the-sky-doge · 2 months
==\==\==\==\A small few stories for Fable SMP S2
Rae honestly needs to stop misplacing his cape this is the third time this week he's lost it for it to tern up a day later either on his desk or bed!
He's completely lost, he walked into the house from his study up to his bedroom to find Atlas fast asleep on her dog bed but with his cape around her...
"How!" Rae asked loudly, completely confused though he only got one eye open from Atlas that was closed soon after.
"How???" He mumbled.
==\==\==\==\ S3
Rae woke up pretty late he'd been up most of the night though he was dragged to bed by Caspian and Aax.
He quickly got dressed though his cape was gone again?
It's probably with Caspian, like it normally is He walked downstairs.
"Caspian, love..?" Rae asked as he got down the stairs.
"Yeah Rae?" Caspian answer.
"do you ha...huh." Rae mumbled as he saw Cas was still in his pajamas and quite lacking his cape.
"Huh? Love you alright?" Caspian asked, as he stopped petting Atlas who lied against him.
"you wouldn't happen to know where my cape is?" Rae said continuing what he was going to ask.
"I don't think so? It's not in the wardrobe?" Caspian asked.
"nope.." Rae mumbled.
"what we talking about?" Aax asked coming in through the front door, in his usual outfit though with Rae's cape over their shoulders like a blanket.
Caspian and Rae burst into laughter, quickly followed by Aax who most definitely heard the whole conversation.
==\==\==\==\ S1
Rae honestly didn't realise he didn't have his cape untill Will asked, he's got no idea how he's managed to lose it especially since he hasn't left the base!
He was digging through the barrels in his kinda office? When he heard footsteps.
"Rae?" Ghosty asks looking down from the steps.
"oh Ghosty! You hav-" Rae stopped short seeing Ghosty wearing his cape.
"sorry." Ghosty mumbled going to give it back.
"No no! It's okay, though maybe just tell me.." Rae mumbled into a book.
Both him and Ghosty where a very vibrant red.
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the-sky-doge · 4 months
Hehehe, baby crimes!
Vaeh: who's this dad? *Standing next to a crib*
Rae: it's your sibling, they're name is Cari.
Vaeh: *stary eyed* My sibling! Really!?
Rae: *laughs* Mhm, be careful they're just a baby although do you wanna see them?
Vaeh: Yeah! Please dad?!
Rae: Okay, give me a sec. *Holds Cari up into his arms, sits down in front of Vaeh* here they are.
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the-sky-doge · 4 months
Okay I caved and now ima write the whole damn thing!
Rae stepped into the area looking around for his mother, holding his dear daughter in his arms as she looked around with stary eyes. As he looked around walking further he spotted her, his mother Enderian. He couldn't help but smile, walking over to his mother.
"mum?" Rae asked, walking up to her.
"Rae? Oh Rae, it's good to see you, I...who's this?" Enderian asked looking down at Vaeh.
"this is my daughter, your granddaughter Vaeh." Rae said smiling down at his daughter.
"my granddaughter? Oh...I don't know what to say." She mumbled trying her best not to cry.
"your very pretty! Do you know grandma Isla??" Vaeh said looking up brightly at Enderian.
Enderian kneeled down " I do, but I think I need to give your dad a hug first." She said with a small laugh.
In the end Vaeh had a lot more drawings to do, and learned a lot more about the End and how her grandmothers met, though without Fable in the story. The little girl didn't deserve to here that story.
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the-sky-doge · 4 months
Rae: Hi mum..
Enderian: Rae, oh it's great to see you and ..who's this?
Rae: this is my daughter Vaeh, your granddaughter.
Enderian: Your? I'm? Oh...I don't know what to say.
Rae: you don't need to, I get it oh and Isla is safe I'm sure she'll come see you but I thought you'd wanna have a sit down and meet her.
Vaeh: Your pretty!
Rae: *laughs* I think it'll be a good time.
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the-sky-doge · 4 months
Okay I needed to do this for the finale:
S1 Rae: woah...
S3 Finale Rae: Oh this is so weird, I'm guessing you have questions?
S1 Rae: *Wips out field notes* Yes! Oh I'm sorry if it's okay with you?
S3 Finale Rae: of course, don't worry I understand. Before we go any further though please feel free to ask about anything. I think you'll need it.
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the-sky-doge · 4 months
Thank you to the Cast of Fable SMP, I'll be re-watching fable again from start to finish for a while. It's truly a story I've followed and screamed about for a while and it's been great being in such a great community the end truly ment the world to see, and watch as there story's end the did it so well.
Everyone got what they deserved (Ehm Fable) and seeing Rae and everyone have peace even if the story started with a war, it honestly made me cry!
So thank you cast for giving us a story of Love,Hope,Pain and sorrow and ending it in such a beautiful way. Thank you all.
I'll also continue the storys I've made inspired by this wonderful story, thank you to all who have followed the AU's I've written.
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the-sky-doge · 4 months
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the-sky-doge · 5 months
Fable SMP incorrect quotes but Gods! +Isla
Enderian: ...
Alerion: I'm sorry!!
Epros: what happened?
Soul: they took Enderians skittles..I think?
Soul: How I wish I had our baby..
Soul: *Acquires a Rae*
Nethrum: I love you
Soul: I love you too
Kinaxus: *Lound clapping*
Epros: You alright Enderian?
Enderian: *Lound sobbing* YES!
Fable and Isla: lound arguing
Soul: ima kill this man-
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the-sky-doge · 5 months
Okay, I had a funny thought!
S1,Rae: sooo, ummm what's up??
S2,Rae: wow this is weird, um slot actually but one though you do know Enderian is are other mum?
S1, Rae: I'm sorry what!?
S2, Rae: and Centross is no, can be a good person and a lovely friend so give him a chance.
S1, Rae: what...
S3,Rae: 'openly sobbing'
S1, Rae: ...
S2, Rae: ...
S2, Rae: please don't ask you really don't wanna know...
S1, Rae: what's wrong?
S2, Rae: ... please no
S3, Rae: oh nothing much just umm, f*** fable! And oh I miss her!
S1, Rae: ... isn't Fable the good guy??
S3, Rae: nope! And before you ask I have no idea about why the horns and tail...
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the-sky-doge · 5 months
Okay I need to have a tiny rant!
I'm honestly so happy Raylan got his happy ending, but seeing them together really made me cry!
Not because it was adorable (though it was) it's because of Rae these men really know how to make me cry and show more damn emotions than real life!
Though it was nice to see that Raylan got the ending the man deserves it was also a great story line and a fun was to add a bit of Fable to Mer, so thank you cast for the great and wholesome story of Raylan Dawn.
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the-sky-doge · 5 months
----Fable SMP incorrect quotes!-----
Violet: *Silently watching Rae sowing*
Rae: humming*
Violet: what's up?
Rae: *screaches*
Wolf: Wanna try some of my new sweets?
Aax: Of course, give me a sec
*Lound Rae gigles*
Wolf: ?
Aax: let's go! *Holding Rae bridal style*
Athena: who's coming?
Jamie: Hmmm
*lound romantic flirting*
Jamie: Our uncles.
Rae: Honestly I don't think I can look at Fable the same..
Oras: f*** him! Let's kill that man! >:(
Rae: ...
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the-sky-doge · 7 months
More desert duo head-cannons because they make me feral!
Grian looks to be avian and behaves like one and so Scar learned what sertin behaviours mean though didn't tell anyone until it was needed.
When Scar won Secret life he couldn't take being hit even in a friendly gesture so the hermits helped, no fighting till everyone could.
Scar has a tone of feathers from Grian, he knows what it means so he reciprocates in a Vex way though Grian hasn't caught on though Scar can wait.
When Scar knows Grians watching him he makes sure to be a tad more careful to ease the avian.
Grian often leaves food for Scar but refuses to take the countability for it.
Grian forgets to take care of himself a lot so Scar will randomly appear and pamper Grian for a whole day then leave.
Scar has a tiny replica of pizza the lama on his bed, it's a tiny plushy given to him by Grian as a kind of wining present.
Most of the hermits think they're dating though the few that know that there not joke about it a lot!
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the-sky-doge · 7 months
You know what have some more head-cannons!
Desert duo my beloved!
Scar knows what Grian is but also doesn't know the name of the creature so he never brought it up because he genuinely couldn't think of the name.
Grian hides his feathers around Scars base for him to find and he will get Com message at 3 am from Scar with 'I found another!' with a photo attached of a very neat row of Grians feathers.
Scar often forgets important things and it hurts him so Grian often sends him soft reminder.
When they came back from Third life Grian would bring Scar things like; sweets, blankets, soft toys and a tone of food at random with no reason to it to others. Though to Grian it was a way to say sorry.
Grian has a few braids in his hair from Scar and he often forgets that he has them till he gets a complement from the other hermits making him tired a very vibrant red.
When Scar comes back from Secret life his roots are gray and he hates it to the point he hid away from the hermits for a while before Grian and X helped him dye his hair.
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the-sky-doge · 7 months
Okay, idea! We all know Scar won Secret life and is officially a winner in the eyes of the game. Though I love the idea that people have of the winners being together at the end, and I had a thought Grian and Scar in Third life both agreed to it being a shared win but Scar still died so I had a thought! What if Scar was with the winners but wasn't full conscious, and he kept thinking it was a weird dream at the end of it until Secret life where he put it together!?
I just thought of this and am kinda sad by this idea, Scar angst that was never truly needed.
Damn what if only Grian noticed Scars presents but was to shrouded by guilt to ever bring it up to Scar until Secret life?
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the-sky-doge · 7 months
Y'all I'm crying! And so very confused!
Did Enderian bring Rae back? (Mhm)
Was it (hope I'm spelling this right!) Vikesh? ( Nope just protecting lol-)
I'm about to explode and I swear if someone says it might be fable ima through hands, he is a textbook abuser by alot of what we now know and he sure as hell wouldn't bring Rae back but I doubt he would want to kill him as Raes whole damn family would be on his but and I have known doubt a few of the gods if asked.
If anything I think Enderian did something she may have given up her immortality through her bond with her son or at least that's what I think, I think it was her last will to save and protect her son the only thing she has left of her first love.
But I wanna read others opinions! What does everyone think?
And to the cast, you all are great at acting and writing it's been a while ride so far! Thanks for writing this wonderful story.
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the-sky-doge · 8 months
I'm personally offended on the question of which of Raes partners is the best! Like I've been in Polly relationship and damn is it nice to have multiple people!
Like Caspian is the cuddly home boyfriend who judges your friends and family for being stupid though is still there in a crisis to help!
Aax is a provider that can quite literally pick up his to boyfriends despite being shorter than both of them! He's also a funny little guy.
Though wolf is also a provider, it seems to be mostly emotional and physical even back it season 2 when we named him Void when Rae screamed his first though was 'protec!'
I'm just saying there all damn great to are little science man! <3
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the-sky-doge · 8 months
Centross is an idiot...This man broke his girlfriend and boyfriend with one damn sentence! And Rae is just there quietly sobbing in the corner.
Though there is quite clearly a reason for this man's death he could have done it in a better way but nooo! He had to do it the Centross way by ripping the damn bandage of then setting the person on fire.
And lastly, I truly think Icarus is a good friend and sibling but they really need a damn good bonk on the head!
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