Am I the only one who thinks Ola was completely out of line in helping herself to Otis’ stuff?
I would never just go into my brother’s room and take something without asking, and vice versa, so respecting other people’s property isn’t just an “only child” thing.
Moreover, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect your property be returned in the same condition it was when it was “borrowed”. Leaving someone else’s razor covered in hair??? 🤮
The only asshole in that situation was Ola imo.
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ok I NEED a deckerstar scene where they’re smoking pot together but Lucifer won’t pass Chloe the joint until she agrees that the rule is puff-puff-pass and not puff-puff-stomp-angrily.
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whats your fav sitcom couple?
Oh man. I think I have to list them first because I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about the amount I have since this is mostly a drama blog.
Jackie and Hyde
Kyle and Maxine
Jim and Pam
Amy and Jake
Ben and Leslie
Donna and Eric
Andy and April
Uncle Phil and ORIGINAL Aunt Viv
Seeing Uncle Phil gifs got me really emotional by the way.
Breanna and Arnez (even though that ended terribly)

Dwayne and Whitley
Monica and Chandler
Synclaire and Overton
Hal and Lois
Barney and Robin
Jeff and Britta
(I wanted to make a gifset of kisses that start this way but could only find these two)
Ryan and Kelly
Red and Kitty
Lana and Archer
I’m going to give honourable mentions to:
Danny and Mindy
Nick and Jess
Schmidt and Cece
because when I was watching New Girl and The Mindy Project I was invested in those ships.
Which is all to say I need time to think about it. Lol.
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here is a carrd for BLM
here is a carrd for the crisis happening right now in Yemen
here is a carrd for Hong Kong
here is a carrd for Palestine.
here is a carrd for trans rights
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Dead to Me season 2 spoilers without context using quotes from The Office

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What are your favorite zen master episodes? Both from earlier seasons and five/six
This is a blog run by lots of people, so I invite my partners to answer with their favorites too :) Mine (Nina/jacquelineshyde) would be:
Season 1, episode episode 18: Career Day. I think this is the episode when we start noticing how similar Hyde and Jackie’s deeper wounds are. They both have absent parents and they both seek for advice and attention on more loving parents they know, The Formans. In this case, Red. Who also shows us he is truly a great dad. That small smile Hyde gives Jackie when she goes under the car again is just adorable. I also love seeing Jackie working with cars, I wish this was something that had stayed with the show.
Season 1, episode 19: Prom Night. This is when I started to ship them.Until this episode, Hyde’s characterization was horrible for me. I didn’t like him at all until this episode happened. Because he is shown as a person who cares and respects other people’s struggles and desires. He tries to help Jackie, not because she is his friend or because he likes her, but because he can’t stand her crying and knows it’s the right thing to do. He later makes Kelso go back to her, even knowing his stupid friend may hurt her again, because in that moment is the right thing to do. We get to see a part of Hyde we didn’t until this episode, and I love that Jackie is the first character to bring up this charcterization from Hyde. It tells you a lot, and its curious due to how things go between them later ;) While Jackie, we see her as a real human being here. She is sad, she struggles, she wants to enjoy something like any other teenager and she is going through a hard time. She’s vulnerable but also she is shown as th strong character she is. She walks and dances, and dress up beautiful for her prom even knowing she will be seeing Kelso. The way she compliments Hyde, makes a good observation about herself and asks to mee his mother, tells you she is more than her shallow mask. It’s good to see that.
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the most frustrating thing about Merlin is how different things could have been had Merlin been less afraid of discovery
the solidarity that could have existed between Merlin and Morgana, that was hinted at even in the second episode, would have been so powerful and changed the whole dynamic of the show
but instead the culture of secrecy that surrounded magic that Merlin internalised and lived by forced him to always be defensive, it stopped him opening up when he most needed to
like imagine Merlin and Morgana keeping each other’s secret, working in secret together by candlelight practicing spells, there being not one but two powerful sorcerers keeping Arthur and the kingdom safe, imagine the secret looks that would have passed between the two of them as Arthur boasts about how he took down an entire company of knights and wasn’t it lucky that their cart caught on fire when it did, and imagine when it all got too much, when the secrecy became too much to bear, Merlin goes to Morgana and they talk, and they reassure, yes one day we will be able to come out of the shadows, no Uther’s dogma is not fair or just, one day it will get better, like imagine what a powerful story that would have been about solidarity in the face of bigotry
but instead what we got was one brilliant woman who became twisted by isolation and bigotry, and a sweet man who was never able to reconcile who he was with his place in the world and the fact that we never got to see the other possibility kills me
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