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HE/THEYIneffable husbands Spangel
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the-rainbow-express · 7 months ago
Help me win a debate against my friend
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the-rainbow-express · 8 months ago
"Traitors and villains!"
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His family was never completely safe. not when the king openly gave preference to his daughter, whom he allowed to go unpunished several times after treason to the crown. not when he ignored his son's injury in favor of trying to incriminate his wife and punish her because of the truth.
His family was never completely safe. even when his family was doing their duty properly because his father and sister considered themselves above the law.
His family was never completely safe. Aegon knew that when his sister ordered the swords to be raised, he would be the first whose head would fall. but he was not prepared for the fact that the first victim would be his son, killed in such an insidious and cruel way.
His family was never completely safe. why did the gods give Viserys all the time in the world that he could spend with his children when he didn't need it, while Aegon, who really loved his children, had to bury one of them before he even had time to grow up?
His family was never completely safe. and Aegon hates and despises his father and sister for this reality. hates them because they put his family in such a vulnerable position, because they turned his life into endless grief for his child.
His family was never completely safe. years earlier, Aegon did not want to be a challenge to his sister, but now he wish only one thing and that is to spill blood.
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the-rainbow-express · 8 months ago
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ALICENT AND HER CHILDREN; “I have sinned / I do not wish to hear of it.”
sharp objects, gillian flynn / unknown / holy family, pompeo batoni / richard iii, byam shaw / dreams of clytemnestra, dacia maraini / bad sun (moon version), the bravery / ivan the terrible and his son ivan, ilya repin / elektra, sophocles / above the clouds of pompeii, bear’s den / novitiate (2017) / poplar street, chen chen / time within time: the diaries 1970-1986, andrei tarkovsky / class of 2013, mitski / house of the dragon (2022–), s02e01 and s02e02
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the-rainbow-express · 8 months ago
I really don't understand the desire of the screenwriters to make absolutely everything in this series revolve around Alicent. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but all the events of the series REALLY don't need to be focused on her. Show me how Helaena runs to Aegon with her daughter in her arms. She finds him in the throne room and the whole company freezes, seeing her in tears, with a cut on her neck. The smile fades from Aegon's face when he realizes that something irreparable has happened. He sobers up immediately. Finish the episode on his face when Helaena says that Jaehaerys was killed and after we were watching the development of Aegon's relationship with his son, it'll hurt. Let me see the moment when he realizes that while he was getting drunk with friends on the throne, his son was being killed. Show me his eyes when he realizes that the fragile happiness he had was destroyed and he couldn't prevent it in any way. Children are the only thing these two have in common, it's their tragedy, don't take it away from them.
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the-rainbow-express · 9 months ago
Can't stop thinking bout The Judge. Supposed proof that Angelus is incapable of any 'humanity', literally the judge says there's no humanity in him, none, he's clean. Often extrapolated to indicate he's always been so. But I just. I can't. We see him burn Dalton. The reason? He's full of feeling. He reads. Uh huh. Angelus, sans-soul, loved to draw. He was moved to tears by the ballet. Wept 'like a baby'. Spike and Dru are susceptible because they share affection and jealousy. Argue all ya want about whether it was love or not, but Angelus and Darla sure as heck shared affection, and there was just oodles and oodles of jealousy with the Immortal. I'd go so far as to say there's affection for the whole of his immediate family - as messed up as those relationships were and much as he enjoyed to torment, we see moments of plenty affection between all of them. There's a reason not only Dru but Spike too is initially gleefully happy to see him return to the fold (and when they meet in the submarine too). Like, this isn't a 'who's the better/worse' vampire post. Ain't about ranking. The bar is 'is Angelus capable at all of these feelings' and I think he absolutely is. So now, like, the obvious Doylist thing is, clearly they didn't plan any of his later character development in season 2. They wanted a quick way to show a) Angelus had no soul anymore, and b) he's the worstiest worst vampire to ever worsen and we should be hyped and/or scared for what's bout to go down. It was hella effective. But things did change over the years and retroactively, it don't stack up, and I always love a good Watsonian explanation when possible. I'm interested to hear people's takes. Maybe the Judge is full of shit and there's a little more to the qualification process for burning. Maybe there's some correlation ≠ causation going on in regards to that affection/jealousy/feelings thing. Personally I wonder if the curse had anything to do with it - that him being devoid of humanity now (well, in the late 1990s) in the immediate aftermath of losing his soul due to the clause of a curse he been under for a century designed to torment, doesn't mean he wasn't capable of any of those feelings then. Or even that he never would be. Just that in the initial aftermath, there's an emptiness. And I wonder too if killing Darla didn't help create that little void, that hollowness, where affection used to be alongside the evil. Or maybe the Judge is full of shit.
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the-rainbow-express · 9 months ago
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THE FANGED FOUR + seeing their chosen human for the first time
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the-rainbow-express · 9 months ago
He literally asked spike if he thought he was a deviant
A common misunderstanding of Spangel/us is that Angelus' first impression of William was "Damn, what an idiot." That was actually Darla's line. The first time William and Angelus were introduced, his reaction was "Hey, nice to meet you. Let's have gay sex."
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the-rainbow-express · 9 months ago
Hi, I’m obsessed with Mr clever, he’s like a child and he feels so many emotions and he doesn’t no how to control them and he’s not even supposed to be capable of feeling emotions he was so criminally underused and mostly ignored by the doctor who fandom so I’m starved for content of him (posts, theories, fanfiction, fanart)
Please tell me everything you think and feel about him because I need mr clever content
Hiii I love mr clever :) dumbest smartest cyberplanner man alive.
When he gets in the doctor's head and immediately absorbs all of his personality traits without realizing, like Love of Being Alive and Feeling So Much but without the doctor's years of practice managing it. immediately gets hit with the autism beam and now he has to stim every second or he'll Die.
he has the ruthlessness of the cybermen and the strong feelings and personality of the doctor, of course he was immediately a nightmare for everyone to deal with.
i think he should've been smart enough to either upgrade against the uhhh pulse glove? or worm in a backup in the doctors head to wait out whatever plan the doctor might have managed so he can try and take back control later
i think it would've been really fun for him to meet amy and rory. amy would not take him seriously. she'd call him out on his hypocrisy about emotions immediately. "oh, emotions are flawed and weak? why are you getting mad and yelling at us then? idiot."
get the doctor and the cyberplanner in a nightmare body sharing scenario. the doctor has put measures in place to prevent him from taking over other systems without the doctor participating, you know, to prevent him from trying to make a cyberman army in the tardis, but he can't remove him without killing himself. it's not like he has any actual regenerations left to burn him out until later. so they're stuck sharing. mr clever refuses to leave and get killed and the doctor refuses to let him take over.
catch him flirting with the tardis and the doctor is like no!!! that's my beautiful time machine wife!!!!
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
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there HAS to be a reason for this
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
And Mr clever
in my ideal doctor who universe there are three amys on the tardis (ganger, older!amy, Amy Prime)
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
I’m imagining the doctor and mr clever meeting the master at some point and the doctor goes like really internal and lets clever take control by accident (maybe after the timeless child reveal or something equally traumatic to do with the master) and Clever is pretending to be the doctor but the doctors emotions on the master are so confusing so he doesn’t know if he should make out with or kill the master
I eat up fics so much when they touch on the issues! Like given how much the doctor has been possessed/taken over I feel should def give them PTSD or a traumatic response to telepathy. Eg: 13 scared to contact the master after their only interactions with telepathy in the past years being hostile or life threatening.
Let them beat daleks to shit with their bare hands for everything they've done, including the war and such. (In my mind the doctor did destroy Gallifrey I'm sorry I hate the retcon they did in the special that they saved it because it devalues somuch of them imo)
Also I was thinking more about Mr clever (I'm saying that and not cyberplanner bc it's silly) and like how that'd affect the doctor and the story. And just the process of the doctor losing more of themselves, maybe small behaviors and quirks up to wardrobe changes and such. And I think what could be interesting ish is like Mr Clever is hiding how much he's taken over from River or something but what gives it away is how well he pilots. Because obviously the cyberplanner would pour over memories and books and learn the most optimal ways to pilot a time machine. And then you get that sweet sweet realization from River of that's not who I think it is. That is not the man I know. (I love those reveals)
Anyways im so normal sorry for rambling
i think it's incredibly funny that moffat unblew up gallifrey and then chibnall just went and blew it up again. the tradition of writers fighting over whether or not gallifrey is blown up continues and i am eating it up. the doctor definitely blew up gallifrey though even if they went back and changed it. time is an illusion everything is canon even the tv show
also TASTY TASTY angst yes!! he's a robot/ai designed to optimize everything possible, of course he's going to try and optimize piloting. the doctor just kind of wings it, and it works, but the cyberplanner wants fast and reliable results.
i also think its really funny that the cyberplanner mantains the cyberman belief that emotions are weak and bad and need to be removed, and completely and utterly fails to recognize the fact that he has gained very strong emotions and very little ability to process and manage them. like, he's super excited to have a time lord body, he gets angry and starts yelling when things don't make sense, he takes great joy in fucking with people, he's absorbed a lot of 11's physical mannerisms and expressions of emotions. dumbass mr clever has completely not realized that, and i think would continue not to.
so river would find the "doctor" is actually putting effort into piloting the tardis efficently, without the typical loving affection, isn't exactly hiding his emotions that well (11 is. very good at this actually), and is in general expressing what his feelings should be about people just wrong for the doctor. because he can see what those emotions and feelings are, but doesn't understand the complexities of it. 11 struggles to be intimate. he isn't good at using his words for his feelings for people. the cyberplanner assumes the correct tactic is to spell out what feelings he's supposed to be expressing, which is a notable tip off for river.
there are just all these things slightly wrong with the doctor that she's slowly realizing.
(also you can ramble as much as you like, i love rambling-)
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
I don’t know, cause I’ve gone through everything about him as well and now I’m going through a sort of fanfiction withdrawel cause I’m obsessing over him and can’t enjoy anything that isn’t about him but there’s not a lot of stuff about him so that sucks
I would like to read some fan-fiction that has the doctor viewing him as a little kid (cause that’s how I saw him) and keeping him in the back of his head. Under control and not able to get out or take control but still there. It also seems like he’s capable of feeling emotions which I find interesting and want to see more of but unfortunately there’s not a lot of that
welp ive gone through all the cyberplanner/mr clever stuff on tumblr and ao3. why do i always latch on to the most niche of things possible.
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
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Maester Norren writes that "the prince and his bastard girl" supped together every night, broke their fast together every morning, slept in adjoining bedchambers, that the prince "doted upon the brown girl as a man might dote upon his daughter," instructing her in "common courtesies" and how to dress and sit and brush her hair, that he made gifts to her of "an ivory-handled hairbrush, a silvered looking glass, a cloak of rich brown velvet bordered in satin, a pair of riding boots of leather soft as butter." The prince taught the girl to wash, Norren says, and the maidservants who fetched their bath water said he oft shared a tub with her, "soaping her back or washing the dragon stink from her hair, both of them as naked as their namedays."
Fire & Blood🔥
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
Pretty much yeah
Gen-X & Millennials watching X-Men: I love the X-men so much, Professor Xavier is a hero, omg Magneto is so evil,
Gen-Z watching X-Men: so, there's an old queen in a cape & his sidekick has major trans vibes, and they want to take down the government because the government hate mutants, so their first plan is to make the government officials into mutants so that they care about mutants, and the same government goes on to not only ban mutants, but to create a "cure" for mutant genes, and every time mutants fight back to defend themselves it's branded as an attack on human civilisation, but each time the government tries to eradicate the mutants it's just a little bit of a chit-chat, and you want us to... *checks notes* vote for the team who want to stop the old queen & his team, because they disrupt the status quo????????
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
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I could not agree more
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
Just explained a knot to her
And different ways that make omegas give birth
I just had the privilege of introducing a classmate to the omegaverse
Mating bites
She cried
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the-rainbow-express · 10 months ago
I just had the privilege of introducing a classmate to the omegaverse
Mating bites
She cried
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