The Zero Bracket (Currently Ongoing)
77 posts
A poll tournament about the number zero and characters from fiction that are associated with it, whether if it means they are named after the number zero (and similar or in other languages) or has symbolism regarding that number. Ran by @zerosocialskillz.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-zero-bracket · 20 days ago
(Spanish under the cut)
Hello! In this blog, I'll make a tournament between the pictograms / icons of the Mexico City transportation system. I plan on making one poll per day, starting with 4 options in each, to narrow down the choices, and probably decreasing to 2 per poll later.
I'll start with the Metro station pictograms, and may do the other transportation systems in the future.
In case anyone isn't familiar with the Mexico City transportation system: In most modes of mass public transportation, each station has a unique pictogram which identifies it.
These are generally related to the name, location, or points of interest near the station. Some of them are quite interesting and creative, so I thought it'd be interesting to see which ones you all prefer.
The full list of icons is in this post. Feel free to send in propaganda via ask, for any icons you particularly like, even if you don't know or haven't visited the city.
En este blog, haré un torneo entre los logotipos de estación del metro de la Ciudad de México. Planeo publicar una encuesta por día; inicialmente con 4 opciones, para ir disminuyendo los contendientes, y probablemente luego baje a 2 logotipos por encuesta.
Primero haré el torneo entre los íconos del Metro, y tal vez luego haga lo mismo para otros sistemas de transporte.
Por si alguien no conoce los íconos del trasporte de la Ciudad de Mexico: En los sistemas de transporte público, cada estación tiene un ícono / pictograma / logotipo único que la identifica.
Estos generalmente están relacionados de alguna manera con el nombre, localización, o puntos de referencia de la estación. Llegan a ser bastante creativos e interesantes, por lo que pensé que sería entretenido ver cuáles se consideran los mejores acá en Tumblr.
La lista de logotipos está en este post. Por favor manden por ask, cualquier propaganda o comentario de los íconos que más les gusten, aún si no conocen la ciudad.
Header image source (CC-BY-2.0, by "maxintosh")
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
Next poll is going to take a bit as I build the bracket for the third round
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
i was watching "ship it or rip it" by Caitlin mckillop, where she randomly chooses two characters from different (or same) shows and determines if they match each other. I'm curious if there is already a blog with similar gimmick, but if not and someone gets inspired to make one, it would be cool. you already have a pretty extensive spreadsheet with various characters, tho it's probably not really in your theme.
i just like thinking about bizzare character interactions, hopefully this is not out of place, have a good day. (i was so distracted by thinking about this that I nearly put mayo in my coffee instead of milk, the packages aren't even somewhat similar)
That sounds like a fun idea! ship it or rip it. I've thought of doing something like it before, but just for a special day. If anyone wants to do something like this, let me know and I'll reblog it. It's ok to use my spreadsheets of characters too (though it hasn't been updated in a long time ....)
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
The Shehab family has been campaigning since May of 2024, and they have finally reached around 92% of their goal!
Over the past year, they have been displaced over 10 times, lost their home and income, and lived without the basic nessities for life.
Please, please use this time to help boost them to their goal. Donate if you're able to and share their campaign; I repeat; THEY ARE ALMOST THERE!!
last donation 3 hours ago!
TAG LIST (DM me for removal)
@whisperingmedows @e @rykerpuppy @renmemberme @t0w0bey @teddycuba @yogurtcake2000 @uchorusa @imp-panada @irunkefir @insufferablepilled @ichor-arrows @passion2lovvers @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether @dirkcapitationn @fatalbloomsinmoon @nabulsi @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @aria-ashryver @northgazaupdates2 @sar-soor @flower-tea-fairies @palestinegenocide @gazagfmboost @palestine-info-uncensored @heba-20 @aces-and-angels @fairycosmos @greenpinkstraw @ibtisams @radicalgraff @r4ms3yy @thestrugglerrr @shug888 @decolonize-the-everything @fototingobug @gaza-evacuation-funds @g3wgaw @greydrits @gainnecorpse @gasfuzbj @hamsterdads @himbo-noxx @heijegerkannibal @juliccardi @jvstcallmespade @kk3o2 @katylokk @keff-fr @literallyneurodivergentandaminor @lenaeeessshhh @la7ma-mafrooma @lutielutik @certified-dentist @cemetaryvampire @chemautopsy @cryptid-catnip @vetted-gaza-funds @vantisanjo @blu-berriez @neptunerings @neatleaf @meit1
@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @mothblossoms @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi @sygold @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @palistani @dlxxv-vetted-donations @illuminated-runas @imjustheretotrytohelp
(sorry for the randomness of the tags, I just used what popped up. If anyone has advice on how to make a good taglist please tell me)
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
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Propaganda under the cut (spoilers ahoy!)
No. 0
The head of a criminal organization called Baroque Works, with every male member (or partially male member) going by a variant of Mr. (Number). As the leader, Crocodile marks himself as Mr. 0, hiding his identity as the hero of the country he seeks to destroy.
A cyborg ninja / who uses so many guns / and speaks in haiku.
His name is Zer0. That’s like twice as many zeros
His name is Zer0, his intro splash screen just calls him a number. Who is he? What is he? We don't know. He's cool, he's mysterious and he exclusively speaks in haiku
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
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Tinera Li Null from Time to Orbit: Unknown
Her surname is "Null" | She's part of the third crew of the Couragous, or as TTO:U fans call it "The Very Normal Spaceship". She's Lunari, that is, she was born on the moon, and she has a badly damaged hand from a mining accident, which she refuses to have replaced with a prosthetic.
Lady Zero from professional wrestling
From Wikipedia: Nagayo appeared twice in the American national promotion World Championship Wrestling (WCW) in 1996 under the ring name "Zero". Zero's first appearance would be as part of a tournament for the WCW Women's Championship, and saw Zero defeated by Madusa on the December 14 edition of Nitro. While with GAEA, Nagayo briefly competed as her alter-ego, Lady Zero.
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
Thanks for the boops keep ‘em coming
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
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Katana Zero
[ERROR: propaganda not found]
Vinsmoke Reiju
Sanji's older sister, her name uses the characters for "Zero Daughter" to contact with her quadruplet brothers being numbered 1-4 (Ichiji, Niji, Sanji, Yonji) She's the one other living member of Sanji's family that doesn't suck and she's a badass genetically enhanced fighter who can absorb poison and then use it to attack.
Sanji is a main character in One Piece. His name comes from being the third of a set of brother quadruplets, who are named one through four. His oldest sibling Reiju was born before the quadruplets, so her name is zero. Rei (零) means "zero" in Japanese. According to the wiki at least, her canon birthday is supposed to be a pun/symbol that basically means: "Zero, a good woman, Sanji's sister".
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
Hi, I'm Lina from Gaza 🍉🇵🇸 I'm asking for your help and support, I'm in a very dangerous and difficult situation, my children and I are suffering from the continuous bombing and food shortages, my baby girl suffers from a skin disease and needs urgent treatment, I need urgent help. I'm asking this with shame and regret. Can you donate to me to save my life? Thank you for your generosity, kindness and giving. You are humane and kind 🫂🙏🥹🫶.
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the-zero-bracket · 4 months ago
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Ultraman Zero
He act so cool, tragically (/j) I met him in a spin-off so I know he's the team dad he can't hide it from me :3 (he's still cool tho)
Zero is probably the most prolific modern Ultra. He starts out as a foil for the evil Ultraman Belial in Zero's movie trilogy then goes on to mentor multiple other Ultras including Ultraman Geed (Belial's son) and Ultraman Z. Zero may not be the smartest Ultra but he makes up for it with passion. You're 20,000 years too early if you want to beat Ultraman Zero!
Carson Fender/Codename Zero
because I love him
He's a child operative for a secret government spy agency. He has let loose fainting goats into his school as a distraction multiple times. He starts out a silly prankster who also gouges out someone's eyes with his thumbs in the same book (but we don't talk about that). He doesn't choose the lesser evil, but instead makes his own, morally correct side. He's definitely traumatised. He's not very good at his job and ends up unintentionally helping the villain three books in a row, but in the third one he uses this against the villain and betrays both the villain (who he was temporarily working with) and the 'good guys' who treat him like an asset and not a person. He sneaks into his teacher's super secret storage closet and finds earwax sculptures of boy band members instead of the incriminating evidence he was looking for. He eats paper several times throughout the series.
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the-zero-bracket · 5 months ago
I think I answered it privately
Did you see an ask
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the-zero-bracket · 5 months ago
Did you see an ask
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the-zero-bracket · 5 months ago
As much as I love Kirby, I'm here to watch Sakurai Yuuto hopefully win against it. My poor edgey boy
That is one way of watching this :>
I wonder who would win, both poll-wise and in a fight
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the-zero-bracket · 5 months ago
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Zero III
Funny AI bunny
Kamen Rider Zeronos
I know Zeronos isn't quite the word Zero but that's clearly where it comes from considering his train is called the Zero-liner and his specific form of Zeronos is called Zero form. <br />
Yuuto's whole thing is that by transforming and fighting he is slowly erasing himself from existence. By the end of the series he lives outside of time because everyone who ever knew him has forgotten he exists and it has erased his place in the timeline. The only people who remember him are the Imagin (demons made from the sands of time), the main character who would have been his brother in law and Hana, his daughter from a timeline that no longer exists. <br />
Yuuto knew that fighting would do this but he chose to fight anyway because he thought it was worth it to save the future even if it meant sacrificing his own.
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the-zero-bracket · 5 months ago
NPD Characters Tournament!
Hey everyone! This is gonna be a short tournament (32 characters) to see who everyone's favourite character with npd is!
A couple of rules first:
-absolutely no ableism will be tolerated here -both canon and headcanons are accepted! -OCs are allowed, but they must have some sort of source (like a webcomic or even just a blog) -no real people, please -no pieces of media are outright banned, but I do reserve the right to remove a submission for whatever reason
And that's about it! The form will close once we reach 32 submissions!
if any other tournament runners would like to reblog, that'd be great! I don't want to tag anyone because I'm not sure who would be comfortable though
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the-zero-bracket · 5 months ago
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good lord how did this happen <- put them near each other in the brackets
Propaganda under the cut. Beware of spoilers.
Zero Escape!Zero (SPOILERS)
The (original) titular Zero from the Zero Escape series
In the Zero Escape series, nine people are kidnapped and forced to solve deadly escape-the-room puzzles. The participants are numbered 1-9, and they get punny nicknames that relate to their number. [SPOILER] The titular Zero is the mysterious hidden villain who kidnapped them and forced them to play the game. Zero is hiding among the participants!
She is a cheerful and compassionate girl. She is also a devious planner who orchestrates events including deaths and kidnappings for her own goals. As Zero, she causes most of the events of the series. She also really likes infodumping about random conspiracy theories.
Zero II
Another weird old man from the Zero Escape series who is one of the main Zeros
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the-zero-bracket · 5 months ago
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(Both are in the tournament by default so they don’t have propaganda)
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