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Another of our Pressure OCs!
Welcome! This is a blog for @eventide-triptych's newest Pressure OC, Z-578, known to the few it calls its friends as Lux. Lux is a human spliced with the DNA of a river otter, a sea angel, an axolotl, and, oddly enough, a Searchlights, created as a prototype super-soldier for Urbanshade. They managed to escape the containment cell they were being kept in when Sebastian caused the Blacksite's lockdown, and now live as a scavenger, hiding in vents and side rooms as to avoid the attention of Urbanshade personnel and Expendables alike. INFO POSTS: Coming soon! ART: Coming soon! Or maybe not, seeing as I can't draw for shit- it comes if someone ever wants to draw this guy, I guess. TAGGING GUIDE: OOC posts are tagged with #above the apex Asks are tagged with #wandering the vents Regular posts are tagged with #prowling the corridors RP posts are tagged with #growls in the dark Lore posts are tagged with #light from darkness RULES: No NSFW! Suggestive asks and flirting are okay, but nothing overly sexual! No offensive language. Don't be a jerk! This one's just common sense! Magic anons are allowed! Only one can be active at a time, though! Have fun! LUX'S STATUS: Mental State: Stable Physical State: Healthy Death Count: 0 Kill Count: 9 Current Magic Anon: N/A ASKS ARE OPEN!
#lux pressure oc#pressure roblox#pressure oc#pressure rp#pressure roleplay#pressure ask blog#pressure rp blog
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Dakota shrugs. "Eh. You didn't seem like you wanted to answer questions- do ya? To answer your question, Sebastian's shop is somewhere around Door 50." Dakota enters the darkened room, sighing. These are always annoying. "Hm...I could light a path with my electricity, but...would it be worth it? Don't want to anger one of those weird squid things-"
As Dakota was exploring the blacksite for loose assets, he came across a small side room. These types of rooms were usually full of loose assets, but as he stepped inside he saw that he wasn't alone. Inside, sitting near the wall next to some item lockers, was a young girl who looked around 10 or so.
She didn't look like another expendable; the most obvious difference was her age, of course, but instead of the uniform jumpsuit the expendables wore, she was wearing what seemed to be a handmade purple dress that went to her ankles. She had pale skin, very light blue eyes, and her hair was blonde enough that it almost looked white.
She didn't seem to notice Dakota entering, seemingly focused on writing something on what looked like a notepad.
- @hadal-hideout
Dakota cocks his head to the side as he stands in the doorway. What's a child doing down here? This place, the's no place for a kid, that's for sure. "...Heya. Uh...whatcha got there?" He's cautious. He has to be, in order to survive down in this watery hellscape. Sure, whoever (or whatever) this is looks like a human girl, but...for all Dakota knows, this could be some new entity he's never seen before- some kind of mimic, maybe- pretending to be human to lure him in. He wouldn't be surprised if that were the case...
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ooc // im sorry but why the fuck is your blog username the same as this MV on Pressure
OOC// because A: the song is really good, and B: I was surprised nobody’s taken the username yet lmao- I couldn’t resist-
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"I suppose so. Hiding or niceties won't always be an option, though, will it?"
As Andromeda enters a room full of computers, the doors would slam shut. The computer monitors all blink to life simultaneously, with the icon of a golden serpent eating its own tail appearing on each of the screens as the intercom whirs to life. "...Hello, human." @the-pressure-multiplies (Here, have a giant robot snake. Why? A better question is why not!)
"Hi! My name is Andromeda! What is yours?"
*She seemed completely unphased by the sheer direness of her situation*
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Blog update! Two new characters have been added, Scientist Elliot Rast and Expendable Dakota Morrigan! Blog name change! And...that's about it!
#blog update#important#elliot rast#dakota morrigan#pressure oc#pressure ask blog#pressure roblox#pressure rp blog
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do you like rabbits
"Rabbits? I mean...they're cute? I haven't seen one in a while..."
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So, Jackson, what exactly does Urbanshade's PR department do? I doubt it's anything as mundane as advertising and costumer outreach.
"In that, you'd be correct. Urbanshade Public Relations primarily focuses on damage control, manipulating the public's perception of Urbanshade, and neutralizing civilian or governmental threats to Urbanshade's security and power, whether that be via bribery, cognitive or memetic alteration, or, in certain cases, via more violent means."
#yeah- its basically the manipulation department lmao-#jackson pelagos#pressure oc#pressure ask blog#pressure roblox#pressure rp blog
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*The director barges onto his office, throwing a file full of photos onto his table*
"Communicate Mr. Shade. The crystal is gone, we need the Trench-maker warheads active ASAP."
-Arcaix Frizt
Jackson’s head shoots up as he goes through the pictures.
He grabs the phone on his desk, dialing in a series of numbers he never thought he’d need to call.
“…Hello? Mr. Shade? It’s Director Pelagos...we have a problem on our hands.”
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Strangely, all of the cameras in that area aren't working. Instead, they all show an icon of a snake eating its own tail, with the same hissing sound emitting from the speakers. In unison, they all flicker, and then go back to normal. Odd.
A camera explodes. Like- it just straight up explodes- no prompting, no warning- just a sound suspiciously similar to that of a snake's hiss, and an explosion.
"And that's static. . . ooo caralho."
*He searches for a camera closeby to see what happened*
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The sounds of a serpent's hissing would emanate from the speakers for a moment before abruptly cutting off.
One of the cameras suddenly glitches out, an icon of a snake eating its own tail appearing on the screen before the camera just- explodes-
He stares at the feed for a moment - watching as that symbol flashed for a moment before silently making two notes,
One about the cameras location
And another to talk to his bosses about this.
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The Clockwork Serpent undulates through Urbanshade's networks, it's immense consciousness sliding through the firewalls and security systems with ease, leaving nothing but incomplete code and sparking screens in it's wake. Top-of-the-line security, anomalous firewall systems, even deadly cognitohazards, all reduced to nothing in the Serpent's wake. It's looking for something. What that something is, the mechanical leviathan is the only one who knows. Eventually, the Serpent stops. It has what it came for. In a flash of stray code and loose pixels, the great beast's digital form disappears, and within a cave deep within the Let-Vand Zone, a pair of mechanical golden eyes whir to life.
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What's the coolest thing you can do with your light powers?
"Well...I can transform fully into light, making myself not only invulnerable, but also capable of moving at the speed of light. Does that count as 'cool?'"
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Kai Opinions on the entities?
“They’re all quite interesting. I believe that if I were to be given the opportunity to choose my position within Urbanshade, I would choose to become part of the Anomalous Entity Research Division. The work they do is exceedingly intriguing.”
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It been usually quiet in these bleak halls/corridors of urbanshade. Yet the CCTV cameras are always watching for anything out of suspicion, the eyes in the sky & it seem the camera has zoomed in on a small group of EXR-P that are talking quietly about something.
[ ... ]
“Sigh Z-797! We been over this you can’t get rid of me or Z-182... I know you’ll do it regardless coming after us... to get us out of the picture, as urbanshade they only care about that Crystal & Not you Uncovered!
“Like I care for that rotten snake! who a no good allied... he’ll betray you Mal-V he isn’t to be trusted I- ...oh- I didn’t think about the consequences with accepting the deal.“
“ all been led a stray picked up & saved from you’re execution... He was once a friend of ares, until urbanshed came in & made him revert to a- ...”
“He has a kill order put on him for reason he dangerous you can’t fix him I’ve tried! ...& looked where that got me Mal-Z! I’m stuck in this cell due to him...”
“...he’s only a monster because they want the porcelain mask not him they’ll care less for a useless corpse... that they’re unable to profit from- ...huh?”
“Hmm? Sound like a guard is making his rounds. ..I think you should leave Z-102 for you’re safety & mine knowing how urbanshade deals traitors alike. — I don’t want to be your demise to them. Please be safe out there & safe travels to the hadal black site.”
“Noted... & you’re a good person Z-797 it just you been led down a dark path, that we might not be to save you from. That is you’re decision not theirs to make forcibly or not. — I know they can surely try. ...Take care-“
“You too’ll need all the help you can get.”
[ ...the following footage has been archived for farther investigation of exchanging information & etc. as for the individuals caught on the feed Z-797 who still remain inside of their cell yet, talked with it who simply go by Z-102. A friend of his Perhaps & it a assumed he left due to the schedule patrolling of the guard. However upon looking for Z-102 through the CCTV Cameras was unable to be locate it. though it might have returned to hadal blacksite through some mean.
💻- anon (two lads having in arguement but it was interrupted by a guard. & The camera are listening.)
OOC: I don't know who you want to respond to this, so- if you could resend the ask, this time with a note of you want to respond, that'd be great! So sorry for the inconvenience - Red
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"To Mr. Frizt." ... "Fuck you."
To Mr. Frizt Your name is fucking stupid. Sincerely, Mr. Pelagos, Urbanshade's Department of Public Relations.
"To Mr. Pelagos. Says the one named after water."
"Sincerely, Mr. Frizt, Urbanshade's Department of Enginnering and Transport."
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So- we (@eventide-triptych) decided to make a blog for all of our miscellaneous Pressure OCs! Really not much more to say, so let's get on to the characters! This post will be updated soon, and separated into individual linked posts for each character! MR. JACKSON PELAGOS: - Head of Urbanshade's Public Relations Department. - Transmasc. - Somewhere around 36 years old at least physically. - Ironically, despite his name and job, Jackson is afraid of water. - Can't be visually perceived by most beings, voice seems to distort or glitch when experiencing intense emotions. - Possibly an eldritch entity of some sort, although he was definitely human at some point in time. - Very close to Mr. Shade. - Adept in manipulation, capable of controlling minds and emotions.
COMMANDER KAI REID: - Commander of Squadron NIGHTFALL, a highly-trained and anomalously-empowered task force equivalent to @jester-pressure's Squadron DAYBREAK, although specializing in external operations rather than internal ones, and utilizing energy-based powers rather than ones acquired from the genes of the entities within the Blacksite. - Expert on the various entities within the Hadal Blacksite. - AFAB non-binary (they/them pronouns). - Both parents are Urbanshade employees. - Kai is capable of respawning, manipulating light for a variety of effects, and conjuring objects out of 'thin air' (in actuality manipulating molecules to produce objects). - They have something of a rivalry with Quinn Larkinson (@nostarshere).
THE ARCHON OF THE LET-VAND: - Formerly EXR-P #908, now a living embodiment of the Let-Vand Zone. - The process by which a human can be turned into such an entity is currently unknown, but Urbanshade is currently researching how to use this phenomenon for their own benefit. - Extremely powerful reality warper, engage with caution. - Restricted to the Let-Vand Zone, cannot leave it or perceive the world outside of it. - Responds to 'Ashton Nox' or variants thereof. This is presumed to be the entity's original name. - Hostile towards Urbanshade personnel, neutral towards entities that aren't native to the Let-Vand Zone, friendly towards Expendables and entities that are native to the Let-Vand.
DR. ELLIOT ‘ELLI’ RAST: - A scientist, formerly working for one of Urbanshade’s rival groups. Nobody but Urbanshade’s highest ranking members know of their former allegiance. - Kidnapped by Urbanshade agents, mutated with the DNA from multiple supernatural entities as well as mundane animals and conditioned to be obedient (but not loyal) to Urbanshade. - Bigender and intersex, he/she/it pronouns. - Full extent of mutations and abilities won’t be revealed just yet, as even she doesn’t know. - Despite his disdain for Urbanshade, he does enjoy some of the experiments he carries out, as long as the subjects are ‘deserving’ in his eyes. - Despises Commander Kai Reid. Totally doesn't have a crush on them. (Blatant lies.) DAKOTA MORRIGAN: - An Expendable enhanced with the DNA of an electric eel, capable of controlling electricity. - Transgender man, demisexual panromantic. - Half-African American, has a scar on his face. - Has scopophobia, is understandably terrified of Eyefestation. - Friendly with the Clockwork Serpent, although he doesn't know much about the entity. - Convicted of murder. It was in self-defense, but the courts didn't see it that way. - He wears gloves to conceal burn scars on their hands, which he got when he was first learning how to control his electricity. THE CLOCKWORK SERPENT: - A massive (think slightly bigger than a Trenchbleeder) serpentine entity made up of mechanical parts taken from machinery all around the Blacksite. - Extremely intelligent, has unrestricted access to all of Urbanshade's files due to being connected to their private networks. - Neutral to other beings, doesn't really care about the conflict between Urbanshade and the entities of the Blacksite. However, it does find pleasure in messing with anyone utilizing the security systems of the Blacksite. - Can control the turrets, security cameras, and intercoms, as well as really any type of technology. Communicates primarily using the intercom system and emails. - Camera systems and recording devices glitch out when they see or hear it. - Urbanshade has no information on it beyond a few descriptions from Expendables. - Can’t die, will simply remanifest in a new machine in the exceedingly unlikely event that someone manages to destroy its current body. - It sees you. RULES: - No NSFW asks. - No offensive language. - Please specify which character your question is directed towards. - Magic anons are allowed! - Have fun!
#pinned post#the characters!#jackson pelagos#kai reid#the archon of the let-vand#elliot rast#dakota morrigan#the clockwork serpent#pressure oc#pressure ask blog#pressure roblox#pressure rp blog
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