I hate death and the maidens so much it's up there with evil Cass storyline wise for me like not only did it butcher Ras, who was already a villain! He was already evil how did you manage to land on the two evil things he would not do! One of Ras main character beats is his toxic love for his family on what universe would he leave his daughter to die in a concentration camp to help nazis. And in what universe would he be helping the nazis when earlier stories established him fighting AGAINST them and losing family because of it! Ras in not a good person or a good father but the story picked like. The absolute worst most out of character ways of showing it.
And then there's the most long lasting sin it commits of brainwashing Talia, ripping her off her independent anti hero path and making her obidient to her sister who dies soon after anyways in the evil Cass story! Leaving Talia still brainwashed and in charge of the league, right into Morrisons version of her. The damage to her character has yet to be fixed because despite this being where her evil era started no one acknowledges that she was tortured into brainwashed insanity they just pretend that she was always loyal to the league. If this story lead to interesting developments for Talia I could forgive it but it leads to the exact opposite so I despise it. Likewise with Nyssa if they didn't kill her off this all could have meant something but instead she just appears as an Al ghul character assassination plot device for a few stories and then dies.
And finally Bruce. Bruce who only recently got Talia's help taking down Lex Luthor sees Talia acting incredibly ooc, and instead of doing anything about it just sadly warns Nyssa to be good to her. Either he's not the world's greatest detective and is in fact deeply stupid, or he knows something is wrong and just doesn't care enough to fix it. Either way I hated him in this comic.
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His moral lecturing of Nyssa meant nothing because the damage had already been done and he had no interest in fixing it. He just left Talia there enslaved by her abuser. I wish she'd managed to kill him instead of Damian at least that would have been a nice bit of retribution for his inaction.
In summary, Greg Rucka this was your biggest miss and despite the other wonderful stories and characters you worked on I do believe dc fans deserve a handwritten apology with tears from you for writing this particular comic.
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batman: odyssey (2011) #6
remember only one of them actually went to med school and got their degree and it is NOT the man dressed as a giant bat !!!
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Oswald and Oswalda being friends :>
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I promise I understood the words that you said in the order that you said them but I just don't see a scenario where some variation of this doesn't happen
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Clark never felt pain until after he became Superman.
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 2 months
He’s very of demure very mindful. He doesn’t show up to the LOA meetings with a green cut crease he doesn’t look like a clown when he gets to work he doesnt do too much. He’s very mindful of why he was invited to the function 💋
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Ra’s AL GHUL 💚
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 2 months
Do you ever become mutuals with someone you share an intense interest with and it becomes this limbo of "I want to be your friend SO fucking bad but I'll eat a shoe before dm-ing first"
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 2 months
Do you ever become mutuals with someone you share an intense interest with and it becomes this limbo of "I want to be your friend SO fucking bad but I'll eat a shoe before dm-ing first"
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 2 months
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Ra’s al Ghul….the original loverboy. the original “i love my wife” guy…
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 2 months
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peepaw and his baby boy
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 3 months
"how dare you hide this in the tags" -> "you sir have won the internets"
"none of these words are in the bible" -> "thats enough internet for today"
"op check your carbon monoxide detector" -> "were you on drugs when you made this"
and so on and so forth
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 3 months
Feeling this again..
Scrolling in the Ra's al Ghul tag is a jumpscare that you were expecting but still got jumpscared.
The amount of Tim related things I see.... I want to see just Ra's, Talia, Damian,Bruce and other Al Ghul members. I'm so sick of seeing "Ra's al Ghul cherishes Tim's spleen 🤗 and he wants Tim's babies 🤪 Tim knows everything about Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins 🥴"
Can Tim stans leave Ra's alone??? Let the man be the family guy he is. Let him love and care his daughter, son and grandson. Let him care for animals, plants, the whole planet! Stop making everything related to Ra's about Tim. Stop making him a creepy pedo.
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 3 months
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can you guys watch baby ra’s al ghul for me while i go to the store
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 4 months
one of my favorite concepts to think about is one where Bruce remains with (or returns to) the League.
He still disagrees on the murder aspect, but him and Ra’s have a similar goal of saving/fixing the world and they can accomplish something by working together. Even if their ways of going about it are drastically different. So their solution is, that if someone pops up on Ra’s’ radar, he sends Batman after them.
To gather information, infiltrate, or scare people in to dropping what they’re doing. He’s a warning sign. If the Batman appears, that means you’ve fucked up massively and Ra’s al Ghul is on to you, and if you don’t change or stop, you’ll be meeting the end of all Ghul’s sword very soon.
Also, I just like thinking of Bruce having some kind of perch behind Ra’s’ throne. Like a gargoyle.
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 4 months
Harvey Dent/Two Face + DID
As someone with DID, Harvey Dent/Two Face has quickly become our biggest comfort character like, ever. I’ve been thinking a LOT about his system—I know in most adaptations he’s portrayed with only two alters, Harvey and (Big Bad) Harv OR, in some portrayals, with Judge as his third alter. It’s absolutely possible to only have 2-3 alters but I believe he has more. His DID existed long before the acid attack in the courtroom (presumably since his childhood, though I don’t know much about it). But Harvey was an incredibly effective gatekeeper, as most gatekeepers are, so it wasn’t “visible” and he didn’t know. It’s just that that attack let the cat (or Harv) out of the bag. We also had a Big Trauma in adulthood that shattered the fourth wall and made it impossible to ignore our DID and that’s how I see that traumatic event for him.
One thing that intrigues me about his system is that it functions as a courtroom. Which makes sense to me outside of his obvious gimmick. Our system is set up as a family system, our headspace is a house—because our trauma happened within our family/house. But the very first time Two conceptualized his DID as a whole, it was in that courtroom (even though it existed before then) so of course the imagery stuck, especially as the roles were already so clearly filled. Harvey is the lawyer and gatekeeper, Harv is the criminal and protector, Judge is the judge and persecutor. I believe he sees his other alters as part of the jury, the ones watching and judging from a distance—which also perfectly encapsulates for us how alters function/exist when not directly at or near the front. I can very well imagine the roles that exist for other alters in his system too—witnesses, (other) defendants, the family of the accused or the victims, the bailiff, the reporter. These might be flexible roles that fragments come and go through, not as clearly defined, or they might be static the way Harvey is always the lawyer and Judge is always the judge. And it makes sense in that it allows Harvey (and the others—but this view is most important to a [former] host) to very clearly conceptualize what’s happening in the headspace in terms and visuals he intimately understands.
I also believe he has littles. I cried when I realized he probably has littles. Because even as scary and evil as most people view him, his whole system (one that imposes so much destruction upon the people of Gotham) is all just to protect and defend THEM. Harvey took to being a lawyer, DA, the hero in the light, to protect and defend Gothamites when all he actually wanted to do from the beginning was protect his littles. Harv wants to too, but he’s willing to do what needs to be done (in his mind) even when it’s awful and even when it’s not what Harvey (or Judge) would do. Clearly Harvey and Harv have different methods but they’re working towards the same goal, even if they fail to see that. I see him as having two littles—a little Harvey and a little Harv.
I could write a whole dissertation about Two’s DID experience. It’s fascinating and diving into his character has truly helped me come to terms with and even begin to love and appreciate parts of my system I didn’t see as clearly before.
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 4 months
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baba’s little headache <3
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 4 months
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there is a panel like this of ra’s and little talia but i can never find it so i just had to re-sketch it form memory real quick
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the-titan-of-lazarus · 4 months
Disturbing fandom behaviors is Talia erasure.
Selina is not Damian’s mother. Selina has called Damian vapid and annoying before.
This is one of the most classic ways to whitewash Damian, besides trying to make Damian’s mother be someone else is just odd, why would you do that? It’s weirdly misogynistic. No matter how terrible you think Talia is, she will always be his mother.
Bruce has literally chosen Seilna over Damian, neglecting him and overall, would it not be odd to see your father continuously be with another woman? A woman who’s literally not your mother.
Selina is not “mama cat.”
You’re just odd.
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