fabiosaywhaaat · 4 days
I'm far cooler as a human right now than I ever was as a teen so...
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fabiosaywhaaat · 4 days
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fabiosaywhaaat · 4 days
I'm here! Apparently again, because I forgot this
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fabiosaywhaaat · 9 years
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Musclephone. Mas macho pa selpon ko sayo. Walang magnanakaw ng selpon ko, baka selpon ko pa ang magnakaw sa kanila
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fabiosaywhaaat · 9 years
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Huwag makipag away. Maging mabait na tayo.
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fabiosaywhaaat · 9 years
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Puta ka ate na sumasakop ng dalawang upuan
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fabiosaywhaaat · 9 years
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Welcome to the Adventure of Fabs
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fabiosaywhaaat · 9 years
Like Batman, I keep my friends varied
I’m Batman, with friends instead of foes. A gallery of rogues People I bothered to know I’m Batman
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fabiosaywhaaat · 9 years
Rant: Discriminating Fucks
I try my best to tolerate people of all kinds. I work with Muslims (they've told me stories of passports getting denied), a person I look up to is gay, I float the large gap of the kanto & the conyo (I may not like the latter, but I've grown out of my hate for them). The only ones I don't tolerate is the untolerating kind.
I try, I try. It pisses me off when a friend in my relatively small social circle (I like to keep it that way. I may know a lot of people but only few qualify to be inside my circle) comes out as a discriminating fuck who thinks one cultural & religious belief is detrimental to the world- granted that that may actually be the case, but then what makes his cultural & religious belief any different? Same roots, different variations, multiple similarities. Both are militant and are known to go after their enemies, both act very cultish... really, it pains me that this person, a source of stress already, would even think of something like that.
I've long wanted to erase this person in my life, but removing a somehow dysfunctional individual in my social circle is out of my moral standard. I like keeping strange & dysfunctional people as friends. I'm stubborn yeah, but I'm Batman and I like to keep my friends varied
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fabiosaywhaaat · 9 years
So this is Tumblr
Why is it called Tumblr?
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