Working on my original species
53 posts
I'm just developing them and working out any kinks in their physiology 
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the-voxel · 5 days ago
If you wanna make fun of sci-fi naming conventions effectively, you've gotta remember that the "Glup Shitto" school of naming is literally just Star Wars. Other, more widespread approaches include:
Bracingly monosyllabic
Teenage goth DeviantArt handle
Yeah, I guess you can technically put those letters in that order
That is a weight loss drug, not a person
Too poor to afford vowels
Ambiguously German
My middle name is "the"
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the-voxel · 11 days ago
would be fun if for once characters in a scifi story landed on a planet and it was like desert or whatever and theyre like ooh... a desert world.... and the people who live there are like what? no? this is just a desert. planets are very big. they have multiple biomes
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the-voxel · 18 days ago
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Evolutionary line. First draft. I tried.
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the-voxel · 19 days ago
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I drew their skulls! I worked very hard not to make this look like a pug skull!
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the-voxel · 3 months ago
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the-voxel · 4 months ago
Imagine your loved ones gathering together, singing songs in the night to invite even your long dead family to the service, placing your favorite things in your arms, and saying goodbye as they wrap you in cool, soft clay. Are you curled up like you're sleeping, your burial stone forming like an egg? Do they rest your head on the fluff of your tail and then make the stone form like a ring? Did you leave a request for you burial stone to be a special shape?
Voxel death practices
I was well on my way to being asleep for 15 hours straight when i was Possessed by a Vision
According to voxel religious beliefs, if an animal eats your body it also eats your soul, right? Your body is the anchor that holds you in place so your ancestors can come back and fetch you and take you to the afterlife.
And they live on a water planet.
Between those two things burial isn't the easiest option. Being buried makes your body harder to find for your ancestors, but also it is a pain to dig in a flooded area.
And sending a body out to drift on a boat is also a big no because a scavenger might eat it.
And cremation is probably only going to be an option in specific places.
So what on earth do they do with the bodies?????
Clay is probably a plentiful resource. So part of the funeral will be for those attending to all take part in encasing the body in clay. The resulting shape will differ based on region, but most places will be using this method. Then they can bake the clay pod (probably with vents to release the gas from the body so it doesn't explode during this process) and when it's good and solid like a rock they take it to a designated burial ground.
Ideally a burial area will have soft ground so that over the years the pods will sink into the dirt, this keeps the space needed for the dead fairly small and reusable.
Along the oceans pods may be boated out and lowered into the depths of the sea, in mountainous areas they may not even need to use pods at all, in industrialized cities they may do something more creative. So to say, this may differ in the variations of culture around the world, but i had to write down this idea before i forgot.
Pods can be engraved, sculpted, painted, and all manner of decorated to keep it personal.
what would your voxel's burial pod look like?
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the-voxel · 4 months ago
Voxel death practices
I was well on my way to being asleep for 15 hours straight when i was Possessed by a Vision
According to voxel religious beliefs, if an animal eats your body it also eats your soul, right? Your body is the anchor that holds you in place so your ancestors can come back and fetch you and take you to the afterlife.
And they live on a water planet.
Between those two things burial isn't the easiest option. Being buried makes your body harder to find for your ancestors, but also it is a pain to dig in a flooded area.
And sending a body out to drift on a boat is also a big no because a scavenger might eat it.
And cremation is probably only going to be an option in specific places.
So what on earth do they do with the bodies?????
Clay is probably a plentiful resource. So part of the funeral will be for those attending to all take part in encasing the body in clay. The resulting shape will differ based on region, but most places will be using this method. Then they can bake the clay pod (probably with vents to release the gas from the body so it doesn't explode during this process) and when it's good and solid like a rock they take it to a designated burial ground.
Ideally a burial area will have soft ground so that over the years the pods will sink into the dirt, this keeps the space needed for the dead fairly small and reusable.
Along the oceans pods may be boated out and lowered into the depths of the sea, in mountainous areas they may not even need to use pods at all, in industrialized cities they may do something more creative. So to say, this may differ in the variations of culture around the world, but i had to write down this idea before i forgot.
Pods can be engraved, sculpted, painted, and all manner of decorated to keep it personal.
what would your voxel's burial pod look like?
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the-voxel · 4 months ago
Voxel death practices
I was well on my way to being asleep for 15 hours straight when i was Possessed by a Vision
According to voxel religious beliefs, if an animal eats your body it also eats your soul, right? Your body is the anchor that holds you in place so your ancestors can come back and fetch you and take you to the afterlife.
And they live on a water planet.
Between those two things burial isn't the easiest option. Being buried makes your body harder to find for your ancestors, but also it is a pain to dig in a flooded area.
And sending a body out to drift on a boat is also a big no because a scavenger might eat it.
And cremation is probably only going to be an option in specific places.
So what on earth do they do with the bodies?????
Clay is probably a plentiful resource. So part of the funeral will be for those attending to all take part in encasing the body in clay. The resulting shape will differ based on region, but most places will be using this method. Then they can bake the clay pod (probably with vents to release the gas from the body so it doesn't explode during this process) and when it's good and solid like a rock they take it to a designated burial ground.
Ideally a burial area will have soft ground so that over the years the pods will sink into the dirt, this keeps the space needed for the dead fairly small and reusable.
Along the oceans pods may be boated out and lowered into the depths of the sea, in mountainous areas they may not even need to use pods at all, in industrialized cities they may do something more creative. So to say, this may differ in the variations of culture around the world, but i had to write down this idea before i forgot.
Pods can be engraved, sculpted, painted, and all manner of decorated to keep it personal.
what would your voxel's burial pod look like?
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the-voxel · 5 months ago
stripe color emotions explained
now, voxel striped are not mood rings, but the pigments in their striped areas DO change structure slightly to reveal a lot about how they feel in a given moment.
for example
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A voxel with orange stripes will have a gradient that looks something like this. When they are having negative emotions, they will have darker colors, positive lighter. If the emotion is calm, less saturated, exited, then more saturated.
You can "read" their emotions by putting together an idea of where each emotion will fall.
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this method can be applied to all stripe colors! (below is an incomplete example of possible stripe colors)
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now you are equipped to avoid a social blunder with your voxel friends!
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the-voxel · 6 months ago
Heavily temped to learn how to use Unreal Engine so I can make Vox a real explorable planet. If for nothing else, for my own sanity because idk any other way to make a satisfying interactive map
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the-voxel · 7 months ago
The haunting ancient Celtic carnyx being played for an audience. This is the sound Roman soldiers would have heard their Celtic enemies make.
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the-voxel · 9 months ago
cities advanced enough to have radio probably are also advanced enough to have live descriptors of performance events for blind audiences. It isn't too much of a leap to do the same over the radio.
So it would sound less like old human radio shows, and more like audiobook readings.
do they have memes
XD gonna be honest I didn't expect this one.
They do not have anything like the internet. In fact, they do not have any form on long range communication. (some areas *may* have short range radio)
So they would not have memes in the same format as us, but they do have jokes about popular things. (Think Shakespeare style memes: where you'll say or draw something popular and funny. So a performance meme???? idk.)
But, I *have* MADE a meme about a voxel!
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This is inspired by a scene from Liithal's fic.
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the-voxel · 9 months ago
do they have memes
XD gonna be honest I didn't expect this one.
They do not have anything like the internet. In fact, they do not have any form on long range communication. (some areas *may* have short range radio)
So they would not have memes in the same format as us, but they do have jokes about popular things. (Think Shakespeare style memes: where you'll say or draw something popular and funny. So a performance meme???? idk.)
But, I *have* MADE a meme about a voxel!
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This is inspired by a scene from Liithal's fic.
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the-voxel · 9 months ago
I am working on it officially! Fair warning: I am not a linguist. So like, my ability to develop a language is shaky. Now i gotta parse through all of my writing and track down all the words I have made up so far.
if I made a dictionary for the voxel, would y'all be interested?
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the-voxel · 9 months ago
Hi! This blog is dedicated to lorebuilding my original species! Here is a quick guide to navigate!
Quick overview (old post, may contain outdated info)
Customs (coming soon!)
google doc developing their language (constantly updating)
The Journal (series of journal entries written by a human who crash landed on Vox. Includes scientific sketches)
Tag guide under cut
About the voxel Uncategorized fun facts
Voxel architecture this covers how they build their houses, cities, roads, etc.
Voxel tech This is about their technology, which is super all over the place tbh.
Voxel cuisine Any info on their food, such as what kinds of plants they eat or recipes they cook
Voxel Literature Notes about what kind of writing they do, or even actual stories they may tell.
Voxel art Notes about their art, including performance, music, and more traditional art forms.
Voxel disability Discussions about how disability is handled in this world, and what conditions are even disabling to a voxel, and to what degree.
Voxel biology Talk about their biological functions and anatomy
Voxel Religion Talks about their religious structure and beliefs.
Voxel sociology Social rules, customs, even some culture tidbits.
Voxel language Discussions about their language, Voxeltok. You can scroll through to see me work out the rules i put into the doc.
Voxel animals The fauna of Vox
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the-voxel · 9 months ago
if I made a dictionary for the voxel, would y'all be interested?
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the-voxel · 9 months ago
do animals on Vox have scientific names? how does/would the scientific name for voxel themselves be different, if at all?
ha hah! I get to talk about linguistics!
So voxel language doesn't have nouns! They use compound adjectives as the names for things. It's part of why their names are descriptors of their personality.
Like their most widespread predator, the ivol, it's name means evil.
The word for their planet, Vox = my/our home. They may also call their own town Vox, so when space explorers found their planet they told the explorers their planet was Vox. Grammatically only a voxel should call it that, but by the time they breached the language barrier it was a bit too late to fix the mixup.
Voxel = self, plural. Again, grammatically, any species could call their own group "voxel" when speaking this language.
Scientific names tend to already function this way. They are literally just latin/greek adjectives we use to be fancy. On Vox, the common name functions as the scientific one. And since the names are descriptive, regional names tend to be the same as each other or very similar.
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