the-sexual-student · 4 years
<reasonably achievable thing> is cool but have you ever considered <endlessly talking on social media about dismantling an entire societal system, a process that will likely take decades and/or be a brutal revolution in which you, yes you, could die, while never actually instigating said revolution, and meanwhile shooting down anything short of total upheaval thus permitting yourself to wallow in ideological purity and complete inaction without doing a single thing to improve the lives of others in a small tangible way>
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
Peter Parker, part of gen z, understanding how bad this country is: god I hate America
Steve Rodgers, literally “Captain America”: god me too
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
Boring old werewolf instincts:
Sexual jealousy
Constant aggression
Rigid hierarchy
Must win sports
Homophobia And Sexism Is Normal™
Eat people
Cool new werewolf instincts:
There is no five second rule
Corvids are friends
Hang out as a pack
Gotta pee
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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That educational representation of an exploitative profession, is on to something!
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
This is not news, but it is an important read, especially for people who were previously unaware of the trend of neo-Nazis stealing pagan symbols for their own.
If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist pagan, keep doing what you are doing, you are keeping the fight alive
If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist person who is not a pagan, help us spread the word of this, stand in solidarity with us as we kick the fascists out of our communities
If you are a fascist pagan, fuck off, this faith is a peaceful one
No platforms for fascists.
~ Max
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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I make a thing
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
When it comes to stuff like racism, sexism, homophobia, etc, I’ve found it’s usually way better to think to yourself ‘I don’t want to be’ than ‘I’m not’.
I.e. if someone goes ‘that thing you just did is ableist’, instead of going ‘I’m not ableist, I don’t hate disabled people!’ it’s usually a lot better to go ‘I don’t want to be ableist, I should rethink what I’m doing/saying/etc in light of that fact’. Because that shifts your thinking so rather than jumping straight into denial and attempts to defend your character, you’re instead more inclined to look at how your actions could be misrepresenting your intentions. Or whether you’ve overlooked something, been callous, or acted in ignorance.
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
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Ruby Bridges was the first black child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis in 1960.
This movie made me cry, I was so heart broken by how Ruby Bridges was treated! She was only 6, but was so strong. She is a very brave girl and she did not care what the white folks called her.
People are simply disgusting to minimize people by skin color!
Ruby you might not think you’re a hero… But to other people you are! You are A HERO and you are A PERSON WHO MADE AMERICA CHANGE!
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
Pride month starts tomorrow so I just want to remind you that if you don't support BLM and are complaining about 'riots' you are not allowed to celebrate pride month! The birth of pride was the Stonewall RIOTS, rebellion against police violence by black and brown women. There is no gay liberation without black lives. There is no trans liberation without black lives.
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the-sexual-student · 4 years
i am not black, but i see you.
i am not black, but i hear you.
i am not black, but i mourn with you.
i am not black, but i see the injustice that you face.
i am not black, but i see the fear for your sons and your daughters. your brothers and sisters.
i am not black, but i will stand with you.
inaction is also an action. and i will not stay silent.
i don’t see your color. i appreciate and honor your color and your roots and experiences. you are valued and respected.
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