I'm here to commit fan behavior for my hyperfixis
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Another fic I wrote. In this one Dorothy has a fever, all her Oz freinds freak out
Dorothy wasn't very concerned when she woke up with a headache, chills, and feeling of fatigue. Sure it had been a while since she’d been sick, but she was used to this type of thing, she always got sick around this time of year back in Kansas so why wouldn't the same thing happen in Oz?
She went to her Aunt Em, told her how ill she felt, and Em felt her forehead.
“You do feel a bit warm.” Aunt Em studied her niece’s face, “have you eaten anything yet?”
“No. I haven’t had much of an appetite this morning.” Dorothy shrugged, and then coughed into her elbow.
Em sighed, “I’d take your temperature, but I dont think Ive seen a thermometer, that wasn't meant for food, since we moved here.”
“I’ll try to catch Ozma and ask her to send one,” Uncle Henry said, putting his hat on, “Em, you take Dorothy back to her room, ‘an make sure she’s resting ‘till we find out if she’s trying to get sick on us or not.”
None of them were too concerned, they’d done this a few dozen times before. Ever since Dorothy first came to live with them they had to deal with the odd cold, fever, and even the flu once or twice.
Dorothy layed in bed while her aunt sat on the end and read a book, looking up now and again to make sure Dorothy was drinking the glass of water on her bedside. Even if she wasn't sick- she still needed to stay hydrated. Or so Em insisted. 
Dorothy was used to this, all it would take was some rest and she’d be back on her feet in no time. Even if she wasn't exactly sick, she’d had ear and sinus infections before, among other ambiguous childhood illnesses. She was used to just waiting them out- due to how Aunt Em and Uncle Henry didn't have much money to go out and visit a doctor, or call one to the farm. They had water, a bed, and vegetables for soup. That helped clear her up all the time before.
But, and perhaps this due to her tired state, she had seemed to of forgotten the large group of friends she had accumulated over her years in Oz. Friends who came from a fairy land where people choose when they age- and the most ill a person got was only when they ate food that was too old, or not made properly.
She shouldn't of been shocked when Uncle Henry came back with The Wizard, carrying a medical bag, half the castle staff, and Ozma trailing behind him. Aunt Em shouldn't of either, yet both were initially confused.
“Evening Dorothy.” The Wizard nodded as he set the medical bag on a desk near her bed and took out a thermometer.
“Uh- ‘evenin, Wizard. Why is-”
“- Why is Ozma and half the castle behind me?” he asked with a half laugh as he cleaned the thermometer. “You remember how Fairy folk don't get sick right?”
“Right.” Dorothy rolled her eyes, how’d she manage to forget that? 
Uncle Henry stood at the end of the bed beside Aunt Em, holding her hand, and shrugged. 
“Your uncle tried to explain it to them but, open please-” he started, taking the Kansas girl's temperature as he continued, “but they insisted on making sure it wasn't some- curse or hex.”
“And even if it wasn't.” Ozma added as the wizard looked at the thermometer, she was turning her scepter over in her hands. “You're a princess, if the princess is i’ll she’s the right to care and assistance till she’s well again.”
“Yep, that's fever temperature.” Aunt Em stated, looking at the thermometer the Wizard handed to her. 
“Looks like you’re not leaving your room for the next few days.” Uncle Henry added.
“And to make sure she’s not hexed or poisoned.” the Wizard said, taking out a bottle of sparkly white liquid, “the thermometer please.” Aunt Em handed the thermometer back. He placed the thermometer in the liquid and swirled the bottle a bit.
Ozma and the castle staff had their eyes on the bottle, tensely waiting for something. Ozma having a mix of concern and sternness on her face, Dorothy knew if it did end up being some kind of poison or charm making her sick Ozma’d be right on her way to both curing her, and finding the culprit. 
And Dorothy knew said Culprit would have none of Ozma’s mercy.
“It’d be a surprise if this turned out to be magic though,” Dorothy thought, “it feels like any ordinary fever.”
The liquid in the bottle turned sky blue.
“She's clear, it's just a plain old fever.” The Wizard confirmed. There was a weak sigh of relief, given the Ozians in the room were not too sure what exactly a ‘plain old fever’ was, they were just glad their princess wasn't poisoned or a target of malicious magic.
“And how is a ‘Fever’ treated? What do people in Kansas do for it?” Ozma asked, walking to the end of Dorothy’s bed, looking from Dorothy to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry.
“Well most folk can afford a doctor visit, and if it's really bad they get medicine.” Uncle Henry explained. “But back on the farm we couldn't really afford much of that. So we had her rest, drink water, and eat things like soup.” 
“It's not good to eat real heavy foods during a fever, the stomach tends to be- ‘easily upset’.” Em added.
“Don't forget fruit juice.” The wizard said, packing up the medical supplies. “Growing up, orange juice was always given to kids who were feeling ill.”
“Alright then, I’ll have the chefs start on that right away. Em, would you mind instructing them on what to do while making the soup?” Ozma asked Aunt Em, giving a nod to some of the castle staff to go and inform the kitchen.
Aunt Em looked over to Dorothy.
“Probably best you go as soon as you can, before the inevitable flood of ‘get well soon’ cards flood in when Ozma tells all of Oz that ‘Princess Dorothy is not to be disturbed till she recovers from her illness’.” Dorothy said, doing a haughty voice as she impersonated Ozma in a good natured taunt. Ozma stuck her tongue out at her before smiling, just glad her co-princess was on her way to recovery.
“Fair enough.” Aunt Em shrugged as she stood up and handed Henry the book she was holding, one of the castle hands accompanied her down to the kitchen.
“Is there anything specific you want right now?” Ozma asked Dorothy.
“Not really, apart from rest. The sooner I get over this the better, but do tell Toto where I am for me, will you?”
“Of course, and if you need anything else…” Ozma summoned a silver bell with a green diamond on the end of its handle. “Ring this.”  
“Will do Ozma.” 
The ruler of Oz nodded and made her way out of Dorothy’s room.
“I’ll be helping your Aunt, do you want the window open so you can have som fresh air?” Uncle Henry asked, putting the book away.
“Yes please, but could you pull the curtain closed so the lights dimmed? Its a beautiful bright day outside, but its not helping the headache.” Dorothy asked. Henry nodded and adjusted the windows as she asked. The green curtain flushed the room in a soft green light.
“Take it easy now.” He said as he stood in the doorway.
“I’ll take it as easy as I can, knowing it won't be too long before the others make their way here to check on me.” she stated with a laugh. Henry chuckled,
“Yeah. They’d just be trying to help, they care about you a lot.”
“I know, I’d probably be acting just like Ozma if she was the one sick right now, especially since it be a curse or poison that’d be making her ill.”
“Most likely. I’ll see you ‘round lunch, if nothing else happens.” Henry nodded before leaving, shutting the door behind him and leaving Dorothy in the green lit room.
She laid down, nestling her head on the soft pillows, and did her best to get some extra sleep.
Dorothy wasn't too sure how long she had been sleeping when she felt something fuzzy beside her face. She opened her eyes to a little black mass of fuzz and fur looking at her face sympathetically.
“Hello Toto.” she chuckled as she sat up and hugged him. “I assume Ozma told you I was sick?”
Toto looked up at her with his big black eyes.
“Let me guess, she’s also told all of Emerald City by now, hasn't she?
“What do you think?” Toto sighed as he curled in her lap. Dorothy smiled fondly. 
“Did she bother to explain it wasn't serious?”
“She told them it wasn't magic, that its a normal thing where we come from, and thats all I heard her say.���
Dorothy rolled her eyes.
“How’d our fellow ‘non fairy’ friends react?” She asked, leaning against the pillows like a chair back as she pet the black dog in her lap.
“Hm,” Toto snickered. “As you’d expect, they were sympathetic but otherwise unworried. Hank had to explain what a fever even was to Sawhorse.”
Then his ear flicked, and he lifted his head up to listen.
“What is it?”
Toto listened and then got up and stood on the edge of the bed, ears cocked towards the door as he focused to understand what he was hearing. Then his ears returned to their resting position as he sat down.
“It's your friends.”
Dorothy could hear them now, a set of metallic footsteps, light footsteps that rustled each time they hit the ground, and two sets of four large paws, all walking this way. 
“I was wondering when they’d get here.” she picked Toto back up and held him as she waited for them to walk through her door.
As the footsteps got close she could hear what they were talking about.
“-don't know.” Scarecrow said, apparently just finishing a sentence. “She only ever slept as long as the night was on our adventures- but she wasn't sick then.”
“Tinman, you were human once, right?” Dorothy heard the Tiger ask.
“Yes but I was a Munchkin, not- whatever the people in Kansas call themselves.” the Tinman answered, sounding worried.
“Her Uncle did say she’s had this illness before.” the Lion added. “So she’s bound to recover from it easily. We shouldn't worry that much, right?” 
The footsteps stopped right outside her door. None of them entered or even knocked. 
Dorothy listened as her friends continued talking in the hallway, each a different variation of concern.
“Jellia Jamb said the Wizard confirmed it wasnt magic or poison, I guess this is just a thing people from Kansas go through.” Scarecrow said, Dorothy heard paper rustling, like turning pages. He must be reading something.
Then he sighed, closing whatever he was reading.
“Nothing in that one either?” Tinman asked.
“No. and that's the third one I brought with me. I know its not an Oz thing but with how many non-fairy people find their way here, not to mention the Wizard- who was the ruler for years, one would think we’d have something about ‘Fevers’ written down by now.” The Scarecrow sounded defeated.
Dorothy didn't mean anything cruel by it, but she had to cover her mouth to keep herself from laughing. 
“Are they trying to find a cure of some sort?” she wondered. “Or are they just trying to learn so they can help?” Either way it was a very sweet, if unnecessary, gesture. 
“I mean they have diseases I haven't even heard of in here, rainbow tongue, musical sneezes, reptilian/amphibian transformation, magic hiccups, and- i don't even know how to say that one.” Dororthy heard Scarecrow flip through the book, reading off its contents.
“According to her family- she just needs to rest it off.” the Tiger said.
“I know, I just wish we knew how to help.” Scarecrow said, defeated.
“We know, we’ve always been able to help  her when she needed it before…” Tinman trailed off. 
There was a pause of silence. 
Dorothy listened for what they’d say next, she knew her friends would of been worried but she’s just realizing she underestimated how worried. She was half tempted to get up and tell them it wasn't anything that serious, but when she leaned towards the edge of her bed Toto looked back at her. 
She needed to rest, even if it wasn't sleeping, and she knew he was going to make sure she got it. She leaned back against the pillows and sighed. She could call out but the fever was starting to affect her throat, and she did not want to make it worse by raising her voice.
Besides- even if she told them that a fever isn't that serious, it’d hardly change anything. They were her friends, they had faced peril after peril together. She was sick and they were worried, and nothing was going to stop them from worrying.
She just sat back and listened, her and Toto waiting to see what they were going to do. Then there was a snap, or a close approximation of a snap- given it was made with straw stuffed fingers.
“Let's go and talk to Betsy, Trot, Cap’n Bill, and Shaggy man. They’re bound to know something about this aren't they?” Scarecrow suggested.
“Good idea.” Tinman said.
“I think I saw her and Hank talking by the moat when we started for Dorothy’s room, we should be able to catch them if we go now.” Lion siad. Then the steps of her friends' faded away, the opposite direction of where they came.
“Must've thought I was sleeping.” Dorothy muttered to herself. Toto looked at her, then at the door, and back at here. A question in his eyes.
“Hm. No, it's really sweet they want to learn more about non-fairy stuff just to try and help. You can go and get them once they’re done talking with the others tho.” Dorothy answered. Toto nodded and curled back up on her lap. Dorothy sat there and thought to herself,
“If any of them ever were sick I suppose I’d be the same. I’ll have to make sure I tell them I appreciate their efforts- as unnecessary as they are.”
Unsurprisingly it didn't take long for several bouquets of flowers to be delivered to Dorothy. Each one from a different place in Oz. She had one pile of white and green flowers from people in the Emerald city, one of blue flowers from the Munckinds- who’s were the largest pile, one of yellow and tin flowers from the winkies, red flowers from the quadlings, and several purple bouquets from the gillikins. Most of which were lavender, which smelled very nice but started to take over the room. Dorothy had to ask Ozma to take some away, those ones were put in the guest bedrooms since lavender is known to help with sleep.
Needless to mention the cards attached. When Aunt Em came by with ‘dinner’, a light vegetable soup and apple juice with sliced strawberries in it, she mentioned how Uncle Henry had been helping the castle hands with sorting the cards.
“May as well be a post office down stairs.” she stated.
Not too long after her Aunt stopped by, her friends did as well, this time accompanied by Jack Pumkinhead.
“You dont think pumpkins can catch ‘Fevers’ do you?” Jack had asked when he saw Dorothy. She shook her head.
“Nope, as long as you're from Oz I doubt you can get sick from me.” she told him.
“But-” Scarecrow added, “we can carry germs- even if we can't get sick. So for the sake of our other non fairy friends- we have to stay a distance from Dorothy.”
“I don't think we could get to her past the flowers anyways.” Lion stated looking around at the piles of bouquets.
“I don't mind if any of you keep some of them, I don't have enough room for them.” Dorothy stated but her friends refused. “Speaking of the others, did any of you ask them what Fevers are like?”
“Betsy said they make you tired and give you a headache." Lion stated.
"Trot said she's only had a fever once, and it made her sick to her stomach." Tiger added
"Shaggy man and Capin' Bill said they make you shiver, feel awful, and like things are going in slow motion." Tinman finished with a concerned look.
“All around it sounds miserable.” Jack crossed his arms.
“You’re not wrong, it's no fun at all. But it happens all the time where I'm from. Just a side effect of living in a Non-fairy land I guess.” she told them.
“We’re glad.” Lion stated.
“And we’re gonna stay here till you’re better. So let us know if we can help with anything.” Tinman added.
“I already have the entire castle at my beck ‘n call, though I Suppose it's always been like that since I became a princess. But I'm glad you’re all here, and thank you for wanting to help.” she told them.
“Of course we’d want to help.” Scarecrow stated, almost astonished.
“Apart from being our princess, you're our friend.” Tiger added.
Dorothy smiled at them, 
“Well, can you tell me how Ozma told you I was sick? I've been in this bed all day and to be honest Im more bored than tired.”
Dorothy listened to her friends talk, from them learning of her illness to things she hadn't been present for recently. Such as a small festival in the Winkie country, one Dorothy wasn't able to attend due to her and Ozma dealing with a request from the Queen of Xi that month.
Hours passed and Dorothy was just thankful to be with her friends, even if she felt quite awful they managed to make her smile. Night fell and they all insisted she go to sleep.
She complied, asking that some of her bouquet gifts be sent to be made into wreaths, so they’d take up less space in her room.
The following days were quite similar, Dorothy wasn't allowed to leave her room and her friends came to visit her. Trot and Betsy came by with handkerchiefs tied around their faces to protect them from catching her illness, the three of them talked of their fairy-land friend’s reactions to Dorothy’s current state. Agreeing with Dorothy that their care and concern was sweet, if unneeded. All in all, they were very thankful to be living in Oz.
Ozma was a frequent visitor to Dorothy, after her daily duties were finished of course. They’d sit and talk, Ozma always asking if Dorothy was comfortable or needed anything.
One day Billina stopped by to visit with a handful of her Dorothy Jr’s, both to check in on her friend and to teach her kids a bit of the world they both came from. 
TikTok, the Woggle bug, Scraps, even Polychrome made a quick visit just to check in on her. Scraps tried to cheer her up with some cartwheels and had to be almost dragged out of Doroty’s room when she almost broke two vases. Dorothy promised she’s spend time with her when she was over her fever. The Woggle bug gave her some simple activity books to keep her simulated, cross words, word searches, scrambled word puzzles, things of that nature. TikTok offered to be the one to bring her things from the other non-fairy folk in Oz, since he was made of Copper and copper is one of the few metals known to be self sanitizing. 
One day Dorothy awoke to find Ozma’s magic mirror in her room, most likely to let her see what her friends were doing as she recovered. 
Almost a week later Dorothy was feeling much better, though they still insisted on three more days of rest to ensure the fever was fully gone. She already loved living in Oz, but these few days were just a reminder why she loved it so much.
When she was fully better she was going to hug all of her friends, at least those who enjoyed hugs that is. And was already planning to visit each of the four countries of Oz so she could thank those who sent her gifts in person.
But first, she was going to spend time with her friends. She just had to wait three more days to do so.
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Due to personal resons I may make another blog & continue to post my stuff from there
If I do I will reblog things from here & tag it with 'reblog from old blog'
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Ok I was thinking for a while and that 'wizard of oz AU' idea I had may fit better as an adaptation
But then I had a question:
What's the difrence between a fanfic & an adaptation?
I tried googling it & the most I got was "a fanfic is 'never wanting a story to end' and an adaptation is 'wanting to retell the same story in a new/difrent way or translating it into a new medium/style'."
And I realized that my "AU" is really more of an adaptation.
So from now on I'm going to call it an adaptation.
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This isn't that au I was talking about in a previous post, it is more or less what I think happend when omza went to save Dorothy from that tower in langwidre's caslte
(Pre relationship Dorzma, or atleast that was the intention)
Dorothy awoke on the uncomfortable ‘bed’ in the northern tower she had been locked in, sighing heavily when she was lucid enough to realize the previous events were no bad dream.
“Can't be helped.” she thought to herself.
She got off the bed and looked to the endtrace of the cell she was in, the lack of food tray made her assume it was before breakfast.
That or Langwidre had yet to send her breakfast. Oh well, at least she had eaten well the day before. She ought to survive a few skipped meals.
But for how long?
She shook off that unpleasant thought- the princess wanted her head, and what good is the head of a dead person? 
“Besides,” she remembered, “ Uncle Henry told me it would take about a month with no food at all to starve to death.”
Assuring herself that she wouldn't die of starvation, she decided to occupy her mind with other things. Unfortunately the bit of chalk she had found & drawn on the walls with last night was nothing more than a nub, perhaps she’d be able to request another one from the maids next time they come by.
She looked to the window,
“May as well see what the rest of Ev looks like.” she thought as she went up to it. It was just high enough for her to see without using her tiptoes, she could cimb onto the windowsill if she pleased. But the widows were barred too close together for her to squeeze out of, and she was very high up.
“Its not as high up compared to most modern buildings,” she mused, “Yet- wouldn't survive that fall. If the Scarecrow were here he’d be able to break the fall like he did in that porcelain country, or perhaps Lion could use his claws to scale down the towerside…” she sighed heavily, missing her old friends dearly.
“I wonder what they’re up to right now, I do hope they’re doing better than I am.”
She shook her head, it cant be helped.
She looked out over the kingdom of Ev, of to her side she could see the ocean she and Billena had washed from.
And a little speck she assumed was the chicken coup they had floated in for who knows how long.
She sighed, she could even see a distant approximation of where she had met TikTok. She remorsefully ran her hand over the key in her pocket.
“I wonder if his thought has ran down yet.”
She scanned the surrounding country, she had a very good view from where she was. If she was in a better situation she’d enjoy getting to observe a whole new fairy land.
Her eyes landed on a vast desert with nothing living on it.
“That must be the dessert separating me from Oz.” she sighed, resting her chin on the window.
Oz, that's where she wished she was. Or with Uncle Henry, the poor man must think she’s drowned by now. She’d give up this potential adventure in a heartbeat just to be in either place.
“But- I have no cyclones or magic shoes. I’ll just have to make do till I figure something out.” she reminded herself, taking in a big breath and re-instilling her confidence.
“You've killed two witches, albeit accidentally, and survived just about every awful thing life has thrown at you so far,” she told herself, “You’ll make it out of this, though, it may take quite a lot of time- given you're alone…”
She looked behind her, to the drawings from last night, they were of her family back at home, the farm, and what she remembered of her adventure in Oz. The adventure itself was crystal clear to her but- some of the faces of her friends had been blurred by time. 
She couldn't quite remember if it was Tinman’s left or right that The Wizard had placed his new ‘heart’ into. Or which of Lion’s ears that had been clipped by some unknown event. Or if Scarecrow’s hat tilted in front of his face or away from it.
It was eerily similar to her memories of her parents, did her father have a scar on the left side of his face- or the right. Was it her mom that always had her hair in braids, like Dorothy has now, or was that something she made up?
But, like with her parents, she’d be able to recognize any of them in an instant, that she knew for certain. She couldn't forget either of them if she wanted to.
Not that she’d ever would of course.
“Would trading my head take my memories with it?” she wondered for a second before shaking it off.
“No, you are not going to trade your head, so its useless wondering what would happen if you did.”
She turned her eyes back to the lifeless dessert. 
“Though, you have little to no chance of getting any help from your old friends with that lifeless desert in the way-”
The sentence in her mind stopped short when she saw something, something was stirring in the desert. But how?
“If only I had a spyglass!” she thought as she anxiously squinted- trying to make out some type of shape.
“What could that be?” she wondered aloud.
She didn't have to wait very long to get an answer.
Within seconds she could make out a chariot shape, and the figures of some type of army. 
She felt an ounce of hope in her, “Did my friends somehow learn of my imprisonment?” she wondered as she strained to get a career look at who was driving the chariot.
Soon the magnificent chariot came into focus, not enough to make out the driver's face- though it appeared to be a girl around her age, but she could make out the form of a large Lion.
The ounce of hope grew to a pint.
The Lion was side by side with a large Tiger, both were carrying the chariot over a green carpet that unfurled in front of them. Shielding them all from the deadly sands.
Beside the chariot Dorothy saw  two forms, one was straw stuffed-  with painted features, wearing blue munchkin clothing, and was riding on what appeared to be a wooden horse. 
The pint became a gallon.
The other, shiny tin, with an ax over his shoulder, and his funnel hat tipped over his ear as if it were a hat.
The gallon overflowed. She couldn't help but bounce on her heels.
“It's them! It's them!” she clasped her hands together, 
“I'm as good as rescued! I'm as good as home!”
She crawled onto the windowsill and watched her friends, the girl and Tiger- who she did not recognize, and the army of unknown soldiers behind them, excitedly as they approached.
It took a while, reasonably so- Ev was a rather large kingdom with quite a few curious residents, but eventually they arrived below the castle.
Dorothy waved her arm and called out,
They didn't seem to hear her, perhaps she wasn't loud enough? Or they weren’t close enough.
The Scarecrow got off the wooden horse and approached the trick sign on the castle.
“Hey, I'm here! Here’s Dorothy!” She was half tempted to throw one of her shoes down, but the straw man heard her.
“Dorothy?” he said, initially looking around him.
“Up here! I'm up here!” she had to wipe a few tears of excitement and relief from her face.
The familiar painted face of the scarecrow looked up, it was a ways down- so details weren't too clear, but she could see he had been repainted since the last time she’d seen him.
“Dorothy Gale?!” He asked, painted eyes squinting.
The Tinman, Lion, Tiger, Mystery girl, and all the soldiers looked up. She could see the Tinman and Lion’s faces smile at her as the soldiers muttered to one another.
“What are you doing in there?” The Lion asked.
“And are you ok?” The Tinman asked, concerned. 
“Nothing and No!” she called down, “I'm a prisoner in here, please get me down.”
“We’ll do just that little friend, who are you a prisoner of?” Scarecrow asked.
“That Princess Langwidre, she wants me to trade my head for one of her old ones. And locked me up when I said I’d do no such thing. She’s got a horrifying temper.” Dorothy explained. The Mystery girl spoke up, her voice was pleasant, loud, and clear as a bell. 
“I do not blame you, I have business with Langwidre but I shall have you free’d before any of that is to be discussed.” she said.
“Oh,” Dorothy was a little surprised, the girl looked of high importance- from what Dorothy could see she was wearing a beautiful gown, had long dark-brown coils laying perfectly down her shoulders, and had a gold ringlet with poppies on the sides. Then she remembered The Wizard had left the Scarecrow in charge of Oz- and this girl appeared to be his friend. Of course she’d want to rescue her. 
“Thank you very much!” 
“Just sit tight Dorothy, you’ll be down as fast as we can get you.” the Tinman assured her. Dorothy gave a nod and carefully slid down from her spot on the windowsill. 
“Oh no-” she remembered. “Don't listen to the sigh! Its a trick! The real door is on the right!” she called down.
“Thank you!” Scarecrow called up to her. Dorothy stood at the window and watched them walk off and out of sight.
She was so excited to see her old friends again, and that new person- Dorothy couldn't see much of the mysterious girl driving the chariot of gold and emeralds, but anyone who was friends with her old comrades was worth trusting. 
She remembered how elegant and put together the girl looked, and became very aware of her outfit.
“Oh dear.” she bit her thumbnail as she saw how water stained and dirty her clothes were. ”Well, I was stranded in the ocean, then a beach, and then a prison cell. I have no real control over how I look right now.”
But what she did have control of was her hair. She heard some distant shouting, Langwidre had met her old friends, which means they were on their way to see her. 
Which means she didn't have long to put herself together. Aunt Em always said it was important to make good impressions on strangers- she had no control on her impressions of her old friends, but she had some control here.
Quickly she took the ribbons out of her braids, and finger brushed her unwashed, blond hair. Once she had gotten most of the dried sea salt out of it she braided them back into their ropes and tied the bow’s back on.
She heard footsteps, only three sets thought- too heavy to be Scarecrow, not metallic enough to be Tinman, and she assumed Langwidre wouldn't let Lion this far up in her castle. Mayhaps her friends were waiting just outside the tower and some of Langwidre’s maids were going to take her to them?
She had hardly gotten her second ribbon tied when she got her answer.
“Here’s the girl, very rude mind you- thought I did have No.17 on. That one tends to be offended by almost everything. I really do need a warning sign on that one.” Langwidre was rambling as one of her maids opened the door, behind her was the Mysterious girl.
Dorothy was now very aware of how unkempt she looked- and the addition of one un-bowed ribbon in her hair did not help.
“Well I must get back to my Mirror room- I’ll meet you there when you wish to discuss saving my Aunt and Cousins.” Langwidre snapped her fingers, her and her maid walked away and left the two girls in the unlocked tower cell.
Pretty didn't begin to describe the girl.
Her gown appeared to be green silk with a shimmering train behind her. The poppies on her circlet looked as if they were living, and knowing Oz, they most likely were. It sat elegantly on her river of dark brown coils, that flowed down her shoulders, framing her face perfectly.
And her face, Dorothy had never seen a girl look this pretty without makeup, and she hardly saw any make up last time she was in Oz. Apart from casual lipstick and blush.
She had large black eyes set into her round face. Her brown skin was clear, without a single blemish, and reminded Dorothy of some of the doll’s that were too expensive for her family to buy.
She swore she could see freckles, slightly darker than the girl’s skin, scattered across her face. They weren't too different from Dorothy’s freckles- though she had many more, years working in the sun dose that to a person.
Actually- there was one ‘imperfection’ on the girl’s face, a scar on her chin. As if she had fallen down and injured herself as a child. But the scar somehow added to the charm the girl already possessed.
Dorothy realized only a few seconds had passed, and the girl was now looking at her with a gentle expression. Before Dorothy could do or say anything, the girl walked towards her and- entirely to Dorothy’s surprise, kneeled.
“It's a pleasure to meet you Dorthy, Hero of Oz, and slayer of the wicked witches.” the girl said in a soft voice, just as pleasant and clear as when she was several feet below her window.
Dorthy felt her face warm, and was glad she had some dirt covering it. She quickly tried to hide the unfinished hair bow behind her shoulder as the girl rose.
“I am Princess Ozma of Oz.”
Princess Ozma, the one TikTok had told her about. 
That explained why she looked so elegant.
It took her a few moments to get her thoughts straight, embarrassed that she looked this unkempt in front of royalty.
In embarrassment and sudden pressure to be propper, she completely forgot proper etiquette and stuck her hand out- as if to shake Ozma’s.
“It's nice to meet you too Princess, my friend TikTok told me about you.” she said, words falling out of her mouth before she could think of them too much.
“Dorothy, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to shake princess hands when you meet them!” she said in her head, yet her expression remained a polite- if a little nervous, smile.
Ozma smiled back and took Dorothy’s hand. Dorothy had expected a princess’s hand to be soft, but Ozma’s hand was almost more calloused than hers were. 
They shook hands as Dorothy remembered she was meant to curtsy, and did a half curtsy as she shook the princess's hand.
Ozma’s nose scrunched in amusement before she laughed. Like her voice, her laugh was pleasant and pretty.
“I'm glad I finally got to meet you. I've heard about you since your first visit in Oz, I'm from the gillikins country in the north.” Ozma said, still holding on to Dorothy’s hand.
“That's where the good witch who kissed my head is from isnt it?”
“Yes, you have a very high reputation there, as well as all of Oz. Reasonably so for all you've done for it.”
“I would have been able to do any of that stuff without my friends.” Dorothy fidgeted with the loose strands at the ends of her braid. “And I killed both of those witches by accident. I'm glad it ended up being good but It wasn't planned- at least the witch of the east wasn't. My house really did just fall on her- I had no control of that.”
Ozma nodded.
“Speaking of your old house, it's now a monument to you.”
“Oh is it?” Dorothy asked, becoming embarrassed again. “Tell the munchkins I appreciate it, even if it's a bit much- I'm still just a simple farm girl.”
Ozma tilted her head, never dropping her smile, and a strange look of empathy coated her features.
“I was too once, well- kinda anyhow.”
“Hm?” Dorothy tilted her head in confusion.
“I promise to explain later, but right now I need to talk to Langwidre, and I believe your old friends would like to see you.” Ozma looked at the drawings Dorothy had made, “and I believe you’d like to see them.”
Dorothy nodded her head and the two walked out the door.
They walked, hand in hand, as Dorothy looked the Princess over again.
When she first saw her, she thought she was pretty- like a painting or glass doll. But after that short conversation with her, she seemed more- real, Human. Or Gillikin in her case, Dorothy still wasn't too sure what the difference between a munchkin, gillikin, quadling, or winkie and a human was. Apart from coming from Oz that is. 
But she felt drawn to Ozma, drawn in a way that felt- possible. Realistic. Ozma went from appearing like a painting come to life, to another human. Who happened to be very pretty.
She could tell she was going to get along with her, and was excited to hear about how a Princess of Oz got such calluses on her hands.
They walked into the drawing room, just as Scarecrow, TikTok, and Tinman were discussing something. 
She dropped Ozma’s hand and ran towards her friends.
“Dorothy!” Tinman and Scarecrow exclaimed as Dorothy hugged the Scarecrow, trying her best not to crumply his straw stuffed body.
Thanks for reading, I posted this on my a03 account: TheHyperfixationStation032
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Gonna be honest, I have this scifi (really it's more science fantasy than science fiction) wizard if oz au I've been rolling around in my head. I really like it
I might just do a re write of the 1st book in this au...🤔
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hey there, everyone!
did you
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Ride the Cyclone songs, renamed
I fucking hate this town
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss
Looks like someone listened to too much of Amy Winehouse's discography
I swear every story has a lesson
Ending Eminem's career in 2 minutes
This song only has a few repeating lyrics but it WILL make you sad
Let's fuck catgirls
*insert that one picture of a cat wearing a pink birthday hat and cape here*
Catharsis, the musical number
I'm fuckign cryign
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is this anything to anyone
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Shout-out to all the times where the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman are shown huddled together in the background of scenes that have nothing to do with them, because heaven forbid the audience think that these two ever spend a second apart!
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there are three genres of The Spine songs:
something's wrong™
There Was Once A Guy
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POV: What I imagine every time I think of Brain.
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Alright I owe this much to the 9 fandom. The ultimate 9 vine compilation.
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The robot/AI narrative is something I feel I and a lot of other Neurodivergent people inherently relate to and care for a lot.
The robot/AI narrative often shows a charcater ‘learning how to be human’ which, gonna be honest, we all had to learn. It didint come natural to act the same as other people.
More often then not, the plots of media that include robots are them vs humans, drawing another example of relateabilty. Often, growing up ND, it’s common to feel like your peers and adults are against you due to again, not understanding how others act.
This post is brought to you by: lil Hal, Hal 9000, Peridot, 9, Iron giant, and Astro Boy.
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Tumblr, for the love of god, please get rid of the live feature.
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Of-fucking-course the racist little twats in the Wild Kratts fandom who kept bitching and moaning about Koki's recast during the hiatus are making a comeback with their "BLM/agendas are ruining WK, Heather Bambrick was robbed!" statements when Season 7 is barely even a day old.
Once again to anyone paying attention, if you have an issue with the recast because it done was very late in the show's production or you feel that the acting on its own merits could be done better or improved in any way, those are valid criticisms you can have.
But hating on the actress or saying that the show's push for legitimate representation is 'an agenda' or putting Bambrick on a pedestal and bash the show for replacing her [when she willingly stepped down from the role, for one] is, say it with me y'all, racist.
It's been 2 damn years and y'all still got your tits in a twist about it.
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Dorothy x Ozma - Wizard of Oz
Click HERE for more ships and request’s are welcome :)
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