instead, forcing yourself to imagine me on top of you, imagining that I am pushing my seed inside of you.” he continued to tease. 
You gave a soft sob, trying to push his fingers closer to your cunt, growing increasingly wet with his words. Making him darkly chuckle. 
“Not to worry, love. Give your husband a black-haired spawn, and after that, I shall place every paled-hair babe you wish. He can raise them like his own, but you and I will know they are mine.” He proposed, moving his fingers up and down your clothed cunt. 
Your mind was foggy from the teasing pleasure; you didn’t fully take in his words; you just needed release. 
“Please, Aegon…” you pleaded, grasping his hand and trying to push him closer. As he chuckled, preparing to insert his fingers, he paused. A man came to him and whispered that Aemond had entered the pleasure house and was witnessed crying in the arms of a brown-haired woman. Aegon’s smile grew dark. He wanted to find his brother, so he pushed you away from his body. Ignoring your outcry protests and leaving with his companion, commanding you to return to the castle, he would find you after. 
You stood there in shock for a moment, trying to process that he did leave you alone in the pleasure house. Your shock grew into fury as you ran out, embarrassed at what had happened. Aegon left you to taunt his brother, forgetting your moment together… this was not your Aegon. You angrily sunk back into your rooms, throwing your cloak in fury as you tried to calm yourself. Your body is still reeling from the denied release and embarrassment. As you paced angrily in the room, the door revealed Benjicot, who had worriedly spent an hour looking for you. He sighed in relief seeing you but soon grew concerned at your anger. 
He walked towards you, wanting you to notice him, but you didn’t pay any attention to him, not until he grabbed your arm, forcing you to stop and glare at him. You needed to be alone, so you grunted and tried to push yourself away when he grasped your other arms, staring at your neck. You froze, realizing that Aegon had left a mark.
Ben stared at the mark on his wife’s neck, feeling an ugly monster of jealousy blooming in his stomach. Reaching to touch the mark, you growled, still reeling; you jerked your body away from him. 
“Don’t…” you hissed, glaring at him. 
Ben froze at your tone, furrowing his brows at your irritation. 
“Where were you?” he asks, trying to be gentle with you, but his emotions become short as your temper and the mark taunt him. 
Wanting him to leave you be, you condescendingly smirked at him, “I was with Aegon… there, are you happy? I was with Aegon in a pleasure house…. He left this mark on me; he said he could pleasure me-” 
“Did he take you…” grunted Ben, jealousy burning him hot, walking towards you. 
As you walked backward due to Benjicot’s stalking, you didn’t want to back down. 
“If he had, what would you do? He has a dragon. He—” you gasped as he pushed you towards the bed. 
“Answer truthfully, wife… did…he…take…you?” he asked, his eyes storming as he stared down at you. 
Your chest was rising up and down, feeling the heat grow again, “No, he left for another business…” you answered. 
Ben felt slight relief, knowing that you hadn’t fully betrayed him.
 Looming above you, he asked, “Did you want him to take you?” 
“He promised he could make me feel better pleasure than I would with you,” you replied, moving your legs slightly to control your excitement. Which only grew as you heard him growl again. 
You gasped as Ben grabbed your legs, pulling you roughly to him, and he placed your legs around his waist and grinding once long and hard against you. Biting your lip, you tried to block a moan from leaving your lips. Your excitement rose as he grabbed your arms and placed them above your head. 
“I think, wife, it's time we fulfill our duty to provide an heir for our families…” Ben raised his eyebrow slightly, looking down at you before he commanded, “Strip.” 
Your eyes widened at his command, looking at him in disbelief. 
Ben raised a brow as she smirked at your shock, “I said strip wife, and wait.” 
He gave you a pointed look, waiting for you to start stripping. Once you started stripping from your blouse and skirt, you noticed he had left for the desk, writing something quickly before stepping out. After the moment, he walked back towards you, stripping as he stalked back to the bed. Climbing on the bed, he took your legs again and wrapped them around his legs, grinding roughly against you. 
Gasping, you threw your head back, feeling his lips on your neck. You couldn’t control your body, your arms wrapping on his head. 
Ben grinned, licking a spot on your neck as he spoke, “Aegon only warmed you up for me, but believe me, after tonight, you will forget any thoughts regarding Aegon.” 
 As he continued to grind, you tried your best to fight against the pleasure from him, “Don’t count on it, husband.” 
Ben’s smirk grew as he bit the top of your breast, feeling your body shake and a moan leave your lips. 
“Is that a challenge, wife?” taunted Benjicot as he teased your nipples. 
“It's the truth-ugh,” you moaned, feeling him enter your soaking cunt, remembering how thick he was inside of you. 
Ben waited a moment, letting you mold to him, “I accept your challenge, my dragon princess.” 
Before you can retort, you squeal in pleasure as he quickly exits and pushes back in roughly and deeply. 
The Raven lord, pounding into his dragon wife, was enjoying every gasp, moan, and whimper with each thrust he smacked into you. 
Your body moving along his strong thrust, and you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling, knowing you were using the war. 
Ben's grunts grow louder as his pacing grows faster and harsher. Your bodies are smacking together as you finally allow yourself to fall into pleasure. 
“Yes… Ben… ugh… fuck…yes..yes!” you moan, feeling him give attention to your clit, making circles, pushing you closer to your release. 
“MMH… WHO DO YOU BELONG TO?” Grunts Ben, raising a leg higher, groaning in delight as you scream from the intense pleasure. 
You reach to hold on to him, raking your nails down hard as he thrusts deeply into you. 
“You, BEN…I’m yours and only yours,  BENJICOT!” you shout, tears streaming down your face. You were trying to anchor yourself, overwhelmed by the edging. 
Unbeknownst to you, Aegon walked in cocky, only to freeze at the sounds and sights infront of him. He sees Benjicot Blackwood thrusting roughly into you, your body shaking and moving with each trust. The bed was creaking and groaning from your husband's hips, smacking into you. Your eyes closed as you moaned out Benjicot’s name in pleasure, wrapping your legs tighter once Ben lowered your leg down to his waist again. 
Benjitcot heard the chamber door, growing proud that Aegon took the bait. Let him see that you were made for a Blackwood’s cock only. Stopping, he smirked, hearing your whimper in protest. 
“Can Aegon ever make you feel as good as me?” he asked confidently. 
You sobbed, wanting release and your husband to continue moving. 
You blurt word vomit, needing him, “No! Aegon can never compare to you; please, Ben, fuck me…I need your cock…fill me up the brim with your seed, now, please!” 
Groaning at your words, Ben pulled out before starting again his pattern of thrusting in and out hard and deep. 
“That’s right, my love, my cock was made for your cunt… you will take my seed and forget about Aegon…” 
You moaned loudly, pressing your hips firmly to him, letting yourself release into pleasure, milking your husband’s seed as he filled your womb. Both know that a babe will take root soon in your womb. You sighed happily at the feeling, hoping to convince him again to take you again and again until you could not walk. You never noticed Aegon, who grew red with rage, as he ran away from the scene, knowing he had fully lost you to Benjicot Blackwood.
After coming down from your high, Benji took you into his arms, kissing your shoulder, staying inside of you, watching as you slowly fell into slumber. Your marriage isn’t perfect, but he felt it was now going in the right direction. 
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the20thangel · 1 month
I will now wait patiently for next season…. IN TWO YEARS! I hope that the writers listen to my pleas and bring Black Aly and Benjicot Blackwood next season. Please, they are important!!!
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the20thangel · 1 month
young rhaenyra wishing to fly away with alicent and being denied vs older alicent begging rhaenyra to come away with her and being denied
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the20thangel · 1 month
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON “The Queen Who Ever Was” (2024) dir. Geeta Vasant Patel.
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the20thangel · 1 month
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I am at last myself. With no ambition greater than to walk where I please and to breathe the open air. To die unremarked and unnoticed and be free.
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