the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
Hey btw if you have an autistic person in your life pls know that they do care about you. They're bonding with you by sitting near you, by sending you memes, by liking your posts, by info dumping to you. We have weird ways of showing we care but trust me we do.
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
I see Hollywood is now very into the idea of buying something once and then owning it forever and being able to make infinite copies. Which. Isn’t quite the message they imparted upon me in my childhood. In the spirit of their own long-held stance:
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
@humans If you could reblog this, that would be great
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
For those with homes built to keep heat in, not let it out: aluminum foil your windows, shiny side out. Cover the window, tape up the sides, maybe tape cardboard behind it to help insulate from the heat outside and absorb heat that gets through the foil.
Love, a former Californian, whose had to keep houses cool without any electricity.
P.S. this is a method endorsed by FEMA and the Department of Energy, so if you need more than anecdotal evidence, there ya go.
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
Tumblr is giving us a lot of different dashes but the thing is no one wants "for you" so what I propose instead is you give me the ability to make mini-dashes with specific subsets of people I follow. Let me follow 300 people but then sort them into category. Let me have one dash for all my aesthetic stuff, another for news, another for my weird feral friends. Am I the only one who wants this? Maybe. Give it to me anyway.
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
Hiking a transgender pride flag up 202 mountains in the Southeast of the US, parts 137-142!!! :)
(also I'm new to Tumblr so if I'm doing any of this wrong please let me know)
High Rocks (142/202):
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Gregory Bald (140/202):
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Le Conte (138/202)
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Potato Hill (141/202):
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Scott Mountain (139/202) (I was kind of going crazy on this one):
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Cove Mountain (137/202):
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More pictures from these hikes!!!
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
Sorry this isn’t art, but please witness my son timidly approach his broccoli
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
growing up by the coast means that instead of crows on your roof you get seagulls and it honestly feels much more threatening
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
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Megalopyge perseae, a species of flannel moth (family Megalopygidae), Colombia
photograph by alefox123 | inaturalist CC
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
I know, I know, gatekeeping the outdoors, that's supposedly bad, right, but I think if you show up to do a hike and you brought a portable speaker with you to play music while you hike, I think, like hear me out, there should be a gate, and someone at the gate should keep you from doing the hike.
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
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Lineated Barney
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
A Little AuDHD
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
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he went to school
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
Trying to go hiking and kayaking with a visiting friend on an "everything is bad" sensory day. What could possibly go wrong?
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
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the palestinian sunbird is a small, iridescent bird found in the middle east and a small portion of africa. despite their appearance, with a specialized nectar-feeding bill, they are not closely related to hummingbirds - however, they do also have a diet that consists of nectar and insects. males are much more colorful than soft brown females.
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the-fat-outdoors · 1 year
don’t let birding become a wealthy people thing. you don’t need to complete a list of 500+ birds, you don’t need to travel around the world, you don’t need to have seen a species only seen by a handful of people in the wild. it’s OK to just watch the birds in your area, with or without binoculars; gatekeeping birdwatching is ridiculous and i hate to see it
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