The Plan, the Love Potion and the End
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The Plan, the Love Potion and the End by Matthew Skiff
Manor Murder Mystery
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“Every murderer is probably somebody’s old friend.”
Agatha Christie (1890-1976) English writer
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taken me a while to put together this review despite reading the entire book in four hours. Whilst I'd been hoping for a biography for years on Virginia, this actually made me feel very conflicted upon having read it.
Whilst I'd like to present a balanced and fair review, as there are some good parts, I felt that as a long term fan dissapointed.
In regards to the actual biography, I feel your reaction to this book very dependent on how much you already know about Virginia from the fandoms and the now sadly gone complete vca website. I've personally spent many years on researching Virginia so there were no huge surprises for me and I feel that may be the case for a lot of the members in the group AtticSecrets who have contributed to keeping her legacy alive.
Personally I did love the family annecdotes and memories and the love that was so apparent that her niece Suzanne and her cousin Pat held for her. These anecdotes are fascinating to read and you honestly truly admire Virginia even more having read how much she overcame despite her disabilities.
The production of flowers in the attic is also fascinating to read but unfortunately short, I would have loved to have heard more from those involved in the process but unfortunately many of those are no longer with us who could provide that information. I know, myself included, we all wish to know who exactly were the models used for the iconic stepbacks or even what modelling agency was used?
I personally felt that there is much more research to be done and some was underused particularly the Boston archives material which was donated by Virginia s mother herself, however there may be a copyright issue to why only certain parts were used?
Again, this is why, though understandable that Neiderman was chosen to write this in a way, I feel it would have been better if an actual biographer had taken on this task. I feel more would have been uncovered and resources used for research. It would have also read less like an attempt at a novel and more like an actual biography. Again, it's a fine line from making the subject s story compelling and being completely dry and boring. But his lack of experience in the biography field made for a sometimes confusing, clunky and repetitive read and to get some information such as the true story of Fita and Virginia s accident, the reader was taken down a meandering path of prose.
Reading it, I felt like it was almost a movie pitch, Virginia being cast as Cathy trapped in the attic of her body, watched over and controlled by her domineering mother who fills the role of the grandmother, who s only escape is her imagination and her talent which finally sets her free.
Yes, this is a great analogy and very much true but having it repeated again and again with example s from Flowers in the Attic to show how this is the case felt like it was being spoon fed to the reader.
Sticking with this theme throughout, there is no other possible narrative or point of view to make it seem more balanced - I personally related to Virginia due to her difficulties but could also relate to her mother, who had a child with disabilities and I think that point of view could have been explored slightly more - even a sentence or two to acknowledge the fact that even though she loved her daughter, it could be at times frustrating.
As I've said a biographer or even a dedicated fan or few would have been able to bring so much more to this biography. I totally believe this would have been a lot better and concise had they harnessed Jennifer Completevca  skills, research and expertise in all things vca. There's a reason it was for decades the vca Bible.. And her site is where most of the info "revealed" in this biography was initially found for decades.
I can understand fans frustration as we ve longed for this biography for many many years but unless you aren't aware of Virginia s personal life or the amount of material the fans had found out themselves and shared online, it doesn't give us much more info or actually provide the answers to questions we have. To those who don't know however, this book does contain a wealth of information that is good to have all in one concise place.
I feel that for the fandom however we were promised more than we actually got : For example, V C A s pseudonym - This was supposed to be a big reveal and apart from saying actually V C Andrews was her pseudonym which granted it was , again we all knew that , we also knew Adrienne Vale was another one thanks to complete vca but this isn't mentioned but I was under the impression from all the promotion we were finally going to be told of the one she used for the apparent many article she wrote for pulp fiction magazines etc ? Did I miss it somehow ? I did find it difficult to follow the narrative of the biography coherently as I ve said before.
For me, it felt like it had been written for the nostalgia crowd rather than the actual fandom , if I had read this not having been in the fandom so long, used the complete vca website as my Bible for years, done my own research, been there when Jessica Zinder went to the Boston archives and bought back all the info to us fans and the excitement that bought with this brand new info, if I had just picked up the book having read fita and maybe a few of the others way back in the day and seen this and thought " wow, I remember when, wonder what her life was like" I'd have been satisfied because despite only being eight chapters long there is a wealth of information. Sadly 99% of it , I'd seen before due to being in the fandom so long and knowing where this info originally came from. With the complete vca gone from the internet, there's nothing to confirm it was already online for years. So yes , a casual reader would have been intrigued and thrilled with this biography I'm sure. Even the brand new photos and letters, the majority had been seen before I think of the new photos there was possibly five I hadn't ( some wonderful, some mhm), the same with the letters.
As for the previously unreleased manuscript "The Obsessed" - I know this is apparently a rough draft , unfinished etc, so would not necessarily be like her published works and even Ann Patty did say some of Virginia s earlier stuff was different . However, to me reading it I couldn't shake the feeling and I could be completely wrong that this was more AN s style of writing VCA then Virginia herself. There's a certain tone and style that's different. Plus there's things I've noticed apparent in Virginia s work that she uses that are completely different in the GW ones . I know a lot of people were wondering if before publication that maybe this "new book" would be them trying to pass off AN work and of course I can't say for sure - I don't know, I'd like to think not but there's too much that's off. Not to mention , I don't know if you remember back in the day the short stories that came out regarding her artwork s apparently written by her - that's how it was spun back in the day , however it was totally obvious it wasn't her writing , anyway as time passed and I think it's really difficult to get these now (of course we have them in our files) it changed to "inspired by".
In regards to Ann Patty, it's interesting to see she wrote a particularly scathing review on this biography on good reads. To be honest after reading her memoirs I don't think she was very respectful to Virginia herself in that personally… But yes I would love to know Patty's full opinion - I was trying to recall the other night if she's even mentioned in this new biography and her input into being Virginia's editor would have been interesting, however due to the court case between her and the estate/GW, sadly we fans do not get this.
So, whilst I was personally dissapointed and hoping for more, I do feel there were some gems of info there and that as I've said before to have it all together in a book is great for my personal collection.
I do think a more thorough biography of Virginia is possible, her life story is after all incredible and I feel she was sold short a bit here with just eight chapters and repeated information
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can we talk about how hot glenn was in today’s podcast ep i’m dying to talk about how hot glenn was
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Interesting review from Ann Patty on Goodreads regarding new VCA Biography, I have mixed feelings on Patty, I feel she is dismissive of VCAs talent but I'd love to know her thoughts on this more fully @dollanganger-in-the-attic @devinross1939
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Calling all VC Andrews fans! We are trying to convince Simon & Schuster to bring back the Dollanganger posters! If you’ve heard of these fabled collectors pieces then you know how desirable and elusive they are. Please take a moment to sign this petition so we can show the VCA estate what the fans really want ❤️
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Do I love this scene because I support Charlie Kelly and the Waitress' relationship? No.
Do I love this scene because I love Charlie Day and Mary Elizabeth Ellis's relationship? You bet your ass I do!
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Hi, I'm new to the fandom side of VCA (aside from adoring complete VCA when it was running), and I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of information about why everyone seems to hate AN? I don't have any strong feelings on him, but if he's a bad person, I want to beware. I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go or who to ask.
Hmm im not sure if i know of like a mega thread with all the reasons many VCA fans dislike him so i can only speak to what I feel and what others have told me.
For me its really only a matter of opinion. I still enjoy the books he’s written, the Landry series is prob my second fav vca series in fact. I just don’t agree with certain decisions he’s made. And a lot of it might even be coming from the publisher rather than him personally.
For example: its hard to trust Andrew Neiderman when he was introduced to us under false pretenses. When he took over ghostwriting for VCA, fans were told that he was just finishing the manuscripts and ideas that VCA left behind. But that ended up being a lie and he was just writing new material under her name. He’s even stated that there were no manuscripts ever given to him, before changing his statement. And the family confirmed that none of Virginia’s unfinished work for the casteel series was used in the final books. Anyway to me it seems strange he was chosen at all, considering VCA wrote a lot about what it means to be a young girl terrorized by men- so… you replace her with a male writer? Strange choice. That’s probably why his identity was hidden by the Andrew’s family for quite a while.
To me that wasn’t egregious on its own. He was under contract to create so many books for the VCA brand anyways. But my thinking changed when the fanfiction works started being published. After VCA’s last close relative died, Andrew Neiderman suddenly started taking over works that he didn’t write. He started messing with the original series like Flowers in the Attic and My Sweet Audrina. It felt very disrespectful that not only was he trying to add to a series that was not his own- but he tried to change the canon that Virginia created! He published the Diary series and brought Cory back to life even though Cory was not his character to toy with. It upset a lot of the fans because it was a blatant cashgrab. One that he is still milking with the “first corrine” books. Mind you, his original contract stated that he was PROHIBITED from creating any stories with existing VCA characters. They tried to protect Virginia’s original works and i guess once no one was left alive to stop him, he thought it was free game. Which is yucky.
Another personal grievance of mine is that I’ve seen him be introduced in articles and interviews as the creator of Flowers in the Attic when that is absolutely untrue. Stolen valor lol it feels like he isn’t confident enough in his own work that he needs to tie himself as tightly as he can to Flowers in the Attic. Its like he completely took over the name V.C. Andrews and believes he IS the real Vc Andrews since hes written more books under the name than actual Virginia did. And so with the name he thinks he now owns all of her works- such as Flowers in the Attic etc
Even this biography feels disrespectful and untrustworthy. It feels very much like another cash grab because AN knows he can say anything he wants about Virginia because she isn’t here ti dispute it.
I don’t blame anyone who likes him and his works. And i dont think every fan needs to be in the know about this sentiment. Its ok to just be a fan of the books and not look into the ghostwriter’s approval ratings. It’s just something I feel a bit strongly about so I tend to speak up on it. I hope I shed some light on where I’m coming from. If you’re interested to know more I’d suggest joining one of the VCA fangroups on facebook and asking around. There are people who feel stronger than I do and have more insight :)
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Jackie Collins never fails to deliver. Her final book is also the final story in the Santangelos saga which started with Chances (arguably the best book she ever wrote) and focuses on her much beloved character Lucky Santangelo. The book begins a year after the last one with vengeance in mind from the King of some middle eastern country whos son had died in Luckys resort.  He is adamant she is to blame and he will avenge his son and heir. Unfortunately for Lucky she is his target.  When her beloved father Gino is brutally shot in the head and her son Bobby framed for Murder. .. Lucky needs to find out who exactly is targeting her and are the two events connected? As usual it's a high dose of drama, glamour, high stakes and beautiful backdrops as the book takes you from LA to Vegas, from Chicago to London and even through Rome. Every character has an explicable thread which weaves slowly throughout the plot until the explosive ending.
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lot of books have been written about the Kray Twins over the years , from their biography "The Profession of Violence " by John Pearson to their own accounts "My Story", "Our Story"  and "Born Fighter" not to mention various other associates memoirs but I ve never read anything quite as personal as "Inside the Kray Family " by  their cousins Joe Lee and Rita Smith. Stripping away the glitz and the glamour , the legend and myth ,  it invites you right into the heart of an East End family through their permanently open front door as if you were their for a cuppa tea and a chat with your own relatives to reminisce about the past. Its a side of the Krays and their family you havnt heard of before and brings to life exactly what their childhood was like but also of the strong family unit that surrounded them . It gives insight into their mother, Violet s , harrowing and heartbreaking in places personal story  - of a girl falling in love with the wrong man , elopement,  estrangement from her family and then the devastating death of her daughter , only a few hours old , after a severe beating from her husband that caused premature labour and her subsequent depression afterwards to which the doctor shockingly advised get pregnant again quick or end up in the asylum ...... She chose to get pregnant again ... and along came the twins. .....  Inside the Krays gives a fascinating insight into the family from the colorful characters of the grandparents Nanny and Grandad Lee ,  the history of mental illness in the family , and surprisingly shows that the twins actually had very good male role models in their life who worked hard jobs to provide for their families . The dual narrative works well from cousin Joes older cousin and brother Charlies friends viewpoint of being very straight with the facts , with a hint of disapproval, telling it as it is contrasting with Rita as the  adored only girl who adored the twins as much as she adored them and how she was , I believe like the rest of the woman in the family as opposed to the men , protected from the rumours that dogged them. Ritas story is extremely emotive and I was near tears during her final chapter as she describes her battle to believe , her denial ,  how the family were left broken when the truth finally came out and how no matter how much she was hurting and in pain , there was no way she could stop loving those boys.... Of all the Krays books I've read this definitely has to be up there with the best . If you are looking for truth ...then this is the book to turn to as it provides many unseen photos and a few unknown facts .
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📖 attention booklr! 📖
I need new blogs to follow so please reblog or like this post if your blog is about probably 80% books and I will check out and most likely follow you :)
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So , I ve joined this great group and am about to start Re reading Dawn for the first time in like two decades !
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Claire King The Fall of Essence slowly weaves a magic spell upon its readers, and before you know it you have fallen as hard and fast for its plot as protagonist Rosanna has for the mysterious Lyndon Collingwood. With his arrival in the sleepy Devon town , shameful past secrets start to unravel pieces of a puzzle to which Rosanna is oblivious to, secrets , lies, prejudice , grief all spin their Web around witchcraft,murder and missing children. I absolutely loved this book and had no idea of the TWO plot twists that it contained, they were so cleverly done. What with the cliff hanger ending I’m absolutely gasping for more !
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Fantastic read
The Bloodstone Scrolls , four of which when put together reveal a spell which if cast by the wrong hands , could result in disaster ..... and disaster is looming. Inquisition by William Diaz is an epic tale , the first book in the BloodStone saga and successfully merges sci-fi with fantasy, action/adventure , mystery and thriller. Deliciously descriptive, especially in the savage slaughter scene in the prologue, Diaz propells his readers into battle, where one can almost hear the anguished cries of the fallen, hear the crack of the skulls as the axe falls and see the blood seep out of the page. Even the death of minor characters such as the warlocks who swore to protect the scrolls , by the hands of the Crothian seeking them provides such an impact, I felt that the image of their bodies frozen in horror and eyes filled with fear as they met their fate would stay imprinted in my mind for quite some time. I 'll admit sci fi isnt my usual genre, but this book excited me, Inquisition transported me into a mystical world, watching the evil overlord Darius of the Crothians plot and overthrow kingdoms from within the walls of the castle Tor , seeking the scrolls to aid his ultimate goal - to control all. Vivid images of beasts of hellish proportions due to the sinister Dr Ellis' unethical experiments on humans with his OMEGA research facility in his quest to build the ultimate gladitor and the action hero type Dean Jayden who catches his eye and must save himself from the fate awaiting him. Its a story both gritty and gripping which spans centuries , the chapters jump from character to character which could be confusing but surprisingly isn't. Each character insight gives the reader enough to identify with and understand their place in the story. I may have had to stop reading after a certain amount of chapters to make sure id processed everything but I soon found myself eagerly returning to find out what happens next. Easily I could see this book as a bestseller, just as much as a tv series like Game of Thrones or a movie like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. It compells you to keep reading as the story unravels , to discover who is in alliance with whom , just how far the Crothian will go and what the eventual outcome will be. I found myself enthusiasticly telling people of a new book i'd diacovered. Because, for me this is what it felt like, not only a discovery of a newly liked genre but the discovery of a great new author and saga. Example: Star Wars meets Lord of the Rings meets Game of Thrones Age recommendation : Adult due to strong language and occasional sexual content. Author Page/Website : https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1480236135588937 Link to purchase : www.amazon.com/dp/B00OARFNOC Overall Rating : 5 stars Labels: Rating: 5 out of 5, Reviewed by Lorraine Elgar, Sci-fi, William Diaz
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My review on the first book in the BloodStone saga for TDC Book Reviews
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TDC Book Reviews
So im pleased to announce I was asked to become a reviewer for TDC book reviews on Facebook which also is a blog which helps promote up and coming authors - currently reading a great book by William Diaz for them so lookout for the review soon https://m.facebook.com/TDCBookReviews
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