the-night-assassin · 5 days
Hey, OP - How does it feel to be slapped by Apollo?
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How I found out about trump getting shot
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the-night-assassin · 5 days
Saying it now.
If I ever see any absolute horse shit like this in my asks, reblogs, Qoutev discussion, messages, *anywhere* - You will be not-so-kindly told to shut the fuck up, blocked, and then reported.
I do not fucking joke right now.
I doubt many of you people even read my stuff, or look at the occasional art I'll post, but for those of you who do,
I don't care if it didn't have meaning behind it, I don't care if it was a (non)obvious joke, no.
If I see it, it'll be the last I see of you. Period. You will be done and gone.
I knew some victims. I know of victims. I know some who have tried or wanted to. And, to be honest, I considered it during 2020. So this isn't just something I'm trying to bring more awareness to, this is a fucking announcement and warning. A warning I will give only one time.
Do this, and I will not hold back. You will be erased from my life.
Rest in peace to those driven to death, and to those still fighting, I wish you wellness and victory. Don't listen to those assholes. They aren't worth the thought.
Shame on any of you who have pushed people like this. I'm not religious, nor do I care how you take my words, but know that there is a place in hell for people who behave like you.
Be better.
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I usually make a point to avoid getting into this kind of drama. 
That stops now.
If you’ve been following the kind of people I follow, or if you’re part of new fandoms that experience a sudden explosion in popularity and number of fans - Undertale. Steven Universe. RWBY. Fire Emblem. Overwatch. Disney. Gravity Falls. Star Wars. Marvel. Etc -, you will have seen something like this.
Every time, without exception, there’s a small group of people who think they are entitled to say what is right and what is wrong. Who erect themselves as judge and jury of what is GOOD and what is PUNISHABLE. And now, they may well have erected themselves into executioners.
There was a tumblr user by the name of tyrant-rex. Emphasis on WAS. If you go to his blog you’ll notice it’s deactivated. That’s because he did it, right after leaving a suicide note.
Rex shipped Pewey. That is Pearl/Mayor Dewey, both characters from Steven Universe. Pearl is a canonical lesbian character. Mayor Dewey is a guy. And that, it seems, was all the reason this toxic part of the fandom needed to want him dead. They showered him in hate and this is the result. Rex may well be DEAD because some people decided a fictional ship was worth more than a human life.
And the most sickening part? They’re not sorry. They revel in the pain they’ve caused. They try to justify it.
“But Pearl is a canonicaly lesbian!” Doesn’t justify killing a person over it.
“But it was lesbian erasure!” No it’s not, just as shipping two heterosexual characters in a gay relationship isn’t heterosexual erasure. And even if it were, it would still not justify killing a person over it.
“But seeing that ship hurts me!” If a non-canon drawing of a fictional ship is enough to cause you pain you should go to therapy because you are obviously not well off on the head. Oh, and it STILL DOES NOT JUSTIFY KILLING SOMEBODY OVER IT.
I mean, really, did these people even think about what they were doing? What they are celebrating? If he’s dead, that’s a whole person gone from the earth. Did he have friends? Family? Loved ones? Hopes and dreams? And now those people will never see him again. His goals will never come to be. And why? Because of a ship? Because people on the internet couldn’t stand others loving things they didn’t like? Can you think of any subject more STUPID to hate somebody? To drive somebody to death?
This is not the first time the SU fandom drove someone to the edge of suicide. And I tell you right now, it’s not going to be the last. This is gonna keep happening. And you might be reading this and thinking I’m overreacting. I wish I was. I wish I had no reason to make this post. But Rex, and those who came before, are the horrible proof that no, I am not exaggerating.
And just like they came for him, they will come for you. Because you drew Connie’s nose too small, or her skin too light. Because you drew Pearl with boobs, or Mei and Rose skinny. Because you made Frisk’s eyes too asian, or Hanzo’s eyes not asian enough. Because your humanization of Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps is not the color THEY want it to be. Because you dared to ship the “wrong” ship. Because your opinion is something they don’t like.
I honestly don’t know how to close this, so I’ll just say, if anybody’s shitting on you or trying to get you to hurt yourself, block them. Your mental health and your life matter so much more than all the fictional characters in the world.
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the-night-assassin · 8 days
Couldn't find it, but that one Nike meme.
That. Listen to that.
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Any red state can turn blue if enough voters turn out.
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the-night-assassin · 10 days
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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the-night-assassin · 10 days
Look at them go!!
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Moo Deng, a famous baby hippopotamus at Khao Kheow zoo in Thailand ♡
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the-night-assassin · 15 days
It is my honor.. to gift this wonderful message to you..
It is done.. my friend.. for we have won.
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the-night-assassin · 15 days
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the-night-assassin · 16 days
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Wanted to draw that scene from The Book of Bill :D
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the-night-assassin · 25 days
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the-night-assassin · 25 days
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I love explaining things about tma to my partner
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the-night-assassin · 1 month
Is being a teenager investigating a mysterious town a job?
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the-night-assassin · 1 month
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the-night-assassin · 1 month
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
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the-night-assassin · 1 month
Hello, tumblr user. Before you is a tumblr post asking you to name a female fictional character. You have unlimited time to tag a female character, NOT a male one.
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the-night-assassin · 2 months
Artist Random Question Meme!
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Send an emoji and I’ll draw the answer!
♡: Do you consider yourself and your persona the same person, or are you separate? 🍬: How do you differ from your online persona?  🌼: What are your favorite clothes to wear when you’re relaxing? 🍩: What’s your favorite snack? 👉: How do you sit when you draw? 😪: What’s something you collect? 😻: Do you prefer traditional or digital art? 🎀: Who makes you want to draw and improve? 🍺: What’s the biggest mistake you make that impacts your art/drawing process? 🍙: Ever thought about becoming professional? 👾: Do you livestream your art? If so, what is your favorite and least favorite thing about it? 💣: What site do you think you’re most active on? ♬: What do you like to listen to/have on in the background when you draw? 💀: Show something you drew a long time ago that at the time you were proud of. 🎁: Do you prefer CD’s or digital downloads? 🌟: What is your most prized possession? ☕: Coffee or Tea? ⚠: Have you ever taken an art class? ✂: What’s you astrology sign, zodiac, and MBTI? 🎬: What is your favorite kind of clothing? 🍔: Do you have OCs? If so, which is your favorite? 💾: What do you love to draw? ☂: What do you hate to/can’t draw? ☁: Guilty pleasure? 🎮: Do you prefer video games or TV shows/movies? 🐙: What do you suggest to beginner artists in terms of work ethic? 🐳: What do you look for in a friend? 🍀: How do you become motivated to draw? 💦: Soft shading or cell shading?
Feel free to send as many as you want!
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the-night-assassin · 2 months
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the-night-assassin · 2 months
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