the-vampire-lance · 3 days
Lance snorted. “Didn’t think so.”
“The amulet responds to your will. But you have to focus and concentrate on forming the energy and expelling it. Have you ever done any kind of meditating? It’s a lot like that. You focus the energy into a ball and then force it out in front of you. I hope that makes sense.”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 3 days
Lance snorted at Keith’s snooty action. He definitely had the attitude of a show dog.
But getting back to training, Lance smirked.
“Sooo, do you have any idea how to use that thing?” He asked smugly.
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 3 days
Lance was shocked by Keith’s mellowness. He thought Keith would be putting up more of a fight over this.
“Glitter is a no but woman’s jewelry is apparently ok?… alright.” Lance shrugs as he kneels down to put on the necklace.
Lance is just gonna go with this. No need to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Once he has the necklace on, he steps back and takes in Keith look.
“ok NOW the outfit is complete! Lookin good Keith!”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 3 days
Lance had a feeling Keith wouldn’t be crazy about this. He could already picture Keith’s damning glaze. He’d probably say something along the lines of “I let you talk me into entering this pageant, I caved at letting you put glitter on me but I draw the line at jewelry! there’s no way you’re talking me into wearing woman’s jewelry Lance!”
Lance huffed. Boy here we go. “Look, I know this might seem girly but there’s a purpose for this! The second attack we want to replicate is called Tera blast and that is a very flashy energy based attack. I can’t make an attack like that with my alchemy and you can’t do it period but with this necklace you can! This is a magic item called the “mana amulet” it has the power to absorb and shoot out energy based attacks. And the way it shoots out attacks is very similar to how the Tera blast looks. Like shooting out a burst that explodes on impact. Kinda like fireworks. It’ll be great! And it goes perfectly with your outfit.”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 4 days
“PERFECT! well done Keith! That’s exactly what we are gonna do for the judges.” Lance applauded.
Then he stops to think.
“Now we need to come up with an appeal. Hmm…” he took some time to think about it. What attack could a lycanroc use that would impress the judges?
“Hmm. How about…. Tera blast? I think I could make that work…. But how to replicate the attack…. What if…” he then dug around in his bag looking for something. Something specific. After some digging around, he finally found what he was looking for and pulled out a fancy looking red necklace with a red ruby gem in its center. It looked like something a lady would wear to an elegant ball.
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“Come here and put this on Keith! I knew your outfit was missing something :3”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 4 days
As before, Lance tapped his foot and the energy for the transmutation traveled and focused in front of Keith and formed the rock tomb.
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 5 days
Lance huffed but got back to their practicing.
“Keith use rock tomb!”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 5 days
“ACK! 😫” great, now Lance’s face was covered in drool.
He sat up, wiped the drool off his face and flicked it off as he glared at the cheeky werewolf.
“Reeeeaal cute pup. Real cute.” Lance wanted to walk over and use Keith’s furry body as a towel to wipe his face with but then he remembered that he just got Keith all clean and dolled up. He didn’t want to mess up all his hard work.
He’ll just have to get Keith back later.
“I’m gonna get you back for that later bub. Mark my words.”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 5 days
When Lance saw Keith charging at him, all he could mutter out before getting tackled was a small “uh oh. AGHHHHHH! OOF!”
He was now seeing stars. Or tiny little wolf Keith’s running around his head. Take your pick lol. It still didn’t change the fact that he had a 130 pound wolf siting on him.
“Ow……. Ok haha very funny. You got me, nice. Now get off.”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 6 days
Lance whistled innocently, pretending nothing happened.
“Hm? What’s up buddy? :3”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 6 days
For the fun of it, Lance decided to mess with Keith a bit. With a grin, He tapped his foot and sent an alchemic transmutation to form a foot behind Keith and give him a light kick in the ass then disappear back into the earth.
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 6 days
Lance grinned seeing Keith’s reaction.
“Awsome attack right? Lol” lance laughed.
“Btw you forgot to howl pup. 😉”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 6 days
When Keith landed on all fours, Lance tapped his foot, sending the alchemic transmutation to travel under ground and center in front of Keith. Three spires formed and shot out of the ground triangularly then fell into each other forming a teepee-like tomb.
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 7 days
“Ok let’s try this again. Keith! Use rock tomb!”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 7 days
Lance palmfaces.
“No dude, wait for me to do the rock tomb part before you turn and howl.”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 8 days
“Ok good! That was really good for a practice run. Now let’s try it again, but this time wait for the rock tomb to appear and then finish forming before turning and howling.”
“Keith! Use rock tomb!”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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the-vampire-lance · 8 days
“Ok Keith! Use rock tomb!”
Keith was indifferent to Lance's comment about the ladies, but he sure heard his comment about glitter.
His ears and tail instantly went down. It's like he jinxed it by even thinking about it. Damn glitter!
He just hoped that Lance would stay true to his word about doing a good job on cleaning it all up at the end.
Unspeakable things, he promised. If he could make Lance remember glitter by thinking about it, hopefully he'll remember his threats as well.
Lance place all the glitter gear down on the floor and looked up at Keith framing him with his fingers.
“Now let’s see. Hmmm… I think glitter high lights around your eye would be perfect! And hmm… yeah we should add glitter there, and on the edge of your nose and yeah that would work! Now hold still while I apply it Keith.” He got to work. Holding Keith’s face, he applied the glitter. It took a few minutes and a bit of patience but he managed to get Keith’s face looking all glittery.
“There! What do you think Keith? Did I make you look awsome or what? 😁” 
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