the-muse-of-fandom · 2 months
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the-muse-of-fandom · 3 months
I love love love the moment in Gideon the Ninth where the Third challenges the Sixth in a clearly unfair move, and Gideon, half-on-instinct, still faking a vow of silence, simply unsheathes her sword, at which Harrow doesn't miss a beat and says her "The Ninth House will represent the Sixth House" line, while Gideon just smiles.
In Gideon's head this is "I am not standing for this shit anymore. For the love of God, Harrow, please understand what I'm doing and back me up here. Oh thank fuck you've got it. I'm so happy I could kiss you."
In Harrow's head this appears to be "For fuck's sakes, Nav, what do you think you're doing. Ok, think. Can't give anything away. Have to project unity, but fuck you, Griddle, for making me do this."
But for everyone else this is the legendary, mysterious, terrifying, bone magicians of the Ninth House, with no warning, stepping between the Sixth and the Third. The skull-faced cavalier who hasn't said a single word simply drawing her sword. The shockingly powerful and inscrutable necromancer matter-of-factly declaring an alliance that no-one, even the supposed allies, knew about. The sinister smirk on the cavalier's face. And the line from Harrowhark: "Death first to vultures and scavengers."
I love it so much and I love additionally the moment that this sets up in the climax, which is essentially the same emotional beat, the key changes being 1) both Harrow and Gideon have become open and vocal with each other; 2) both Harrow and Gideon are working together consciously as well as instinctively; 3) their opponents don't back down so they follow through. "Nav, show them what the Ninth House does." "We do bones, motherfucker."
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the-muse-of-fandom · 3 months
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the-muse-of-fandom · 3 months
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PLEASE watch this. i love chaotic sisters best dynamic in the world
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the-muse-of-fandom · 11 months
Fresh new sitcom idea: a spinoff of Modern Family but it's 1536 and the dissolution of the monasteries is in full swing. The patriarch is a secret Catholic and is hiding this from his long suffering wife and children. The guilt is eating him alive but he puts a brave face on things and has a reputation for being a total lad, a real joker, a good-time guy. Spoiler alert: they're all secretly Catholic but hiding it from the others. The family is tearing itself apart at the seams. Secrecy lurks beneath every punchline. It's a fun-filled series of heartwarming, wacky japes, set during the reign of terror of Henry VIII.
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the-muse-of-fandom · 1 year
I'm generally of the opinion that trying to resurrect prematurely cancelled shows is like necromancy—odds are they'll come back wrong.
Except for Galavant. Any Galavant revivial will be funnier the longer it stayed cancelled.
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the-muse-of-fandom · 1 year
Fresh new sitcom idea: a spinoff of Modern Family but it's 1536 and the dissolution of the monasteries is in full swing. The patriarch is a secret Catholic and is hiding this from his long suffering wife and children. The guilt is eating him alive but he puts a brave face on things and has a reputation for being a total lad, a real joker, a good-time guy. Spoiler alert: they're all secretly Catholic but hiding it from the others. The family is tearing itself apart at the seams. Secrecy lurks beneath every punchline. It's a fun-filled series of heartwarming, wacky japes, set during the reign of terror of Henry VIII.
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the-muse-of-fandom · 1 year
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Sometimes even the villains have standards
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the-muse-of-fandom · 1 year
funniest shit ever
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the-muse-of-fandom · 1 year
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Watch: Poet G Yamazawa nails what it’s like to grow up in the U.S. as the child of immigrants.
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the-muse-of-fandom · 2 years
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the-muse-of-fandom · 2 years
People always say that frank is the emotional emotive player and ray is the technical one but every video I see of Ray playing it looks like he's been possessed by the spirit of pure musicality and the guitar isn't even an instrument but an extension of his body and he isn't even on the same plane of reality as us while the song is happening and every time I've seen frank playing it looks like he's a fucking machine. Like you peel back his skin while hes going and there's pistons and steel and hydraulics. he was just fucking built to play. the precision and single mindedness and focus is incredible. both of them are insane to watch
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the-muse-of-fandom · 2 years
Any video game that has golems as an enemy that you can fight automatically implies three things:
that somehow, regardless of time and place, this fantasy world with no connection to our own has jewish people in it
that despite of living in a fantasy world unconnected to ours, they have a need for golems
if the golem is attacking you, you're the bad guy here
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the-muse-of-fandom · 2 years
Ok I know this has been said before and more eloquently than I can rn (it’s past midnight and I should be sleeping)
But the older I get, the more important it becomes to me that Eowyn is in a really dark place mentally when we first meet her in the book. That she rides to war out of suicidality, to get herself killed in battle. And that she heals, finds the will to live, finds the desire to heal things and make things beautiful rather than attempting to give her life meaning through dying a “glorious” violent death in battle.
I think when I was 12-ish and first read the book (or had it read to me as a bedtime story, rather, but same difference), I liked her because “oh look cool girl warrior character who doesn’t do what she’s told and defeats the monstrous evil bad guy no one else could kill!” And that is. that’s fair, honestly. I was 12. I don’t think I would want my 12-year-old self to have fully grasped the implications of Eowyn’s actions, to have really understood that underlying despair and suicidality. I liked cool warrior girl heroes (I still do, honestly). And Eowyn does do amazing things, she is a hero, she does fulfill the prophecy and kill the Witch King, and it is cool, I’m not saying it isn’t.
But like. Living in this world, reading the news, a lot of times I end up feeling just this utter despair and horror and helplessness at the bad things happening. And because of that, I really do end up feeling it when I look at Eowyn and see her despair, see how she’s trying to die in battle because she doesn’t want to go on living like that anymore and because she thinks her death in battle would make more difference and be more meaningful than her going on living.
And it’s just so important to me that then at the end of the story, she’s able to look at where she is and who she is and look at the world and go “no, actually, I want to live. I’ve had enough of death, I want to heal things, I want to make other people and other things also live”. That she’s able to want that, and believe that she is able to achieve that, that her life can have a purpose and meaning beyond a death worth telling a story about, and that that’s something she wants to do, wants to work towards. It is just so important to me
Like, LOTR is in so many ways a story about hope and despair, it’s present in damn near every character we meet in some way. And maybe it’s just because I imprinted on Eowyn as a kid that her story in particular and her being able to overcome the despair and be hopeful about life again is so important to me but like. Fuck. The more horrible things I see happening everywhere in the world all around me, the more important Eowyn’s story and her being able to find peace and healing becomes to me
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the-muse-of-fandom · 2 years
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the-muse-of-fandom · 2 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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the-muse-of-fandom · 2 years
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While I always condone piracy from large corporations, it should never be the only means of watching a movie or series, since it both limits the audience and hurts the careers of those involved, especially with the absence of physical media releases and the attempt to seemingly erase all evidence of them from the internet.
The important thing to do now is continue to spread awareness and support of those series so that they remain in the public consciousness. That includes sharing torrents, making your own copies (preferably physical ones) and creating fan content so that more people know about them.
We shouldn’t have to deal with an entire generation of lost media just because some penny-pinching cunt on a stick decided that they’re not worth supporting anymore.
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